Videos relacionados con iced earth metal archives


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  • Iced Earth - Dracula

  • Iced Earth - Wolf

    Iced Earth
    Horror show

    Ver video "Iced Earth - Wolf"

  • Iced Earth- coming curse

    off of Iced Earths 5th Album somthing wicked this way comes

    Ver video "Iced Earth- coming curse"

  • AMV - Hellsing - Iced Earth - Wolf

    Thanks to the man who made the video, I just changed the music and did some changes.

    It's an Hellsing AMV, with the music Wolf, by Iced Earth

    Ver video "AMV - Hellsing - Iced Earth - Wolf"

  • Iced Earth - Watching Over Me

    Watching Over Me von Iced Earth

    Ver video "Iced Earth - Watching Over Me"

  • Iced Earth - Prophecy (Subtítulos en Español)

    Escúchalo en la radio por internet
    HardRock / Heavy Metal / Classic Rock

    Ver video "Iced Earth - Prophecy (Subtítulos en Español)"

  • Spawn - The Dark Saga - Iced Earth

    This is a music video to Iced Earth's song 'Dark Saga' made by me using clips from the Spawn animated series.

    I made this at some point last summer and I thought it turned out pretty well, considering I very rarely make this kind of thing.

    Anyway, enjoy.

    Ver video "Spawn - The Dark Saga - Iced Earth"

  • Iced Earth - A Question Of Heaven (Live)

    Escúchalo en
    HardRock / Heavy Metal / Classic Rock

    Ver video "Iced Earth - A Question Of Heaven (Live)"

  • Iced Earth - "Ten Thousand Strong" SPV Records

    Like this video? Come see hundreds more at! - the Net's biggest home for metal, death, grind, thrash, rapcore, heavy and hard rock music videos! If you like the hard stuff, come get hooked on!

    Ver video "Iced Earth - "Ten Thousand Strong" SPV Records"

  • Blind Guardian + Iced Earth ( Demons and Wizards) AMV

    If you like the song please support the band and buy the album:

    Song: Demons and Wizards - Blood on my Hands
    Album: Demons & Wizards

    Scenes from: Blood+, FMA, Basilisk and Utawarerumono

    Ver video "Blind Guardian + Iced Earth ( Demons and Wizards) AMV"

  • [AR-F] Iced Earth - The Dark Saga [7BCC950B]

    Iced Earth - The Dark Saga

    Ver video "[AR-F] Iced Earth - The Dark Saga [7BCC950B]"

  • Iced Earth - The Coming Cursed Bang Your Head!!! 2008

    Ver video "Iced Earth - The Coming Cursed Bang Your Head!!! 2008"

  • Beyblade Metal Masters NDS - Modo Arcade con Teru #MetalFight #Earth_Virgo #Hyoma #RJ_Anda

    Un gameplay del modo Arcade.

    Ver video "Beyblade Metal Masters NDS - Modo Arcade con Teru #MetalFight #Earth_Virgo #Hyoma #RJ_Anda"

  • Within_Temptation-Mother_Earth

    Ver video "Within_Temptation-Mother_Earth"

  • Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song

    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song- Parody of Closer by The Chainsmokers\r
    Hey, asteroids are made of rock and metal too\r
    They can hit Earth and thats an issue\r
    But were OK\r
    Hey, tell your friend asteroid belt we find them\r
    But I hope one never hits us again\r
    You know they break apart\r
    Moved by gravity some are near, some far and…\r
    For years close calls\r
    Now we are looking quickly in amongst the stars\r
    They fly… nonstop\r
    From high… they drop\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    Nucleus-middle comet solid through\r
    Frozen gas, ice, dust, and rock too- it is insane\r
    Spray, a cloud called coma melting from sun\r
    Tail comes out like breath to form long, OK\r
    You know they break apart\r
    Moved by gravity some are near, some far and…\r
    For years close calls\r
    Now we are looking quickly in amongst the stars\r
    They fly… nonstop\r
    From high… they drop\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    So, meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover

    Ver video "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song"




  • Golfers Watch 30-Pound Block Of Ice Fall From Sky

    Ver video "Golfers Watch 30-Pound Block Of Ice Fall From Sky"

  • La Hija Perdida de Batman

    Puede que Doomsday Clock haya concluido pero los misterios que nos dejó aún continúan sin respuesta. En este vídeo analizaremos uno en particular referente a la Crisis de 2026, donde la hija perdida de Batman hará su aparición.

