MOC- Slender
Moc basado en slenderman
Ver video "MOC- Slender"
Moc - Trailer
Moc video "Moc - Trailer"
Lego Limousine MOC
Ver video "Lego Limousine MOC"
LEGO Modern House MOC
This luxurious LEGO piece of architecture was designed after the modern-day homes of California. Although only containing one bedroom and one bathroom, this home is packed full of eye-catching details that will hopefully give you some LEGO building inspiration.\r
Enjoy the full tour!\r
In this video, I would like to give a special shoutout to Wuffy Wu, another LEGO youtuber who does MOCs, tutorials, and more! I appreciate all of his awesome support! Heres a link to his channel:\r
If you would like to see a full, step-by-step tutorial on how to make the double-sided fireplace used in the MOC, then heres a link to the video:\r
If you would like to see a full, step-by-step tutorial on how to make the modern LEGO bed used in the MOC, then heres a link to the video: \r
Heres a link to my TD BRICKS account page on Google Plus: \r
If you have any questions or ideas, then feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below. Your friendly and kind feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, stay tune to my future LEGO MOCs and thanks for watching! Have a fun time LEGO building!Ver video "LEGO Modern House MOC"
Lego Avengers Tower MOC Full Layout Complete
Gday all, Here is my final Avengers Tower MOC to display at Brickvention 2016! Want to help me produce more content for you to watch? Simply use this link to do all your shopping! \r
By doing this I earn a small commission which I reinvest to bring you bigger and better builds to enjoy. Thank you\r
Thank you to everyone for your inspiration and support in helping me get here. So tell me what you think, Id love to hear from you in the comments. Dont forget you can find me on Instagram as well @downunderbricks. Thanks for watching and dont forget to like, comment and subscribe. Why not checkout more of my videos here: \r
Music:Ver video "Lego Avengers Tower MOC Full Layout Complete"
MOC – LEGO Wall-E RC Motorized Speed Build (instruction)
MOC – LEGO Wall-E RC Motorized Speed Build (instruction) \r
Ver video "MOC – LEGO Wall-E RC Motorized Speed Build (instruction)"
LEGO MOC - Wioska Krondor odcinek 5 - Podziemia Zamku Krondor
LEGO MOC - Wioska Krondor odcinek 5 - Podziemia Zamku Krondor
Ver video "LEGO MOC - Wioska Krondor odcinek 5 - Podziemia Zamku Krondor"
Campamento Payasos Johnson
Risas, Diversión, y, sobretodo, amistad. Campamento Payasos Johnson les ofrece
Ver video "Campamento Payasos Johnson"
Biggest Lego Star Wars MOC Base on Mygeeto (Clone Wars Era)
LEGO Star Wars MOC Battle of Mygeeto during the Clone Wars. Mygeeto is an ice planet depicted in the third Star Wars film: Revenge of the Sith, during the Order 66 scene. It is the scene where Commander Bacara (CC-1138) and his Galic Marines turn on Jedi Master and Counsel-member Ki-Adi-Mundi and kill him. This LEGO project took around one year to complete. It contains Over 15,000 LEGO bricks and measures 3.5 x 5 x3.5. It was a blast to film and build and I look forward to sharing it with you! I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the build or the scene in general, just ask in the comments section. And one final thing, I never like asking for shares, likes or subscriptions, but it would be awesome if you could do those things to help this channel grow, and help me build more and improve my builds and video techniques! Thanks – Noah\r
- Backstory for the MOC scene - \r
This LEGO MOC scene takes place in the early days of the battle on the ice planet Mygeeto. As you probably already know the battle was depicted in part during Star Wars Episode İ: Revenge of the Sith towards the start of the scene where all of the clone troopers receive order 66 from chancellor Palpatine, who was then ing as emperor. Many do not know however, that this battle had already been going on for two years before order 66 was issued. My moc aims to capture the earliest days of republic occupation on Mygeeto.\r
The Intergalic Banking Clan and Separatist army have taken control of the majority of the outer rim planet and are harvesting its many resources for evil uses. Resources on the planet include various crystals and gems that can be used to power weapons for either side. Republic troops have just entered the system and are attempting to establish footholds from which to operate from. Grand Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and his 21st Nova Corps. Led by Clone commander Bacara, have yet to be dispatched to the battlefield. For the time being, command of the Republic effort lies with a young Jedi knight named Eon and his phase II clone troopers. Phase II armor is new for the clones and is quickly proving far superior to the phase I armor. Also Eon is new to battle, but is quickly proving to be a skilled warrior as he leads his troopers across one of the many structurally damaged Mygeetian bridges towards a nearby mineral refinery. Separatists have seen this attack coming, so they are well dug in and prepared and have many super battle droids with them as well as a Tri-Droid. Luckily the republics new UT-AT or Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport is a good match for the separatist firepower. Suspender high in the air, there is no room for retreat for either the republic or separatist forces.\r
Please Hit that subscribe button if you liked this video and also, just as important, share comment and like it! I appreciate all my fans and I really do pay attention to what you guys like. I try to make videos based off of things that I think you will like, and the only way for me to do that is if you tell me! Thanks again!\r
Close up of MOCs in this video!\r
Tri-Droid MOC: \r
How to build Tri-Droid: \r
Instagram:Ver video "Biggest Lego Star Wars MOC Base on Mygeeto (Clone Wars Era)"
Custom Build- LEGO Six Bedroom Four and a Half Bathroom House
In this video I will be showing you guys the LEGO Six Bedroom Four and a Half Bathroom House that I made. It has two very detailed floors and an awesome fun-filled backyard! I think it turned out very well!
