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Topical Cyclosporine Treats Ocular Rosacea
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Topical Cyclosporine Treats Ocular Rosacea
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Diabetes tipo I: Marcadores epigeneticos
El término de epigenética fue acuñado por Waddington en 1939, quien la definió como "el estudio de todos los eventos que llevan al desenvolvimiento del programa genético del desarrollo" o el complejo "proceso de desarrollo que media entre genotipo y fenotipo". Antes del surgimiento de la epigenética, la relación genes-ambiente era explicado bajo la visión de un"determinismo genético". Ambas concepciones, epigenética y determinismo genético, tienen sus ancestros en los conceptos de epigénesis y preformismo que surgieron en los siglos XVII y XIX. Posteriormente, prevaleció la concepción de que tanto el desarrollo como el fenotipo estaban definidos casi exclusivamente por los genes. A comienzos del siglo XX la Genética era considerada la ciencia de la herencia y la Embriología del desarrollo. Waddington trató de demostrar que ambas disciplinas estaban estrechamente ligadas entre sí y con la evolución.
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La diabetes mellitus (DM) o diabetes sacarina es un síndrome orgánico multisistémico crónico que se caracteriza por un aumento de los niveles de glucosa en la sangre (conocido médicamente como hiperglucemia) resultado de concentraciones bajas de la hormona insulina o por su inadecuado uso por parte del cuerpo, que conducirá posteriormente a alteraciones en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, lípidos y proteínas. La poliuria (producción excesiva de orina), la polidipsia (incremento de la sed), la pérdida de peso, algunas veces polifagia (aumento anormal de la necesidad de comer) y la visión borrosa son los síntomas cardinales de este padecimiento.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud reconoce tres formas de diabetes mellitus: tipo 1, tipo 2 y diabetes gestacional (ocurre durante el embarazo), cada una con diferentes causas y con distinta incidencia. Varios procesos patológicos están involucrados en el desarrollo de la diabetes, estos varían desde destrucción autoinmune de las células β del páncreas con la posterior deficiencia de insulina como consecuencia característica de la DM tipo 1, hasta anormalidades que resultan en la resistencia a la acción de la insulina como ocurre en la DM tipo 2. La etiología de la diabetes gestacional es parecida a la de la DM tipo 2, debido a que las hormonas del embarazo pueden crear insulinorresistencia en una mujer predispuesta genéticamente a este padecimiento.
Para el año 2000, de acuerdo con la OMS, se estimó que alrededor de 171 millones de personas eran diabéticos en el mundo y que llegarán a 370 millones en 2030.Ver video "Diabetes"
Pain Relief Cream - #1 Fast Acting Topical Pain Relief Cream for Arthritis, Joint Pain, Sore Muscles, Shingles, Plantar Fasciitis, Golf and Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Neuropathy,
Pain Relief Cream - #1 Fast Acting Topical Pain Relief Cream for Arthritis, Joint Pain, Sore Muscles, Shingles, Plantar Fasciitis, Golf and Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Sore Back, Sore Neck, Repetitive Strain. Doctor Recommended Patented Formulation with No Burning, No Side Affects, No Unpleasant Odors. Backed By 100% Money Back Guarantee. Review
New Peek-A-Boo Kitty!
This never gets old. Get your insulin ready!
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Diabetes Cure - Best Fruits to eat (SPANISH)
Health Tips in Spanish Language
If you are diabetic, include these fruits in your diet | Diabetes
There is no harm in including some fruits in your meal plan if you are a diabetes patient. According to experts, diabetics should consider the glycemic index and glycemic load of fruits, which affect the blood sugar level. Some fruits like pears, oranges and cherries, among others, can help regulate blood sugar level.
No hay nada de malo en incluir algunas frutas en su plan de comidas si es un paciente con diabetes. Según los expertos, los diabéticos deben considerar el índice glucémico y la carga glucémica de las frutas, que afectan el nivel de azúcar en la sangre. Algunas frutas como peras, naranjas y cerezas, entre otras, pueden ayudar a regular el nivel de azúcar en la sangre.
image courtesy: istock, imagestock, stockphotoVer video "Diabetes Cure - Best Fruits to eat (SPANISH)"
Frankie Boyle's New World Order: Trailer - BBC Two
Frankie gives his own unique take on world events. A new topical comedy, only on BBC Two.
