[東方 Death Metal] Bad Apple (Death Metal cover)
Bebé Death Metal
Un bebé con el metal en la sangre
Ver video "Bebé Death Metal"
Death Metal Rooster
Death Metal Rooster, need I say more?
There are now Death Metal Rooster inspired t-shirts available at http://deathmetalrooster.viralprints....
The music is an original composition for this video by Ewan Parry (a.k.a liquidcow) of the band Talanas:
myspace.com/talanasVer video "Death Metal Rooster"
Death Metal Rooster
jajaja espero lesguste,buen metalero
Ver video "Death Metal Rooster"
Death Metal Parrot
Ver video "Death Metal Parrot"
Death to Metal - Trailer
Death to Metal
https://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film789981.htmlVer video "Death to Metal - Trailer"
Death Metal & Pop Japones
Death Metal & Pop Japones
Ver video "Death Metal & Pop Japones"
10 consejos para comprar un detector de metales
vídeo comparativo, entre el Garrett y Makro Racer 2. Somos distribuidores oficiales en España de las principales marcas de detectores de metales. Teknetics, Makro, Quest, Fisher ....
Ver video "10 consejos para comprar un detector de metales"
DEATH METAL: La secuela de Dark Nights "METAL"
DC anunció oficialmente Dark Nights: DEATH METAL, la secuela de METAL y la Crisis del 2020. Este evento marcará el inicio del aceleración por el 85 aniversario de la editorial. En este vídeo recapitularemos toda la información que tenemos de este evento. junto a unos detalles interesantes que Scott Snyder reveló en una entrevista.
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https://www.instagram.com/thecomicawakens/Ver video "DEATH METAL: La secuela de Dark Nights "METAL""
Eagles Of Death Metal - Complexity
Escúchalo en la radio por internet rockradioonlinemexico.com
HardRock / Heavy Metal / Classic RockVer video "Eagles Of Death Metal - Complexity"
Top 5 melodic death metal
mis bandas favoritaqs
Ver video "Top 5 melodic death metal"
Mary Poppins cantando Death Metal
Mary Poppins se atreve con el Death Metal para interpretar su tema más famoso, el supercalifragilisticoespialidoso.
Ver video "Mary Poppins cantando Death Metal"
No More Heroes #Death Metal
Death Metal, el primer enemigo de Travis Touchdown, se da a conocer ante la comunidad de jugadores.
Ver video "No More Heroes #Death Metal"
DEATH METAL: La Crisis del 2020
Ya sea que lo ames o lo odies, Dark Knights METAL fue uno de los eventos más importantes en la historia de Batman. Recientemente se filtró algunos de los elementos que veremos en la secuela de este, la cual de momento solo recibe el nombre clave: "DEATH METAL".
En este vídeo recapitularemos METAL y hablaremos de todo lo que sabemos de DEATH METAL.Ver video "DEATH METAL: La Crisis del 2020"
Licurgo (Spain Death Metal Fest II)
Actuación de Licurgo en Spain Death Metal Fest II (Sala Babel-Alicante) 10/11/2012
Ver video "Licurgo (Spain Death Metal Fest II)"
Eagles of Metal Death regresa a Bataclan
Ver video "Eagles of Metal Death regresa a Bataclan"
Metal Slug 2 — No Death Run (Eri)
(note: tool-assisted)\r
Lag is almost completely gone after overclocking the game.\r
My other Metal Slug Videos:\r
MS1: \r
MS3: \r
MS4: \r
MS5:Ver video "Metal Slug 2 — No Death Run (Eri)"
[東方Death Metal /Cover] Malicious Maggots
•Title: Malicious Maggots
•Genre: Death Metal
•Arranged by: BurstDigiSoul
•Album: U.N.DERNEATHVer video "[東方Death Metal /Cover] Malicious Maggots"
ABC Carly Rae Jepsen canta Death Metal
La cantante de pop canta "Death Metal"
Ver video "ABC Carly Rae Jepsen canta Death Metal"
Velocidad Absurda (Spain Death Metal Fest II)
Actuación de Velocidad Absurda en Spain Death Metal Fest II (Sala Babel-Alicante) 10/11/2012
Ver video "Velocidad Absurda (Spain Death Metal Fest II)"
Suidakra: Death Metal en el Ganges | PopXtra
Suidakra estuvo recientemente de gira por la India invitados por el Goethe Institut después de haber pasado con éxito por el certamen Wacken Metal Battle. Nos cuentan sobre su experiencia en el concurso y nos explicarán por qué son tan célebres dentro del mundillo metalero en India.
Ver video "Suidakra: Death Metal en el Ganges | PopXtra"
Metales por paco: roban porteros, barandas y zócalos para poder comprar droga
Las imágenes de una de las cámaras de seguridad analizada muestran cómo es el accionar de estos "roba bronces" que volvieron a actuar en distintos puntos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Un equipo de Crónica HD se acercó hasta uno de los tantos edificios que fue vandalizado en las últimas horas en el barrio porteños de Constitución, uno del os más afectados por esta modalidad y dialogó con algunos de los vecinos.Ver video "Metales por paco: roban porteros, barandas y zócalos para poder comprar droga"
Extranormal Programa 16 de septiembre Vampiro Death Metal
Extranormal: Programa 16 de septiembre (Vampiro Death Metal)
Ver video "Extranormal Programa 16 de septiembre Vampiro Death Metal"
"Death metal" de Botsuana | Reporteros en el mundo
Hacen ruido, son duros, son negros. La banda africana Overthrust lleva su Metal rock a Europa.
