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  • Verilux EasyRead Magnifying Desk Lamp Review

    Verilux EasyRead Magnifying Desk LampProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

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  • Efecto de lupa o lente de aumento - Tutorial after effects

    Esta semana el tutorial que les he preparado es como crear el efecto de una lupa, aunque también se puede adaptar a lentes de aumento, sobre texto o imágenes. Comenzaremos creando nuestra lupa en Photoshop, luego nos trasladamos a After effects para crear una composición a a partir de una captura de pantalla de un sitio web de noticias, colocaremos la lupa, añadiremos una capa de ajuste a la cual le agregaremos los efectos Bulge y Magnify para lograr el efecto de ver a través de una lente con aumento. Animaremos la lupa recorriendo sobre el texto y las imágenes para terminar nuestro video. Distributed by Tubemogul.

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  • Dio - Holy Driver

    Magnific performance

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  • INXS - Need You Tonight

    INXS Live magnific performance.

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  • Let's play, Ratcher and Clank, 16212peah

    Probando por fin este súper juego haciendo un directo. Seguiré jugándolo y continuando la aventura. Muchas gracias por verlo. Espero que les guste.

    At least trying R & C in ps4, I made a live video. I'll be playing this magnific adventure. Hope you enjoy it too.

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  • Dan Kuschell Scam Mentoring Dan Kuschell’s strategy involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Dan Kuschell Scam Alert Dan Kuschell’s strategy involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Dan Kuschell Complaints

    Dan Kuschell’s strategy involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Dan Kuschell Scam Mentoring The startegy of Dan Kuschell involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Dan Kuschell Internet Scam

    htpp:// Dan Kuschell´s strategy involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Dan Kuschell Scam Mentoring Dan Kuschell’s strategy involves three stages to identify and overcome obstacles hindering growth, establish and build a foundation for success, and magnify sales to create large profits.

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  • Reading Book Magnifier Review

    Reading Book Magnifier Review

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    Reading Book Magnifier

    Magnify an entire page at one time!

    Perfect for reading books, looking up telephone numbers, scanning maps, etc.

    Measures 7.5" x 11.75".

    Unbreakable frame with wafer-thin lens

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  • Ruta Volcànica & Ruta Riu Cabriol - Corresendes XRS

    Diumenge 9 de desembre de 2018 Distància : 15,67 km Desnivell : 331 m Cofrents és un dels tresors de la Comunitat Valenciana. S'assenta en la vall del mateix nom, entre les províncies de València, Conca i Albacete, just en la confluència dels rius Xúquer i Cabriol. La localitat és d’origen romà i van ser els romans els qui li van donar el nom de Confluentum, sens dubte per estar ancorada a la confluència dels rius Xúquer i Cabriol. La torre del Castell de Cofrents, construït sobre pedra volcànica, s'encimbella a un precipici de 100 metres sobre el riu Cabriol. Qualsevol queda abstret davant la confluència de les aigües i el magnífic paisatge confrontant. A l'interior del castell es troba el rellotge de ferro pendular més antic que existeix. Veure-ho en funcionament és tota una experiència. El Volcà del Cerro de Agrás, té una altura de 527 metres d’altitud i posseeix un valor científic i didàctic extraordinari. Està considerat com l’únic naixement volcànic recent de la Comunitat Valenciana. La característica més visible d’aquest puig d’Agrás és l’expulsió de CO2 (anhídrid carbònic) i CH4 (metanol), a través d’una cambra magmàtica situada en la profunditat, que desprén bombolles de gas cap al brollador d’Hervideros. En el brollador esmentat està situat el Balneari de los Hervideros, que rep aquesta denominació per la forma d’eixir-ne l’aigua, ja que pareix que estiga en plena ebullició.

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  • Blood and Oil: "Rocks and Hard Places" (1x05 Promo)

    Wick’s shortcomings are magnified when his sister, and potential rival, Lacey officially joins the family business. Meanwhile, Billy attempts to blackmail Hap with information Cody shared with him in confidence, further putting their marriage on the line. Unable to shake suspicions about his son, Hap pays a visit to Sherriff Tip, who reveals that Wick may know more about the robbery than he’s letting on. Later, Gary proves a continuing threat to Wick — but when Wick tries to fight back — it’s Cody who is put in harm’s way, on “Blood & Oil,” airing Sunday, October 25th on ABC.

