Videos relacionados con tought


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  • All asians know kung fu

  • iPad 2 vs iPad | And how to get one FREE! - Forget about the ipad 2 vs ipad , this is much better. You can get your own ipad 2 for free (oh yeah, that would be 100% free).

    Instead of comparing the ipad 2 vs ipad now you can judge it for yourself. Find out how this is possible and where you need to go to take advantage of this special promotion in the link above.

    And when you tought this couldn't be better... How about a free iPad 2 AND a free iPod 4 (both) ??

    Yes, this is a surprise. I didn't put it on the video but here it's:

    Hope you enjoy it!

    Ver video "iPad 2 vs iPad | And how to get one FREE!"

  • 1er test timelapse LG D680


    Estaba en mi ventana viendo como llovía cuando se me ocurrió una idea

    Sacar el celular y grabar un timelapse a ver que salía

    La toma esta movida y es tan corta por mi pulso de maraquero (ni siquiera me acomode antes de empezar el timelapse XD)... osea, casi 3 minutos "a pelo", neta pensé saldría más movida XD

    Software: LapseIt 4.1
    68 frames en 2min45sec @720p 16fps
    Hardware: LG D680

    Es una lata que no se reproduzca en HD, habrá que ganar el MotionMaker ;D


    I was in front of my window enjoying the rain when a tought came to me

    "Get out the cellphone and make a timelapse to see what comes from that"

    The shot its moved and its so short because I started to shaking (I didn't take a comfortable position before start the timelapse XD)... well, almost 3 minutes at pure hand... Im surprised the video isn't shaking a lot more XD

    Software: LapseIt 4.1
    68 frames in 2min45sec @720p 16fps
    Hardware: LG D680

    Ver video "1er test timelapse LG D680"

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