    Ver video "La Hija Perdida de Batman"

  • DEATH METAL: La secuela de Dark Nights "METAL"

    DC anunció oficialmente Dark Nights: DEATH METAL, la secuela de METAL y la Crisis del 2020. Este evento marcará el inicio del aceleración por el 85 aniversario de la editorial. En este vídeo recapitularemos toda la información que tenemos de este evento. junto a unos detalles interesantes que Scott Snyder reveló en una entrevista.

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  • DEATH METAL: La Crisis del 2020

    Ya sea que lo ames o lo odies, Dark Knights METAL fue uno de los eventos más importantes en la historia de Batman. Recientemente se filtró algunos de los elementos que veremos en la secuela de este, la cual de momento solo recibe el nombre clave: "DEATH METAL".
    En este vídeo recapitularemos METAL y hablaremos de todo lo que sabemos de DEATH METAL.

    Ver video "DEATH METAL: La Crisis del 2020"

  • My secret zone capitulo 6 sub español

    My secret zone capitulo 6 sub español

    Ver video "My secret zone capitulo 6 sub español"

  • Los 10 Eventos más importantes de DC Comics

    Con el paso de los años, DC se ha visto en la necesidad narrativa de volver a contar el origen de sus personajes cada cierto tiempo, lo cal lleva a grandes cambios dentro de la editorial.
    Estos cambios suelen ocurrir gracias a las Crisis, aunque no siempre reciben este nombre. En este vídeo les mencionaremos los 10 eventos que han tenido mayor impacto y han traído más cambios al Universo DC.

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  • 10 Cómics que tienes que leer antes de Dark Crisis

    Dark Crisis esta cerca y como es común con las crisis de DC, muchos lectores no están seguros de poder entender el evento ya que no han leído los cómics recientes. En este vídeo les compartimos 10 cómics que debes leer para poder entender Dark Crisis.

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  • Dark saga karaoke

    un pequeño karaoque de iced earth creado por mi

    Ver video "Dark saga karaoke"

  • Within Temptation - Ice Queen.

    Ice Queen..LYRIC:
    Album: Mother Earth

    Ver video "Within Temptation - Ice Queen."

  • The Flash: ¿Qué es la Speed Force?

    Recientemente, le sitio web de DC compartió una breve explicación de lo que es la Speed Force y como esta funciona. En este vídeo repasaremos dicha explicación para tratar de darle sentido a este concepto, el cual es uno de los más confusos de toda la industria.


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  • Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Teen Titans The Judas Contract

    The Dark Multiverse reinventa una de las historias más famosas en la historia del cómic, The Judas Contract". En esta impactante historia, la traición de Terra no comienza con los Jóvenes Titanes, ¡sino con el propio Deathstroke! Ahora, libre de la influencia de su mentor y sobrealimentada por el mismo suero que convirtió a Slade Wilson en el hombre más letal del mundo, Tara Markov forjará un nuevo destino, escrito con la sangre de los Teen Titans.

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  • Three whales trapped in the ice Alaska 1988

    Alaska: 3 whales are trapped in the ice. Eskimos open a space in the ice for them to survive. Work of men and ecologists to save whales. Two icebreakers cut a channel in the ice.
    Date: 10/27/1988
    Duration: 2 minutes 29 seconds
    Code: UG-2215

    Copyright DiFilm Archive - Archive material inquiries -
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    Ver video "Three whales trapped in the ice Alaska 1988"

  • Within Temptation full liveshow Lowlands

    Faster, In the middle of the night, Fire& ice, Mother Earth, Stairway to the Skies live in Lowlands 2011

    Ver video "Within Temptation full liveshow Lowlands"

  • Batman: 10 Ocasiones en que el Joker fue un Héroe

    Desde su creación, Joker ha sido conocido como el némesis de Batman, siendo uno de los villanos más sádicos de los cómics. A pesar de esto, también han existido historias en donde el payaso actúa como un héroe e incluso ayuda a Batman para detener un mal mayor.
    En este vídeo enumeramos 10 ocasiones en que el Joker ha ayudado a salvar el mundo.

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  • Bromidrosis - La tierra sangra (Club Olimpico Cajeme 1993)

    El poseedor del don de la ubicuidad en el Metal Sonorense, el Guilo Malleus, con sus Bromidrosis o Bromidriosis (ya saben, la moda del Death metal con sus ondas de medicina) echàndose "La Tierra Sangra" o "The Earth Bleeds" (como seguramente diria el Charly Cannibal) en el 93 en el Olìmpico Cajeme.