Ver video ""Death metal" de Botsuana | Reporteros en el mundo"
Deicide - scars of the crucifix (death metal) tvrip
Ver video "Deicide - scars of the crucifix (death metal) tvrip"
[東方 Symphonic Death Metal/Cover] The Empress m
•Title: The Empress
•Genre: Symphonic Death Metal
•Arranged by: Angry Koishi
•Album: U.N.DERNEATHVer video "[東方 Symphonic Death Metal/Cover] The Empress m"
Emotivo regreso de 'Eagles of Death Metal' a París
La banda californiana regresó a París tres meses después de la masacre en un emotivo concierto en el que no faltó un sentido homenaje a las víctimas de los atentados.
Suscríbete a nuestro canal: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=libertaddigital
Más información en http://www.libertaddigital.com/, http://www.libertaddigital.tv/ y http://www.esradio.fm/Ver video "Emotivo regreso de 'Eagles of Death Metal' a París"
La emocionada entrevista al cantante de Eagles of Death Metal
El líder de la banda americana se muestra afectado en la entrevista previa al concierto que dieron en París.
Puedes completar la información aquí:
http://www.huffingtonpost.es/2016/02/17/regreso-eagles-of-death-metal_n_9250266.html?utm_hp_ref=spainVer video "La emocionada entrevista al cantante de Eagles of Death Metal"
Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends) - Trailer Oficial
Trailer oficial de Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends), el nuevo documental de HBO.
Ver video "Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends) - Trailer Oficial"
Descubren que a los tiburones les encanta el Death Metal
Segun un documental al parecer los tiburones se encuentran atraidos por el Death Metal
Ver video "Descubren que a los tiburones les encanta el Death Metal"
tatauajes de calaveras (Tattoo's skulls) (dibujos, diseños, tatuajes, tattoo)
http://xurl.es/tatoovarios para obtener más información da clic en el enlace anterior
Ver video "tatauajes de calaveras (Tattoo's skulls) (dibujos, diseños, tatuajes, tattoo)"
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Theme Song (Death Metal Cover)
Ver video "My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Theme Song (Death Metal Cover)"
"Eagles of Death Metal" suspende todos sus conciertos hasta nuevo aviso
La banda estadounidense, que actuaba en la sala parisina Bataclan donde el pasado viernes se registró el atentado más sangriento, ha realizado este anuncio a través de su página de Facebook.
En su primera declaración desde la tragedia, los músicos han agradecido a la Policía francesa, al FBI y a los Gobiernos de Francia y Estados Unidos por su respuesta a los ataques. Pero sobre todo han mostrado su gratitud a “aquellas personas que se ayudaron unos a otros lo mejor que pudieron durante ese calvario inimaginable, lo que demuestra una vez más que el amor eclipsa al mal”, escriben.
El grupo californiano, cuyos miembros han sobrevivido al atentado, se encuentra de regreso en Estados Unidos.
Aseguran estar “todavía horrorizado y tratando de asumir lo sucedido en Francia”. Su gira europea, que incluía actuaciones en Alemania y España, ha sido suspendida.Ver video ""Eagles of Death Metal" suspende todos sus conciertos hasta nuevo aviso"
LAMENTARI - Ex Umbra In Lucem | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Symphonic/Blackened Death Metal
[Country]: Denmark; Copenhagen, Hovedstaden
[Lyrical Themes]: Death, Apocalypse
[Released]: May 24, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Spiritus Noctis. [00:00]
02. Tenebrae. [01:25]
03. Tragoedia In Domo Dei. [06:36]
04. Intra Muros Mentis. [13:26]
05. Appugno. [18:51]
06. Dolorum Memoria. [24:07]
07. Spiritus Diurnus. [31:16]
08. Arcanum Ignis Animae. [32:44]
[Total Playing Time]: 37:58
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/458C0AQ
◈BandCamp: https://cult-of-lamentari.bandcamp.com/album/ex-umbra-in-lucem
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/ex-umbra-in-lucem/1740029968
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2q9lIaaDVoMLLLaPDcGzUU
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/570525901
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lamentari9752/
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx50zVb3sfa_KQJwFdxD-Ag
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_n7x0uuVfrLJhj9aNW5cgDflMKd7tY_UZ8
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*Uploaded with permission of Lamentari.
