Club nautic 2
Fiesta Almuñecar Club Nautic 20 12 2007
es una fiesa que el ayauntamiento de Almuñecar organisa cda año para los extranjeros. este video es una musica morroqui Daouidi
Ver video "Fiesta Almuñecar Club Nautic 20 12 2007"
Ábalos visita el Saló Nàutic de Barcelona
Ver video "Ábalos visita el Saló Nàutic de Barcelona"
Dread Nautical - Lanzamiento
Un placentero viaje en barco se transforma en una lucha por la supervivencia en este título de estrategia por turnos.
Ver video "Dread Nautical - Lanzamiento"
CASO DE EXITO: Coaching de Equipos y Organizacional para el Área Comercial de BAYER España.
Titols nàutics professionals. Curs patró Barcelona. Si t'interessen els títols nàutics profesionals, visita la nostra web. Curs patró Barcelona. Barcelona. Tots els títols nàutics que puguis necessitar. Titols nàutics profesionals a YachtpointBCN, escola nàutica. Si t'interessa un curs de patró a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Titols nàutics profesionals. Curs patró Barcelona.. Barcelona. Per a més informació visita la nostra web. Tots els cursos nàutics a YachtpointBCN. Consulta'ns sense compromís.
Ver video "Titols nàutics professionals. Curs patró Barcelona."
The Man Who Paints Water Drops - Trailer
The Man Who Paints Water Drops video "The Man Who Paints Water Drops - Trailer"
Learn Alphabet with Crayola Colors Finger Paints abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Learn Alphabet with Crayola Colors Finger Paints \r
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z song\r
Learn Alphabet with Glitter Glue abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - \r
Learn Lowercase Alphabet Letters with Crayola Crayon Colors ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Song - \r
Learn Alphabet with Cookie Cutters Candy abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz- \r
Learn Alphabet with Watercolor Paints for Kids ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ- \r
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Learn Alphabet with Crayola Markers ABC Song- \r
Learn Lowercase Alphabet Letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Fun For Kids to Learn ABCs - \r
Learn ABCs with Colored Pencils abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Fun Alphabet Learning for Kids -Ver video "Learn Alphabet with Crayola Colors Finger Paints abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Nautical Party 2013 // After Movie // Portugalete ETS Náutica Máquinas Navales UPV/EHU Diskofesta
Video momentazo!! :
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DisCo de la fiesta:
Video info:
Cancion: Ocarina - Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike ft Wolfpack
Montaje y video :JVP (Jaikide video productions)
lugar: Portugalete (Bizkaia-Pais vasco)
Fecha: Viernes 15 de Marzo del 2013
Contacto Jaikide Diskofesta:
*WhatsApp: 697579560
Gracias!!!! a tod@s!!!!!!Ver video "Nautical Party 2013 // After Movie // Portugalete ETS Náutica Máquinas Navales UPV/EHU Diskofesta"
Fotos Nautical Party 2013 Jaikide diskofesta Portugalete ETS de Náutica y Máquinas Navales UPV/EHU
Video oficial:
Fotos zip:
DisCo de la fiesta:
Video info:
Cancion: Ecuador (Radio Edit)
Montaje - Video - Foto :JVP (Jaikide video productions)
lugar: Portugalete (Bizkaia-Pais vasco)
Fecha: Viernes 15 de Marzo del 2013
Contacto Jaikide Diskofesta:
*WhatsApp: 697579560
*Correo: contacto@jaikide.comVer video "Fotos Nautical Party 2013 Jaikide diskofesta Portugalete ETS de Náutica y Máquinas Navales UPV/EHU"
Vandal Spray Paints Genitals on High School Walls, Authorities Searching for Suspect
Ver video "Vandal Spray Paints Genitals on High School Walls, Authorities Searching for Suspect"
Education ivities video for kids, children and toddlers with Finger Paints and Coloring
Ver video "Education ivities video for kids, children and toddlers with Finger Paints and Coloring"
Modèle d'une décoration de snipe
Modèle d'un SNIPE de classe de voile qui peut être un cadeau nautique parfait pour un anniversaire pour Noël. video "Modèle d'une décoration de snipe"
Liverpool '09
Una pequeña parte de esos cinco días llenos de los Beatles, paints of saider, música rock y frikismo turístico.
