Kids Kerrits Performance Tights Review
La Garrapata T2 E26 El Abuelo usaba Mallas - Grandpa Wore Tights
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La Garrapata T2 E26 El Abuelo usaba Mallas - Grandpa Wore Tights
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La revolución del ballet 'Men in Pink Tights' llegará a Guadalajara en Junio
#Ballet #Teatro #Arte
El espectáculo de ballet Men in Pink Tights regresará a México, pues la compañía de bailarines mexicana Males on Pointe, junto al Ballet Eloelle-Grandiva, se presentarán en el Teatro Degollado el próximo 7 de junio, con una puesta en escena que combina el ballet clásico y contemporáneo con un toque cómico.Ver video "La revolución del ballet 'Men in Pink Tights' llegará a Guadalajara en Junio"
DIY - How To Make Barbie Doll Sport Clothes - Doll Tights & Crop Top - Making Kids Toys
How To Make Barbie Doll Sport Clothes - Doll Tights & Crop Top!!!\r
Hello guys! Today what I am going to show you is how to sew a sport outfit for your Barbie Doll. You can use the recycled materials in your home like an old t-shirt. Barbie is ready for going to the gym now! Hope you like my video and dont forget the hit the thumbs up button!\r
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Romper estereotipos, uno de los objetivos del la muestra de ballet 'Men in Pink Tights'
#ballet #danza
El próximo 7 de junio en el Teatro Degollado, y el 8 de junio en el Centro para la Cultura y las Artes de la Ribera de Chapala, la compañía Males on Pointe junto al Ballet Eloelle de New York ofrecerán ‘Men in Pink Tights’, una muestra de ballet que busca acercar a los públicos con la ruptura de ciertos estereotipos, al tratarse de piezas clásicas con un toque de comedia.Ver video "Romper estereotipos, uno de los objetivos del la muestra de ballet 'Men in Pink Tights'"
How to Fold Laundry: Fitted Sheets, Socks, T-Shirts & Stockings (Clean My Space)
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In this video, cleaning expert, Melissa Maker, shows us how to fold laundry. \r
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We have lots of folding tricks to share with you! Not only do we have very cool ways to fold socks (and tights/stockings for the ladies), but she deconstructs how to fold a fitted sheet and how to do that very cool Japanese teeshirt folding trick! Enjoy!\r
Steven asked: Can you show me some helpful and quick folding tips?\r
Item #1: Stockings\r
Make sure the stockings are nice and flat. Fold the top part in half. Lay the stockings down flat. Fold one leg on top of the other. Then, fold them in half twice. Roll to the top and take the folded over part and roll it over the entire roll of stockings.\r
Item #2: Socks\r
Lay socks flat on top of each other. Fold them in half and roll them to the top. Take the outer sock and flip it up over the inner sock. \r
Item #3: T-Shirt\r
Lay the t-shirt down flat. Find the shoulder line and draw an imaginary line down to the bottom of the shirt. Consider the top of the shirt point 1, midway down the shirt point 2 and the bottom of the shirt is point 3. Take the hand closest to the top (your left hand) and pinch point 1. Use your right hand to pinch point 2. You should have a straight line connecting point 1 and point 2. Take point 1 and fold over point 2 and grab point 3. Then pull your right hand through and fold it over once more. \r
Item #4: Fitted sheet\r
Start by facing the elastic side down and spread out on a flat surface. Label the top point 1 and point 2. The bottom will be point 3 and point 4. Take the corner of point 1 and point 2, and fold point 2 over point 1. Take the corner of point 3 and point 4, and fold point 4 over point 3. The key to success is to keep all your corners tidy and flipped the same way. Match up corner 1 and 2 with corners 3 and 4. Lay flat on the ground and smooth out. Youll want to fold in 3s. Fold the bottom edge up first and the top edge over. Then fold it over again in 3s and voila, a perfectly folded fitted sheet!Ver video "How to Fold Laundry: Fitted Sheets, Socks, T-Shirts & Stockings (Clean My Space)"
Exciting New Spanx
A new product was introduced called 'Spanx Arm Tights' and they aren't stopping there. They are also coming out with Spanx for another troublesome part of the anatomy.
Ver video "Exciting New Spanx"
Extremely Funny Metal Commercial, A MUST WATCH!
it's a really funny commercial about 3 metalheads who ran out of food, so 2 go and buy some more by COOP. while gone, the ohther metalhead gets his britney spears (or something) cd and dresses up in pink tights, parading around the room!
Ver video "Extremely Funny Metal Commercial, A MUST WATCH!"