Videos relacionados con ies agra do orzán


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  • Radio Turonio | Emisión Día Mundial da Radio

    Radio Escolar do IES Terra de Turonio de Gondomar

    Ver video "Radio Turonio | Emisión Día Mundial da Radio"

  • Día da Biblioteca (outubro 2008)

    Celebración do Mes da Biblioteca 2008 no IES Pintor Colmeiro (Silleda)

    Ver video "Día da Biblioteca (outubro 2008)"

  • Directo de Radio Turonio

    Radio Escolar do IES Terra de Turonio de Gondomar. Só dispoñible cando emitimos en directo.

    Ver video "Directo de Radio Turonio"

  • Directo de Radio Turonio - Especial 8 de Marzo Día da Muller

    Radio Escolar do IES Terra de Turonio de Gondomar. Só dispoñible cando emitimos en directo.

    Ver video "Directo de Radio Turonio - Especial 8 de Marzo Día da Muller"

  • Consecuencias del agrarismo

    Consecuencias dun mal uso do agrarismo provoca consecuencias para todos
    IES Marco do Camballón 4º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Consecuencias del agrarismo"

  • O agrarismo

    Hai que coidar os dereitos do agrarismo en prol da igualdade de todos
    IES Marco do Camballón 4º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "O agrarismo"

  • Necesitan tu ayuda

    Nos necesitan! Miradlo y votad :)
    Ies marco do camballón 1ºBACH
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Necesitan tu ayuda"

  • Agricultura

    Cuando trabajo pero cuantos beneficios
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Agricultura"

  • La felicidad de todos

    Ayudar compartiendo con los demas, ¿Lo intentamos?
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "La felicidad de todos"

  • ¿Porqué no podemos vivir todos en un mundo intermedio?

    Esperamos que tenga resultado. Leedlo y votad!
    IES Marco do Camballón 1ºBac
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "¿Porqué no podemos vivir todos en un mundo intermedio?"

  • El consumo de nuestra existencia

    Concienciación de la humanidad sobre los aspectos negativos del consumismo
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "El consumo de nuestra existencia"

  • Vidas paralelas

    Siempre hai alguien que lo pasa mal mientras que otros viven bien.
    IES Marco do Camballón 3º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Vidas paralelas"

  • De onde sae o que consumimos?

    Se coñeceramos as condicións de moitos traballadores non mercabamos os produtos
    IES Marco do Camballón 2º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "De onde sae o que consumimos?"

  • La agricultura para un consumo de todos

    La agricultura es el trabajo que debemos valorar para poder salir adelante
    IES Marco do Camballón 4º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "La agricultura para un consumo de todos"

  • Llegaría para todos

    si fueramos capaces de aprovechar y compartir el problema del hambre se acabaría
    IES Marco do Camballón 1ºBac
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Llegaría para todos"

  • Consume responsablemente

    Todos podemos loitar contra a fame, poñamoslle freo, está nas nosas mans.
    IES Marco do Camballón 4º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Consume responsablemente"

  • Lorey money

    Que debemos facer para conseguir un consumo responsable? Cales son as súas consecuencias
    IES Marco do Camballón 4º ESO
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Lorey money"

  • Todo parece en contra

    Aunque todo parece estar en contra tenemos que luchar para conseguir países más desarrollados
    IES Marco do Camballón 2º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Todo parece en contra"

  • Por un mundo mejor

    Das formas da agricultura familiar e de como toda a familia traballa para subsistir
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Por un mundo mejor"

  • Igualdade de prezos

    Prezos dos productos e impostos teñen que ser iguais, pero vivimos nun mundo desigual entre ricos e pobres.
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Igualdade de prezos"

  • Volatilízate

    La volatilización nos afecta a todas las personas sin distinción de razas, religiones, lenguas... todos podemos aportar algo... intentémoslo!!
    IES Marco do Camballón 1º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Volatilízate"

  • Saying no to poverty

    This video shows the different points of view that a person can have and their consecuences. The poverty it isn´t too far from us so we can change the situation with simple acts. Do it!
    IES Marco Do Camballón 1 BACH
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Saying no to poverty"

  • ¿Porqué no podemos vivir todos en un mundo intermedio?

    El anterior vídeo tiene algunos fallos, lo hemos modificado y aquí está! Lo sentimos mucho! Si os gusta votad! Gracias :)
    IES Marco do Camballón 1ºBac
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "¿Porqué no podemos vivir todos en un mundo intermedio?"

  • Do traballo sae todo

    Cando nos consumimos alimentos, debemos pensar no traballo de moitas persoas que fan posible que a nosa comida estea no prato
    IES Marco do Camballón 2º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Do traballo sae todo"

  • Todos los grandes proyectos nacen de una pequeña idea

    ¿Alguna vez te han dicho que el dinero no crece de los árboles? Mentira! Todos los grandes proyectos nacen de una pequeña idea. Todo lo que consumimos tiene su origen en la tierra y por lo cual, su explotación puede ayudarnos a mantener la economía familiar al mismo tiempo que la subsistencia. ¡Aprovechémosla!
    IES Marco do Camballón 2º Bachillerato
    Concurso de clipmetrajes de Manos Unidas 'Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo'

    Ver video "Todos los grandes proyectos nacen de una pequeña idea"

  • Burj Dubai Khalifa Fountain 'Time to Say Goodbye'

    Burj Dubai / Burj Khalifa Fountain in HD. 'Time to Say Goodbye' by Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli ('Con Te Partiro'). Best quality. View from the Dubai Mall. Burj Khalifa officialy opened January 4, 2010.