Ver video "Custom Build- LEGO Six Bedroom Four and a Half Bathroom House"
Bionicle City Of Madness capitulo 6 Toa Glahk pt 3 revelations
Tras derrotar a los primarios, los toa ghalk son enfrentados por el ultimo enemigo de los toa nuva, Rahajlax. En otro lado, turaga takutah descubre quien sera el sucesor de mata nui gracias a... el mismo mata nui.
Ver video "Bionicle City Of Madness capitulo 6 Toa Glahk pt 3 revelations"
Bionicle City Of Madness capitulo 5 toa ghalk pt 2 Battle for freedom
La batalla a comenzado.
Ver video "Bionicle City Of Madness capitulo 5 toa ghalk pt 2 Battle for freedom"
8ª inspección a la base de la OTAN de Bétera (València)
Por octavo año consecutivo, antimilitaristas superan las vallas del cuartel de la Fuerza de Respuesta de la OTAN en Bétera (València) y lo convierten esta vez en una zona recreativa, con bicicleta incluida. La acción estaba este año enmarcada en la campaña internacional "La guerra empieza aquí, paremos la OTAN", con motivo de la cumbre de la alianza atlántica en Lisboa, en noviembre de 2010.
Ver video "8ª inspección a la base de la OTAN de Bétera (València)"
Medio - Los 10 momentos más importantes de Cuauhtémoc Blanco
Con motivo de su onomástico número 37 te presentamos los 10 momentos más importantes en la carrera de Cuauhtémoc Blanco, desde su paso por la Selección Mexicana hasta sus aventuras en Europa y por supuesto en el América.
Ver video "Medio - Los 10 momentos más importantes de Cuauhtémoc Blanco"
Simple Acros
Eccsitantes acros gravadas en 5 minutos..
Ver video "Simple Acros"
Creating a LEGO City Part 4: Down Town Train Layout
The downtown area is taking shape. The large MOCs are in and most of the road layout is done. The big update is the upper level train layout has been mapped and my 9v trains can now run on 100% 9v track.
Ver video "Creating a LEGO City Part 4: Down Town Train Layout"
LEGO Train Track Setup! Three Long Tracks Running Together, Three Steam Trains!!
LEGO Train Track Setup! Three separate train tracks running alongside each other, three steam trains with extra long train station! \r
This is a much more chilled out setup than usual, I wanted to have all the Emerald Night trains running and they dont like slopes! .\r
How I built the Emerald Night in different colours: \r
Please keep all comments family friendly, thanks!\r
Welcome to channel DunksterBricks. Here you can find videos of lots of things made out of LEGO or related to LEGO. There are videos of Train sets and City city sets as well as videos that are tutorials, hauls, and time-lapse. Every so often there is a big railway build which gets bigger everytime its made!\r
Check out some videos of trains here:\r
Check out some videos of Track Setups and Builds here:\r
Check out more information on the monorail tram:\r
Check out some videos of 2017 LEGO Sets here:\r
You can find more information on my LEGO Emerald Nights here:\r
Take a look at how the my MOC Bridges have developed over time:\r
Want to know more about some of my trains? You can see that here:\r
\rVer video "LEGO Train Track Setup! Three Long Tracks Running Together, Three Steam Trains!!"
