Videos relacionados con hotel alegria colonial roquetas


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  • Roquetas de Mar - Hotel Neptuno (

  • Un grupo de pensionistas se rebela ante la comida que recibe en un hotel de Roquetas de Mar

    Pertenecen al programa de viajes del Imserso

    Ver video "Un grupo de pensionistas se rebela ante la comida que recibe en un hotel de Roquetas de Mar"

  • Mujer asesinada en hotel de Ciudad Colonial había denunciado a agresor

    Ver video "Mujer asesinada en hotel de Ciudad Colonial había denunciado a agresor"

  • Hombre dice se arrepiente de matar mujer en hotel de Ciudad Colonial

    Ver video "Hombre dice se arrepiente de matar mujer en hotel de Ciudad Colonial"

  • Mujer muere tras ser golpeada por su expareja en un hotel de la Zona Colonial

    Luisa Betances Fabián, de 56 años, falleció tras ser golpeada severamente por su expareja en un hotel ubicado en la Zona Colonial, Distrito Nacional.

    El incidente ocurrió en el Hotel Gran Luna.

    La víctima murió alrededor de las 4:00 a. m. de este lunes, mientras recibía atenciones médicas en el Hospital Darío Contreras. Fue trasladada al centro de salud después de que los empleados del hotel la encontraran en estado agónico.

    Ver video "Mujer muere tras ser golpeada por su expareja en un hotel de la Zona Colonial"

  • Mujer ultimada en hotel de la Zona Colonial era golpeada y amenazada constantemente por su expareja

    Ver video "Mujer ultimada en hotel de la Zona Colonial era golpeada y amenazada constantemente por su expareja"

  • Dictan prisión preventiva contra hombre acusado de matar a expareja en hotel de la Zona Colonial

    Ver video "Dictan prisión preventiva contra hombre acusado de matar a expareja en hotel de la Zona Colonial"

  • ¡Roberto Palazuelos nos platica sobre el incendio en su hotel en Tulum! | Venga La Alegría

    Ver video "¡Roberto Palazuelos nos platica sobre el incendio en su hotel en Tulum! | Venga La Alegría"

  • ¡INCREÍBLE! ¡Conoce este peculiar hotel donde se hospeda Tabata Jalil en Israel! | Venga La Alegría

    Ver video "¡INCREÍBLE! ¡Conoce este peculiar hotel donde se hospeda Tabata Jalil en Israel! | Venga La Alegría"

  • Casas boutique del Siglo XIX en la Zona Colonial

    Ver video "Casas boutique del Siglo XIX en la Zona Colonial"

  • Familiares de mujer asesinada en hotel de la Zona Colonial afirman que era acosada por su presunto victimario.

    Ver video "Familiares de mujer asesinada en hotel de la Zona Colonial afirman que era acosada por su presunto victimario."

  • Tabata Jalil nos presenta un hermoso Hotel de abejas que ayuda a su conservación. | Venga La Alegría

    Ver video "Tabata Jalil nos presenta un hermoso Hotel de abejas que ayuda a su conservación. | Venga La Alegría"

  • ¿Te imaginas DORMIR DENTRO DE UN VOCHO? Ahora es posible | Venga la Alegría

    Ver video "¿Te imaginas DORMIR DENTRO DE UN VOCHO? Ahora es posible | Venga la Alegría"

  • Cabalgata de Reyes 2013 en Roquetas de Mar con Fort Bravo

    Como en años anteriores Cinema Studios Fort Bravo, colabora y participa en la Cabalgata de Reyes 2013 en Roquetas. Entre las típicas carrozas y camellos, es grato ver a integrantes del equipo de nuestros decorados cinematográficos con el carruaje y caballos con cowboys, indios y caballería entre la alegría de jóvenes y mayores que acuden a este típico acontecimiento.

    Ver video "Cabalgata de Reyes 2013 en Roquetas de Mar con Fort Bravo"

  • Hotel Boutique en Cartagena

    Hotel Boutique Cartagena, hotel boutique en ciudad colonial de Cartagena, hotel en Cartagena, hotel centro de Cartagena, Hotel boutique en Colombia Distributed by Tubemogul.

    Ver video "Hotel Boutique en Cartagena"

  • hotel - latika adventures

    Arequipa has the most varied regional gastronomy in Peru and a beautiful colonial style downtown made out of a white stone named “sillar”. Latika Peru Hotels has selected modern and colonial style hotels to provide you the comfort and quality service you deserve. Our selection ranges from five star hotels to three star hostels.

    Ver video "hotel - latika adventures"

  • hotel - latika adventures

    Arequipa has the most varied regional gastronomy in Peru and a beautiful colonial style downtown made out of a white stone named “sillar”. Latika Peru Hotels has selected modern and colonial style hotels to provide you the comfort and quality service you deserve. Our selection ranges from five star hotels to three star hostels.

    Ver video "hotel - latika adventures"




  • Hotel Finca Quindio, Hacienda Combia

    Hacienda Combia es un hotel finca cafetera, construida en el siglo pasado y con diseño arquitectonico colonial antioqueño.