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  • Fusión Senderista en la Serrella (Famorca) - Corresendes Xeresa

    29 de març de 2015
    Distància : 9'4 Km
    Desnivell: 800 m.
    Magnífic dia per a conèixer altres clubs i penyes ,com la Peña Senderista Esto se Empina,Grupo Alicantino de Montaña,La Revolta,Baladre,Los Guerreros,Elpantadelx Senderismo,Trencabotes,Naturaleza Senderos,Independents,Senderismo de Valencia,Senda Amunt ,en un paratge tan idíl·lic com el de la Serrella,amb els seus cinc cims per damunt dels 1.300 metres: la Mallada del Llop (1.354 m), el Morro del Regall (1.322 m), el Pla de la Casa (1.379 m), el Morro de la Sàlvia (1.326 m) i el pic Serrella (1.359 m).
    Hem esmorzat en la nevera de la Font del Noguer,del segle XVIII.
    Gràcies a tots els grups per aquest dia de muntanya i germanor...tot un plaer,segur que repetirem.
    29 de marzo de 2015
    Distancia : 9'4 Km
    Desnivel: 800 m.
    Magnífico día para conocer otros clubes y peñas ,como Peña Senderista Esto se Empina,Grupo Alicantino de Montaña,La Revolta,Baladre,Los Guerreros,Elpantadelx Senderismo,Trencabotes,Naturaleza Senderos,Independientes,Senderismo de Valencia,Senda Amunt ,en un paraje tan idílico como el de la Serrella,con sus cinco cumbres por encima de los 1.300 metros: la Mallada del Lobo (1.354 m), el Morro del Regall (1.322 m), el Plan de la Casa (1.379 m), el Morro de la Salvia (1.326 m) y el pico Serrella (1.359 m).
    Hemos almorzado en la nevera de la Fuente del Noguer,del siglo XVIII.
    Gracias a todos los grupos por este día de montaña y hermandad...todo un placer,seguro que repetiremos.

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  • Minion Patient Nose Doctor - Minion Games For Kids

    A nasty flu has been going around the fory, and this little minion seems to be coming down with the bug. Normally, he breezes through his work as high speeds. But today, this productive minion is struggling to complete even the easiest tasks. This minion needs to schedule an emergency appointment with his nose doctor so that he can get back to work. Under the magnifying glass, you notice that the infection has spread. The doctor has a lot of work to do if hes going to help this minion feel better, and he could really use some help. Follow the instructions and use the tools provided to kill beria and clean up this minions nose in this fun online doctor game for girls!\r
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  • UFO or hoax Aerial video over South Korea stirs speculation

    new video has surfaced that some claim shows a saucer-shaped UFO zooming past the window of a passenger airplane flying over Seoul, South Korea.

    In the video, the unidentified passenger is filming the otherwise uneventful view from the plane's window. Suddenly he makes a startled sound as the white saucer-like image comes into view.

    Later in the video, the purported UFO image is magnified. Ultimately, it looks more like an ivory colored bowler hat than a piece of futuristic flying technology. Is this just bad computer-generated imagery (CGI) and a cheap hoax from a prankster or a genuine unidentified object caught on film?

    The same writer who speculates on the origin of this object also recently wrote about video taken from one of NASA's live video feeds. In that video, three objects in a triangle formation appear on screen about five minutes into the video. Someone from NASA chimes in to say the object is actually a piece of foil, aka space junk, and that its reflection is giving the appearance of three objects in a triangle formation.

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  • Dancing Flowers 1935

    In the middle of a garden, a series of flower chorus lines dance to "Oh, You Beautiful Doll" played by a dandelion Harpo Marx. Various dandelion and flower parades ensue, such as playing the harp on a spider web, and violets dancing using dandelions as parasols. A duo of snails announces a flower pageant, with prizes given to those who participate. Many floats are in the parade. A hillbilly cactus sees the parade and wants to take part in it as well. He sprays some seeds onto a toy train and waters the seeds to produce various bluebells. The audience likes the cactus' float, but not the judges. The train spontaneously breaks, ejecting the cactus, and he becomes the laughing stock of the pageant. In another part of the garden, a match is lit by a magnifying glass and starts to incinerate the pageant. As many of the flowers and snails run away in fear, the cactus sees the fire and tries to put it out. His attempt to get rid of the fire with a sprinkler fails, as a flame manages to burn him in the back. However, a watermelon patch is good enough to stop the fire when he pokes holes in the watermelons. The cactus is now declared a hero. A small flame manages to escape being extinguished, but a grasshopper finds the flame and spits a curveball on it to finally put the fire out.