    Ver video "Bromidrosis - La tierra sangra (Club Olimpico Cajeme 1993)"


    CANAL 13


  • Speedway World Ice Championship in Inzell - Germany 1969

    West Germany: Final of the individual and world Speedway ice championship in Inzell. Pilot preparations. Cover image with metal tips. Start of the motorcycle race. Short sequences of competition. Image of the public watching the race. The pilot 45 Gabdraham Kadyrov wins and receives his crown. Minor formula cars take location on the track. Start of the car race. Short sequences of competition. The winner of the race is placed with the car 05. (Ambient sound)
    Date: 3/9/1969
    Duration: 2 minutes 6 seconds
    Film code: B-05697

    Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Queries for archive material -
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    Ver video "Speedway World Ice Championship in Inzell - Germany 1969"



    1. Gimme More
    2. Piece Of Me
    3. Radar
    4. Break The Ice
    5. Heaven On Earth
    6. Get Naked (I Got A Plan)
    7. Freakshow
    8. Toy Soldier
    9. Hot As Ice
    10. Ooh Ooh Baby
    11. Perfect Lover
    12. Why Should I Be Sad


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  • November th

    On November 11th, 11.11.11, across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and other inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the second annual global day of media creation called One Day on Earth. Together, we will create a shared archive and a film.

    Ver video "November th"

  • The Dragon's Last Breath

    Atop a rugged mountain lies an ancient dragon, whose strength has been feared for generations. In its death throes, it unleashes a wave of fire that consumes everything in its path. Can humanity survive the final breath of this mythical creature? An epic ballad about destruction and redemption. A dragon, tired of centuries of loneliness and pain, decides to end its existence in spectacular fashion. Will it be remembered as a villain or a victim of its own destiny? Inspired by Norse legends, this song will transport you to a world of magic and mythology. An ancient dragon, trapped in ice for millennia, awakens to wreak havoc. Can one brave warrior stop it?

    #metal #dragons #fantasy #epicmusic #metal #dragon #music #heavymetal #metal #vikings #mythology #epicmusic

    Ver video "The Dragon's Last Breath"

  • Beatrix Schuba Olympics Games Sapporo - Figure skating 1972

    11th Winter Olympic Games in Sapporo, Japan. Competition of Beatrix Schuba (Canada) in individual female figure skating on ice. (Without sound)
    Date: 9/2/1972
    Duration: 59 seconds
    Film code: A-21363

    Copyright File DiFilm - Queries for archival material -
    More videos and information at: or Follow us on:

    Ver video "Beatrix Schuba Olympics Games Sapporo - Figure skating 1972"

  • LOS 16 COMPILADOS DE EL BUNKER DEL METAL, Y VAMOS POR MAS... (enlaces en la descripcion)

    Destruccion Masiva:!6KhEFAIR!17gswDcb2OgyxoSyCR5WHPEuG8N1d9shFT9Ni_wcb3c

    Lets Rock:!LPgSSASZ!c6XBe7aK_hm53hqL-iETKCHdrY0JE5gBu32vsQlZt8k

    Metal Box:!DbwkVCbI!AasbiIS600Y0733kDpJGTU01MbRDY79r8g0kdCQ1_Wg




    Metal warrior:!PahGHAAZ!FVloG-cd3kGo1CRZWogZMwBC4dfQsxX_g0aQs13_Iq4

    Power & Fury:!mWAyRS4A!7DzPbw3HCu6gkCp5CYbquu4aWGI_n6zEGX2xeNWHOC8

    The Force of Annihilation:!uORWRADJ!OtQgsfG8wDSEwvqk2dm_cSgzpZCv_IHFH0hHRi9P3jw

    Fire & Ice:!KGRwCIJA!VAUxfA6c7h65198qxMZR0buxTdjpTSntDPDYe0Oze9A

    Demolishing Madness:!LDJGTQ5Z!m-QCF-jhw-cFAvVeKmYJknspd8GiH4iPHPg_NRBbG28




    Lets rock 2:!bfpGSSJY!JBtMIgFSY_i5iVC9_9_VvLkrtvJp3ChPDT0kFjmg93E


    Ver video "LOS 16 COMPILADOS DE EL BUNKER DEL METAL, Y VAMOS POR MAS... (enlaces en la descripcion)"

  • Speed Build -Telescopio Espacial Houbble- 3D

    Construcción rápida de el modelo metálico en 3D del Telescopio espacial Hubble, Metal Earth encargada de realizar modelos metálicos para armar, de gran calidad y muy atractivos, en esta ocasión el Telescopio Hubble que orbita en el exterior de la atmósfera de nuestro planeta, gracias a el se han captado las imágenes mas increíbles de nuestro universo.

