Videos relacionados con lease agreement


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  • Transfering leases, overall leasing business.

  • Lease swap scaling popularity people lease swap Lease swapping scaling popularity. More people turns into lease swap option. No downpayment, make sense looking people who wants to get out of a lease and take over a lease. With no money down, take over a lease for the remaining lease months and avoid downpayment.

    Ver video "Lease swap scaling popularity people lease swap"

  • Break lease early, take over lease car of dreams Break lease early, take over lease to get the car of dreams BMW luxury vehicle. get rid of a lease. Find some one to take over a lease get a luxury vehicle for summer.

    Ver video "Break lease early, take over lease car of dreams"

  • Airport leasing property

    Ver video "Airport leasing property"

  • SEIU Agreement

    Ver video "SEIU Agreement"


    Ver video "UFW AGREEMENT"

  • Oakland Coliseum Lease Vote

    Ver video "Oakland Coliseum Lease Vote"

  • Tough market complicates car lease Projected value of the vehicle. Difficult to project future value and residual values when leasing Vehicles. Options as a consumer, to pay less for more car with small monthy payments.

    Ver video "Tough market complicates car lease"

  • Most popular vehicles men lease Most popular vehicles men lease are: Chevy Suburban, Mercedes S-Class, Ford F150, Corvette and Toyota Camry. What your vehicle says abouyt you and your personality.

    Ver video "Most popular vehicles men lease"

  • Energy Agreement - Energy Sistem

    Energy Agreement es una app creada por Energy Sistem que podría ayudar a que Rajoy, Sánchez, Iglesias y Rivera se pusieran de acuerdo para formar gobierno. ¿Quieres saber cómo funciona?

    Ver video "Energy Agreement - Energy Sistem"

  • godaddy hosting service agreement

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  • Outlet Mall Agreement Official

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  • domain website hosting agreement

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  • Afford to make their lease payments Many find that can no longer afford to make their lease payments, but insted of turning your car in now you can transfer the lease contract to some one else who is mind to drive a new vehicle

    Ver video "Afford to make their lease payments"

  • Projecting residual value of leased vehicles How lease market is facing dificulties when projecting residual value of leased vehicles. Financial companies. When you lease a car the financial company buy a car when you lease in and sells the car when lease ends

    Ver video "Projecting residual value of leased vehicles"

  • Cheaper way out to a car lease. If you want to retur your vehicle to the dealer before lease contract ends, you tipically pay termination fees and penalties that means a lot of money, but there is a cheaper way out. Find out Why to get rid.

    Ver video "Cheaper way out to a car lease."

  • Lease Trading vehicles in the United States. Lease Trading vehicles in the United States. List your car to get exposure on internet and find some one else who wan to take over your current lease contract before ends.

    Ver video "Lease Trading vehicles in the United States."

  • Lease Out where buyers are waiting Lease Out, you want to get out of your lease? enter to where buyers are waiting to tke over your lease. There has never been easier to find some one who wants to take over your lease.

    Ver video "Lease Out where buyers are waiting"

  • Leasing inmobiliario: ¿Cómo obtener la casa propia?

    Milton Von Hesse explica a detalle las tres modalidades para acceder a la vivienda propia.

    Ver video "Leasing inmobiliario: ¿Cómo obtener la casa propia?"

  • Leasing inmobiliario: ¿Cómo obtener la casa propia?

    Milton Von Hesse explica a detalle las tres modalidades para acceder a la vivienda propia.

    Ver video "Leasing inmobiliario: ¿Cómo obtener la casa propia?"

  • Need to Get Out of Lease ASAP? Find out how to get out of your apartment lease without paying any early termination fees to your landlord. We can find you a qualified replacement tenant to take on the rest of your lease within 14 days.

    Ver video "Need to Get Out of Lease ASAP?"

  • Kaiser Reaches Labor Agreement With Nurses.

    Ver video "Kaiser Reaches Labor Agreement With Nurses."