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  • The Octonauts Shellington on the Go Pod Octopod Video by Hitzh Toys

    The Octonauts Shellington on the Go Pod Octopod Video by Hitzh Toys\r
    Designed for on-the-go adventures, Shellingtons pod opens to reveal everything he needs for mobile missions! This marine biologist can fill up and empty his test tubes when you slide the pods lever back and forth! Shellington can also investigate with his magnifying glass and microscope! When he needs to quickly meet up with the crew, Shellington can slip through the pods trap door! To add even more ion to your Octo-adventures, the pod can be used with the Octopod Playset! Simply snap Shellingtons pod onto the playset and he will be able to slide into the Launch Bay to report for duty! Includes pod, Shellington, removable microscope, magnifying glass and isopod.\r
    Check out our channel for other cool toy unboxing , reviews and play time. We do videos of Disney Pixar cars, Octonauts, Star Wars, Thomas the Tank Engine, Paw Patrol, Bing, Spider man, Play Doh, Giant Surprise Eggs, Kinder Surprise Egg, Avengers, Batman, Super man, Lego, Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT, Angry Birds, Pie Face and many more. Hope You have a good time and allways walk in the light :)\r
    看看我们的其他很酷的玩具拆箱,审查和播放时间通道。我们做的迪士尼皮克斯汽车, Octonauts ,星球大战,托马斯坦克引擎,爪子巡逻,冰,蜘蛛侠,发挥卫生署,巨人出奇蛋,金德惊喜蛋,复仇者,蝙蝠侠,超级人,乐高,青少年时代的突变体Ninja视频海龟忍者神龟,愤怒的小鸟,大饼脸等等。希望你有一个很好的时间,百达走在光:)\r
    他のクールなおもちゃのボックス化解除、口コミやプレイ時間のための私達のチャネルをチェックしてください。私たちは、ディズニーピクサーの車、すすめ!オクトノーツ、スターウォーズ、きかんしゃトーマス、足パトロール、ビング、スパイダーマン、いやはや、ジャイアントサプライズ卵、キンダーサプライズエッグ、アベンジャーズ、バットマン、スーパーマン、レゴ、ティーンエイジミュータントニンジャプレイのビデオを行いますカメTMNT 、怒っている鳥、パイの顔と、より多くの。あなたは良い時間と光の中でオールウェイズ散歩を持っている願っています:)\r
    Toy and Toys in other languages \r
    اللعب , عروسه لعبه , играчки , играчка , 玩具 , 玩具 , igračke , igračka , hračky , hračka , legetøj , speelgoed , speelgoed- , ludiloj , ludilo , mänguasjad , mänguasi , laruan , lelut , lelu , jouets , jouet , xoguete , xoguetes , სათამაშოები , სათამაშო , Spielzeug , παιχνίδι , παιχνίδια , צעצועים , צַעֲצוּעַ ,qho khoom ua si , cov khoom ua si , játékok , játék , leikfang , leikföng , mainan , bréagán , bréagáin , giocattoli , giocattolo , おもちゃ , トイズ , ಗೊಂಬೆಗಳ , ಆಟಿಕೆ , 장난감 , ຂອງຫຼິ້ນ , LUDIBRIUM , rotaļlietas , rotaļlieta , žaislas , Žaislai , играчки , играчка , खेलौना , खिलौने , leker , leketøy , اسباب بازی , اسباب بازی ها , zabawki , zabawka , brinquedo , brinquedos , jucării , jucărie , игрушка , игрушки , играчке , играчка , juguete , juguetes , leksaker , leksak , பொம்மை , பொம்மைகள் , ของเล่น , oyuncak , oyuncaklar , іграшки , іграшка \r
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