    Pagina Web:

    #metalearth #telescopio #hubble #speedbuild

    Ver video "Speed Build -Telescopio Espacial Houbble- 3D"

  • CALGACUS - Nothing Should Exist | 2024 | Full Album |

    [Gender]: Black/Death/Doom Metal
    [Country]: Switzerland; Zürich
    [Released]: February 29, 2024
    [Label]: Independent


    01. Void.
    02. Prophetic Dissonance.
    03. Mechanical Zeitgeist.
    04. Fractal Abyss.
    05. Acensionist.
    06. Lucid Being.
    07. Ice Trial.
    08. Isolation Chamber.
    09. Almighty Futility.

    [Total Playing Time]: 45:25

    ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧

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    [Metal Sanctuary Promotion]

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    #blackmetal #deathmetal #doommetal #metalcore #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Calgacus #switzerlandmetal

    Ver video "CALGACUS - Nothing Should Exist | 2024 | Full Album |"

  • Sunn O)))

    El culto a lo oscuro llega a su máximo exponente con Sunn O))), un mantra de guitarras lacerantes, bajos de ultratumba y tiempos permanentemente detenidos. Nacido como un grupo de tributo a los pioneros del sludge metal Earth, Greg Anderson y Stephen O’Malley han llevado el lado oscuro mucho más allá, gracias a una discografía llena de ítems de coleccionista y sus inolvidables actuaciones en directo. Una ceremonia de ruido chamánico, drones monolíticos y liturgia demoníaca.

    Ver video "Sunn O)))"

  • SHADES OF DEEP WATER - Cold Heart | 2024 | Full Album |

    [Gender]: Funeral Doom Metal
    [Country]: Finland; Jyväskylä, Keski-Suomi
    [Lyrical Themes]: Negativism, Death, Cosmos, Mythology
    [Released]: February 15, 2024
    [Label]: Independent


    01. Cold Heart.
    02. Ice Damn.
    03. The White.
    04. The Erebus.
    05. The Terror.
    06. The Endless.

    [Total Playing Time]: 40:06

    ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧

    [Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]

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    --- --- --- --- ---

    [Shades Of Deep Water]

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    [Metal Sanctuary Promotion]

    *All rights reserved for the BAND and/or the LABEL. 'Metal Sanctuary Promotion' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video -- The videos on this channel are not MONETIZED*

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    #funeraldoommetal #funeralmetal #doommetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #ShadesOfDeepWater #finlandmetal

    Ver video "SHADES OF DEEP WATER - Cold Heart | 2024 | Full Album |"

  • Climate Change: The Arctic

    The Arctic: Our First Sign of Climate Change

    Observations on Climate Change in the Arctic - By WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
    Over the last several years we have seen a drastic reduction in sea ice in the arctic region of the world. Scientist project that the summer sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean might be lost within a decade. Half of the heat produced on earth is created in the Arctic, resulting in accelerates climate change.

    Observaciones sobre el Cambio Climático en el Ártico - De/Por WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
    Durante los últimos años hemos visto una reducción drástica en el hielo marino en la región ártica del mundo. Los científicos pronostican que la cobertura de hielo estival del mar del Océano Ártico podría perderse dentro de una década. La mitad del calor producido en la tierra se crea en el Ártico, lo que acelera el cambio climático.

    Ver video "Climate Change: The Arctic"

  • Rain-X 5079283 Latitude 8-In-1 Premium Graphite Coated Wiper Blade, 17" (Pack of 1) Review

    Rain-X 5079283 Latitude 8-In-1 Premium Graphite Coated Wiper Blade, 17" (Pack of 1) Review

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    Rain-X 5079283 Latitude 8-In-1 Premium Graphite Coated Wiper Blade, 17" (Pack of 1)

    Specially blended graphite coated rubber blade delivers the ultimate smooth, clean, chatter free wipe

    Built in aerodynamic spoiler significantly reduces drag, noise and wind lift

    Prevents ice and snow build-up through the elimination of exposed metal components providing the Ultimate Visibility in Rain, Sleet and Snow

    Durable rubber encased substructure increase wiper flexibility and adherence to the windshield in harsh conditions

    Beam Blade with updated adaptor system enable it to fit all 8 of the different wiper arm clips

    Ver video "Rain-X 5079283 Latitude 8-In-1 Premium Graphite Coated Wiper Blade, 17" (Pack of 1) Review"

  • La fijación del precio del oro pasa a ser controlada por un regulador extrabancario

    El mercado del oro cambia este viernes su sistema para calcular el precio y se abre a otros actores para que se pueda seguir en directo. Se pone fin así a una tradición que duraba desde 1919 y que reducía en Londres a un pequeño grupo de bancos la tarea de poner precio al metal precioso. A partir de ahora, se hará por internet y podrán participar todas las entidades financieras que lo deseen. La sociedad encargada es el ICE Benchmark Administration con el denominado LBMA Gold Price.