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#symphonicblackeneddeathmetal #symphonicdeathmetal #blackeneddeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Lamentari #denmarkmetalVer video "LAMENTARI - Ex Umbra In Lucem | 2024 | Full Album |"
ANTRONUM - Incarnation | 2023 | Full EP |
[Gender]: Slam/Brutal Death Metal
[Country]: Mongolia; Ulaanbaatar
[Released]: September 10, 2023
[Label]: Independent
01. Intro.
02. Bogd.
03. Bugdiin Shaa.
04. Buleen.
05. Sharil.
06. Three Little Pigs.
07. Is This Great Vagina?
[Total Playing Time]: 24:47
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/antronum
◈Mnusic: https://www.mmusic.mn/album/3899
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Antronum
*Three Little Pigs [Official Music Video]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#slambrutaldeathmetal #brutaldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Antronum #mongoliametalVer video "ANTRONUM - Incarnation | 2023 | Full EP |"
Eagles Of Death Metal - I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News)
Escúchalo en rockradioonlinemexico.com
HardRock / Heavy Metal / Classic RockVer video "Eagles Of Death Metal - I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News)"
Tras los atentados “Eagles of death metal”volvió a tocar en París
Ver video "Tras los atentados “Eagles of death metal”volvió a tocar en París"
Remains of Existence
Death metal old school from Spain.
Barbarian Prophecies - Remains Of Existence "Official Video from the EP Remains of Existence" (Filmed by 60rafagas.com)Ver video "Remains of Existence"
ATOMIC BREATH - Atomic Breath | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Modern Death Metal
[Country]: Austria; Innsbruck, Tyrol
[Released]: March 01, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Atomic Breath.
02. Child Of Darkness.
03. Cure.
04. Mistake.
05. War.
06. Take Your Medicine.
07. Coffin Nails.
[Total Playing Time]: 40:11
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/430lO3P
◈BandCamp: https://atomicbreathofficial.bandcamp.com/track/coffin-nails-3
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/atomic-breath/1733409046
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/72CCrcH6309loiM4vMohtS
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/553867722
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mF3VDK_5KoPLFUR2pa6_3BwTYpNDEy6Mw
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[Atomic Breath]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#moderndeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #AtomicBreath #austriametalVer video "ATOMIC BREATH - Atomic Breath | 2024 | Full Album |"
MILLHAVEN - Dualism | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Technical Death Metal
[Country]: Belgium; Ypres, West Flanders
[Released]: March 01, 2024
[Label]: Genet Records
01. Duality.
02. Hellfire.
03. Day By Day.
04. Bearer Of Light.
05. Heartless.
06. Maze.
07. Burden Of Thoughts.
08. Aspire.
[Total Playing Time]: 26:55
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/49CkK8y
◈Genet Records Shop: https://www.genetrecords.com/releases/dualism-millhaven
◈BandCamp: https://millhaven.bandcamp.com/
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/dualism/1730870330
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2VyyAZkEWJOLNcxuccDAP7
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/546523422
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MILLHAVENMUSIC
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjHt-MLtsc8&list=OLAK5uy_lIRGIV6BpxcwB1b5TgTQVCy_ZulMgQjsA
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ko6tury3icVYes_n-pv1vWyroRRUomBIw
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[Genet Records]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#technicaldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Millhaven #belgiummetalVer video "MILLHAVEN - Dualism | 2024 | Full Album |"
CHRISTOFFEAR - Nightmare | 2023 | Album Teaser |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Greece; Argos, Peloponnese
[Lyrical Themes]: Mental disease, Inner struggles
[Released]: December 25, 2023
[Label]: Independent
01. Fading Reality.
02. Your Morbid Figure.
03. Dawn Of Lunacy.
04. The Deception Speech.
05. Madhouse.
06. Bloody Hunting.
07. Isolation Instrumental.
08. The Burden Is Mine.
09. Consciousness Blades.
10. Farewell.
[Total Playing Time]: 44:11
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3tmZzrv
BandCamp: https://christoffear.bandcamp.com/album/nightmare
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/nightmare/1721865893
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4TjhWv8vDMfloDSX1FMYMn
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/524805472
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@christoffearofficial7184/
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All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Christoffear #greecemetalVer video "CHRISTOFFEAR - Nightmare | 2023 | Album Teaser |"
SACRYLEGION - Devil's Light | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Symphonic Death Metal
[Country]: Mexico; Mexico City
[Released]: April 25, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Sacrylegion [ft. Artya]. [00:00]
02. Bringer Of The Night. [01:27]
03. Rotten Sins. [05:58]
04. Devil's Light. [11:51]
05. Conceived. [16:46]
06. Forged By The Moon. [21:48]
07. The Curse. [26:32]
[Total Playing Time]: 29:42
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3UT8Li6
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/devils-light/1743118525
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4Pj8CyLNu4VmGrqj2W9ir8
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/578296321
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sacrylegion754/
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfj5Hktow5F4_RJCRGotc0A/videos
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nMEoBKjcOdYXg7uRWkuK1OW1sz5KK5n8U
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Upload with permission of Sacrylegion.
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#symphonicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Sacrylegion #mexicometalVer video "SACRYLEGION - Devil's Light | 2024 | Full Album |"
SYRIDAS - When Death Calls | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Czechia; Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region
[Released]: February 23, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Prolog.