Ver video "Liverpool '09"
Ascenso de los cadetes de la Marina Mercante de Venezuela
Acto de Ascenso de los cadetes de la Marina Mercante de Venezuela
Ver video "Ascenso de los cadetes de la Marina Mercante de Venezuela"
Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica
Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica
Ver video "Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica"
Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica
Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica
Ver video "Paw Patrol SKYE Comiendo Gumballs Arcoiris en Su Silla Mágica"
Cae “chakatoker” Yulissa Mendoza junto a implicado en asalto a joyería de Antara
La tiktokera Yulissa Mendoza fue vista con Marco N presunto implicado en el robo a la Plaza Antara y detenido en la colonia Anáhuac
#YulissaMendoza #Tiktoker #Antara #Polanco
Ver video "Cae “chakatoker” Yulissa Mendoza junto a implicado en asalto a joyería de Antara"
Cae uno de los ladrones de joyería de Plaza Antara, Polanco
"Faltan más personas por detener y este hecho no quedará impune en nuestra Ciudad. Todos serán detenidos”, compartió el jefe de la policía capitalina en sus redes sociales
#Antara #Polanco #MiguelHidalgo
Ver video "Cae uno de los ladrones de joyería de Plaza Antara, Polanco"
Vinculan a proceso a tiktokera Yulissa y su novio por robo en joyería de Antara
Durante la audiencia, el impartidor de justicia les ratificó la prisión preventiva justificada a los detenidos
#TiktokeraYulissa #MarcoN #CasoAntaraVer video "Vinculan a proceso a tiktokera Yulissa y su novio por robo en joyería de Antara"
Aseguran auto y motos utilizadas en asalto a joyería en Plaza Antara
El sujeto detenido presuntamente fue captado en video fungiendo como vigilante mientras sus cómplices rompían los cristales de los aparadores
Ver video "Aseguran auto y motos utilizadas en asalto a joyería en Plaza Antara"
Titulacions náutiques. Apren a navegar. Si t'interessa el mar, apren a navegar, visita la nostra web.Titulacions náutiques. Barcelona. Tots els títols nàutics que puguis necessitar. Apren a navegar a YachtpointBCN, escola nàutica. Si t'interessen les titulacions náutiques a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Apren a navegar. Titulacions náutiques. Barcelona. Per a més informació visita la nostra web. Tots els cursos nàutics a YachtpointBCN. Consulta'ns sense compromís.
Ver video "Titulacions náutiques. Apren a navegar."
Titulacions náutiques Barcelona. Práctiques PER Barcelona Si t'interessen les titulacions náutiques a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Práctiques PER Barcelona. Barcelona. Tots els títols nàutics que puguis necessitar. Titulacions náutiques Barcelona a YachtpointBCN, escola nàutica. Si t'interessen les práctiques PER a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Titulacions náutiques Barcelona. Práctiques PER Barcelona. Per a més informació visita la nostra web. Tots els cursos nàutics a YachtpointBCN. Consulta'ns sense compromís.
Ver video "Titulacions náutiques Barcelona. Práctiques PER Barcelona"
Pràctiques de patró. Escola nàutica Badalona Si t'interessa una escola náutica a Badalona, visita la nostra web. Pràctiques de patró. Barcelona. Tots els títols nàutics que puguis necessitar. Escola náutica Badalona a YachtpointBCN, escola nàutica. Si t'interessen les Pràctiques de patró a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Escola náutica Badalona. Pràctiques de patró. Barcelona. Per a més informació visita la nostra web. Tots els cursos nàutics a YachtpointBCN. Consulta'ns sense compromís.
Ver video "Pràctiques de patró. Escola nàutica Badalona"
Cursos PER en català. Titulacions nàutiques català. Si t'interessen els cursos PER en català, visita la nostra web. Titulacions nàutiques català.. Barcelona. Tots els títols nàutics que puguis necessitar. Cursos PER en català a YachtpointBCN, escola nàutica. Si t'interessen les titulacions nàutiques en català. a Barcelona, visita la nostra web. Cursos PER en català. Titulacions nàutiques català. Barcelona. Per a més informació visita la nostra web. Tots els cursos nàutics a YachtpointBCN. Consulta'ns sense compromís.
Ver video "Cursos PER en català. Titulacions nàutiques català."