    El oro sigue así el mismo camino que, el año pasado, adoptaron los mercados de la plata, el platino y el paladio para hacer más transparente el sistema. El día antes de su cambio, la onza de oro subía y se situaba en torno a 1.164 dólares.

    Ver video "La fijación del precio del oro pasa a ser controlada por un regulador extrabancario"


    Epic friendly battle between two Beyblade Generations: Metal Masters vs Burst. The teams are named GanGan Galaxy and Beigoma Academy BeyClub and the team members :\r
    1 Gingka with Galaxy Pegasus 105R2F vs Wakiya with Wild Wyvern (Wyvron W2) .V.O (Vertical Orbit)\r
    2 Yu with Flame Libra T125ES vs Rantaro with Rising Ragnaruk(Roktavor R2) .G.R (Gravity Revolve)\r
    3 Masamune with Ray Unicorno D125CS vs Daina with Dark Deathscyther (Doomscizor D2) .F.J (Force Jaggy)\r
    4 Tsubasa with Earth Eagle 145WD vs Shu with Storm Spriggan ( Spryzen S2) .K.U (Knuckle Unite)\r
    5 Gingka with Galaxy Pegasus 105R2F vs Valt with Victory Valkyrie (Valtryek V2) .B.V (Boost Variable)\r
    ベイブレードバースト vs メタルファイト ベイブレード \r
    米駒学園 vs ガンガンギャラクシー\r
    Email for commercial requests:\r
    Support me on Patreon please even 1 $ is ok

    Ver video "GANGAN GALAXY vs BEIGOMA ACADEMY BEYCLUB - Beyblade Team Battle - MFB vs BURST"

  • Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)

    Mount Everest is not the only highlight of the Himalayas it's home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears. In Sanskrit the Himalayas are known as the 'abode of snow' but they provide rich and varied habitats for the animals and plants that live there; from the forests of the foothills to ice-bound peaks and mountain lakes. Some of the most memorable moments from the BBC's natural history archive have been filmed here including the magnificent snow leopard filmed for 'Planet Earth'.

    The Himalayas are very popular for tourists because it has a lot of wildlife. The types of plants and trees, which are common in the place, are Oak, Pine, Fir, Rhododendron, Birch, Juniper, and Deodar. Common animals, which are seen mostly in the different parts of the Himalayas, are snow leopards, blue sheep, musk deer, tigers, elephants, wild boar, and crocodiles. Even endangered species of animals and plants are also found there. In the north part of the Himalayas where the temperature falls below freezing point, animals cannot survive well. However, those who adapted can survive. During the cold winters most of the animals migrate to the lower regions of the Himalayas while others like the brown bear hibernate instead. The Yak is mostly seen in the cold desert.[2] They are like wild ox and they are the largest animals in this region. In regions of Ladakh animals like Nyan, the wild and the most largest sheep are found.[3]

    Some of the major places for wildlife attractions in the Himalayas are:

    Jim Corbett National Park
    Namdhpha National Park
    The Royal Chitwan Park
    Kaziranga National Park
    Royal Bardia National Park
    Great Himalayan National Park

    Ver video "Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)"

  • Dragon City - Amusement Park Island + All Dragons [First Looks]