02. Who Am I.
03. The Eye Of The Shadow.
04. Two Sides Of The Face.
05. Traitor.
06. Craving For Blood.
07. Risen From The Dead.
08. Corporations Of Death.
09. A Step From Hell.
10. The Black World.
11. Ritual.
12. When Death Calls.
13. Our Hearts Ablaze.
14. Until We Fall.
[Total Playing Time]: 58:46
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3OXP1q9
◈BandCamp: https://syridas.bandcamp.com/
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/when-death-calls/1731032368
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2TdwdKiLFq28c3oVigkc9N
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/548529592
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@syridas/
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mwaBsxiZ6uk58azAotwYbR9VwHKwIjO5Y
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Syridas #czechiametalVer video "SYRIDAS - When Death Calls | 2024 | Full Album |"
RUNASCENT - Liquidation | 2023 | Album Teaser |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Japon
[Released]: December 19, 2023
[Label]: Independent
01. Everyday Doomsday.
02. Retreat To Restart.
03. Death In Flames.
04. Blindenvy.
05. Song Of Sirens.
06. Thin Air.
07. Lament Of Descent.
08. Transform.
09. Vessels.
10. Liquidation.
[Total Playing Time]: 34:43
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/487MzEW
BandCamp: https://runascent.bandcamp.com/album/liquidation
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/liquidation/1719525767
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0pLXir4RbvVdlgZl2DWT30
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/519547312
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@runascent4065/
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All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Runascent #japonmetalVer video "RUNASCENT - Liquidation | 2023 | Album Teaser |"
DUST - Glosarium | 2024 | Full Album |
[Genre]: Progressive Death Metal
[Country]: Indonesia; Padang, West Sumatra
[Released]: July 02nd, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Box. [00:00]
02. Grow. [07:09]
03. Tree. [11:27]
04. Gloom. [19:22]
05. Demise. [25:00]
06. Safe. [29:57]
[Total Playing Time]: 37:52
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xXz11Z
◈BandCamp: https://dustmetal.bandcamp.com/album/glosarium
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4iHMTDLoY1uXb5CGyEDBmw
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/607297562
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dustagram
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGfqCOr_xnsu3zIxPalx8A
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nNzJJo7C0u29VNZs5qAf9Fi8z9pNa-sIQ
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*Uploaded with permission of Dust.
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#progressivedeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Dust #indonesiametalVer video "DUST - Glosarium | 2024 | Full Album |"
La banda Insomnium celebrará 25 años de death metal en gira por México
Fue en 2019 cuando por primera vez la banda finlandesa de death metal melódico Insomnium se presentó en México, y para este año, entre noviembre y diciembre, y en medio de la celebración de su 25 aniversario, regresarán para presentarse en Guadalajara, Ciudad de México y Monterrey.Ver video "La banda Insomnium celebrará 25 años de death metal en gira por México"
Fathers from the Stars
Death metal old school from Spain.
Barbarian Prophecies - Fathers from the Stars "Official Video Lyric fro the EP Remains of Existence"(Made by Maivisualart.com)Ver video "Fathers from the Stars"
DECLINES VITAE - Declines Vitae | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Colombia; Villavicencio, Meta
[Released]: March 06, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Bastardo Psicópata.
02. Fragmentada.
03. Declines Vitae.
04. Profanos.
05. Requiem.
06. Cóndor.
07. Espectros.
08. Títere.
09. Sacrilegio [Bonus Track].
[Total Playing Time]: 39:46
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3uZBnw2
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/declines-vitae/1733805422
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/5ddkFfOVTEwzmh0JE2o3rd
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/554822642
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DECLINESVITAE
◈YouTubeTopic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MsUv4XwET2dJj--xjj9xQ
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kyz7HqvkzRrNaF1bF3zh5amkxyeGFSxrY
--- --- --- --- ---
[Declines Vitae]
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #DeclinesVitae #colombiametalVer video "DECLINES VITAE - Declines Vitae | 2024 | Full Album |"
El discurso de Greta Thunberg se convierte en un tema de 'death metal'
Un músico crea una curiosa mezcla con las palabras de la activista
Ver video "El discurso de Greta Thunberg se convierte en un tema de 'death metal'"
INCULT - The Burnt Offering | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Old School Death Metal
[Country]: Belgium; Antwerp
[Released]: January 19, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Pogrom.