  • dedicated server leasing freebsd dedicated hosting dedicated severs

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  • Módulo Sistemas de Información - ¿Qué es el leasing

    Ver video "Módulo Sistemas de Información - ¿Qué es el leasing"

  • Paris agreement could save millions of lives

    Geneva, Nov 23 (efe-epa), (Camera: María Álvarez-Granada).- A World Health Organisation director says meeting the Paris Agreement terms could reduce the lethal effects of global warming. María Neira, director of public health and environment at WHO, spoke out ahead of the Cop25 climate crisis summit in Madrid.

    Ver video "Paris agreement could save millions of lives"

  • Off lease and Repos for Commercial Trucks, Construction Equi

    In today's unstable economy, the start up and seasoned business has an unique opportunity to acquire an attractive deal for off lease and repos for commercial trucks, construction equipment and commercial trailers for sale.

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  • What FICO Credit Score Needed to Lease a Car?

    Go To The Link To Instantly Find Out Your Credit Score For Free

    What FICO Credit Score Needed to Lease a Car?


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  • Find Out How Equipment Leasing Tax Benefits Can Help Your Business

    Visit for more info

    Ver video "Find Out How Equipment Leasing Tax Benefits Can Help Your Business"

  • HRW dismisses Bangladesh-Myanmar agreement on Rohingya repatriation

    Cox's Bazar (Bangladesh), Nov 24 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Abir Abdullah). Human Rights Watch said Friday it considered "laughable" the agreement signed by Myanmar and Bangladesh to repatriate Rohingyas who fled Myanmar to escape violence.
    Keywords: efe,epa,myanmar,bangladesh,rohingya,crisis,nomonetizar

    Ver video "HRW dismisses Bangladesh-Myanmar agreement on Rohingya repatriation"

  • Many people is trying to get out of their leases Many people is trying to get out of their leases in order to downsize expenses at the end of the month. Downsize can easely be done using service

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  • take over some one lease and get the right vehicle Lease In, take over some one lease and get the right vehicle at the right price, there is no downpayment or long term comitment you only drive what is left on the lease.

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  • Peruvian Cuisine in the World - Sodexo-Apega Agreement

    Peruvian Cuisine in the World - Sodexo-Apega Agreement

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  • Pence delivers remarks on US-Canada-Mexico agreement

    the USMCA deal paving the way for lawmakers to vote on the trade deal, Vice President Pence Wednesday will tour Ford’s truck plant and make remarks on the USMCA.

    Ver video "Pence delivers remarks on US-Canada-Mexico agreement"

  • Blood Drive 1x07 Promo "The Gentleman's Agreement" (HD)

    Slink unleashes a demon from the belly of Heart Enterprises to exact his revenge and take control.

    Ver video "Blood Drive 1x07 Promo "The Gentleman's Agreement" (HD)"

  • Cambodian, Malaysian premiers ink agreements in Phnom Penh

    Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Sep 3 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Kith Serey). The prime ministers of Malaysia and Cambodia on Tuesday oversaw the signing of two bilateral agreements at Phnom Penh’s Peace Palace and addressed topics of security, trade and regional issues.

    Ver video "Cambodian, Malaysian premiers ink agreements in Phnom Penh"

  • LEX LUGER BEATS for LEASE - Misdameanor Beats HOTT!! BANGER 2012

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    LEX LUGER BEATS for LEASE - Misdameanor Beats HOTT!! BANGER 2012


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  • Greece reaches agreement with creditors for third bailout

    Atenas, Aug 10 (EFE).- Greece and its creditors have reached an agreement for a third bailout.