    For those posting complaints abt UAE not helping with drinking water to third world countries - this is not drinkable water. Most of it is a condencate from air conditioning system. Dubai does provide help to third world countries via separate means.

    For those complaining about similarity to Bellagio fountains - while those are as beautiful, both systems were manufactured by Wet Design, same company, please contact them directly to discuss their business model, ie selling what they do to whoever orders it.

    Ver video "Burj Dubai Khalifa Fountain 'Time to Say Goodbye'"

  • Night Sweats In Women - Night Sweats In Women Under 40 - night sweats in women - night sweats in women under 40

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Night Sweats In Women - Night Sweats In Women Under 40"

  • Excessive Face Sweating - How to Stop Excessive Head Sweatin - excessive face sweating - How to Stop Excessive Head Sweating

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Excessive Face Sweating - How to Stop Excessive Head Sweatin"

  • Sweating While Sleeping - Night Sweats In Women - sweating while sleeping - night sweats in women

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Sweating While Sleeping - Night Sweats In Women"

  • Excessive Facial Sweating - Easy Ways to Stop Facial Sweatin - excessive facial sweating - Easy Ways to Stop Facial Sweating

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Excessive Facial Sweating - Easy Ways to Stop Facial Sweatin"

  • Excessive Sweating Treatment - Hyperhidrosis Excessive Swea - excessive sweating treatment - Hyperhidrosis excessive sweating Treatment options

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Excessive Sweating Treatment - Hyperhidrosis Excessive Swea"

  • Night Sweats In Men - Sweating Sickness - Sweating While Sle - night sweats in men - sweating sickness - sweating while sleeping

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Night Sweats In Men - Sweating Sickness - Sweating While Sle"

  • Excessive Facial Sweating - Excessive Face Sweating - Excess - excessive facial sweating - excessive face sweating - excessive head sweating

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Excessive Facial Sweating - Excessive Face Sweating - Excess"

  • Sweating Problems - Proven Methods To Stop Excessive Sweatin - sweating problems - Proven Methods To Stop Excessive Sweating at Home - Increased Sweating: Hyperhydrosis

    Finally You've Discovered the Proven Guide Dedicated to Beat Excessive Head
    Neck, or Facial Sweating, in Less than Two Weeks... that's my 100% Guarantee!

    Discover How 1000's of People within the USA Have Already Found Everlasting
    Relief From Excessive Head and Facial Sweating.

    Our Advice is Laser Targeted Towards Ending Your Head Neck and Facial
    Sweating Problems 100% Guaranteed.

    My Methods do NOT contain:

    Techniques related to armpit sweat reduction - these obviously don't apply for the head, face, and neck!

    Surgical Procedures


    Fad Creams or Lotions

    Botox Injections

    Electrical Stimulation Methods (ie. Iontophoresis)

    Techniques requiring additional equipment.

    Techniques that require any more than 7-8 minutes of your time per day.

    Ver video "Sweating Problems - Proven Methods To Stop Excessive Sweatin"

  • Extreme Measures by Rachel Carrington

    Available now from Amazon:

    Four years ago Erin's life changed drastically. Her drug-addicted brother killed her parents, and her marriage disintegrated. Her husband, Matt, an FBI agent, had done his duty when he'd arrested Stuart, but she'd been too caught up in her own grief to allow him to help her move through the shadows of pain.

    Now Matt is back, but it isn't to attempt reconciliation. Her brother has escaped from Attica, and Erin is his next target. Matt will stop Stuart by any means necessary. But Stuart is a desperate man, and desperate men will do anything to get what they want.

    Thrown together by treacherous circumstances, Matt and Erin fight a battle to stay alive and possibly figure out how to put the pieces of their destroyed lives back together again.

    Also available at Nook and All Romance eBooks.

    Ver video "Extreme Measures by Rachel Carrington"

  • Vampire Forgotten Audiobook by Rachel Carrington




    Vampires Destined Series

    Three vampires. Separate destinies. All desiring a woman to love them for who they are not what they are.


    Vampire Forgotten
    Book II

    Forgotten in the mountains of Romania. Forced to live a life he didn't choose. Suffering the daily pain of loneliness. Spending an eternity without the touch of a woman's hand.

    Though damned as a vampire, Rhad Valentine has been given what some might call the gift of psychic sight. He sees it as a constant reminder of real life going on without him—a life he cannot live.

    Mischa Bonovich is on a desperate mission to find her missing sister, Rianna. Led to the mountains of her homeland by the faint call of Rianna's voice, Mischa needs Rhad's gift and his strength.