    Ver video "Hotel Finca Quindio, Hacienda Combia"

  • República Dominicana, lugar con ritmo e historia

    En República Dominicana conviven los restos de su pasado colonial, con el mausoleo de Cristóbal Colón, y los testimonios de la población indígena que fue exterminada. También está presente la raíz africana, que se expresa en el baile y la alegría de su pueblo. TeleSUR

    Ver video "República Dominicana, lugar con ritmo e historia"

  • Universitario: Así fueron las celebraciones por el campeón en hotel de San Isidro

    Euforia y un gran desborde de alegría por el triunfo de Universitario de Deportes, fue lo que se vivió a las afueras del hotel de concentración del club Crema.

    Ver video "Universitario: Así fueron las celebraciones por el campeón en hotel de San Isidro"

  • Un incendio masivo destruye un hotel histórico de Rangún

    Rangún (Birmania), 19 oct (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Lynn Bobo). Un lujoso hotel de madera de la era colonial sufrió graves daños hoy tras un incendio masivo en la antigua capital de Birmania, Rangún, del que todavía se desconocen las causas.
    Palabras clave: efe,epa,birmania,rangun,incendio,hotel

    Ver video "Un incendio masivo destruye un hotel histórico de Rangún"

  • Peru Destino Turistico

    El Perú es un destino privilegiado heredero de las antiguas culturas y una rica tradición colonial, es un lugar mágico que implica una de las mayores biodiversidades de la Tierra.
    El Perú es un país que baila y canta sus alegrías y tristezas con extraordinario colorido. Son cerca de 3000 festivales de todo el país.

    Ver video "Peru Destino Turistico"

  • La historia del hotel embrujado en la Col. Doctores, CDMX

    La arquitectura y murales de estilo neoclásico, colonial y gótico que tiempo atrás engalanaron a uno de los hoteles más codiciados de la CDMX, hoy se tornan en fachadas lúgubres que dan cabida a historias de más allá.

    Ver video "La historia del hotel embrujado en la Col. Doctores, CDMX"

  • Asi festejó Argentina su pase a la final del mundial de futsal

    La Selección Argentina de futsal ganó en un ajustado partido de semifinal a Colombia por 1 a 0 en Oberá. Las chicas festejaron en el hotel con mucha alegría el pase a la final del Mundial que se realiza en Misiones.


    Ver video "Asi festejó Argentina su pase a la final del mundial de futsal"

  • Capacidad hotelera muestra una ocupación positiva en la capital

    Las festividades de fin de año en Panamá se caracterizan por un ambiente de alegría, reuniones familiares y momentos para compartir con amigos.

    Sin embargo, el dilema de muchas familias suele ser decidir entre recibir la Navidad y el Año Nuevo en casa o disfrutar de estas fechas reservando en algún hotel.

    Ver video "Capacidad hotelera muestra una ocupación positiva en la capital"

  • Izamal, Yucatán. De Tour 17/01/15

    Izamal, Yucatán. De Tour 17/01/15

    Izamal es conocida como la “Ciudad de las tres culturas”, pues en ella están presentes su pasado prehispánico y colonial, así como el México contemporáneo. Es famosa por el color amarillo ocre que decora las fachadas de sus monumentos coloniales.

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    Izamal, izamal yucatan, izamal puebl mágico, izamal hoteles, como llegar a izamal, fotos izamal, izamal mapa, restaurantes izamal, que hacer en izamal, izamal turismo, izamal atracciones, izamal merida

    Ver video "Izamal, Yucatán. De Tour 17/01/15"

  • La Sub-17 celebra el campeonato del mundo

    La selección española femenina Sub-17 se proclamó campeona del mundo tras vencer por 2-1 a México en el Mundial de Uruguay. Las futbolistas dirigidas por Toña Is celebraron emocionadas el título logrado en el hotel con bailes y música donde la alegría era la predominante. Este lunes aterrizarán en Madrid y tendrán un acto homenaje por parte de la Federación Española de Fútbol.

    Ver video "La Sub-17 celebra el campeonato del mundo"

  • Ayacucho - Promperu Tv Commercial
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Ayacucho - Promperu Tv Commercial"

  • Cusco Peru - Promperu Tv Commercial
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Cusco Peru - Promperu Tv Commercial"

  • Circuito Sur - Versión Oficial de PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Circuito Sur - Versión Oficial de PromPeru"

  • Conoce MachuPicchu I
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Conoce MachuPicchu I"

  • Peru - Vive la Leyenda - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru - Vive la Leyenda - PromPeru"

  • Adventure in Peru - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Adventure in Peru - PromPeru"

  • Peru Magia, Historia, Cultura y Naturaleza - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru Magia, Historia, Cultura y Naturaleza - PromPeru"

  • Peru Photo Gallery
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru Photo Gallery"

  • Peru - Living the Legend - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru - Living the Legend - PromPeru"

  • Peru - Adventure in Peru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru - Adventure in Peru"

  • Peru Northern Circuit - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru Northern Circuit - PromPeru"

  • Señora de Cao Peru - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Señora de Cao Peru - PromPeru"

