Cuando Despiertes Será Demasiado Tarde - Randy Prozac - HD
Resfriados, dolor de muelas, heridas cutáneas... ¿Qué sería de nosotros sin doctores ni farmacias de guardia? ¿Ir al huerto del abuelo? ¡Pues no sería una mala idea! En la Edad Media, las plantas ya se utilizaban como remedio para muchas afecciones. Las monjas que antiguamente vivían en el Monasterio de Pedralbes de Barcelona lo tenían claro. Tal como explica la historiadora Manoli Yeste, cuando ni Dios ni el cura daban respuesta a sus males, las religiosas iban directas al jardín para beneficiarse de las propiedades de los vegetales.
¿Cambió el Prozac el color de la piel del hombre?
Un hombre de Luisiana afirma que la complexión de su piel comenzó a oscurecerse después de tomar Prozac. Tyler Monk, de 24 años, compartió su condición en TikTok y está creando una tormenta de intriga.
Ver video "¿Cambió el Prozac el color de la piel del hombre?"
Protests as NATO agrees Afghan withdrawal plan
World leaders have agreed a timetable to pull the majority of foreign troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
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Algerians doubt regime's intentions despite Bouteflika's withdrawal
Algiers (Algeria), Mar 12 (EFE).- (Camera: Mohamed Messara ). Despite Algeria's president renouncing his bid for a fifth term in office and vowing to introduce reforms to elect a successor, protests continued on Tuesday.
Keywords: efe,epa,algeria,protestVer video "Algerians doubt regime's intentions despite Bouteflika's withdrawal"
Duterte announces Philippines' withdrawal from International Criminal Court
Manila (Philippines), Mar 14 (EFE/EPA).- The president of the Philippines on Wednesday announced his country's withdrawal from the International Criminal Court because of its attempts to investigate his anti-drug campaign, which has led to over 7,000 deaths.
Keywords: efe,epa,philippines,icc,withdrawal,duterteVer video "Duterte announces Philippines' withdrawal from International Criminal Court"
Mining Bitcoin Free - Cryptomining Farm Proof of Withdrawal 2017
Registrese = Sing Up: video "Mining Bitcoin Free - Cryptomining Farm Proof of Withdrawal 2017"
Mining Bitcoin Free - Cryptomining Farm Proof of Withdrawal 2017
Registrese = Sing Up: video "Mining Bitcoin Free - Cryptomining Farm Proof of Withdrawal 2017"
Kurds turn to Syria's Assad following Trump's troop withdrawal order
The Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, issued a statement urging President Bashar al-Assad's forces to "assert control over the areas our forces have withdrawn from, in particular Manbij, and to protect these areas against a Turkish invasion."
Ver video "Kurds turn to Syria's Assad following Trump's troop withdrawal order"
Macron SLAMS Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement
french president Macron SLAMS president Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement its NOT RENEGOTIABLE macron also tells trump make our planet great again 6/1/2017
Ver video "Macron SLAMS Trump for WITHDRAWAL of Paris Climate Accord Agreement"
Los Sionistas dueños del Poder mundial saben que su Genocidio y engaño es cada vez más evidente y difícil de ocultar, es por eso que están usando métodos científicos de Última Generación como la Nanotecnología para que todos nos quedemos tranquilos y aceptemos este Genocidio planificado por ellos para despoblar el planeta, saben que para deshacerse del 80% de la población mundial necesitan de una población dócil que acepte su propia muerte.
Ya tienen a la población distraída en temas de farándula o deporte, ahora nos van a sedar para no poder reaccionar. La publicidad que le están dando al 2012 como el año apocalíptico es una estrategia para que usando sus Armas como el HAARP creen un Armagedón y la desaparición de la mayoría de nosotros. video "Vacunas Deterioran el Cerebro - EUGENESIA QUIMICA A TODA LA HUMANIDAD"
El Parlamento iraquí aprueba una moción para expulsar a las tropas extranjeras del país
Asimismo, el texto solicitó al Gobierno que anule "la petición de ayuda a la coalición internacional para luchar contra el (grupo terrorista) Estado Islámico" porque consideró que las operaciones militares contra los extremistas ya han concluido en IrakView on euronews
Ver video "El Parlamento iraquí aprueba una moción para expulsar a las tropas extranjeras del país"
Estados Unidos retirará casi 12.000 militares de Alemania
Estados Unidos retirará casi 12.000 militares de Alemania. La decisión se ha presentado como una decisión estratégica, pero Trump ha dejado claro que se trata de un castigo a Berlín por no pagar sus contribuciones a la OTAN View on euronews
Ver video "Estados Unidos retirará casi 12.000 militares de Alemania"
El niño de 4 años que vacía cajeros automáticos a toda velocidad
Este niño de apenas cuatro años espera el momento perfecto para tomar el dinero que acaba de sacar un señor del cajero automático y salir corriendo.
