Videos relacionados con advertisement


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  • Advertisement

  • OmniPod Advertisement

    OmniPod Advertisement

    Ver video "OmniPod Advertisement"

  • Mattresses Advertisement Goes Wrong

    Mattresses Advertisement Goes Wrong

    Ver video "Mattresses Advertisement Goes Wrong"

  • Nokia N9 Teaser Advertisement

    In this video, we catch tantalizing glimpses of the upcoming, MeeGo-powered Nokia N9 QWERTY slider. With the company in a period of unprecedented transition, the N9 will need to boast some outstanding features, or risk becoming an also-ran as anticipation builds for the first Windows Phone 7-powered Nokia devices.

    Ver video "Nokia N9 Teaser Advertisement"

  • Barcelona - Disco Otto Zutz Advertisement

    Ver video "Barcelona - Disco Otto Zutz Advertisement"

  • Redbull commercial , Funny, sporty Advertisement

    Redbull commercial , Funny, sporty Advertisement

    Ver video "Redbull commercial , Funny, sporty Advertisement"

  • Barcelona - Disco Boulvard Club Advertisement

    Ver video "Barcelona - Disco Boulvard Club Advertisement"

  • L'oreal - Feria Advertisement with Beyoncé

    Beyoncé in the last L'Oreal Feria commercial (2011)

    Ver video "L'oreal - Feria Advertisement with Beyoncé"

  • 2008 Nissan Altima coupe advertisement 2

    ...athletic performance, light-weight sporty design, sport-tuned suspension... and an advanced cvt transmission to keep you running smoothly.

    Ver video "2008 Nissan Altima coupe advertisement 2"

  • Amazing New Kia Range TV Advertisement

    The new TV advertisement from Kia Motors (UK) for the new Kia range. Featuring Rafa Nadal.

    Ver video "Amazing New Kia Range TV Advertisement"

  • Classified Advertisements Are Getting Increasing Attention

    Visit for more info

    Ver video "Classified Advertisements Are Getting Increasing Attention"

  • How to view Advertisements at Neobux by SAP2000 This is a simple video explaining how to watch your Advertisements at Neobux since it was redesigned and I show you how much you can earn

    Ver video "How to view Advertisements at Neobux by SAP2000"

  • Advertisement Shift 2 Unleashed: Hot Lap Gameplay Trailer

    Take a hot lap with a pro driver at Laguna Seca in Shift 2 Unleashed and see how it's done in this new gameplay trailer for the car racing game.

    Ver video "Advertisement Shift 2 Unleashed: Hot Lap Gameplay Trailer"

  • Game of Thrones Season 4 'Awaken' Advertisement (HBO)

    Game of Thrones Season 4 'Awaken' Advertisement (HBO)

    Ver video "Game of Thrones Season 4 'Awaken' Advertisement (HBO)"

  • 200GB Bandwidth Free Hosting | No Advertisements and Cpanel hosting

    Click The Link Below To Find Honest Uptodate Reviews Of The Cheapest Webhosts

    200GB Bandwidth Free Hosting | No Advertisements and Cpanel hosting


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  • Teletubbies Toys Superdome and Tubby Custard Train Playset Toys | ADVERTISEMENT

    Ver video "Teletubbies Toys Superdome and Tubby Custard Train Playset Toys | ADVERTISEMENT"

  • Teletubbies Toys - Superdome and Tubby Custard Train Playset Toys | ADVERTISEMENT

    Ver video "Teletubbies Toys - Superdome and Tubby Custard Train Playset Toys | ADVERTISEMENT"

  • Anuncio de Quickbot

    Anuncio del nuevo restaurante QuickBot.

    Ver video "Anuncio de Quickbot"




  • Inochi


    Ver video "Inochi"

  • Marvels Captain America: Civil War Miniverse 2.5 Inch Figures and Face Off Playsets

    Ver video "Marvels Captain America: Civil War Miniverse 2.5 Inch Figures and Face Off Playsets"

  • Tecnología: El futuro según Microsoft

    Redacción, 4 noviembre (CERES Así es como el gigante de la informática piensa que será el futuro de la tecnología en tan solo unos años. © 2011 CERES TELEVISIÓN DIGITAL [+info]: [e-mail]: Contacto / Peticiones: Teléf. (0034) 91 188 07 93 Fax: (0034) 91 630 86 16 

    Ver video "Tecnología: El futuro según Microsoft"

  • Beyoncé @ Anderson Live Commercial

    Watch Beyoncé live on 'Anderson Live' next Sept. 10

    Ver video "Beyoncé @ Anderson Live Commercial"

