Videos relacionados con ultrasound


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  • Ultrasound - Official Trailer

  • A Panda Gets an Ultrasound!

    Pandas can develop a "pseudo pregnancy," so multiple ultrasounds are needed to confirm if they're actually pregnant.

    Ver video "A Panda Gets an Ultrasound!"

  • Yoav Medan Ultrasound surgery healing without cuts

    Yoav Medan shares a technique that uses Magnetic Rresonance Imaging to find trouble spots and focused ultrasound to treat such issues as brain lesions.

    Ver video "Yoav Medan Ultrasound surgery healing without cuts"

  • Kidney Stones Treatment Ultrasound + Kidney Stone Remedy Lemon Juice

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    Kidney Stones Treatment Ultrasound + Kidney Stone Remedy Lemon Juice


    Ver video "Kidney Stones Treatment Ultrasound + Kidney Stone Remedy Lemon Juice"

  • gallstone pancreatitis treatment - gallstone natural remedy - gallstone pancreatitis treatment - gallstone natural remedy

    OK, let's summarize all of the benefits you'll receive.

    When you buy your copy of the Gallstone Removal Report:

    Fast, painless relief from your excruciating pain
    (usually overnight)

    No harmful side effects -- 100% natural! In fact, your whole
    body will be healthier after you rid the gallstones!

    gallstone pancreatitis treatment - gallstone natural remedy

    Ver video "gallstone pancreatitis treatment - gallstone natural remedy"

  • Cow 65 days - vaca 65 dias

    Ver video "Cow 65 days - vaca 65 dias"

  • The gender of the baby - Gender predictor - Gender predicto The gender of the baby - Gender predictor - Gender predictor for baby

    Prince or Princess ? Choosing Your Baby's Gender Before Conception.
    Here are Some of the Things you Will Find in the Prince or Princess Guide.

    Plan your baby boy or baby girl ebook.Ultimate guide in baby gender planning.ATTENTION:You can determine the sex of your child using 100% safe,natural and effective methods that are PROVEN TO WORK ! The gender of the baby - Gender predictor - Gender predictor for baby

    Ver video "The gender of the baby - Gender predictor - Gender predicto"

  • Non Surgical Liposuction Iowa Ultrasonic Body is a non surgical liposuction procedure that uses ultrasound waves to go to the certain areas on the body.

    Ver video "Non Surgical Liposuction Iowa"

  • Checking a Panda’s Heart Condition Takes Time and Effort

    Gao Gao has a condition where a part below one of his valves is narrowed, and the ultrasound helps medical staff monitor the efficacy of medication.

    Ver video "Checking a Panda’s Heart Condition Takes Time and Effort"

  • Health Checkups With Pandas Are So Vital But Can Be Tough

    The older panda has a condition where a part below one of his valves is narrowed. The ultrasound helps medical staff monitor the efficacy of medication.

    Ver video "Health Checkups With Pandas Are So Vital But Can Be Tough"

  • Laser Lipo New Hampshire Some newer modifications to the Laser Lipo surgery include the use of a liposhaver and the use of ultrasound to help break up the fat deposits.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo New Hampshire"

  • natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy - natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy

    What Makes This Breakthrough System So
    Unique is That it Gives You The Power To.

    A few trips to the doctor and a few tests,
    but I got no diagnosis.

    I was sick and getting sicker.

    An additional trip to my general practitioner
    did no good.

    He thought maybe it was just a menstrual
    pain induced by stress.

    I tried relaxing more and that helped
    (a little), still I couldn’t get rid of
    that severe pain in
    my abs and lower back.

    Several weeks and several visits later, the
    doctor began to suspect that something was
    indeed wrong and initiated a series of tests
    to rule out anything serious.

    After undergoing what seemed like an endless
    round of tests and an ultrasound we finally
    had a diagnosis: a small uterine fibroid.

    Ver video "natural remedies for fibroids - fibroid pregnancy"

  • Los fetos responden a la música emitida desde la vagina de la madre

    ¿Puede un feto de 16 semanas oír y responder a los estímulos musicales? La respuesta la han encontrado investigadores de Institut Marqués, que han descubierto que si se emite sonido a través de la vagina de la madre los fetos reaccionan ante la música.

    El estudio, publicado en la revista británica Ultrasound, reveló que emitiendo música vía vaginal el 87 por ciento de los fetos movía la boca y casi el 50 por ciento sacaba la lengua, realizando movimientos de vocalización.

    Institut Marqués ha diseñado un dispositivo para emitir sonido desde el interior de la vagina de la madre. Se trata de un revolucionario método que permite comunicarse con el feto.

    Las madres suelen poner música a sus bebés durante el embarazo, pero según este estudio, el sonido desde el exterior les llega como un susurro y de forma distorsionada. Es la primera vez que se demuestra que sólo transmitiendo música desde la vagina se logra que el feto responda con movimientos de vocalización, previos a la adquisición d

    Ver video "Los fetos responden a la música emitida desde la vagina de la madre"

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