Ver video "El niño de 4 años que vacía cajeros automáticos a toda velocidad"
Tokyo Sexwale withdraws from FIFA presidential election
Zurich, Feb 26 (EFE).- South African Tokyo Sexwale announced his withdrawal as a candidate for FIFA president during his turn to address to the Congress of this organization.
Ver video "Tokyo Sexwale withdraws from FIFA presidential election"
BUENAFUENTE 439 - LA ECONOMÍA (04.06.2008)
Según publican algunos periódicos, más de media España es pesimista con la situación económica. Es normal, teniendo en cuenta que la información económica la da Solbes, que no es precisamente la alegría de la huerta. Si Solbes trabajara de payaso en una fiesta infantil, tendría que cambiar los ganchitos por prozac. (Puedes ver el monólogo completo en )
Ver video "BUENAFUENTE 439 - LA ECONOMÍA (04.06.2008)"
US sanctions push Iran to the verge of poverty
Tehran, May 8 (EFE).- (Camera: Marina Villén) United States sanctions on Iran, implemented following Washington's withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal, have pushed the nation towards poverty as its citizens fall victim to an economic crisis.
CONTAINS ARCHIVE FOOTAGE.Ver video "US sanctions push Iran to the verge of poverty"
Massive protest in Hong Kong again to demand dropping of extradition bill
Hong Kong, China, Jun 16 (EFE/EPA).- Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong began a protest Sunday calling for the complete withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill and the resignation of Chief Executive Carrie Lam, EFE reported from the scene.
Ver video "Massive protest in Hong Kong again to demand dropping of extradition bill"
Envio de Documentos y Solicitud GiaPay LibertàGià - Envio de documentos y solicitud de GiaPay LibertàGià. Vea en este VIDEO como enviar correctamente sus documentos para poder así validar su cuenta en LibertàGià e en seguida solicite su tarjeta de pagos.
See how to submit your documents to validate your account LibertàGià and then request your card withdrawals.
Registro GRATUITO: http://proyectlibertagia.blogspot.comVer video "Envio de Documentos y Solicitud GiaPay LibertàGià"
UK Parliament readies for 3rd vote on May's Brexit deal
London (UK), Mar 29 (EFE).- Prime Minister Theresa May plans to go through with a third vote in Parliament on her twice-rejected deal with the European Union on the terms of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the bloc.
Keywords: efe,uk,brexit,voteVer video "UK Parliament readies for 3rd vote on May's Brexit deal"
UK government to offer MPs chance to rule out no-deal Brexit, extend talks
London, Feb 26 (EFE/EPA). Lawmakers in the United Kingdom will get a chance to vote on whether to extend the Brexit negotiation period or take a no-deal outcome out of the equation should the government fail to secure enough backing for its unpopular withdrawal agreement, the prime minister said Tuesday.
FOOTAGE COURTESY OF THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT / INCLUDES ARCHIVE FOOTAGE.Ver video "UK government to offer MPs chance to rule out no-deal Brexit, extend talks"
May says she will ask for longer Brexit extension
London (UK), Apr 2 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Andy Rain). British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday announced that she will request a new extention for Britain's withdrawal from the European Union, thus hoping to push the date for Brexit past April 12, but she said she wants the extension to be as short as possible to try and agree with the political opposition on a mutually acceptable way to leave the EU.
Keywords: efe,epa,uk,brexit,deal,nomonetizarVer video "May says she will ask for longer Brexit extension"
Azerbaijan still awaiting promised solution to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Baku, Feb 22 (EFE).- Four UN resolutions adopted in 1993 confirm that Nagorno-Karabakh is an inseparable part of Azerbaijan.
The resolutions urge the withdrawal of the occupation forces and request that necessary security conditions be put in place to guarantee the safe return of displaced persons.
But the Azerbaijani Government tells Efe that the so-called Minsk group comprised of the United States, Russia and France, and formed to resolve the conflict, is moving at a snail's pace.