  • 13 Calbee Commercials

    13 Calbee Commercials

    Ver video "13 Calbee Commercials"

  • True Match by L'Oreal Paris with Beyoncé

    Beyoncé for L'Oreal in True Match Commercial

    Ver video "True Match by L'Oreal Paris with Beyoncé"

  • Volkswagen EOS 2006

       ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥   Selection of creative ideas   »»»»»»»»»»»»

    Ver video "Volkswagen EOS 2006"

  • Levi's Dangerous Liaison

    Ver video "Levi's Dangerous Liaison"

  • 1965 Chrysler NewYorker TV Ad

    Ver video "1965 Chrysler NewYorker TV Ad"

  • A Visual Mix PS2

    Ver video "A Visual Mix PS2"

  • Proxima apertura¡¡

    Ver video "Proxima apertura¡¡"

  • Tarifa Panda: el anuncio

    Os presentamos el anuncio de televisión con el que queremos comunicar la nueva Tarifa Panda.

    Ver video "Tarifa Panda: el anuncio"

  • M. Spot TV "la Caixa" valores

    Muntañola Comunicació os presenta una de sus ultimas producciones, el Spot de "la Caixa" con el brief de transmitir los valores de la marca.

    Ver video "M. Spot TV "la Caixa" valores"


    BMW no tenía nada parecido hasta ahora. El nuevo Serie 5 Gran Turismo es una mezcla de distintos conceptos y pretende reunir, en un mismo modelo, características de berlina, de familiar y de coupé, pero sobre todo, hace gala de un espacioso y lujoso interior en el que los pasajeros son los más beneficiados. El cuadro de mandos me han dicho que es maravilloso...asi que sera una gozada conducirlo.


  • Familia López: Capítulo Después del Día de las Madres

    Ver video "Familia López: Capítulo Después del Día de las Madres"

  • Recopilacion

    recopilación de videos, funcionamiento del sitema e-motion en impact communications

    Ver video "Recopilacion"

  • Manjar Colun

    El mitico comercial chileno.

    Ver video "Manjar Colun"

  • Anuncio Cruzcampo - Un poco de Sur

    Campaña de Televisión de Cruzcampo para 2011. ¿Quién no necesita un poco de Sur? El sur no es un lugar, es un estado mental...Hazte fan en:
    Más Información en:

    Ver video "Anuncio Cruzcampo - Un poco de Sur"

  • Beyoncé's '4' Target Commercial

    Beyoncé's '4' Target Commercial

    Ver video "Beyoncé's '4' Target Commercial"

  • Re Enable Monetization Problem Solved | Ads are not showing on My Videos

    This video will show you how to Re Monitize your videos.\r
    When you disable monetize your videos due to invalid ivities and high CTR and after that you can re enable monetize your videos.\r
    If you watch carefully till last of my video then you can also re monetize your videos.\r
    This video also helpful for those guys when Ads are not showing on Monetize videos videos.\r
    in this video there have three different ways to re enable monetize videos.\r
    is link me jake Appeal kijiye for invalid click (High CTR)

    Ver video "Re Enable Monetization Problem Solved | Ads are not showing on My Videos"

  • World Record- Most Punch Strikes In 1 Minute - Die Meisten Boxhiebe in 1 Minute

    Also check out my record in Muay Tai pushups: \r
    Personal Trainer Farid Hima: Berlin Germany\r
    Feel Free to share my videos on Facebook ;-)\r
    My Facebook: \r
    My Twitter: \r
    core training for ladies and gents\r
    6-pack six pack abs abdominal ab abdominals exercise fitness fat loss weight sixpack 6pack glutes lean muscle six-pack crunches core training workout sit ups routine Important training information tutorial on abs diet programm \r
    concentrating on form and technique for beginners, intermidiate and advanced levels\r
    عضلات البطن سكس باك ووووو التضعيف التخسيس وووووو اسرع وقت ممكن أذابة الدهون الشحوم ألديت الريجيم وووو\r
    قصة نجاح صغيرة\r
    المدرب الشخصي فريد\r
    برلين ألمانيا

    Ver video "World Record- Most Punch Strikes In 1 Minute - Die Meisten Boxhiebe in 1 Minute"

  • ¡¡ por fin las rebajas !! portátiles a un 80% menos en Moscú

    Ver video "¡¡ por fin las rebajas !! portátiles a un 80% menos en Moscú"

  • Nike Write The Future [Full Length Version]

    Video Property of Nike
    Video Propiedad de Nike

    Ver video "Nike Write The Future [Full Length Version]"

  • Instant VideoMarketing Secrets | FREE Training | Video Marketing FREE Guide How To Get More Views. Instant Video Marketing Secrets FREE CD Training will teach you How to drive you Targeted Traffic for FREE!!, Increase your subscriber List and EXPLODE your Sales just by pressing a RECORD button. Also, Get your FREE MarketingDotCom Newsletter from Mike Filsaime and Learn from the BEST. Go Get it NOW!!

