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  • desalkarriados desde la chopera

    Ver video "desalkarriados desde la chopera"

  • Real Madrid vs Chopera Alcobendas Alevin A U12 2023

    Official Website of the Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid

    The Real Federación de Ftbol de Madrid (RFFM) will implement significant changes in the Benjamn competition, including the creation of four distinct categories: Autonómica, Preferente, Primera y Segunda. At the present, Divisions of Honor and Tercera have been ruled out.

    During the previous Asamblea General of the 2014-2015 season, the RFFM's executive committee approved the Benjamn Competition Modification to distribute teams among different categories and introduce the ascenso and descenso dynamics seen in higher-level competition.

    To carry out this significant change, the RFFM consulted with other territorial federations, as well as directors, coaches, deputies, and other positions in this category.

    All of the changes that will be implemented, how the competition will be run, and the areas into which the City of Madrid will be divided to form the groups are detailed in the document attached below. All of the cities are also represented.

    Ver video "Real Madrid vs Chopera Alcobendas Alevin A U12 2023"

  • Vecinos de la zona Chopera-Alcobendas valoran las medidas impuestas

    Ver video "Vecinos de la zona Chopera-Alcobendas valoran las medidas impuestas"

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