Videos relacionados con adenitis


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  • Que significa adenitis

  • Gypsy Admitted To Hospital Again & Why/How LF8Fs Video Schedule Will Change

    Gypsy (11) was admitted to hospital again on Thursday. Were calling it mesenteric adenitis again - although its not a confident diagnosis. Shes suffered whatever-it-is a dozen or more times since May new and this is the 4th time she had to be admitted to hospital for pain management.\r
    PS: The LuckyFortune8 Family channel was verified on YouTube this week - WÖHÖOO!! Weve spent the last couple of weeks scratching our heads and taking tons of advice on what our goals are and how they might best be achieved. Our goals are easy: make as many good videos as possible and connect with our Lucky F8 Mates as much as possible. The short and long term strategy to do this effectively is not so clear, but in the short term well be reducing to 4 videos per week (plus some bonus extras), learning to make better use of other social media, launching our own website, and putting some work into becoming a little more professional (yes youre right we do need to sort out intros and outros and other basics!!). We also plan how to do cool things like live stream with a pile of guests - like YOU! \r
    Follow me on Twitter @Fortune8Family to receive alerts when we post new videos.\r
    Click here to see how we accidentally got started on YouTube: \r
    No we dont plan to change our PO Box address! Send mail to \r
    PO Box 1069\r
    Slacks Creek QLD 4127\r
    Click here to visit the LuckyFortune8Family channel: \r
    Click here to see a sample collection of LuckyFortune8Family videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs full collection of CHALLENGE videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs COMEDY SKITS & SCRIPTED ACTING videos: \r
    Click here for LF8Fs FUNNY & CUTE videos: \r
    Click here for a collection of getting-to-know us Q&As and personality profile videos: \r
    Click here to learn why we went broke and how you could help:

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