    Ver video "Instant VideoMarketing Secrets | FREE Training | Video Marketing FREE Guide"

  • Crea tus propios banners HTML5 con Google Web Editor

    Crear un banner publicitario es más fácil de lo que piensas con el software adecuado. Te presentamos Google Web Designer. Google Web Designer es una aplicación de Google que permite diseñar anuncios en HTML5 así como otros tipos de contenidos desarrollados para la web. La interfaz de Google Web Designer es muy tradicional, parecida a programas de edición de imagen como Photoshop. Cuando empiezas con un nuevo archivo, puedes escoger entre crear un Banner, un anuncio extendible o un anuncio intersticial. Así como archivos en blanco para que empieces escribiendo en el lenguaje que prefieras. Para mostrarte cómo funciona empezaremos creando un Banner. Como ves, las dos únicas plantillas que incluye Google Web Designer son precisamente dos sistemas de publicidad propios de la compañía. Escogemos la opción más genérica. Aquí puedes modificar las dimensiones, el nombre, la carpeta y el tipo de animación, que puede ser rápida, creando la animación de fotograma en fotograma y dejando que la aplicación calcule la interpolación entre ellos; o avanzada, con tratamiento por capas y fotogramas clave, con una timeline y un funcionamiento más parecido a Apple Motion o After Effects. Añadimos una forma rectangular con color de fondo que sirva como base para el banner. Para incorporar imágenes es posible arrastrarlas y soltarlas desde el explorador. Una vez insertadas, tan solo debes situarlas allá dónde desees. Crea una situación final y una previa. El programa se encargara de crear la animación entre estas dos situaciones. Las animaciones pueden ser espaciales o de tiempo, con modificaciones para suavizarlas. Además, tienes posibilidades en tres dimensiones. El funcionamiento es el mismo: con un punto de inicio y uno de final, el programa acaba creando el movimiento. Rotación de objetos/ alineación / colores… cuentas con todas las opciones típicas de un programa de diseño. Además, el programa incluye opciones para añadir galerías de imágenes, otros objetos iframe, mapas, vídeos, zonas de acción, para convertir en clicable cualquier elemento; y eventos para aumentar aún más las posibilidades de tu banner. La vista puede ser en diseño o en código, donde podrás acabar de precisar tu creación. Una vez lo tengas todo listo es el momento para publicar. En el último paso obtendrás un archivo zip con el prefijo css optimizado para el navegador que escojas. Listo para subir online.

    Ver video "Crea tus propios banners HTML5 con Google Web Editor"

  • Introducción a Adblock Plus

    Introducción a ADBlock Plus, una aplicación para silenciar los anuncios en los navegadores y muchas otras molestias.

    Ver video "Introducción a Adblock Plus"

  • Como limpiar YouTube de comentarios y otras molestias con ADBlock Plus

    ¿Te molestan los comentarios en YouTube? ¿O los vídeos relacionados? Con esta extensión gratuita para tu navegador puedes bloquear anuncios de páginas web, pero muchas otras cosas más.

    Ver video "Como limpiar YouTube de comentarios y otras molestias con ADBlock Plus"

  • Doom 1993 anuncio

    Doom 1993 Advertisement

    Ver video "Doom 1993 anuncio"

  • Sonic Progressive The Hedgehog

    Sonic the Hedgehog stars in this advertisement for Progressive insurance

    Ver video "Sonic Progressive The Hedgehog"

  • Mastercard commercial 35mm

    extras, great Thai food and entertainment....commercial video mastercard 35mm film comedy director advertisement...rhythmseekerfilms

    Ver video "Mastercard commercial 35mm"

  • Viral Video JeanClaude Commercial

    Van Damme performs the splits between two moving vehicles in a new advertisement for Volvo trucks.

    Ver video "Viral Video JeanClaude Commercial"

  • hwcosmic

    Are you creating an advertisement or video about technology-cosmos-universe? This animation may interest you.