Expertos advierten daños en la columna por peso desmedido en mochilas escolares
En ocasiones los menores tienden a llevar un peso excesivo en sus mochilas sin saber lo que esto podría ocasionar.
Ver video "Expertos advierten daños en la columna por peso desmedido en mochilas escolares"
El Poder De Un Tractor (The power of a tractor)
El Mejor Tractor Agrícola (the best agricultural tractor)
accidentes de maquinaria pesada:
transportando maquinaria pesada:
-accidentes de maquinaria pesada:
transportando maquinaria pesada:
Accidentes de trailers (TRUCKS) #3
transportando maquinaria pesada:
El Transporte de carga mas grande del mundo (The world's largest load transportation)
Accidentes de Trailers (TRUCKS) #5
Maquinaria pesada salvando vidas (Heavy machinery saving lives)Ver video "INCREÍBLES Tractores (INCREDIBLE Tractors)"
#WDF - El comercial más raro de Japón
Los mejores vídeos de la semana con Moc
Ver video "#WDF - El comercial más raro de Japón"
Śladami Pelagii - pielgrzymka ministrantów
6 listopada 2009, grupa ministrantów Z Celiki, a zarazem wiernych fanów Pelagii, udała się do Mindo, aby i tam móc kroczyć Jej śladami...
Ver video "Śladami Pelagii - pielgrzymka ministrantów"
Lego Technic Coca-Cola Truck With A Wing Body Semi-Trailer
Motorized Lego Technic Coca-Cola truck with a wing body semi-trailer. Please visit also my gallery \r
Please visit also website or\r
Madoca1977 truck was an inspiration to build my MOC\rVer video "Lego Technic Coca-Cola Truck With A Wing Body Semi-Trailer"
Abordado un narcovelero que pretendía introducir en las costas españolas 1.500 kilogramos de cocaína
§ Además de arrestar a sus cuatro tripulantes, se ha procedido al hundimiento de la embarcación en pleno Océano Atlántico debido al mal estado en el que se encontraba y al peligro que entrañaba para las personas que se encontraban a bordo
§ La investigación supone un golpe policial a las organizaciones criminales del Este, líderes en el tráfico de drogas por vía marítima, siendo ésta la sexta embarcación intervenida en tan solo cinco meses
§ Se trata de una operación internacional -coordinada por la Fiscalía Especial Antidroga- en la que también han colaborado la agencia británica NCA, las autoridades americanas e italianas, el CITCO y el MOC-N (Lisboa)Ver video "Abordado un narcovelero que pretendía introducir en las costas españolas 1.500 kilogramos de cocaína"
Marvel Super Hero Mashers Micro Hulk v Loki Spider-Man v Rhino Captain America v Iron Skull 2-Packs
PinoyToyGeek: Your destination for kid-friendly Lego, Imaginext, Playskool Heroes and Mega Bloks videos! We are dedicated to showing you a wide range of toys, including official minifigures, knockoff/bootleg , custom and MOC. MINIFIGURE MANIA DAILY at 5:00 PM Pacific Time except Saturdays. Make sure to click SUBSCRIBE to never miss an !\r
Visit and LIKE us on Facebook at \r
Flickr Photo Gallery at \r
Marvel Super Hero Mashers Micro 2 Pack Action Figure - Hulk and Loki: Even the most powerful of super heroes sometimes needs an extra hand or a foot. Make the ultimate hero mash-up with this customizable Hero Mashers Micro Hulk and Loki figure 2 pack! Despite their micro scale, these figures pack MASH-ive power, especially when mashed with their power-up accessories. Every Hero Mashers Micro figure is customizable and includes 3 connection points allowing kids to detach head and arms, then reconnect them where they want! Universal connectors let kids swap parts with other Hero Mashers figure, giving them the freedom to create a fun superhero mash-up! Additional connection points allow kids to attach battle gear and accessories to amp up the mash-up! Additional Super Hero Mashers figures and accessories each sold separately.\r
The Marvel Super Hero Mashers Micro Action Figure 2 Pack - Spider-Man vs Marvels Rhino Features: Micro Spider-Man and Marvels Rhino customizable Action Figures. Includes 2 power up accessories. Head and arms detach for building a custom super hero. Compatible with other Super Hero Mashers figures (each sold separately) Includes 2 figure and 2 accessories.\r
The Marvel Super Hero Mashers Micro 2 Pack Action Figure - Captain America and Arnim Zola Features: Includes 2 figure and 3 accessories. Head and arms detach for building a custom super hero. Compatible with other Super Hero Mashers figures (each sold separately)\r
LEGO IRON MAN SUIT OF ARMOR Sets and Minifigures\r
IMAGINEXT Fisher-Price DC Super Friends\r
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!Ver video "Marvel Super Hero Mashers Micro Hulk v Loki Spider-Man v Rhino Captain America v Iron Skull 2-Packs"