02. Takfir.
03. Nanking Massacre.
04. Black Ritual.
05. Darkened Idea Of Existence.
06. Dead End Deviation.
07. Block 10.
08. The Quenched Menorah.
[Total Playing Time]: 32:57
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/424g48G
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-burnt-offering/1710954182
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/0OqRrLh2qxssxdAqB3bBJD
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/497638381
BigCartel: https://incult.bigcartel.com/product/the-burnt-offering-cd
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@incultband3346/
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**All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video**
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#oldschooldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Incult #belgiummetalVer video "INCULT - The Burnt Offering | 2024 | Full Album |"
PRAISE OF DEATH - Philanthropist | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Death Metal
[Country]: Germany; Augsburg, Bavaria
[Released]: May 13, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Fatal Decisions [Intro]. [00:00]
02. Philanthropist. [01:26]
03. Origins Of Life. [08:58]
04. Merged Into Another World. [13:16]
05. Past Present And Future. [17:24]
06. Inner Darkness [Instrumental]. [21:52]
07. Snakepit. [25:05]
08. Desolate Ways Of Temptation. [30:20]
09. Smoldering Fire. [36:27]
10. Odyssey [Instrumental]. [42:53]
11. Evanescence Of All Living Forms. [45:47]
12. Once So Vivid. [55:21]
[Total Playing Time]: 01:00:53
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/4bBNLSq
◈BandCamp: https://praiseofdeath.bandcamp.com/album/philanthropist
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/philanthropist-album/1743594337
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2M1veNOMChJzCDMtZF3Csb
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/album/579082531
◈Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/360022645
◈SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/praiseofdeath
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Praiseofdeath
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKxqErvWpV4
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lsG5R55Kfc0MO1GPHF1lJZnxSYlEKS128
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[Praise Of Death]
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*Uploaded with permission of Praise Of Death.
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#deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #PraiseOfDeath #germanymetalVer video "PRAISE OF DEATH - Philanthropist | 2024 | Full Album |"
EXTIRPACIÓN CEREBRAL - Retroceso Evolutivo | 2024 | Full Album |
[Genre]: Brutal Death Metal
[Country]: Argentina, Misiones
[Lyrical Themes]: Decadence, Manipulation, Submission
[Released]: September 07th, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Intro. [00:00]
02. Putrefacto Ser. [00:54]
03. Engendro. [04:02]
04. Condenados. [06:52]
05. Abismo De Muerte. [09:20]
06. Hay Peores Cosas Que La Muerte. [12:27]
07. Convicción Suicida. [14:32]
08. Extirpación Cerebral. [17:08]
09. Deteriorado. [19:36]
10. Al Otro Extremo. [21:52]
11. Holocausto. [24:39]
[Total Playing Time]: 26:20
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[Extirpación Cerebral]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Uploaded with permission of Extirpación Cerebral.
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#brutaldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #ExtirpaciónCerebral #argentinametalVer video "EXTIRPACIÓN CEREBRAL - Retroceso Evolutivo | 2024 | Full Album |"
El discurso de Greta Thunberg se convierte en un tema de 'death metal'
Ver video "El discurso de Greta Thunberg se convierte en un tema de 'death metal'"
'Eagles of Death Metal' regresa a París tres meses después de la masacre
'Eagles of Death Metal', el grupo que tocaba en la sala Bataclan de París la noche de los atentados del 13 de noviembre, regresa este martes a los escenarios parisinos con un concierto cargado de emoción al que fueron invitados los supervivientes de la masacre.
Ver video "'Eagles of Death Metal' regresa a París tres meses después de la masacre"
Eagles Of Death Metal vuelve a tocar en París luego de los atentados
Tras los trágicos acontecimientos del 13 de noviembre del 2015 en la sala de conciertos Le Bataclan de París, Eagles of Death Metal regresó a Francia de la mano de U2 para interpretar un par de temas en el AccorHotels Arena.
Video original de TerrorsitichVer video "Eagles Of Death Metal vuelve a tocar en París luego de los atentados"
BLASPHEMER - Marked For Death [EP] | 2024 | Album Teaser |
[Gender]: Old School Death Metal
[Country]: United Kingdom; Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England
[Lyrical Themes]: Blasphemy, Evil, Death, Satan
[Released]: January 01, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Marked For Death.
02. Grooming Gang.
03. Immortaility [Live In Leeds].
04. Lust Of The Goat [Live In Leeds].
05. Sutcliffe [Live In Leeds].
06. Childcatcher [Live In Leeds].
07. Blasphemer [Live In Leeds].
[Total Playing Time]: 37:06
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3H5tDej
BandCamp: https://blasphemeruk666.bandcamp.com/album/marked-for-death-2
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/marked-for-death-single/1723734244
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/65dvWC6R8knts0Ddp1cCxn
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/529786722
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nailed666/
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All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video
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#oldschooldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Blasphemer #unitedkingdommetalVer video "BLASPHEMER - Marked For Death [EP] | 2024 | Album Teaser |"
DÁL RIATA - Dál Riata | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: United Kingdom; Glasgow, Scotland
[Lyrical Themes]: Celtic mythology, Scottish history, Fantasy
[Released]: April 12, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Hound Of Culann. [00:00]
02. Destiny's Cry. [04:15]
03. Andraste's Favour. [10:13]
04. Trial by Water. [15:04]
05. Light Blind Sorrow. [19:28]
06. Otherworld. [24:58]
07. Mag Tuired. [30:04]
08. Nine Maidens Of Dundee. [34:46]
[Total Playing Time]: 40:31
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/49K1jKs
◈BandCamp: https://dalriataofficial.bandcamp.com/album/d-l-riata
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/d%C3%A1l-riata/1741078576
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/3cVU16pLM9GPmRjlCslN8S
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/573282291
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dalriata5521/
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[Dál Riata]
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*Upload with permission of Dál Riata.