Keywords: efe,azerbaijan,altai efendiev,un,united nations,resolutions,khojaly,massacre,tragedyVer video "Azerbaijan still awaiting promised solution to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict"
Psicofarmacos: Las pastillas de la felicidad
Muchas personas creen haber encontrado ‘la solución mágica’ a gran parte de sus problemas en las ‘pastillas de la felicidad’. Son los ansiolíticos y antidepresivos. Y no pueden vivir sin ellos. Los españoles somos los terceros consumidores de ansiolíticos en Europa por detrás de irlandeses y portugueses. El insomnio y los trastornos de ansiedad a causa de la crisis económica han disparado el consumo de estas píldoras. El consumo de antidepresivos también se ha desorbitado en España. De hecho, en apenas una década se ha más que duplicado la venta de estas ‘pastillas de la felicidad’, como el famoso Prozac u otras moléculas que llegaron más tarde al mercado. En el año 2000 se consumían 30 dosis diarias de media por cada mil habitantes, mientras que en 2011 se pasó a 64, según datos de la OCDE. Por su parte, en los Estados Unidos domina el consumo de barbitúricos y las anfetaminas arrasan.
Ver video "Psicofarmacos: Las pastillas de la felicidad"
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In the IQOPTION platform, operators can enjoy a variety of services and trading tools available in order to achieve success and maximize profits in trading binary options. One of the most used services is demo account. Demo account is a great way for traders to place trades and exercise in order to improve their negotiating skills. Using the demo account is free and traders can place trades with 13 different assets available to them in the demo account. In demo account, traders can use webinars entry and may have limited access to trade. Demo account is very useful, especially for beginners traders, allowing them to trade without risk that can lead to loss of money. This is because traders use only virtual money and real money. Here in the demo account, traders can test their strategies and improve their negotiating skills.
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In the IQOPTION platform, operators can enjoy a variety of services and trading tools available in order to achieve success and maximize profits in trading binary options. One of the most used services is demo account. Demo account is a great way for traders to place trades and exercise in order to improve their negotiating skills. Using the demo account is free and traders can place trades with 13 different assets available to them in the demo account. In demo account, traders can use webinars entry and may have limited access to trade. Demo account is very useful, especially for beginners traders, allowing them to trade without risk that can lead to loss of money. This is because traders use only virtual money and real money. Here in the demo account, traders can test their strategies and improve their negotiating skills.
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Documentos TV - La sombra de Putin en África
The documentary "Documentos TV - La sombra de Putin en África" explores the consequences of Russia's gradual expansion and influence in Africa, particularly focusing on the role of the Wagner Group as a tool for Russia to extend its influence in politically unstable areas. One highlighted case is the Republic of Central Africa, where Wagner was sent by Russia to pacify the country after the withdrawal of French forces. The documentary discusses how Russia's presence in Africa, through groups like Wagner, impacts the economic and geopolitical balance, especially in regions rich in resources like gold, uranium, and diamonds. It also delves into the concerns raised by analysts regarding Putin's intentions in Africa and the potential implications for European countries, particularly France. Additionally, the documentary sheds light on the allegations of violence, brutality, and human rights abuses associated with the Wagner Group in Africa, as reported by organizations like The Sentry in 2023.
This documentary provides a critical examination of Russia's activities in Africa and the implications of its expanding influence on the continent's political and economic landscape.
[5] video "Documentos TV - La sombra de Putin en África"
[HD] After School - Because of You MV
Artist: After School
Song Title: Because of You
Full Music Video
AFTER SCHOOL 2nd single
After School is a 7-member female group from South Korea managed by Pledis Entertainment.
Debuting initially as a 5-member group with their debut single AH in January 2009, they were labeled as the Korean Pussycat Dolls for the matured and sexy concept they had taken on. In April 2009, After School released a digital single titled DIVA and introduced a new member, Uee, into the group, as part of After Schools admission and graduation concept. Later in November 2009, member Yoo So Young announced her withdrawal from the group citing health and studies reasons.
In the same month with the admission of the two new secretive members Raina and Nana, After School is set to change the standards of girl groups.
Raina (21) and Nana (19) were revealed through their teaser site as individuals that had trained long and hard with a strong base that also hold the mysterious image of charm and humor. With the unveiling of the new 7 membered image, many have been showing explosive interest and attraction.
The title song of the new album is Because of You. Its said to be a shibuya-kei style song with an electropop feel. After School will be revealing their intensive performance that is said to never been seen before amongst the nations girl groups. It begins with the sad melody of a piano and violin that folds into an addictive chrous. A rap that utilizes the members individuality finishes the song off in style.
For more info, visit After School's International Fansite at
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