An Elephant Painting A Self Portrait
Incredible an Elephant Paints himself in a Self Portrait.
Ver video "An Elephant Painting A Self Portrait"
Amazing Rainbow Machine
Swedish street artist Akay has created a device that spray-paints rainbows.
Ver video "Amazing Rainbow Machine"
Battlewake - Launch Trailer | PS VR
Set sail, and become a mythical Pirate Lord, captain a massive battle-ready ship and wield ancient magics as you embark on a larger-than-life nautical war for the ages.
Ver video "Battlewake - Launch Trailer | PS VR"
Concentración de Coches de Época, en Salou
Concentración de coches antiguos de época en el Paseo de las Palmeras de Salou. Una serie de coleccionistas (como el caso del Sr.Tahuerca de Zaragoza y socio del C.N.S., que posee una colección que supera los 100 modelos) organizaron el Rally Castelldefels - Salou de coches de época. Dichos modelos están todos impecables y en perfecto estado de conservación y funcionamiento. Tras la concentración los participantes celebraron una comida en el Club Nàutic Salou, y luego siguieron su periplo al Balneario de Montbrió. Salou y sus habitantes pudimos disfrutar de ese evento y contemplar de cerca ese tesoro histórico del automovilismo.
Ver video "Concentración de Coches de Época, en Salou"
Alquiler de barcos, yates, goletas, veleros. - Marina Charters
Empresa Líder en Eventos náuticos en España-Francia-Portugal-Marruecos-Grecia-Càdiz /// Leader company in nautical events in Spain-France-Cadiz-Greece-MálagaVer video "marinacharters"
Josh&Latex - GLOBSTER
Music, Paints and Drawings by Josué.H.Rodríguez... Aruma Betancor/Xylophone... Josué.H.Rodríguez/ Noise Guitar and Voice... M.Latex/Drums... CANARY ISLANDS... 2010-2012 Compilation of Paintings and Drawings... 2012...
Ver video "Josh&Latex - GLOBSTER"
Making a baby?
Here I am making my newest creation.. he or she has real mohair hair and is blushed with Genesis paints... this little thing is available for sale
Ver video "Making a baby?"
HTC Flyer - First Look
Presenting the HTC Flyer featuring a full browsing experience in a very portable package, customizable homescreens, Skype video calling and a versatile pen that highlights, draws, paints and more.
Ver video "HTC Flyer - First Look"
The Hookem is an entirely invented nautical device to help catch fish (particularly Marlin) at sea. It is a humorous promotional sales video to try and reel in deep-sea sports fishermen who want to catch more fish but just don%u2019t have the communication devices to afford them the time to stay at sea.
Ver video "THE BIG CATCH"
Máquinas de coser zig zag de brazo largo para cosido de velas de windsurf
HIGHTEX #9518-30 Máquina de brazo largo zig-zag para material para coser de gran superficie. La máquina de brazo largo zig-zag para material para confecciones reparaciones de velas de windsurf, spinaker, Barcos de Vela, velería nautical, lonas, toldos, cubre gran, tapiceria y paneles, paracaidas, globos aerostaticos etc. video "Máquinas de coser zig zag de brazo largo para cosido de velas de windsurf"
Estilista pinta de colores a los perros / moda para perros / pintan perros de colores
Estilista pinta de colores a los perros / moda para perros / pintan perros de colores / Stylist colored paints to the dogs.
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Meet the Mormons Official Theatrical Movie Trailer 2014 HD Mormon Documentary
Meet the Mormons examines the very diverse lives of six devout Mormons. Filmed on location and across the globe, Meet the Mormons takes viewers on a journey into the day-to-day realities of individuals living in the U.S., Costa Rica, Nepal and beyond. From their individual passions to their daily struggles, each story paints a picture as rich and unique as the next while challenging the stereotypes that surround the Mormon faith.
Ver video "Meet the Mormons Official Theatrical Movie Trailer 2014 HD Mormon Documentary"
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr Seuss - Books for kids read aloud!
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish\r
by Dr Seuss\r
From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere in this hilarious exploration of simple concepts from the irrepressible Dr. Seuss. In this hilarious exploration of opposites, colours, numbers and nonsense, Dr. Seuss paints a crazy world of singing Yings, boxing Goxes and seven-hump Wumps!\r
Buy the book:\r
**Copyright information**\r
The material shown in this video is owned by the book author and illustrator.Ver video "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr Seuss - Books for kids read aloud!"