    Wild hunger, both foreign and welcome, drives Rhad to his knees. He'd never held a woman so soft. Kissed one so responsive. And in spite of his inner protests, he'll do anything to help her. Anything to feel just one more touch of her hand.

    In the dark forests of Romania, Rhad's desire won't be quenched until he tastes what only Mischa can offer, but first, he must save her from a man who has nothing to lose. A man who holds a deadly secret that could tear Mischa from Rhad's arms before love can happen.

    Ver video "Vampire Forgotten Audiobook by Rachel Carrington"

  • Cómo usar azúcar para desinfectar heridas - L'utilisation du sucre pour désinfecter les plaies - Primeros auxilios / First aids / Primeiros socorros

    ¡Subscribete a nuestro canal!: Subscribe here! Mostramos y describimos el efecto que tiene el azúcar para desinfectar y cicatrizar heridas, efecto bactericida por su capacidad de privación de oxígeno. El azúcar puede estar disponible en una situación de primeros auxilios de supervivencia, donde no tengamos ningún desinfectante de la medicina tradicional (povidona yodada, alcohol, agua oxigenada, etc.), es decir, como desinfectante y cicatrizante improvisado o de circunstancia.

    Otros desinfectantes naturales que podemos usar, además del azúcar, son la cebolla y el ajo (o su jugo) o el vinagre. Como vemos, entre los alimentos y condimentos también podemos encontrar medicinas naturales como estas, aplicables a los primeros auxilios de supervivencia.

    - How to use sugar to disinfect wounds
    We show and describe the effect of sugar to disinfect and heal wounds, for their ability bactericidal effect of oxygen deprivation. The sugar may be available on a first aid situation of survival, where we have no traditional medicine disinfectant (povidone-iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc..), Ie, as a disinfectant and healing improvised or circumstance.

    Vamos mostrar e descrever o efeito do açúcar para desinfectar e curar feridas, por seu efeito bactericida capacidade de privação de oxigênio. O açúcar pode estar disponível em uma situação de primeiros socorros de sobrevivência, onde não temos a medicina tradicional desinfetante (iodo-povidona, álcool, água oxigenada, etc.), Ou seja, como desinfetante e cura improvisada ou circunstância.

    Ver video "Cómo usar azúcar para desinfectar heridas - L'utilisation du sucre pour désinfecter les plaies - Primeros auxilios / First aids / Primeiros socorros"

  • Cypher Chapala Zapopan (Video Oficial)

    Titulo: Cypher Chapala Zapopan
    Artistas: Charly Sanabria, Lil Sinky, Nika El Traviezo & Insane Music
    Lugar: Chapala y Guadalajara
    This audiovisual content is for entertainment only, we are not criminal organizations, we do not incite violence, weapons and illegal substances are props for entertainment purposes, the lyrics of each song on this channel is only a representation of what is lived in the streets, Mafia Lirical Records does not make any apology for violence, the content of this channel may contain violence, sexual or altruistic content used only for entertainment, discretion is recommended.
    Este contenido audiovisual es solo para entretenimiento, no somos organizaciones criminales, no incitamos a la violencia, las armas y sustancias ilegales son de utilería con el propósito de entretenimiento, la letra de cada canción en este canal solo es una representación de lo que se vive en las calles, Mafia Lirical Records no hace ninguna apología a la violencia, el contenido de este canal puede contener violencia, contenido sexual o altruista utilizado solo para entretenimiento, se recomienda discreción.
    Anghami: /
    KKbox: /
    Derechos Reservados © SafeCreative
    #MafiaLirical #FamiliaLow #ChapaLow

    Ver video "Cypher Chapala Zapopan (Video Oficial)"

  • Nunca - Geme Dos ft Lil Sinky (Video Oficial)

    Titulo: Nunca (Video Oficial)
    Artistas: Geme Dos ft Lil Sinky
    Lugar: Zapopan Jalisco

    Geme Dos:

    This audiovisual content is for entertainment only, we are NOT criminal organizations, we do NOT incite violence, weapons and illegal substances are props for entertainment purposes, the lyrics of each song on this channel is only a representation of what is lived in the streets, Mafia Lirical Records does not make any apology for violence, the content of this channel may contain violence, sexual or altruistic content used only for entertainment, discretion is recommended.

    Este contenido audiovisual es solo para entretenimiento, NO somos organizaciones criminales, NO incitamos a la violencia, las armas y sustancias ilegales son de utilería con el propósito de entretenimiento, la letra de cada canción en este canal solo es una representación de lo que se vive en las calles, Mafia Lirical Records no hace ninguna apología a la violencia, el contenido de este canal puede contener violencia, contenido sexual o altruista utilizado solo para entretenimiento, se recomienda discreción.
    Anghami: /
    KKbox: /
    Derechos Reservados © SafeCreative
    #MafiaLirical #FamiliaLow #GemeDos

    Ver video "Nunca - Geme Dos ft Lil Sinky (Video Oficial)"

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