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  • Fire Water - Periodic Table of Videos

  • Vertex42 Periodic Table + Vertex42 Personal Budget

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    Vertex42 Periodic Table + Vertex42 Personal Budget


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  • Vertex42 Calendar 2013 + Vertex42 Periodic Table

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    Vertex42 Calendar 2013 + Vertex42 Periodic Table


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  • #TheEllenShow - Brielle, the 3-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert

    After Ellen saw Brielle's video, she invited her to showcase her science smarts on the show

    Ver video "#TheEllenShow - Brielle, the 3-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert"

  • How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - Memorize Perio - how to memorize the bible - gre verbal prep - memorize periodic table - memorize books of the bible

    You can perform this ‘trick’ over and over, as long as you wish. But far more important are the dozens of applications of this simple ‘Memory Photographer’ device. Here are just a few of the new skills you will apply this to:

    Build confidence and gain respect as you give 30 minute talks to large or small groups without using a single note

    Develop important relationships as you recall birthdays, names and key details of those you meet

    Add more words to your vocabulary in a week than most do in a year

    Learn a foreign language in a flash

    Study in 1/3 the time and get straight A’s!

    Memorize jokes instantly when you hear them and create a mental database of jokes for fun at parties

    Memorize your favorite poem, quote or scripture instantly even if it is 200 lines!

    Ver video "How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - Memorize Perio"

  • How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - how to memorize the bible - gre verbal prep - memorize periodic table - memorize books of the bible

    You can perform this ‘trick’ over and over, as long as you wish. But far more important are the dozens of applications of this simple ‘Memory Photographer’ device. Here are just a few of the new skills you will apply this to:

    Build confidence and gain respect as you give 30 minute talks to large or small groups without using a single note

    Develop important relationships as you recall birthdays, names and key details of those you meet

    Add more words to your vocabulary in a week than most do in a year

    Learn a foreign language in a flash

    Study in 1/3 the time and get straight A’s!

    Memorize jokes instantly when you hear them and create a mental database of jokes for fun at parties

    Memorize your favorite poem, quote or scripture instantly even if it is 200 lines!

    Ver video "How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep"

  • How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - Memorize Perio - how to memorize the bible - gre verbal prep - memorize periodic table - memorize books of the bible

    You can perform this ‘trick’ over and over, as long as you wish. But far more important are the dozens of applications of this simple ‘Memory Photographer’ device. Here are just a few of the new skills you will apply this to:

    Build confidence and gain respect as you give 30 minute talks to large or small groups without using a single note

    Develop important relationships as you recall birthdays, names and key details of those you meet

    Add more words to your vocabulary in a week than most do in a year

    Learn a foreign language in a flash

    Study in 1/3 the time and get straight A’s!

    Memorize jokes instantly when you hear them and create a mental database of jokes for fun at parties

    Ver video "How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - Memorize Perio"

  • How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - how to memorize the bible - gre verbal prep - memorize periodic table - memorize books of the bible

    You can perform this ‘trick’ over and over, as long as you wish. But far more important are the dozens of applications of this simple ‘Memory Photographer’ device. Here are just a few of the new skills you will apply this to:

    Build confidence and gain respect as you give 30 minute talks to large or small groups without using a single note

    Develop important relationships as you recall birthdays, names and key details of those you meet

    Add more words to your vocabulary in a week than most do in a year

    Learn a foreign language in a flash

    Study in 1/3 the time and get straight A’s!

    Ver video "How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep"

  • How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep - how to memorize the bible - gre verbal prep - memorize periodic table - memorize books of the bible

    You can perform this ‘trick’ over and over, as long as you wish. But far more important are the dozens of applications of this simple ‘Memory Photographer’ device. Here are just a few of the new skills you will apply this to:

    Build confidence and gain respect as you give 30 minute talks to large or small groups without using a single note

    Develop important relationships as you recall birthdays, names and key details of those you meet

    Add more words to your vocabulary in a week than most do in a year

    Learn a foreign language in a flash

    Study in 1/3 the time and get straight A’s!

    Memorize jokes instantly when you hear them and create a mental database of jokes for fun at parties

    Ver video "How To Memorize The Bible - Gre Verbal Prep"

  • Desnuda Wikileaks espionaje de EE.UU.

    Una parte del volumen de cables diplomáticos filtrados por Wikileaks a periódicos internacionales apunta a las actividades de espionaje de Estados Unidos y a la guerra psicológica contra Irán, desde sus embajadas en Europa. teleSUR

    Ver video "Desnuda Wikileaks espionaje de EE.UU."

  • Ciudadanos ganaría en votos y ERC en escaños, según un último sondeo

    La encuesta ha sido publicada por El Periòdic d'Andorra

    Ver video "Ciudadanos ganaría en votos y ERC en escaños, según un último sondeo"

  • The Four States of Water

    A hot new educational group explains the periodic table's newly discovered state of water.

