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  • Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)

    Mount Everest is not the only highlight of the Himalayas it's home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears. In Sanskrit the Himalayas are known as the 'abode of snow' but they provide rich and varied habitats for the animals and plants that live there; from the forests of the foothills to ice-bound peaks and mountain lakes. Some of the most memorable moments from the BBC's natural history archive have been filmed here including the magnificent snow leopard filmed for 'Planet Earth'.

    The Himalayas are very popular for tourists because it has a lot of wildlife. The types of plants and trees, which are common in the place, are Oak, Pine, Fir, Rhododendron, Birch, Juniper, and Deodar. Common animals, which are seen mostly in the different parts of the Himalayas, are snow leopards, blue sheep, musk deer, tigers, elephants, wild boar, and crocodiles. Even endangered species of animals and plants are also found there. In the north part of the Himalayas where the temperature falls below freezing point, animals cannot survive well. However, those who adapted can survive. During the cold winters most of the animals migrate to the lower regions of the Himalayas while others like the brown bear hibernate instead. The Yak is mostly seen in the cold desert.[2] They are like wild ox and they are the largest animals in this region. In regions of Ladakh animals like Nyan, the wild and the most largest sheep are found.[3]

    Some of the major places for wildlife attractions in the Himalayas are:

    Jim Corbett National Park
    Namdhpha National Park
    The Royal Chitwan Park
    Kaziranga National Park
    Royal Bardia National Park
    Great Himalayan National Park

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