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #DálRiata #unitedkingdommetalVer video "DÁL RIATA - Dál Riata | 2024 | Full Album |"
WARPATH - Uprising Of The Oppressed | 2023 | Album Teaser |
[Gender]: Symphonic Death/Folk Metal, Melodic Death/Folk Metal
[Country]: India; Kolkata, West Bengal
[Lyrical Themes]: Indian history and folklore
[Released]: December 19, 2023
[Label]: Independent
01. Apocalypse's Daughter [Symphonic Version].
02. Indigo.
03. Hero [Symphonic Version].
04. Hool, 1855 [Remastered].
05. Freedom From The Gallows [ft. Mir Hisham].
06. War Criminal.
07. Robinhood.
[Total Playing Time]: 33:06
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[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3v9Q7bm
BandCamp: https://warpathin.bandcamp.com/album/uprising-of-the-oppressed
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/uprising-of-the-oppressed/1721262627
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/27NNOv0LrH2isX49eYlVEK
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/523467312
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0oFhzdGtwkQfX0G0FpRcXA
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All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video
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#melodicdeathfolkmetal #symphonicdeathfolkmetal #symphonicdeathmetal #symphonicfolkmetal #melodicdeathmetal #melodicfolkmetal #deathmetal #folkmetal #metal #metalmusic #metalband #metalpromotion #downloadmetal #buymetalmusic #metalsanctuarypromotion #Warpath #indiametalVer video "WARPATH - Uprising Of The Oppressed | 2023 | Album Teaser |"
DARK GOAT - Full Moon Rituals | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Blackened Death Metal, Grindcore
[Country]: Italy; Catania, Sicily
[Released]: January 06, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Obscure [Intro]. [00:06]
02. Ritual Of Dread. [00:54]
03. Bloodstained Altars Of Betrayal. [03:33]
04. Ritual Of Invocation. [06:42]
05. Eclipse Of The Forsaken. [10:23]
06. Rage Within The Abyss. [13:13]
07. Infernal Embrace. [16:49]
08. Shadows Of Agony. [21:06]
09. Insanity. [23:37]
10. Darkness Envelops You ... [Outro]. [26:37]
[Total Playing Time]: 27:08
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
Amazon: https://amzn.to/4aMDint
BandCamp: https://darkgoatofficial.bandcamp.com/album/full-moon-rituals
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/dark-goat/1662358037
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/00XVhQYv4wcHcONIWxcxcM
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/521268812
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@darkgoat/
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[Dark Goat]
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All rights reserved for the band and/or the label. 'Metal Sanctuary' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video
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#blackeneddeathmetal #grindcore #blackmetal #blackdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #DarkGoat #italymetalVer video "DARK GOAT - Full Moon Rituals | 2024 | Full Album |"
THE LAST KING - Culling From Gods | 2024 | Full Album |
[Genre]: Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore
[Country]: United States; Milton, New Hampshire
[Released]: July 12th, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Two Roads. [00:00]
02. Ancient Master. [03:55]
03. Plotting For Demise. [07:25]
04. Signs Of The Goat. [10:56]
05. Culling From Gods. [14:51]
06. False Prophets. [18:21]
07. Hypocrisy Of Old. [21:55]
08. From Here To Eternity. [26:11]
[Total Playing Time]: 30:59
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Sj3M8M
◈BandCamp: https://thelastking.bandcamp.com/album/culling-from-gods
◈The Last King Shop: https://thelastkingtlk.square.site/
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/culling-from-gods/1758144261
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/411pNzlkT5UxrOrzLuUXmj
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/603649132
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thelastkingband/
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/@thelastkingband/releases
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_myvWayzoq2VpDhc1nbYQ1EeBwARAIYVZ8
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[The Last King]
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*Upload with permission of The Last King.
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#melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #deathcore #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #TheLastKing #unitedstatesmetalVer video "THE LAST KING - Culling From Gods | 2024 | Full Album |"
BULLETS OF MISERY - Debile Principium Melior Fortuna Sequatur | 2022 | Full EP |
[Gender]: Metalcore/Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Spain; Guernica, Basque Country