    Keywords: efe,ue,greece,crisis,bailout,euro,agreement

    Ver video "Greece reaches agreement with creditors for third bailout"

  • Off lease and Repos for Peterbilt Trucks, Clearance Sale, St

    In today's unstable economy, the start up and seasoned business has an unique opportunity to acquire an attractive deal for off lease and repos for Peterbilt commercial trucks. Due to a contracting economy, many lenders have excess inventories

    Ver video "Off lease and Repos for Peterbilt Trucks, Clearance Sale, St"

  • McAllen and Reynosa Mayors Sign \'Agreement of Sisterhood\'

    Ver video "McAllen and Reynosa Mayors Sign \'Agreement of Sisterhood\'"

  • Ichiro Suzuki, Mariners, 44 near agreement on contract

    Ichiro Suzuki, at 44 years old, is getting closer to continuing his major league career where it all began

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  • Gobierno presentará ley del leasing inmobiliario dentro de las facultades legislativas

    El ministro de Vivienda, Milton Von Hesse, informó que el proyecto de ley que establecerá el sistema del leasing inmobiliario y alquiler-venta será presentado en el marco de las facultades legislativas que le otorgue el Congreso.

    Ver video "Gobierno presentará ley del leasing inmobiliario dentro de las facultades legislativas"

  • Ollanta Humala: Leasing inmobiliario ayudará a que los emergentes sean propietarios

    El presidente de la República, Ollanta Humala, aseguró que la ley de alquiler venta y leasing inmobiliario que firmará hoy, beneficiará principalmente a las familias emergentes ya que les permitirá ser propietarios de una vivienda.

    Ver video "Ollanta Humala: Leasing inmobiliario ayudará a que los emergentes sean propietarios"

  • Green Leasing: ¿Cómo reducir la huella de carbono en mi empresa?

    Chief Risk Officer de Engen Capital, habló sobre el green leasing, la apuesta de esa empresa por la sostenibilidad.

    Ante el cambio climático, el calentamiento global, entre otros fenómenos que afectan el medioambiente, esta organización anunció un nuevo mecanismo para reducir la huella de carbono desde la industria privada.

    Ver video "Green Leasing: ¿Cómo reducir la huella de carbono en mi empresa?"

  • TAMIU And City Of Laredo Sign Historic Memorandum Agreement

    Ver video "TAMIU And City Of Laredo Sign Historic Memorandum Agreement"

  • Pyongyang, Seoul reach agreement to hold inter-Korean summit

    Pyongyang (North Korea), Mar 6 (EFE/EPA). The North Korean leader and South Korean high-level envoys have reached a "satisfactory" agreement during their meeting in Pyongyang, to hold a inter-Korean summit with the South Korean President, the North Korean state news agency KCNA reported Tuesday.  
    Keywords: efe,epa,south,north,korea,talks,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Pyongyang, Seoul reach agreement to hold inter-Korean summit"

  • Investment company signs agreement with City of Laredo Council

    Ver video "Investment company signs agreement with City of Laredo Council"

  • A new lease of life beckons for Morocco's last remaining bullring

    Tangier (Morocco), Mar. 14 (EFE) - (Camera: Mohamed Siali). One of Africa's only two remaining bullrings, which stands with its peeling facade in the Moroccan city of Tangiers and serves as a reminder of the Arab country's shared heritage with southwestern Europe, is set to undergo a redevelopment after decades of dereliction, authorities told EFE Thursday.

    Ver video "A new lease of life beckons for Morocco's last remaining bullring"

  • Canada, Kazakhstan sign agreement aimed at strengthening nuclear test ban

    Astana, Nov 29 (EFE), (Camera: Kulpash Konyrova).- Canada and Kazakhstan on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a project to provide the Central Asian nation with a radionuclide and noble gas detection station, a facility that will help strengthen the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).
    Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,canada,agreement,memorandum,understanding,station,nuclear,test,ban

    Ver video "Canada, Kazakhstan sign agreement aimed at strengthening nuclear test ban"

  • Macron SLAMS Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement

    french president Macron SLAMS president Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement its NOT RENEGOTIABLE macron also tells trump make our planet great again 6/1/2017

    Ver video "Macron SLAMS Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement"

  • Mayor of Laredo and border leaders discuss Free Trade Agreement

    Ver video "Mayor of Laredo and border leaders discuss Free Trade Agreement"

