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  • 23 Strangest Signs You Wont Believe Exist

    From butterfly crossings, to the old and tested watch out for drunks; These are 23 STRANGEST Signs You Wont Believe Exist !\r
    Subscribe to American Eye \r
    11. Best Destination\r
    Next time youre driving through the state of Georgia, be sure not to forget to bring your girlfriend to Climax. Theres plenty of ways to get here but itll be enjoyable no matter which route you choose to take. Once you finally reach Climax, you certainly be glad you did. The Climax police will certainly be watching make sure you did so safely. This has become quite the honeymoon destination in recent years and that might have something to do why theres so many slow moving vehicles in the area.\r
    10. On the Road Again\r
    If you were pleased with visiting Climax, Georgia we recommend you check out Buttzville, located right next to hope! If you get the opportunity to visit this place, youll probably want to keep coming back for multiple visits! Okay seriously who named these towns!?\r
    9. Fartkontrol\r
    While driving through the beautiful country of Denmark, there are signs out there warning people to hold in their gas while operating a vehicle! In this sign it appears as though you will have to hold it in for about 2-12 kilometers or until you can find a bathroom! Farting in the car can result in heavy fines depending how repulsed the officer is once you roll down the window! You really should think of those who youre driving with and yourself crying out loud! Denmark is a pretty advanced country and maybe we should enforce the same rules here in the US.\r
    8. Pointless\r
    Hey everyone just ignore this sign! This sign is currently out of order and will be back once vacation is over. We thought we would make a sign letting you know!\r
    7. Restroom Rules\r
    In Soviet Russia it is common courtesy to leave your nuclear weapons outside and your drugs too. Other weapons are okay just dont launch a nuke into the toilet so everyone can use the restroom!\r
    6. Butterfly Crossing!\r
    Everyone slow the heck down! There are beautiful butterflies that pass by this street! You have to learn to respect other animals environments and allow the butterflies to cross the road properly with endangering them! Was this sign put up by green peace?\r
    5. Bigfoot Crossing\r
    No one knows exly where bigfoot might be, but we all must respect his possible presence in parts of the world. Will he someday decide to walk down this street finally? Who knows. Just be sure to finally bring out your camera from the 1990s to get the footage weve all been looking for! \r
    4. Drunk People Crossing\r
    Drunken tourists certainly make easy targets for hit and runs all across the world! There might be some strange signs out there but this one in the UK could ually be pretty useful! Weve probably all had a close calls with pedestrians not paying attention and when their drunk it might even get more dangerous! Hopefully they wont be crawling around on the streets! \r
    3. Australian Monsters!\r
    This photo here captured in australia, warns you about the possibly deadly koala bears that are lurking here late at night, waiting for their next victims. They certainly wont hesitate to strike down the anyone whose unfortunate enough to have their cars break down in the pitch dark eucalyptus forests of Australia! So watch out!\r
    2. The Bat Cave\r
    Bat mans secret lair has finally been been spotted and all you have to do is get off at this exit if you want to see it! \r
    Attention Zombies!\r
    Were not exly sure what this sign is Finnish is trying to tell us but it certainly could be a warning sign of that undead are cannibalizing small villages in Finland any you might want to stay out! The hand is rising from the ground, just waiting to latch onto an unexpecting victims leg for tasty meal! Or it could mean something about thin ice near a lake! Either way, you shouldnt take the risk!~

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  • Pregnancy test before missed period at home | How to use a home pregnancy test | WhisperTV Channel

    Pregnancy test before missed period at home | How to use a home pregnancy test | WhisperTV Channel\r
    ➡ FACBOOK: \r
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    Home pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a womans urine. Known as the pregnancy hormone, hCG is only found in pregnant women. Home pregnancy tests are available at most drug stores and online. Read on for a step-by-step guide to using home pregnancy tests.\r
    ✅ Purchase a home pregnancy test: There are many different brands of home pregnancy tests on the market, but it doesnt really matter which you choose. All home pregnancy tests work the same way - by detecting levels of the hormone hCG in your urine. When purchasing a pregnancy test, check the expiration date on the box and ensure the box is fully int, with no wear and tear, as this could affect your result. Think about getting a brand that provides two test sticks in the box, especially if youre planning on testing early. This way you can wait a week before trying again, if you get a negative result first time round\r
    ✅ Figure out when to take the test: Most experts advise that you should wait at least one day after your missed period before taking a home pregnancy test, though waiting a week is considered best. This can be tough when you are anxious to find out if youre pregnant, but waiting allows for a higher degree of accuracy when taking the test, as hCG levels rise rapidly in pregnant women.\r
    + hCG develops in a womans body only after a fertilized egg implants in her uterus. Implantation of the fertilized egg typically occurs on or around the 6th day after the sperm and egg have merged. This is why home pregnancy tests wont pick up on any hCG if you take the test too early, even if you are pregnant.\r
    + Its best to do the home pregnancy test first thing in the morning, when your urine is most concentrated and hCG levels are highest.\r
    ✅ Read the instructions carefully: Although most home urine tests are pretty much the same, it is important to follow manufurers instructions. Specifics may vary for each pregnancy test, such as the method of collecting the urine, the length of time you need to urinate on the stick for and the symbols used to indicate whether youre pregnant or not.\r
    + Its better to familiarize yourself with the symbols used in advance, as you dont want to be anxiously scrambling for the instructions when the test throws up its results.\r
    + There should be a toll-free number on the box or instructions which you can call if you have any questions or concerns about the method of taking the test or the product itself.\r
    ✅ Prepare yourself: Taking a home pregnancy can be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly when youre anxiously hoping for one result or the other. Take the test privately and give yourself as much time as you need, or have your partner or a close friend stand outside the bathroom door to talk you through it. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, then carefully remove the testing stick from its wrapper..

