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  • GOT: ¿Es Jon Snow el 'Príncipe que fue prometido'?

  • Game of Thrones: Season Five Watch Episode 7

    Episode 7 of Game of Thrones..Youre a dirty, dirty bastard, Ramsay (What am I thinking? Please dont flay me!).\r
    Alliances of Iron (The Ironborn, Theon, Balon, Asha, Euron, Victarion, Daario, Moqorro, the Corsair King, the Shrouded Lord, Dragon Horns)\r
    Tower, Tower, Joy, Joy (The Tower of Joy, Jon Snows Parentage, Daenerys Parentage, the Tournament at Harrenhal, Howland Reed, Ashara Dayne)\r
    The Littlefinger Debt Scheme (Littlefinger, Sansa, Harrenhal, the Riot of Kings Landing, Neds Execution, the Bank of Braavos)\r
    The Dornish Master Plan (Qyburn, the Brave Companions, Aemon, Mirri Maz Duur, Quentyn)\r
    Riverlands of the Dragon (The Brotherhood Without Banners, Thoros, House Darry)\r
    Dragonless Ambitions (Maesters, the Dance of the Dragons, House Hightower)\r
    Cold Conspiracies (Stannis, House Manderly, House Umber, the Hooded Man, the Battle of Ice)\r
    The Pink Letter Mystery (Mance Rayder, Val, Tormund Giantsbane, Giants, Greenseers)\r
    Daenerys (Quaithe, Viserys, Drogo, Jhorah, Illyrio, Qarth, Pyat Pree, the House with the Red Door)\r
    What You Are Missing (a detailed show and book comparison)\r
    Season Five Watch (The Season Five review)\r

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