Ver video "Frankie Boyle's New World Order: Trailer - BBC Two"
Budweiser Super Bowl Ad Will Resonate
On advertising's biggest night, Budweiser's Super Bowl ad may get the biggest reaction from a topical ad the company wasn't expecting.
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Steve Olschwanger Great Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Sugar, cut overabundance sugar from your eating regimen, sugar makes your physique make insulin. The point when your physique makes a lot of insulin it influences your liver. Your liver gets exhausted and can't break down the overabundance sugar, so your physique remunerates and stores the sugar as fat. Evading sugar might be challenging as it is discovered in so a number of our each day sustenances even the ones that are tagged as eating methodology or sound By Steve Olschwanger.Ver video "Steve Olschwanger Great Healthy Weight Loss Tips"
Google Doodle Dorothy Hodgkin May 12 2014
Google Doodle about Dorothy Hodgkin on 12th May of 2014. Google celebrates Dorothy Hodgkin's 104th birthday. Hodgkin was a British chemist. She confirmed the structure of vitamin B12 and advanced the technique of X-ray crystallography. 5 years after receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Dorothy Hodgkin decoded the structure of insulin.
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Tips To Control Blood Sugar Levels - Tips To Diabetic Patients
Tips To Control Blood Sugar Levels - Tips To Diabetic Patients
Dear Friend,
Are you sick and tired of constantly...
worrying about all the long-term diabetes complications...
being held prisoner by your diabetes…
being fed up with daily insulin injections and finger pricks…
facing an 80% risk of dying from heart disease or stroke...
being afraid or guilty to have a wholesome dinner with your family…
being concerned with not being able to lose weight, which the medicine seems to put on and keep on…
being overwhelmed by the daily care and vigilance the disease requires…
dealing with the “side-effects” of your medications...
If you're tired of being Sick and Tired while you suffer from this entirely reversible condition, then this will be the most important letter you'll ever readVer video "Tips To Control Blood Sugar Levels - Tips To Diabetic Patients"
Using Diode Lasers to Cure Gum Problem
Click on http://www.7daydental.com to find out more about all our dental services. We open 7 days a week. Any dental emergency can be done at the same day visit.
Here are a few questions about using diode lasers for gingival healing at 7 Day Dental in Orange County.
Q: What are the benefits of using dental lasers?
A: I've been using lasers for several years and I've seen greater gingival healing after using the lasers.
Q; Does it hurt when you use the laser?
A: No, it's a very simple procedure. We usually use a topical gel to numb the area. For more severe cases we would numb the patient beforehand.
Q: After the procedure, do patients experience any discomfort?
A: No. None of my patients had experienced any discomfort at all.
Website: http://www.7daydental.comVer video "Using Diode Lasers to Cure Gum Problem"
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment !!\r
Coriander is plant normally 50 cm long, its seeds are used as spices and herbs. Leaves of coriander are also used to garnish dishes. Smell of its leaf is very fresh that add extra flavor to your dish.\r
Coriander seeds are being used to cure diabetes since a long time. Also in many studies it has been proved that coriander is helpful in reducing diabetes. Coriander reduces the glucose level of your blood. It also maintains the insulin ivity. Coriander is a traditional natural remedy to treat the diabetes. Lets see how to cure diabetes with coriander seeds? But first lets discuss about the research that tells the effect of coriander on diabetes.\r
Effect of Coriander on Diabetes:\r
Study published in US National Library of Medicine indicates that coriander seed is effective in controlling the insulin release from pancreatic beta cells in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Ethanol extr from the coriander seed was effective in reducing serum glucose. Also it was effective in increasing the insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas.\r
How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds?\r
Now you know the effect of coriander on diabetes. To cure diabetes you need find ways to consume this amazing herb. Here are few ways to include it more in your diet.\r
Include Coriander seed Powder as spices in your food:\r
To cure diabetes with coriander seeds, you can use coriander seed powder as spices in your food. Coriander powder makes your dish tastier and also it does not let your blood sugar increase. Increase the quantity of coriander powder when mixing them with other spices, this way you will consume more coriander.\r
Use Raw Coriander Seed in your food:\r