    Ver video "The Four States of Water"

  • ¿Cómo se forman los vórtices de Kármán?

    Kármán vortex street shed off a cylindrical obstruction with no-slip boundary conditions, with three ink colors for visualization. Incompressible Navier-Stokes simulation, with periodic boundary conditions, but a region of fixed velocity at the left effectively nulling the vertically periodic boundary conditions.
    Autor: KTover2

    Ver video "¿Cómo se forman los vórtices de Kármán?"

  • Los sondeos auguran una nueva mayoría independentista en Cataluña

    Los sondeos "prohibidos" del Periòdic d'Andorra auguran una nueva mayoría independentista en Cataluña. El cierre de la campaña electoral ha estado marcado por un golpe de efecto: una decena de diputados de ERC han mostrado su apoyo a Junqueras en una visita fugaz a la cárcel de Estremeras de Madrid

    Ver video "Los sondeos auguran una nueva mayoría independentista en Cataluña"

  • Presentació del cartell del sisé aplec de gegants i cabets Ontinyent 2014

    El dissabte 12 de juliol es va realitzar l’acte de presentació del 6é Aplec de Gegants i Cabets d’Ontinyent. L’acte, celebrat al Palau de la Vila, va servir per donar a conéixer el cartell de l’esdeveniment, encomanat a Rafa Sanchis Belda.
    Llig la noticia completa al nostre periodic d'Ontinyent o Televisió Digital Ontinyent

    Ver video "Presentació del cartell del sisé aplec de gegants i cabets Ontinyent 2014"

  • Amazing Water & Sound Experiment

    Koxtrok Presents:

    Amazing Water & Sound Experiment

    Yes this is real. Simple explanation: •Sound is periodic compressions (HIGH pressure) and rarefactions (LOW pressure) of air. •The sine wave frequency causes these high and low pressure regions to exist in front of the speaker. •The water is attracted to the regions of LOW pressure (because the high pressure "pushes" it away) •Here's the sneaky part. Because the camera is 24fps, it captures the falling water at the SAME place in EVERY 24Hz CYCLE.

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    Make yourself at home :

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  • Minecraft Survival: BREEDING COWS! Lets Play Ep. 5

    Minecraft Survival - Lets Play Ep. 5: BREEDING COWS! Click here to subscribe! ► If you liked this you might also like ► \r
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    Minecraft is a sandbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Notch Persson and later developed and published by Mojang. It was publicly released for the PC on May 17, new, as a developmental alpha version and, after gradual updates, was published as a full release version on November 18, new. A version for Android was released a month earlier on October 7, and an iOS version was released on November 17, new. On May 9, new, the game was released on Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade game, co-developed by 4J Studios. All versions of Minecraft receive periodic updates.\r
    The creative and building aspects of Minecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other ivities in the game include exploration, gathering resources, crafting, and combat. Gameplay in its commercial release has two principal modes: survival, which requires players to acquire resources and maintain their health and hunger; and creative, where players have an unlimited supply of resources, the ability to fly, and no health or hunger. A third gameplay mode named hardcore is the same as survival, differing only in difficulty; it is set to hardest setting and respawning is disabled, forcing players to delete their worlds upon death.\r
    Minecraft received five awards from the new Game Developers Conference: it was awarded the Innovation Award, Best Downloadable Game Award, and the Best Debut Game Award from the Game Developers Choice Awards; and the Audience Award, as well as the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, from the Independent Games Festival in new. In new, Minecraft was awarded a Golden Joystick Award in the category Best Downloadable Game. As of October 23, new, the game has sold over 12.5 million copies on PC, and over 33 million copies across all platforms.\r
    Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game. However, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.\r
    At the start of the game, the player is placed on the surface of a procedurally generated and virtually infinite game world. Players can walk across the terrain consisting of plains, mountains, forests, caves, and various water bodies. The world is divided into biomes ranging from deserts to jungles to snowfields. The in-game time system follows a day and night cycle, with one full cycle lasting 20 real time minutes. Throughout the course of the game, players encounter various non-player charers known as mobs, including animals, villagers and hostile creatures. During the daytime, non-hostile animals, such as cows, pigs, and chickens, spawn. They may be hunted for food and crafting materials. During nighttime and in dark areas, hostile mobs, such as large spiders, skeletons, and zombies, spawn. Some Minecraft-unique creatures have been noted by reviewers, such as the Creeper, an exploding creature that sneaks up on the player, and the Enderman, a creature with the ability to teleport and pick up blocks.

    Ver video "Minecraft Survival: BREEDING COWS! Lets Play Ep. 5"

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