    ∎ Dragon City - Amusement Park Island & Breeding Combos! ∎\r
    • High Priest Dragon - The High Priest Dragon can control pure energy like no one else. In his ceremonies, energy empowers him so much that it makes him levitate. When hes in trance, he becomes untouchable.\r
    • City Shark Dragon - An infamously bad-tempered shark with a reputation for trouble, The Sharko, as he likes to be called, is known to spark conflict wherever he goes. This is one dragon you dont want to start a bar fight with!\r
    • Terrifying Dragon - In for a ride? Hop on the Terrifying Dragon only if you arent afraid of fire, velocity and the high probability of being devoured by one of its heads.\r
    • Rideable Dragon - He used to be part of a carousel, but he hated that life, going around in circles all day, every day. One day he decided to escape and became a free dragon!\r
    • Roller Coaster Dragon - Fun is guaranteed whenever the Roller Coaster Dragon comes to town. If youre looking for a thrill, all you need to do is sit on his back and hold tight!\r
    • Wolffish Dragon - Wolffish Dragons are the official guards of the Lord of the Seas. They are loyal to their master and they will mercilessly destroy all his enemies.\r
    • Night Dragon - The Night Dragon not only provokes fear, but also disgust. Hes like a giant bat and he can always be found lurking in dark, dusty corners.\r
    ∎ Join our Community ∎\r
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    Build and decorate a magical, floating Dragon City! Breed dragons and hatch eggs to discover new species!\r
    Feed, grow and train your dragons for combat. Customize your dragon team and engage in combat with opponents from all over the world! \r
    Prove yourself as a true Dragon Master! \r
    Dragon City is completely connected to the Facebook version, which means you can take care of your dragons, enter in to battle and manage your DragonCity anytime, anywhere!\r
    • 100+ different dragons so far. with new dragons landing on Dragon City every week! \r
    • Build your Dragon City with lots of farms, special buildings and gorgeous decorations! \r
    • Battle online with thousands of players and their dragon teams! \r
    • Breed and combine up to 10 types of Dragons: Terra, Flame, Sea, Nature, Electric, Ice, Metal, Dark, Legend and Pure! \r
    • 160+ goals to complete! \r
    • Experience the cutest animated graphics ever! \r
    • Invite and help your Facebook friends by sending gifts! Sharing is caring!\r
    ^^ Enjoy ^^

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  • Dragon City - High Priest Dragon [Walkthrough Completed | Lap 1]

    ∎ Dragon City - High Priest Dragon | Heroic Racing ∎\r
    • High Priest Dragon - The High Priest Dragon can control pure energy like no one else. In his ceremonies, energy empowers him so much that it makes him levitate. When hes in trance, he becomes untouchable.\r
    • Unicorn Dragon - Just like a rainbow! This creature has magical properties that can cure lots of illnesses that no other treatment can. It also smells like cotton candy.\r
    • Hypno Dragon - A real trickster! The Hypno Dragon can make you believe youre a chicken or a frog! Spinning his spiral eyes he hypnotizes everyone who tries to resist his will. Youd better be his friend but wait. He has no friends! Youd better run!\r
    • Draost Dragon - He was personally trained by Hanzo, the Guardian Dragon, to become a great warrior. In return, Draost swore eternal loyalty and service to him.\r
    • Freespirit Dragon - Music festivals, surfing and skating - that is what the Free Spirit Dragon is all about. You only live once, so why would you waste your precious time stressing out?\r
    • Space Being Dragon - This dragon is a space diplomat: She builds communication bridges between dragons of different planets and cultures so she really likes Dragon City, where hundreds of different creatures live together in harmony! \r
    • Froyo Dragon - He is creamy and he looks delicious, but do your best to resist the temptation: If you try to steal a scoop of his flesh, you will suffer the consequences.\r
    • Hero Dragon - With a noble heart and a sword forged with bravery, the Hero Dragon has arrived to impose justice upon Dragon City.\r
    • Discus Thrower Dragon - This impressive creature can chop down acres of trees with one throw of his discus. Imagine what he can do to a mere dragon!\r
    • Brainy Dragon - The Brainy Dragon may be tiny, but his plans are big! His sole intelligence will be enough to rule the entire universe, so join his galic army or be ready to suffer!\r
    • Martian Dragon - If you had never seen a dragon from Mars, now you have! Martian Dragons are smart and friendly but sometimes they have trouble understanding earthly habits, so try to be patient with them.\r
    • Hell Twin Dragon - These two should have been separated at birth because, as they share one body, it is double danger! The right head has demonic plans, while the left one destroys everything impulsively!\r
    • High Guardian Dragon - High Guardian Dragon This creature isnt made of flesh & bone, but of circuits & steel. The High Guardian Dragon is equipped with the best security technology, so you can leave your most precious belongings with him: He will keep them safe.\r
    ∎ How to Breed High Priest Dragon ∎\r
    High Priest Dragon is not Currently Breedable. Sorry.\r
    ∎ Join our Community ∎\r
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    Build and decorate a magical, floating Dragon City! Breed dragons and hatch eggs to discover new species!\r
    Feed, grow and train your dragons for combat. Customize your dragon team and engage in combat with opponents from all over the world! \r
    Prove yourself as a true Dragon Master! \r
    Dragon City is completely connected to the Facebook version, which means you can take care of your dragons, enter in to battle and manage your DragonCity anytime, anywhere!\r
    • 100+ different dragons so far. with new dragons landing on Dragon City every week! \r
    • Build your Dragon City with lots of farms, special buildings and gorgeous decorations! \r
    • Battle online with thousands of players and their dragon teams! \r
    • Breed and combine up to 10 types of Dragons: Terra, Flame, Sea, Nature, Electric, Ice, Metal, Dark, Legend and Pure! \r
    • 160+ goals to complete! \r
    • Experience the cutest animated graphics ever! \r
    • Invite and help your Facebook friends by sending gifts! Sharing is caring!\r
    ^^ Enjoy ^^