KIDULT "Visual Dictatorship"
Koxtrok Presents:
Kidult is the problem child who paints in a righteous, primary and no-limit way with the use of an extinguisher.
I try to remain the 14 years old kid who paints his truth in a brutal and free-minded way. I aspire to keep the creativity, the honesty and the impertinence of a kid in spite of my age to send a disturbing message in a simple, efficient and no polishing way.
Societies and cities are always evolving and as a graffiti artist, I got to adapt myself to these evolutions of my surroundings. Efficiency is one of the most important traits in a graffiti artist's skills. It starts from a concern that I have and I send a message to everybody by intellectualizing my reasoning and finding the best spot to be the most efficient.
no matter what other people are doing or what is considered "in", and bring something new, ugly or not.
"All these retail outlets have once used graffiti as a commercial tool to get more money and be "cool" without knowing anything about the culture. I didn't simply say "hello" to them. If they really like graffiti, I just gave them what they love."
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http://www.koxtrok.orgVer video "KIDULT "Visual Dictatorship""
Fun video for kids | BAD BABY learn colors Cartoon with fun toys. Babies game. Video for girls.
BAD BABY dolls for girls - Play with dolls, draw and bathe the babies. Our Babes find finger paints and decided to paint. They took the colors of blue, yellow, green and red colors and began to paint, first palms on paper, and then began to draw legs. One babe scored blue paint and spilled some on the forehead to the other babies and he was upset. How dirty pups. Lets busy in a warm bath and then put to sleep! Let us together watch this video with puppets for children and will play and bathe babies!
Ver video "Fun video for kids | BAD BABY learn colors Cartoon with fun toys. Babies game. Video for girls."
The Invisible War Official Movie Trailer 2 2012 HD
A groundbreaking investigative documentary about one of America's most shameful and best kept secrets: the epidemic of rape within the U.S. military. The film paints a startling picture of the extent of the problem--today, a female soldier in combat zones is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire. The Department of Defense estimates there were a staggering 19,000 violent sex crimes in the military in 2010. Twenty percent of all active-duty female soldiers are sexually assaulted. The Invisible War exposes the epidemic, breaking open one of the most under-reported stories of our generation, to the nation and the world.
Ver video "The Invisible War Official Movie Trailer 2 2012 HD"
(C) Luna, wont you cry for me? [Speedpaint]
Luna, wont you cry for me? Im as lonely as Ive ever been.\r
I do not own the song in this video. Here is a link to the original creators channel: \r
And the song : \r
This was a commission for the fantastic Blue-Charm on DA, but (to be perfectly honest) This was going to be a speedpaint anyway XD After the crazy popularity of The Moon Rises, Id figure Id go ahead and finish the whole Luna-Nightmare Moon story. After this, I might make a speedpaint based of Children of the Night, and definitely more song based paints generally.\r
Hope you enjoy!\r
Full image:.Ver video "(C) Luna, wont you cry for me? [Speedpaint]"
First Position Official Trailer 2 2012 HD Ballet Movie
For the young dancers at the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the world's most prestigious ballet competitions, lifelong dreams are at stake. With hundreds competing for a handful of elite scholarships and contracts, practice and discipline are paramount, and nothing short of perfection is expected. Bess Kargman's award-winning documentary, FIRST POSITION, follows six young dancers as they prepare for a chance to enter the world of professional ballet, struggling through bloodied feet, near exhaustion and debilitating injuries all while navigating the drama of adolescence. A showcase of awe-inspiring talent, tenacity and passion, FIRST POSITION paints a thrilling and moving portrait of the most gifted young ballet stars of tomorrow.
Ver video "First Position Official Trailer 2 2012 HD Ballet Movie"
Master Bedroom Design and Decorating Ideas
Master Bedrooms Design Ideas layout might be the most stylish Mediterranean designs utilized in architectural layout and interiors. It provides and mimics the gorgeous sceneries and weather about Tuscany along with the delightful and ease of fine mauve, food items, and loved ones. The Tuscan layout can make use of place, by failing granite patios, easy and durable and sturdy furniture along with fashionable shaped flooring, uneven wall structure varnishes, comprehensive artwork, faux varnishes, and trompe loeil sorts. sunshine kissed paints and standard stylishness blend to construct any restful and fantastic spot; here are numerous good thoughts about how you could possibly establish this type of fashion as part of your Elegant Learn Bedrooms, the Tuscan style and design is excellent for bedrooms owing towards the passionate.