  • Bi National agreement to allow for tuberculosis treatments in Laredo

    Ver video "Bi National agreement to allow for tuberculosis treatments in Laredo"

  • Macri: EU-Mercosur trade agreement 'most important in bloc's history'

    Osaka (Japan), Jun 29 (EFE).- The president of Argentina on Friday described the trade agreement reached between the European Union and Mercosur after 20 years as "the most important in history" for the South American trade bloc.
    Keywords: efe,eu,mercosur,trade,deal,south,america,europe

    Ver video "Macri: EU-Mercosur trade agreement 'most important in bloc's history'"

  • South Korea urges North to implement agreements, resume dialogue (C)

    Seoul (South Korea), May 17 (EFE/EPA).- South Korea on Thursday urged North Korea to fulfill the agreements reached during the inter-Korean summit and to resume talks a day after Pyongyang canceled a high-level meeting with Seoul and said it was reconsidering its participation in the upcoming summit with the United States.
    Keywords: efe,epa,korea,north,south,diplomacy,nomonetizar

    Ver video "South Korea urges North to implement agreements, resume dialogue (C)"

  • Canada, Kazakhstan sign agreement aimed at strengthening nuclear test ban

    Astana, Nov 29 (EFE), (Camera: Kulpash Konyrova).- Canada and Kazakhstan on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a project to provide the Central Asian nation with a radionuclide and noble gas detection station, a facility that will help strengthen the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).
    Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,canada,agreement,memorandum,understanding,station,nuclear,test,ban

    Ver video "Canada, Kazakhstan sign agreement aimed at strengthening nuclear test ban"

  • Is It Best To Lease A Car With An Option To Buy It?

    Visit for more info

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  • DiFilm - Men signing an agreement in a European country 1967

    Overviews of 3 men signing an agreement in a European country; then one of them a speech. General views of the people present in the room. (Image no sound)

    Vistas generales de 3 hombres suscribiendo un acuerdo en un país de Europa; luego uno de ellos pronuncia un discurso. Vistas generales de la gente presente en el salón. (Sin sonido)
    Fecha: 1967
    Duración: 39 segundos
    Código del film: A-22064

    Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Consultas por material de archivo -
    Más videos e información en: o Seguinos en:

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  • Al día con Gestión: Promulgación de leasing inmobiliario y refinanciamiento de deuda tributaria

    Hoy el presidente Ollanta Humala promulgó el decreto legislativo de alquiler-venta de viviendas y leasing inmobiliario, medida que beneficiará principalmente a las familias emergentes, señaló el mandatario.

    Ver video "Al día con Gestión: Promulgación de leasing inmobiliario y refinanciamiento de deuda tributaria"

  • Al día con Gestión: Promulgación de leasing inmobiliario y refinanciamiento de deuda tributaria

    Hoy el presidente Ollanta Humala promulgó el decreto legislativo de alquiler-venta de viviendas y leasing inmobiliario, medida que beneficiará principalmente a las familias emergentes, señaló el mandatario.

    Ver video "Al día con Gestión: Promulgación de leasing inmobiliario y refinanciamiento de deuda tributaria"

  • President Of Laredo Chamber Of Commerce Speaks On Free Trade Agreement

    Ver video "President Of Laredo Chamber Of Commerce Speaks On Free Trade Agreement"

  • Casas en Renta con Opción de Compra - Calculadora Garantía de Arrendamiento - Colorado Home Leasing