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  • 30 Worlds Weirdest Car Accidents

    Here are 30 of the worlds weirdest car accidents ever seen! From car stuck in the side of buildings to vehicles being tossed around. \r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    20. Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood\r
    In Palos Verdes, California in February of 2016, a driver of a Lexus lost control of his car and hit two cars before ending his drive on the roof of someones house. Unfortunately, the roof and the car sustained damage; however, the driver suffered minor injuries. The cause of the crash was a medical condition of the driver.\r
    19. You must be this tall to ride\r
    In London in February 2008, a double-decker bus underestimated itself when it tried to drive through a low bridge. The bus lost its top half and 15 people were hurt or suffered shock from the incident; however, no one was seriously injured. \r
    18. Hello from the outside\r
    A driver lost control and crashed his car into an unsuspecting house in Lowestoft, Suffolk, the UK on March 24th, new. The car ended up at about 4 feet off the ground. The car got enough air to jump over a hedge and two parked cars before embedding itself into the house much to the dismay of the owner of the house. The driver suffered serious head injuries and had to be released by firefighters; however eventually recovered. The crash caused a gas leak in the house but, no one was injured in the house.\r
    17. Irony you heartless witch\r
    On August 24th, new a truck displaying the logo of the Georgia Tech Universitys football teams then slogan, “Brace for Imp” happened to be on a truck that took the advice a little too literally. \r
    16. Gone too far\r
    This semi truck learned a hard lesson. Not everyone is meant to fly. You tend to need hollow bones and wings or some kind of jet propeller system for that. \r
    15. Is this your stop?\r
    Quick! If a bus gets in a car accident with no passengers, does it make a sound?\r
    14. Drag racing strikes again\r
    With a driving competition with the word “alcohol” in it, something like this was bound to happen. The Alcohol cars are reportedly very difficult to drive and the experienced driver, Steve Harker, had a bad day. He escaped with just a collapsed lung, though.\r
    13. Construction fail\r
    This crash doesnt appear dangerous, just depressing. With the driver and construction workers looking on in resignation, something tells me this has maybe happened more than once.\r
    12. “Sure. Youre closed.”\r
    He just really needed a donut. Whether or not this intention is unclear but, it will make a great anecdote someday. I like to think he got his donut. Probably not from them, though.\r
    11. Told you I could touch the top\r
    This unlikely bus crash took place in India and was probably not quite as funny as it looks.\r
    10. Mr. Freeze takes on automobiles\r
    Meanwhile in Gotham, Mr. Freeze has run out of ice-related puns and he has chosen to take it out on everyday drivers.\r
    9. Does my insurance cover hell spots?\r
    A portal to hell has been found by this unsuspecting driver in Kerala, India. Luckily the car did not sink all the way in or we might have an outbreak on our hands. Personally, Im going to blame the car manufurer for this.\r
    8. The sky is falling\r
    That statistic about most US bridges not being safe might stretch over into signs because this is upsetting. Looks like cardboard isnt strong enough to hold up giant metal signs. Who knew?\r
    7. Surprise trust fall\r
    Luckily no one was injured in this wreck except the cars. Looks like in the Thunderdome of comp cars vs trucks, trucks come out on top again.\r
    6. Dont call me Shirley\r
    This is less a car accident and more a plane accident. “Everyone ate the fish and the autopilot deflated! Hurry, that car will break our fall.”\r
    5. Surprise angry lumberjack\r
    This is what happens when you piss off a lumberjack. Let it be a warning to all who dare make fun of their beards and flannel.\r
    4. Im here for my eyeglasses prescription\r
    Whether that sign is misleading or not is up for debate. Shouldnt there be an arrow or something? Whatever medicine they were picking up it must have been very important because that wall its like a ton of bricks!\r
    3. Hello welcome to Target\r
    “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night” ..or wait thats the post office right? Either this was a very bad decision or Target really is committed to their customers. \r
    2. Gas Junkie\r
    On June 2nd of new, a twitter user posted a picture of this self-explanatory car wreck. This driver just really needed that gas. No word yet if he drank the gas while staring at the other driver with dead eyes. Well just have to assume he did. \r
    1.Somebody Turned Off Gravity\r
    This mysterious vehicular event happened in China in new. A video surfaced of two vans being violently jerked

