Iolanda Batallé: "Som una nació ocupada per una altre"
Iolanda Balas - Athletics Women's High Jump - Summer Olympic Games 1964
Summary Olympic Games of Tokyo-Summer Olympic Games. Image of the sports stadium with the public on the stands. Pebetero with the flame. Judges preparing the track for the high jump test. Women's athletics contest, high jump (Women's High Jump): Image of the test with athletes 173, 205 and another woman. Image of the podium with the winners and delivery of the medal to Iolanda Balas. (Without sound)
1st Iolanda Balas (Romania)
2nd Michele Mason- Brown (Australia)
3rd Taisiya Tschetschik (Russia)
Date: 10/15/1964
Duration: 1 minute 17 seconds
Film code: C-01262
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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