    Ver video "hwcosmic"

  • Mousetrap

    Tyson Ibele A FAKE advertisement for "Lactaid", chronicalling a curious mouse's efforts to get some cheese.

    Ver video "Mousetrap"

  • Andy Gibb - I love New York (Broadway)

    Advertisement promoting tourism in New York State created by the New York State Department of Commerce.
    circa 1982

    Ver video "Andy Gibb - I love New York (Broadway)"

  • Google and Facebook Censoring "Fake" News

    Since the storm of fake news from the 2016 election, Google and Facebook have pledged to remove what they deem as fake from their news and advertisements.

    Ver video "Google and Facebook Censoring "Fake" News"

  • #OMG - Le lanzan huevazos y agua a presentadora

    Se pasaron de lanza
    Parte 2:

    Ver video "#OMG - Le lanzan huevazos y agua a presentadora"

  • Leading Spanish actors join search for two missing children

    Madrid, 8 Feb (EFE).- A number of leading Spanish actors have come together to produce a television advertisement to help in the search of two missing children in Southern Spain.

    Ver video "Leading Spanish actors join search for two missing children"

  • Real Estate Leads

    We are an Ad words Qualified Company and our staff is fully certified including, Google Certified Advertisement Professionals, Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassadors and MSN Ad Center certified professionals

    Ver video "Real Estate Leads"

  • internet marketing company dubai

    A website is more than just a way to communicate companies, selling products and services or space that could be used for advertisements. They are the representatives of the companies in the world of Internet.

    Ver video "internet marketing company dubai"

  • Crowdfinch Technologies Letterhead Design for Business
    Letterhead is also a mean of advertisement for the product. They are normally used as personal or corporate identity for individuals and companies. Freelancers can utilize this great tool because they become a kind of brand for them and they can achieve many projects. The information contained in the letterhead include

    Ver video "Crowdfinch Technologies Letterhead Design for Business"

  • Si no entreguen a nuestros hijos, no habrá elecciones: padres de normalistas desaparecidos en México

    Aunque la mayoría de las casillas electorales fueron instaladas sin mayor contratiempo, en el municipio de Tixtla, padres de los 43 normalistas desaparecidos quemaron material electoral.


    Frente a la creciente amenaza a los comicios, las autoridades están en máxima alerta. El Gobierno desplegó 40.000 policías y militares para garantizar la seguridad en la región. Suscríbete para las ultimas noticias de tu pais:

    Ver video "Si no entreguen a nuestros hijos, no habrá elecciones: padres de normalistas desaparecidos en México"

  • Bryce Barnes FW19 "Forget Me Nots"

    Bryce Barnes unveils in exclusive on Fucking Young! his new video for Fall/Winter 2019. The collection titled "Forget Me Nots" is an ode to love, specifically black love. Bryce reinterprets the song (Forget Me Nots) by Patrice Rushen recorded 1982 — an era when black love was celebrated more through advertisements, commercials, tv. Black love was shown in a positive light, smiling, enjoying each others company whereas today we've become more and more detached from that feeling. Bryce’s intent was to bring that same feeling back.

    Ver video "Bryce Barnes FW19 "Forget Me Nots""

  • iWalker Activity, Lookwalker Activity, BTL Activity in Delhi ,Call@9136909020

    Call- 9136909020 , 9716758105 For Bookings and Queries regarding BTL Activity & Mall Brand Promotional Activities .

    feel free to contact us on M: 9136-9090-20For iWalker Activity, Lookwalker Activity, BTL Activity, Outdoor Advertisement in delhi Ncr .Visit at

    Mail us @,

    We are spacilised in follwoing :
    iWalker Rental in delhi
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    Lookwalker Purchase in delhi
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    iWalker Activity in delhi
    Lookwalker Activity in delhi
    BTL Activity in delhi

    For Bookings and Queries, Feel free to contact us on M: 9136-9090-20 ,9716758105

    Ver video "iWalker Activity, Lookwalker Activity, BTL Activity in Delhi ,Call@9136909020"

  • How to Drape Nauwari (Nauvari) in Peshwai/Brahmini Style Saree (English)

    Want to drape Nauwari with double borders in the back?! Click the link! \r
    This video coming soon in Marathi and Hindi! \r
    My mention of those who made my sari is NOT a paid advertisement! If anything, I paid to advertise their weaving! I custom ordered the saree in my video and loved their work so much I wanted to tell everyone about them. Support handweaving like this so it does not disappear as an artform! \r
    Choli (blouse) is a gota patti piece made by Sonu Khatri at: \r
    Her blouses are amazing! Fantastic tailoring and really affordable!\r
    Instagram: @gwenapmannanan\r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: @nionalchemy\r

    Ver video "How to Drape Nauwari (Nauvari) in Peshwai/Brahmini Style Saree (English)"

  • How much are marketing firms tracking your every move online

    The Best Proxy for to hide from the marketing firms
    Visit to find out more.