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  • 11 Weirdest and Coolest Toys from the 90s

    The 90s were amazing! Here are some of the 11 Weirdest and Coolest Toys from the 90s. These fad toys were ultra super popular\r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    5 - Gak\r
    This popular form of slime courtesy of those fine chaps at Nickelodeon had kids giggling with delight over one of the oldest jokes in human history, fart noises. Created by the toy company Mattel, these strange moulding compounds had to be properly stored in their molding case in order to avoid drying out. Stretch it, mold it, snap it, bounce it, love it, squeeze for stress relief or but the gak in the dark model to make yourself a super nifty retro glow in the dark goo flavored nightlight. There are a bunch of homemade recipes online which you can easily find, so feel free to do it yourself and enjoy countless hours of fart noises and stretchy gakky features. Theres also solar Gak, Smell my Gak, Gaks alive, \r
    4 - Skip It\r
    Heres one which many of us have our wrinkled fingers crossed will make a comeback. Allow me to reintroduce the Skip It! This toy attaches to your foot with a circular hoop, a little plastic twine connects this to the ball at the end, which would record the number of spins as your legs hopped to kick it around and around your legs until you got exhausted or bashed the ball clean off, which happened more often than not, my neighbor busted mine and never replaced it, makes me all sad and nostalgic just remembering kicking the plastic shell in circles for hours. This little plastic toy was great exercise but again, attention spans were fast paced in the 1990s and the skip it was soon replaced by other things, but some of us remember the good times, spent chasing our skip its around in pleasant circular patterns. \r
    3 - Pogs\r
    These fad toys were ultra super popular for a few months in the 90s and then as fast as they came vanished without a trace, except for a few stubborn collectors who still have a crate of these milk cap inspired creations in their basement, because many of us refuse to let the 90s die! Originally conceived from a game played with milk caps, these pieces of thick cardboard shaped like circles would have decorative designs on one side and a brand name or white space on the other. A pog board could be purchased for cheap as well as a slammer, which is a much thicker version of a pog and youre ready to do battle! Kids would decide in the beginning to play for keeps or just for fun, or not for keeps, but most of us would peer pressure until the stakes were raised to keeps. U each place your pogs on the board face down, then bounce the slammer against the board, every pog which turns up face up with the design showing would be awarded to that player and so on until all the pogs were accredited for, the person with the most at the end wins. This is another crazy 90s fad which has many of us hoping will make a comeback so we can break out those circles of power and slammers of doom! \r
    2 - Tamagotchi\r
    Who can forget the first totally digital keychain pets! From those cats in Japan and the world of Bandi, these little computer babies became a huge fad, over 76 million were sold worldwide and then just as fast the tiny computerised creatures vanished from the face of the Earth. This probably had something to do with the f that if you left one alone in your locker during class or forgot about the little bugger in your pocket for an hour or so the little digital critter would die. This virtual pet required feeding, happiness and discipline, there were mini games to play and new candies to be earned, if you really tried and spent every waking hour taking care of the pixelated pet, they would grow from tiny babies to healthy bizarre extremely whiny needy creatures. They go from baby to child to teen to adult, however, most of us never had the attention span to make it passed teen and we would often return to find our beloved digital whatever creature these things are neglected and dead from starvation or living in its own filth. Maybe we should have just stuck to pet rocks. \r
    1 - Super Soakers\r
    If you didnt have a super soaker back in the 1990s, then you were doomed to get wet with no means of retaliation. These recreational water guns which utilised manual pressure to fire streams of water at your opponent usually through aof pumping motions were invented in the 80s but didnt go on sale till 1990. And we have hooked ever since, there are a million different versions of these high powered water guns, there were models which had backpacks full of water which strapped to your back, dual ion firing nozzles, high-pressure water pump ion and some even had laser pointing technology for more accurate and deadly sprays of ice cold water. Nerf still makes loads of money from these high class water guns, wh

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  • Intro Para El Canal Espero Que Les Guste!!

    espero que les guste la intro que hice yo mismo si quieren que haga un tutorial de como hacer una intro como esta gratis denlen like y diganmenlon en los comentarios del video

    Ver video "Intro Para El Canal Espero Que Les Guste!!"

  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

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