[Lyrical Themes]: Violence, Death
[Released]: November 01, 2022
[Label]: Violence In The Veins
01. Debile Principium Melior Fortuna Sequatur.
02. Abarr Biurtuac.
03. Capelaetan Aragui Errea.
04. Yrecacu Beguiac.
05. Arranguren Corridorean.
06. Ausi Detiqu.
[Total Playing Time]: 28:28
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/48SK2yd
◈BandCamp: https://bulletsofmisery.bandcamp.com/album/debile-principium-melior-fortuna-sequatur-2
◈BandCamp [Violence In The Veins]: https://violenceintheveins.bandcamp.com/album/debile-principium-melior-fortuna-sequatur
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/debile-principium-melior-fortuna-sequatur-ep/1654596085
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/1BO3EsoNwbhsFIjTFuzuVi
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/375835937
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BulletsofMisery/
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_npQW458G8gD9S9ia4VCvIGlWUnY35aq9Q
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[Bullets Of Misery]
[Violence In The Veins]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#metalcore #melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #BulletsOfMisery #spainmetalVer video "BULLETS OF MISERY - Debile Principium Melior Fortuna Sequatur | 2022 | Full EP |"
VELN - Veln | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Progressive Death/Black Metal
[Country]: Ireland; Galway, Galway
[Lyrical Themes]: Anti-religion, Occultism, Nature
[Released]: June 18th, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Ashen. [00:00]
02. Godskin Mask. [07:56]
03. Remnant. [14:43]
04. Traces Of Autumn. [22:04]
05. Returnal. [24:37]
[Total Playing Time]: 30:27
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RI4Xhw
◈BandCamp: https://veln.bandcamp.com/album/veln
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/veln/1753259492
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2OEEz2OvIzECQVYe9lbIZM
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@VelnBand/
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*Uploaded with permission of Veln.
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#progressivedeathblackmetal #progressivedeathmetal #progressiveblackmetal #deathmetal #blackmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Veln #irelandmetalVer video "VELN - Veln | 2024 | Full Album |"
ALTAR OF OBEDIENCE - Barbaric | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Old School Death Metal
[Country]: Sweden; Stockholm
[Released]: March 26, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Impalement. [00:00]
02. Barbaric. [01:41]
03. The Bleeding Tomb. [05:10]
04. Obscure Blessings. [09:04]
05. The Butcher. [13:21]
06. Cadaverous Infection. [16:02]
07. Savage Serpents Of Chaos. [19:28]
08. Realms Of Abomination. [23:01]
09. Suffering. [26:39]
10. The Beheading. [28:50]
[Total Playing Time]: 33:22
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈BandCamp: https://altarofobedience.bandcamp.com/album/barbaric
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[Altar Of Obedience]
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#oldschooldeathmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #AltarOfObedience #swedenmetalVer video "ALTAR OF OBEDIENCE - Barbaric | 2024 | Full Album |"
Eagles of Death Metal darán un concierto en Paris tras la tragedia de Bataclán
El grupo americano retoma su gira europea y París será una de las paradas clave en su agenda.
Es la segunda vez que vuelven a la ciudad, pues ya participaron en un concierto que la banda U2
dio en diciembre: http://www.huffingtonpost.es/2015/12/08/paris-concierto-atentado_n_8747976.htmlVer video "Eagles of Death Metal darán un concierto en Paris tras la tragedia de Bataclán"
LICHFIELD - The Maze | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Doom Metal, Melodic Death Metal
[Country]: Germany; Frankfurt, Hesse
[Released]: April 12, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Nocturnal. [00:00]
02. Of Silent Spaces. [04:27]
03. Hell Of My Own Design. [09:53]
04. With The Gravity Of A Thousand Suns. [14:25]
05. Requiem. [19:06]
06. Incinerate. [23:39]
07. Coherence. [29:33]
08. Reassembly. [35:31]
09. Wayside [Bonus Track]. [37:33]
10. Eventless Horizon [Bonus Track]. [41:58]
11. Dead Trees [Bonus Track]. [46:58]
[Total Playing Time]: 50:34
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xMPaHn
◈BandCamp: https://lichfieldmetal.bandcamp.com/album/the-maze-2
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-maze/1737199054
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/2Pp0IRWYCvMJVq6xHoAg6g
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/563114262
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lichfieldmetal
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mwgHpkRFiyE91a4dCCZv802Jezzz2jkfU
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*Uploaded with permission of Lichfield.
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#melodicdeathdoommetal #melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #melodicdoommetal #doommetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Lichfield #germanymetalVer video "LICHFIELD - The Maze | 2024 | Full Album |"
OBSIDIAN CHAMBER - Ein Platz Am Kamin | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Symphonic Black/Death Metal
[Country]: Austria; Vienna
[Released]: March 29, 2024
[Label]: Running Wild Productions
01. Intro. [00:00]
02. Ein Platz Am Kamin. [01:13]
03. Der Rote Hahn. [06:13]
04. Zausel. [11:34]
05. Der Beste Kebap Der Stadt. [15:47]
06. Es Ging Ein Maidlein Zarte. [19:34]
07. Die Grube. [22:47]
08. Stockmeister. [26:54]
09. Extro. [31:21]
10. Dark Filthy Me [Bonus Track]. [33:29]
11. Heaven's Damnation [Bonus Track]. [38:11]
12. Begierde [Bonus Track]. [42:48]
[Total Playing Time]: 48:59
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/4aERFcZ
◈BandCamp: https://runningwildproductions.bandcamp.com/track/ein-platz-am-kamin
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/ein-platz-am-kamin/1733987175
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/artist/1R5a1oBn8chZQ6m1AKq3ZG
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/554786592
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenklier
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_n8jt7KNIVIUOgLgHnWX_8-wJ1FDp0DFzM
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[Obsidian Chamber]
[Running Wild Productions]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Uploaded with permission of Obsidian Chamber.