Another way to cure diabetes with coriander seeds is you can add them raw in your food. Raw coriander seed can be used in curry, soups and gravies. It will change the taste of your dish and also does not let the glucose level increase in your blood. Coriander also improves your digestion, adding them in your food is more beneficial.\r
Drink Coriander Water:\r
You can drink coriander water to cure diabetes. To prepare coriander water take 10 gram of crushed coriander seed. Then add 6 part of water in it. Let it soak in water for a whole night. In the morning filter and remove the seeds of coriander, drink the water. This coriander water helps to cleanse your body and also maintain the blood sugar level.\r
Add Coriander Leaves in your dishes:\r
Coriander leaves also have the properties of reducing blood sugar. To cure diabetes coriander leaves can also be added in your dishes. Fresh leaves added extra taste and make your dish more energized. You can use add coriander leaves in salads and curries. Leaves of coriander are best way to garnish dishes. Use of coriander leaves increases the fullness of food.\r
Store crushed Coriander seeds in Pepper Mill:\r
To cure diabetes with coriander seeds you need to consume it more. Placing roasted crushed coriander seeds in pepper mill on your dining table increase chances that you consume it more. Sprinkle extra coriander on your food.Ver video "How to cure Diabetes with Coriander Seeds - Diabetes Treatment"
best anti aging products 2013
AC-11 is a revolutionary advancement in human nutrition and skin care. Derived from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, a vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, safe, all-natural AC-11 helps the body to repair DNA damage with a huge anti aging effect . The process by which this repair occurs is self-healing and has evolutionary origins. Its proper functioning may be the critical piece to the human health puzzle. Current science confirms that it is unrepaired DNA damage that leads to accelerated aging and an eventual breakdown of the body.
Effective both orally and topically, AC-11 begins where the protective benefits of antioxidants end by visibly reducing the adverse effects of aging and by helping to restore healthy cell function. Supported by over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies, AC-11 works with the body to repair DNA damage caused by over-exposure to the sun and oxidative stress (pollution, etc,) starting the best anti aging process. This action helps boost immune function and allows our bodies to perform more efficiently, so that we look and feel younger—a perfect solution for inner health and outer beauty!
Best Anti Aging products
The body naturally protects against free radical damage by producing neutralizing antioxidants. Certain foods and dietary supplements, moreover, provide a way to introduce additional antioxidants into the system.
Where free radical damage, or a lesion, has occurred to DNA, the body has a limited repair capacity. Specialized proteins scan the DNA to identify and isolate corrupted portions of the genetic code. Minor lesions may be chemically reversed; more extensive damage must be removed. Repair enzymes cut out or excise the damaged area and re-create the discarded section.
Together, antioxidants and the cell's internal DNA repair mechanisms work to preserve the integrity of the cell. However, too many free radicals and too much damage over a given period of time can overwhelm these basic mechanisms and cause them to fail. Overload of this type is called oxidative stress. When lesions are left unrepaired, eventually they impair the cell's natural functions, including its self-repair functions. Individual cells damaged by oxidative stress break down and die prematurely. Over time, the body becomes progressively less capable of restoring healthy DNA as the cells continue to replicate in damaged or corrupted form.
As a result of unrepaired DNA damage that accumulates with age, the body becomes less efficient at basic tasks. For example, damage to the white cells, which form the core of a person's immune system, will increase the body's susceptibility to acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases. Moreover, non-regenerative structures, such as collagen, will begin to deteriorate rapidly and lead to aging the skin and weakening of the joints, bones, and connective tissues.
AC-11 is a revolutionary botanical extract that helps repair damage to DNA. This patented compound enhances cellular repair mechanisms to improve the utility and function of organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the body. Topical applications of AC-11 help to repair UV damage, fade discoloration, and ease fine lines and wrinkles. When ingested, this natural supplement also helps to support a healthy response to excess inflammation and encourage collagen production, while simultaneously supporting the immune system. These anti aging products are the best in the market in 2013.Ver video "best anti aging products 2013"