    La gente siempre nos pregunta, ¿que importe en efectivo necesito para convertirme en uno de los participantes del Arrendamiento-con Opción a-Compra?
    Hemos creado una calculadora muy sencilla para ayudarle a contestar esta pregunta.
    ¿Listo para comenzar?
    Ingrese a, y haga clic en el botón rojo que está en la parte superior derecha del sitio web para cambiar el idioma a español.
    Una vez que esté en el sitio web, desplácese hacia abajo hasta la Calculadora Garantía-de-Arrendamiento e ingrese su información en los campos.
    Primer paso – elija de la lista el Precio Inicial de Avalúo de la propiedad que ha elegido para arrendar-comprar. Este valor deberá proporcionárselo el perito o valuador, sin embargo si no cuenta con un avaluó, no se preocupe. Simplemente ingrese el precio de venta de la casa que aparece en los listados.
    Segundo paso – elija de la lista el Precio del Contrato de Opción. Este precio se lo proporcionará Colorado Home Leasing después de que hayamos revisado su solicitud y determinado su elegibilidad. Este es el importe que le requerimos que pague a la firma del contrato de arrendamiento para tener derecho a comprar su casa a un precio predeterminado. La mayoría de los depósitos de Contratos de Opción tienen un costo del 3.6% del Precio Inicial de Avalúo de la Propiedad, el cual fue el que ingresó en el Primer Paso. Necesitará tener disponible este importe en efectivo cuando firme el contrato de arrendamiento, sin embargo a través de nuestro programa Arrendamiento-es-Más se le reembolsará por lo menos este importe si decide comprar la casa.
    A continuación, haga clic en el botón calcular.
    La tabla que se muestra le dará un estimado de cuánto dinero en efectivo requiere a la firma del arrendamiento.
    Para este ejemplo, nosotros elegimos:
    $250,000 como Precio Inicial de Avalúo de la propiedad
    3.6% como el Precio del Contrato de Opción
    Basándonos en estos valores, usted necesitará aproximadamente de $21,000 mil dólares cuando firme los contratos de arrendamiento y de opción. Si decide adquirir la casa, los importes del Contrato de Opción y del Depósito de Seguridad se le reembolsarán cuando realice el cierre. En nuestro ejemplo, estos importes equivalen a poco más de $12,000 dólares de reembolso, lo cual baja el Costo Neto de la Firma del Contrato de Arrendamiento a aproximadamente $8,800 dólares.
    Múdese hoy mismo a la casa de su elección.
    Asegure un precio de compra.
    Esta es la ventaja de Colorado Home Leasing.
    Deje de tirar el dinero en una renta y comience a participar de la recuperación del mercado inmobiliario.
    Visítenos en y conviértase hoy mismo en uno de nuestros participantes del Arrendamiento-con Opción a-Compra ®.

    Ver video "Casas en Renta con Opción de Compra - Calculadora Garantía de Arrendamiento - Colorado Home Leasing"

  • El chino Bohai de leasing aeronáutico ofrece 2.300 millones por su homólogo irlandés Avolon

    El grupo chino aeronáutico Bohai propone comprar su homólogo irlandés Avolon por 2.300 millones de euros. Ambas compañías ofrecen sus servicios a aerolíneas de todo el mundo, un sector en plena reestructuración. Avolon responde que estudiará la oferta, ya que tiene otra propuesta de compra sobre la mesa.

    La oferta de Bohai consiste en 31 dólares por acción de Avolon. O sea, una prima del 55 por ciento respecto a su cotización en Nueva York. El otro rival no revelado propone treinta dólares. Su introducción en bolsa en diciembre pasado se hizo a veinte dólares. De hecho, Bohai ha aumentado su propuesta ya que inicialmente solo quería quedarse con el veinte por ciento de Avolon. El irlandés tiene una flota de 260 aparatos y cuenta con 56 clientes en 33 países.

    Ver video "El chino Bohai de leasing aeronáutico ofrece 2.300 millones por su homólogo irlandés Avolon"

  • Give Your Credit Rating a Kick Start with MSG Cars Bad Credit Car Lease

    Go To The Link To Instantly Find Out Your Credit Score For Free

    Give Your Credit Rating a Kick Start with MSG Cars Bad Credit Car Lease


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  • Milton von Hesse: “Leasing y alquiler-venta también estarán exonerados de pago de IGV”

    El anuncio de un nuevo paquete de medidas para descongelar el sector inmobiliario despertó una serie de especulaciones desde hace ya más de tres meses. La publicación de la nueva ley de arrendamiento terminó de despejar varias dudas.