    Do you know that companies are watching everything you do on the net?
    They are using this information to market different products to you.
    Do you notice that if you check a product out you will suddenly see it advertised everywhere?
    This is because they are tracing and recording your moves.
    They even start to advertise things related to that item you looked at.
    You even see these advertisements in your email inboxes.
    If you don't agree to these companies gathering this info then you can stop it.
    Check out your options here at and use a Proxy.

    Ver video "How much are marketing firms tracking your every move online"

  • POST led panel poster screen panel led poster Email:

    POST led panel poster screen panel led poster
    led panel screen with flexible, slim, light weight and fast installation design for mobile poster screen

    LED Alive Show provide the most popular LED product such as Flexible LED Curtain, Soft LED display, Portable LED Panel, Digital Screen Wall, Mobile LED screen, LED Sphere Display Ball,Transparent LED Curtain, FLexible LED Strip and LED Lighting Tube which is widely applied to Stage Background, Music Tour, Live Show, Mobile Advertisement, Digital Bill Board, TV Studio, Indoor and Outdoor Signs and Lighting.

    We have a well trained and friendly communicated sales team from several professional LED display and lighting factory.
    We are aiming to market our product, share the experience and client, and to provide satisfied Solution, product and service at one station.
    So Let us Show, Share and Enjoy.

    Ver video "POST led panel poster screen panel led poster Email:"

  • 9 Affiliate Marketers Needed. My Only Goal Is To Show ...

    Affiliate Marketing is a revenue sharing venture between a website owner and an online merchant. The website owner will place advertisements on his websites to either help sell the merchant's products or to send potential customers to the merchant's website, all in exchange for a share of the profits. There are three ways to earn money through affiliate marketing: Pay Per Click — Every time a potential customer leaves the affiliate website by "clicking" on the link leading to the merchant's website, a certain amount of money is deposited in the affiliate's account. This amount can be pennies or dollars depending on the product and amount of the commission. Pay Per Sale — Every time a sale is made as a result of advertising on the affiliate's website, a percentage, or commission, is deposited into the affiliate's account. Pay Per Lead — Every time a potential client registers at the merchant's website as a result of the advertisement on the affiliate's account, a previously determined amount is deposited into the affiliate's account. For many website owners, this is a great way to earn some extra money without actually having to "do" anything. All it involves is placing an ad on the affiliate's website. There's no selling or promotion of any kind. The affiliate can just sit back and wait for the profits to roll in. It's also beneficial to the merchant. By placing affiliate marketing advertising on websites all over the Internet, he has free advertising and doesn't need to do much selling on his own. The more websites a merchant is affiliated with, the more exposure his products get, and all he has to do is allow ads for his products to appear on someone else's website. While affiliate marketing has its benefits, there are also a few cons. For instance, the merchant has to share the profits with an outside party. If an affiliate uses unsavory means to bring customers to his website and sell the merchant's products, the merchant will also have to contend with doing a little damage ...

    Ver video "9 Affiliate Marketers Needed. My Only Goal Is To Show ..."

  • ▶ 19 Most Popular Oreo Ads Collections Commercials

    Hears a 19 Most Popular Oreo Ads Collections Commercials,\r
    Thank you for watching, plz like,share & subscribe for \r
    more videos: \r
    Here are the Best Beautiful And Creative Most Popular Indian Television Advertising commercials Collections.\r
    Check Our Playlists.\r
    Beautiful Indian Commercial Ads :\r
    Best Creative Advertisements :\r
    Best Funniest And Creative Ads :\r
    Funny Commercials :\r
    Emotional Loving Indian Ads :\r
    Ads :\r
    IMPORTANT NOTICE: if an agency or product owner does not want any publishment, it will withdraw back. Please send a private youtube message!\r
    CONTENT DISCLAIMER: - if you have a complaint about something or find your content is being used incorrectly, please send a private youtube message for deleting your content before making copyright claim. Please cont us any infringement was not done on purpose and will be rectified to all parties satisfion.\r

    Ver video "▶ 19 Most Popular Oreo Ads Collections Commercials"

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