  • Conoce MachuPicchu II
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Conoce MachuPicchu II"

  • Caral, La Civilización mas Antigua de América - Parte 1
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Caral, La Civilización mas Antigua de América - Parte 1"

  • Peru Southern Circuit - PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru Southern Circuit - PromPeru"

  • Peruvian Cuisine - Promperu
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peruvian Cuisine - Promperu"

  • Conoce Cusco I
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Conoce Cusco I"

  • Conoce Cusco III
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Conoce Cusco III"

  • Jungle - Promperu Tv Commercial
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Jungle - Promperu Tv Commercial"

  • Nazca Lines Peru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Nazca Lines Peru"

  • Circuito Norte - Versión Oficial de PromPeru
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Circuito Norte - Versión Oficial de PromPeru"

  • Caral, La Civilización mas Antigua de América - Parte 2
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Caral, La Civilización mas Antigua de América - Parte 2"

  • Peru Land of the Inkas
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Peru Land of the Inkas"

  • Conoce Cusco II
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Conoce Cusco II"

  • Birding In Peru - Promperu
    Peru Hotels will give you some reasons why you should organise your next incentive trip in Peru!
    A magical and mysterious history, a paradisiacal nature, adventure, excellent gastronomy, a
    fascinating culture and tradition... Peru has a great deal to offer. Machu Picchu has recently
    been declared as one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is proud to show the 8 places
    that the UNESCO has declared as World Heritage Sites. Its landscape is very varied and includes
    deserts along the coast with a scattering of beautiful valleys and beaches, the spectacular
    Andes Mountains and the broad diversity of ecosystems, and of course, its colonial heritage.
    Peru Hotels has more hotels with online reservations in more Peruvian cities than any other
    site, at the best rates possible.

    Ver video "Birding In Peru - Promperu"

  • Capturado hombre que mató a mujer a golpe en hotel | Primera Emisión SIN

    Primera Emisión SIN por color visión.

    Fue apresado la madrugada de este martes un hombre que mató de una brutal golpiza a su ex pareja, en un hecho registrado dentro de una de las habitaciones de un hotel de la Zona Colonial.

    #repúblicadominicana #primeraemisiónSIN #colorvisión #canal9
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  • La Gran Francia un histórico destino colonial

    Llegar a la capital del turismo en busca de alojamiento es toparte con historia, y seductora arquitectura colonial. La Gran Francia, es el hotel con mayor historia de Nicaragua, ofrece habitaciones climatizadas con acceso piscina y servicio de excelencia.

    Viva Nicaragua – Canal 13
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  • A la espera de su llegada

    Esta tarde llegará a España Mercedes García, la cooperante leonesa que durante una semana ha estado secuestrada en Somalia. Ayer fue puesta en libertad junto a la enfermera argentina. En Cuadros, el pueblo de la doctora, han celebrado la noticia con alegría y ya preparan un recibimiento por todo lo alto.
    Después de una intensa negociación con el clan que había llevado a cabo el rapto se ha conseguido la liberación, según el ministro Moratinos, sin pagar el rescate.
    Durante las últimas horas las dos mujeres han descansado en un hotel en Bossaso.

    Ver video "A la espera de su llegada"

  • Agatha Ruíz de la Prada asegura que no ha ido sola a la reapertura del hotel Villa Magna de Madrid

    Agatha Ruíz de la Prada asegura que no ha ido sola a la reapertura del hotel Villa Magna de Madrid: "que vengo con uno que no hay manera de que se vaya, a mí me gusta estar un ratito y marcharme". A pesar de eso ningún hombre ocupa su corazón: "mi corazón está muy contento y muy bien. Nada especial. Cuando tenga algo especial te prometo que te lo cuento a ti de primeras. Te lo prometo". Cuando le preguntan por las vivencias que ha pasado en el hotel Villa Magna, bromea: "he vivido mucho pero no de los que te imaginas, yo no he pasado de la planta baja".

    Total Agatha Ruíz de la Prada:

    - Tenías que estar aquí.
    - Hola ¿qué tal? Qué bien vas abrigadita.
    - Qué alegría verte, hoy tocaba estar aquí reapertura.
    - Qué bonito ha sido, que maravilla, están al lado de mi estudio, me viene fenomenal.
    - Además, ¿no sé si tú habrás vivido algún momento especial en este hotel, algún momento para recordar?
    - He vivido mucho pero no de los que te imaginas, yo no he pasado de la planta baja.
    - Un hotel maravilloso.
    - Tantos hoteles, qué bien.
    - Coge ritmo.
    - Estoy feliz.
    - Que sola te veo.
    - No, que vengo con uno que no hay manera de que se vaya, a mí me gusta estar un ratito y marcharme.
    - ¿Tu corazón ocupado?
    - Mi corazón está muy contento y muy bien.
    - Confirmado queda, ¿alguien especial?
    - No, nada especial.
    - ¿Con tus ex como siempre de maravilla?
    - Cuando tenga algo especial te prometo que te lo cuento a ti de primeras. Te lo prometo.

    Este tema es en exclusiva

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