Ver video "Master Bedroom Design and Decorating Ideas"
Mongol trailer
Award-winning Russian filmmaker Sergei Bodrov (PRISONER OF THE MOUNTAINS) illuminates the life and legend of Genghis Khan in his stunning historical epic, MONGOL. Based on leading scholarly accounts and written by Bodrov and Arif Aliyev, MONGOL delves into the dramatic and harrowing early years of the ruler who was born as Temudgin in 1162. As it follows Temudgin from his perilous childhood to the battle that sealed his destiny, the film paints a multidimensional portrait of the future conqueror, revealing him not as the evil brute of hoary stereotype, but as an inspiring, fearless and visionary leader. MONGOL shows us the making of an extraordinary man, and the foundation on which so much of his greatness rested: his relationship with his wife, Borte, his lifelong love and most trusted advisor.
Ver video "Mongol trailer"
Learn Spelling Colors Words and Letters w Crayola Paint-Alphabet Videos abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Learn Spelling Colors Words and Letters w Crayola Paint-Alphabet Videos\r
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z song\r
Learn Alphabet w/ Brachs Christmas Gum Drops-Fun Way to Learn your ABCs-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz- \r
Learn Alphabet with Glitter Glue abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - \r
Learn Lowercase Alphabet Letters with Crayola Crayon Colors ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Song - \r
Learn Alphabet with Cookie Cutters Candy abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz- \r
Learn Alphabet with Watercolor Paints for Kids ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ- \r
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Learn Alphabet with Crayola Markers ABC Song- \r
Learn Lowercase Alphabet Letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Fun For Kids to Learn ABCs - \r
Learn ABCs with Colored Pencils abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Fun Alphabet Learning for Kids -Ver video "Learn Spelling Colors Words and Letters w Crayola Paint-Alphabet Videos abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Set The Night On Fire -- a thriller
Someone is trying to kill Lila Hilliard. During the Christmas holidays she returns from running errands to find her family home in flames, her father and brother trapped inside. Later, she is attacked by a mysterious man on a motorcycle. . . and the threats don%u2019t end there.
As Lila desperately tries to piece together who is after her and why, she uncovers information about her father%u2019s past in Chicago during the volatile days of the late 1960s . . . information he never shared with her, but now threatens to destroy her.
Part thriller, part historical novel, and part love story, Set the Night on Fire paints an unforgettable portrait of Chicago during a turbulent time: the riots at the Democratic Convention . . . the struggle for power between the Black Panthers and SDS . . . and a group of young idealists who tried to change the world.Ver video "Set The Night On Fire -- a thriller"
Hill Climb Racing 2 Unlocked All Legendary Vehicles
Hill Climb Racing 2 Unlocked All Legendary Vehicles\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 Legendary Vehicles\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 Bundles\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 New Formula All Paints & Tires\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 New Vehicle Formula Fully Upgraded\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 Formula Fully Upgraded\r
Hill Climb Racing 2 Formula GamePlay\r
Hill Climb 2 New Vehicle Formula Fully Upgraded\r
Hill Climb 2 Formula Fully Upgraded\r
Hill Climb 2 Tank GamePlay\r
-New vehicle: Formula\r
-New adventure: Mines\r
-New cup: Fingerstone GP\r
New vehicle: Formula\r
4 new cups Winter Cup, Its Mine!, Tunnels, More Mines,winter is coming,Fingerstone GP\r
New driver outfits\r
Facebook page : \r
Formula,Tank,Super Diesel,Monster Truck,jeep,sports car,scooter,super jeep,motocross\r
Hill Climb 2\r
Hill Climb Racing #2\r
Hill Climb Racing 2\r
music \r
Sekai - Somebody [NCS Release]\r
Kasger - Reflections [NCS Release]\r
Kadenza - Harpuia [NCS Release]Ver video "Hill Climb Racing 2 Unlocked All Legendary Vehicles"