SpongeBob SquarePants Krusty Krab Attack plus Wacky Gym & Wacky Surfing Mega Bloks Speed Build
#megabloksspongebob #megablokskrustykrab #spongebobsquarepants #pinoytoygeek : your destination for kid-friendly Lego, Imaginext, Playskool Heroes and Mega Bloks videos! We are dedicated to showing you a wide range of toys, including official minifigures, knockoff/bootleg , custom and MOC. MINIFIGURE MANIA DAILY at 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Make sure to click SUBSCRIBE to never miss an ! Visit and LIKE us on Facebook: \r
Checkout my new Channel for your younger brother or sister:\r
Flickr Photo Gallery at \r
Krusty Krab Attack Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants Set:\r
Oh no! Evil Plankton is out to steal the Krabby Patty recipe yet again in the Krusty Krab Attack by Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants. Build the famous dining establishment and use the launchers to help SpongeBob send plates and patties flying toward Plankton and his two buildable robot minions! Mr. Krabs and Squidward come to the rescue, knocking the Krusty Krab sign down to stop Plankton in his tracks. Build an exciting adventure in Bikini Bottom with this ion playset!\r
- Buildable Krusy Krab that opens up for interior play\r
- Dish launcher, manual patty launcher and collapsing sign\r
- SpongeBob, Plankton, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward micro ion figures. Two buildable evil robot minions\r
Wacky Gym Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants Set:\r
SpongeBob will be the envy of Mussel Beach when he buffs up at the Wacky Gym by Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob has always wanted to be Bikini Bottoms strongest sponge, and now he can! Build the gyms weight set and help SpongeBob SquarePants become MuscleBob BuffPants when you push down on the bench to make him lift the teddy bear weights.\r
- One MuscleBob BuffPants micro ion figure with water bottle accessory\r
- Buildable gym with teddy bear weight set that lifts\r
Wacky Surfing Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants Set:\r
Its time for some totally tubular surfing fun! When Larry the Lobster isnt busy attring all the attention at Goo Lagoon, you can find him doing some Wacky Surfing by Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants. Build the launch pad and send Larry flying across the water, making sure he lands his wave between the two buoy posts to show everyone whos the Big Kahuna.\r
- One Larry the Lobster micro ion figure with surfboard accessory\r
- Buildable launch pad for flicking and launching the surfboard between two buoy posts\r
- Combine with other Mega Bloks SpongeBob SquarePants playsets to build your own wacky world of fun in Bikini Bottom!\r
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!Ver video "SpongeBob SquarePants Krusty Krab Attack plus Wacky Gym & Wacky Surfing Mega Bloks Speed Build"
LEGO® Marvel v DC Comics Super Heroes Mighty Micros w/ Batman Iron Man Superman & Spider-man
#lego #legomightymicros #legobatman #pinoytoygeek : your destination for kid-friendly Lego, Imaginext, Playskool Heroes and Mega Bloks videos! We are dedicated to showing you a wide range of toys, including official minifigures, knockoff/bootleg , custom and MOC. MINIFIGURE MANIA DAILY at 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Make sure to click SUBSCRIBE to never miss an ! Visit and LIKE us on Facebook: \r
Checkout my new Channel for your younger brother or sister:\r
Flickr Photo Gallery at \r
Mighty Micros: Batman™ vs. Killer Moth™\r
Place Batman™ inside the cockpit of the Batcopter and stage an aerial battle between the two Mighty Micros vehicles. Spin the Batcopters blades and chase Killer Moth™ in his bug-shaped vehicle, featuring insect eyes, wings and a tail. Throw the Batarang against the Super-Villain, then play out a battle on the ground using Killer Moths cocoon gun. Includes two minifigures with mini legs.\r
Mighty Micros: Superman™ vs. Bizarro™\r
Pit Superman™ against Bizarro™ in this fun Mighty Micros set. Each vehicle is the perfect size for these short-legged minifigures and features a seat on top and big fists that are perfect for fast-paced battling fun. Each charer also comes with its own Kryptonite accessory element.\r
Mighty Micros: Wonder Woman™ vs. Doomsday™\r
Stage a face-off between Wonder Woman™ and Doomsday™ in this fun Mighty Micros play set. Dodge Doomsdays club by driving—or flying—Wonder Womans Invisible Jet, then retaliate with her sword. Includes two minifigures with mini legs.\r