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  • Bad Bugs Slideshow Identifying Bugs and Their Bites

    Many bugs give us reason for pause, including spiders, chiggers, bees and lice. But few get under our skin -- quite literally -- like the tick. If you enjoy the outdoors, be careful of ticks they can attach as you brush past grass and plants. Ticks dont always carry diseases, and most bites are not serious. But they can carry diseases including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.\r
    Tick Bites\r
    Once a tick latches onto skin, it often moves to the warm, moist armpits and groin -- feeding on blood and passing on any disease it carries. A tick bite can also trigger an allergic reion. If you have a tick, it is important to remove it properly. To prevent tick bites, keep your arms, legs, and head covered when outdoors. Use tick repellant with DEET on skin or clothing, or products with permethrin on clothing. Check for ticks after spending time in grassy or wooded areas.\r
    Lyme Disease\r
    In the U.S., the Western black–legged tick and the deer tick can carry Lyme disease beria. Infected ticks usually dont spread the disease until theyve been attached for at least 36 hours. The first sign of infection is often a circular skin rash. Early symptoms may also include fever, headache, and fatigue. Untreated Lyme disease may spread to other parts of the body, including the muscles, joints, heart, and nervous system. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with antibiotics.\r
    Black Widow Spiders: Venomous!\r
    Wood piles and tree stumps -- thats where venomous female black widows hide. She is long-legged and glossy black, with a distinctive orange, red, or yellow hourglass shape on her underside. These spiders are roughly 1/3 inch wide and 1.5 inches long, counting their long legs.\r
    Black Widow Spider Bites\r
    Black widow spider bites may cause stabbing pain in the bite area, but they can also be painless. Look for one or two red fang marks, redness, tenderness, and a nodule at the bite site. Severe muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, seizure, and a rise in blood pressure may follow soon after. Get medical care immediately. Anti-venom medicine is available. If possible, bring the spider with you for positive identification.\r
    Brown Recluse Spiders Can Have a Nasty Bite\r
    Hiding in attics and closets -- in Midwestern and Southern states -- thats where youll find brown recluse spiders. The spiders range in color from yellowish-tan to dark brown, with darker legs. Their venom is toxic, and their bite can sometimes cause serious wounds and infection. Yet you may not even feel their bite until later.\r
    Brown Recluse Spider Bites\r
    When the brown recluse bites, it is often painless -- then skin may redden, turn white, blister, and becomes painful. Sometimes an ulcer forms. These bites can be deadly in extremely rare cases. Get medical care if you have been bitten by a spider. If you can, bring the spider with you for positive identification.\r
    Head Lice: Itchy!\r
    In hair -- thats where youll find lice. They like to hide in the neck area of the scalp and behind the ears. If you have lice, you likely got it from sharing a hat, brush, or other item with a person who has lice. Lice are itchy, but scratching can lead to infection. In severe cases, hair may fall out.\r
    Head Lice Remedies\r
    To kill lice and their eggs (called nits), use lotions, creams, or shampoos from the drug store or prescribed by your doctor which are designed specifically for lice. Wash clothing, bedding, and brushes in hot water and dry in a hot dryer of dry clean to prevent the spread of lice. Check all household members, and treat everyone who has nits or lice. \r
    Fleas: Not for Pets Only\r
    Fleas are small, wingless, agile insects that live off the blood of their host -- and they dont just bite pets. They dine on people, too.\r
    Flea Bites\r
    Some people are very sensitive to flea bites -- but scratching can cause a wound or infection. The best solution is to get rid of fleas on pets and in your home. Keep pets out of your bed and be sure to vacuum rugs daily. Spray insecticides according to directions on infested areas. Consider using a veterinary approved insecticide on your pet.\r
    Bee, Wasp, Hornet, Yellow Jacket\r
    When certain types of bees sting, they lose their stinger and die. But a wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket can inflict multiple stings because it does not lose the stinger. These stings can cause serious reions in people who are allergic to them.

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