Videos relacionados con chenilles


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  • Chenille processionnaire

  • Lion Brand - Chenille Yarn Review

    Lion Brand - Chenille Yarn Review

    Ver video "Lion Brand - Chenille Yarn Review"

  • Chenille Stem / Pipe Cleaner Craft - Sunflower

    Hello there!\r
    Today were going to show you how to make a sunflower using pipe cleaners.\r
    Hope you will enjoy watching this videos\r
    Please subscribe for more updates and tutorials!

    Ver video "Chenille Stem / Pipe Cleaner Craft - Sunflower"

  • Pipe Cleaner Craft - Tortoise

    Hello there!\r
    Heres a tutorial on how to make a tortoise using pipe cleaner / chenille stem\r
    Hope you will enjoy watching this videos\r
    Please subscribe for more updates and tutorials!

    Ver video "Pipe Cleaner Craft - Tortoise"

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