Mighty Micros: Iron Man vs. Thanos\r
Play out a fun Mighty Micros battle between two powerful rivals. Iron Mans car features rear rocket thrusters for fast-play ion and includes a wrench to dismantle his enemys car. Thanos Mighty Micros car features five Infinity gem elements and movable front fingers that resemble the Infinity Gauntlet. Includes two minifigures with mini legs.\r
Mighty Micros: Spider-Man vs. Scorpion\r
Role-play a daring duel between Spider-Man and his venomous enemy Scorpion. Scorpions Mighty Micros car features movable pincers and tail with sting, while Spider-Mans blue and red buggy features exhaust pipes. The super villain also has a mini-scorpion to match Spider-Mans mini-spider. Includes two minifigures with mini legs.\r
Mighty Micros: Wolverine vs. Magneto\r
Stage a mutant-powered battle between Wolverine and Magneto. Wolverine has long claws and a Mighty Micros jet featuring extendable wings to help him escape being pulled in by Magnetos magnet-shaped car and magnetic powers. Includes two minifigures with mini legs.\r
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!Ver video "LEGO® Marvel v DC Comics Super Heroes Mighty Micros w/ Batman Iron Man Superman & Spider-man"
Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Kraang Cryo Chamber & Jungle Takedown
PinoyToyGeek: Your destination for kid-friendly Lego, Imaginext, Playskool Heroes and Mega Bloks videos! We are dedicated to showing you a wide range of toys, including official minifigures, knockoff/bootleg , custom and MOC. MINIFIGURE MANIA DAILY at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Make sure to click SUBSCRIBE to never miss an !\r
Visit and LIKE us on Facebook at \r
Flickr Photo Gallery at \r
Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows\r
Kraang Cryo Chamber Pieces: 77\r
Shredder has teamed up with Kraang to finish the Turtles off for good in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Kraang Cryo Chamber by Mega Bloks! Too bad Raph is about to foil their plans! Create the cryo clash by building the giant mutagen vat with its shock sensor-ivated robotic arm and glowing ooze canister! Set Shredder and Kraangs giant mech suit on the above platform, then ready your buildable, fully articulated Raph micro ion figure for battle by gearing him with his signature twin sais! Now you can put Shredder in a deep freeze! The buildable Raph and Shredder come with their own detailed accessories, while the articulated Kraang android body comes with a removable Kraang. Connect with other Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows sets to build your own -themed brawls! Ideal for ages 6 and up\r
Features: Buildable cryo chamber with mutagen vat, robotic arm with shock sensor-ivated LED lights, ooze canister, and platform\r
- Two buildable, fully articulated micro ion figures include Raphael with twin sai accessories and Shredder with claw accessories\r
- One articulated Kraang mech suit with removable Kraang\r
Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows\r
Jungle Takedown Pieces: 273\r
Mikey is about to bust a move in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Jungle Takedown by Mega Bloks! Replay your favorite battle from thewhen you build the massive assault tank and send Mikey on a search and destroy mission, firing missiles at Rocksteadys armored carrier! Then, have these two fully articulated micro ion figures go on a missile offensive – its gonna be an explosive exchange! Along with a buildable jungle environment, the set includes a tank with high-tech features, like shock sensor LED lights and sounds, and a button-ivated missile launcher. Connect with other Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows sets to build your own -themed brawls!\r
Ideal for ages 6 and up\r
Features: Buildable tank with shock sensor-ivated LED lights, two distinct blast sounds, and rolling tracks, and button-ivated missile launcher.\r
- Buildable jungle environment with missile launcher\r
- Two buildable, fully articulated micro ion figures include Michelangelo with signature nunchuk accessory and Rocksteady with baseball bat accessory\r
- Combine with other Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows sets and build your ownbrawls\r
LEGO IRON MAN SUIT OF ARMOR Sets and Minifigures\r
IMAGINEXT Fisher-Price DC Super Friends\r
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!Ver video "Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Kraang Cryo Chamber & Jungle Takedown"