    Ver video "Milton von Hesse: “Leasing y alquiler-venta también estarán exonerados de pago de IGV”"

  • Tempe Rent to Own- 828 W Westchester Ave Tempe, AZ 85283- Lease Option Homes - Tempe Rent To Own, Lease Option Homes For Sale in Arizona

    Mesa Rent To Own Lease Option Homes For Sale: A great Newly Remodeled Property. It comes with a 4 bedroom home with loft in gated barrington estates featuring an open kitchen to family
    Room, downstairs bedroom & bath, plus it's in a great neighborhood close to schools, shopping and freeways. Call Us Now and Get Qualified for this Property for No Money Down to Move In and we help Fix Your Credit and Provide You with Financing.

    Call us Today and Get Qualified for this Property. We fix your Credit and provide you with Financing.

    Lease Option HOTLINE: To Talk to one of our Lease Option Specialists, call 602-254-6244 option 1

    For more properties, please visit our website at

    Call our Lease Option Specialist at 602.254.6244 to schedule an appointment to view the inside of this newly remodeled home.

    To get qualified on our lease option programs please visit our website and fill out our FREE APPLICATION.

    Bed Bath: 3/2
    Year Built: 1979
    Square Footage: 1656
    Monthly Rent: $1,025.00

    More Information about the property:

    Level: Single Level
    Dwelling Type: Single Family Detached
    Construction: Frame-Wood
    Fencing: Block
    Cooling: Refrigeration
    Heating: Electric Heat
    Roofing: Asphalt
    Taxes: $1,327.46/2010
    Parking: 2 Car Carport
    Master Bathroom: 3/4 Bath Master Bdrm
    Kitchen Features: Range/Oven Elec; Disposal; Dishwasher; Built-in Microwave
    Laundry: Wshr/Dry HookUp Only
    Dining Area: Formal; Eat%u2010in Kitchen
    Other Rooms: Family Room
    Utilities: SRP, APS, City Water, Sewer- Public

    Ver video "Tempe Rent to Own- 828 W Westchester Ave Tempe, AZ 85283- Lease Option Homes"

  • Elia Kazan recuerda "La barrera invisible" (Elia Kazan remembers "Gentlemen´s Agreement")

    Ver video "Elia Kazan recuerda "La barrera invisible" (Elia Kazan remembers "Gentlemen´s Agreement")"

  • Real Madrid and Microsoft sign agreement on Spanish football club's "digital transformation"

    Madrid, 18 Nov (EFE).- Microsoft announced Tuesday an agreement with Spanish football club Real Madrid to become the team's "strategic technological partner". The company plans to digitize Madrid's activities and create a digital platform for fans, while both players and technical staff will use Microsoft's products and services.

    Keywords: efe,football,soccer,real madrid,microsoft,agreement,madrid.

    Ver video "Real Madrid and Microsoft sign agreement on Spanish football club's "digital transformation""

  • - La edad de hielo - Seafight España 1

    Batalla nocturna en el España 1

    Ver video "- La edad de hielo - Seafight España 1"

  • US to host La Liga matches after reaching agreement to promote soccer

    Madrid, Aug 16 (EFE).- The United States is set to host several games of the Spanish soccer league's regular season following an agreement reached Thursday by La Liga and the US multinational media, sports and entertainment group Relevent that aims to boost soccer's popularity in America and Canada.

    Keywords: efe,spain,soccer,football,laliga,usa,nomonetizar

    Ver video "US to host La Liga matches after reaching agreement to promote soccer"

  • U.S. Dollar Collapse Update / UK And China Swap Agreement from June 2013

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    U.S. Dollar Collapse Update / UK And China Swap Agreement from June 2013


    Ver video "U.S. Dollar Collapse Update / UK And China Swap Agreement from June 2013"

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