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#symphonicblackdeathmetal #symphonicblackmetal #symphonicdeathmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #ObsidianChamber #austriametalVer video "OBSIDIAN CHAMBER - Ein Platz Am Kamin | 2024 | Full Album |"
Destino Entierro (Sala Jala Jala, 07 de Febrero de 2013)
Actuación de DESTINO ENTIERRO, en la gira 2013 de NAPALM DEATH.
Almeria (Sala Jala Jala), 07 de Febrero de 2013Ver video "Destino Entierro (Sala Jala Jala, 07 de Febrero de 2013)"
VANESSA FUNKE - Void | 2024 | Full Album |
VANESSA FUNKE - Void | 2024 | Full Album |
[Genre]: Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
[Country]: Germany; Finnentrop, North Rhine-Westphalia
[Released]: July 12th, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. The First Word. [00:00]
02. Broken Ground. [03:51]
03. Loneliness. [11:06]
04. Blood On My Hands. [20:56]
05. The Funeral. [26:02]
06. Infelicity. [32:46]
07. Repent. [41:08]
08. Closing The Book. [55:28]
[Total Playing Time]: 01:02:56
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3YiS4P5
◈BandCamp: https://vanessafunke.bandcamp.com/album/void
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/void/1752007272
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4TE0W7lhBpGpz76m55HuDi
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/602111142
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessafunke_music/
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcR2lNaH2Pag3g1VIS6qiTw
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lvcorgHT128sTYdP_WrCc1nlA09sVgcxY
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[Vanessa Funke]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Uploaded with permission of Vanessa Funke.
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#melodicdeathgothicmetal #melodicdeathmetal #melodicgothicmetal #deathmetal #gothicmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #VanessaFunke #germanymetalVer video "VANESSA FUNKE - Void | 2024 | Full Album |"
AGT 2023: Steel Panther sacude el escenario con "Death to All But Metal" | Eliminatorias
¡Steel Panther está listo para el ROCK! La banda de metal vuelve con su canción original titulada "Death to All But Metal".
Ver video "AGT 2023: Steel Panther sacude el escenario con "Death to All But Metal" | Eliminatorias"
4ARM - Blood Of Martyrs (2012)
Album: Submission For Liberty (2012)
Ver video "4ARM - Blood Of Martyrs (2012)"
THE BLEAK PICTURE - Meaningless | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Death/Doom Metal
[Country]: Finland; Veneskoski, Satakunta
[Released]: March 21, 2024
[Label]: Ardua Music
01. Prisoner Of Your Own Sins. [00:00]
02. Meaningless / Nonsense. [10:51]
03. Misguided [Fortuna's Hand]. [16:25]
04. Stained. [23:15]
05. Truth Divided. [29:03]
06. Lights Of July. [33:55]
07. Broken Balance. [39:15]
[Total Playing Time]: 43:14
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3voW1pE
◈Ardua Music Shop: https://www.arduamusic.com/the-bleak-picture-meaningless-cd-jewel-case
◈Sacrifire Productions: https://sacrifire.eu/product/the-bleak-picture-fi-meaningless-cd-2024/
◈BandCamp: https://thebleakpicture.bandcamp.com/album/meaningless
◈BandCamp [Ardua Music]: https://arduamusic.bandcamp.com/album/meaningless
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/meaningless/1726908723
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4rpUUnMIFhDGRiZPs786na
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/538073662
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzSGnDZm1xA&t=12s
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH68CcLYKzqlqlnRy856HVA
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCH68CcLYKzqlqlnRy856HVA
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[The Bleak Picture]
[Ardua Music]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Uploaded with permission of The Bleak Picture.
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#melodicdeathdoommetal #melodicdeathmetal #deathmetal #melodicdoommetal #doommetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #TheBleakPicture #finlandmetalVer video "THE BLEAK PICTURE - Meaningless | 2024 | Full Album |"
VANESSA FUNKE - Remains | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Death Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Gothic Metal
[Country]: Germany; Finnentrop, North Rhine-Westphalia
[Released]: March 29, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Shattered Visions. [00:00]
02. Winter. [05:36]
03. Demons. [11:53]
04. New Dawn Rising. [15:50]
05. Road To Nowhere. [19:53]
06. Recurring Dreams. [26:07]
07. Silent Descent. [31:53]
08. Bloodshed Inferno. [37:11]
09. Eradicate The Enemy. [41:03]
10. Yearning. [45:18]
11. A New Day. [49:51]
12. Festung. [52:00]
[Total Playing Time]: 01:00:21
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/4aioTir
◈BandCamp: https://vanessafunke.bandcamp.com/album/remains
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/vanessa-funke/1663325612
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/artist/2zGxWBLwgxutSP70VpvSGS
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/196110427
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessafunke_music/
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcR2lNaH2Pag3g1VIS6qiTw
--- --- --- --- ---
[Vanessa Funke]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Uploaded with permission of Vanessa Funke.
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#symphonicblackdeathmetal #symphonicblackmetal #symphonicdeathmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #VanessaFunke #austriametalVer video "VANESSA FUNKE - Remains | 2024 | Full Album |"
OMNIS NIHIL - The Alchemist | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Melodic Black/Death Metal
[Country]: Canada; Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
[Released]: February 18, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Where Fierce Winds Blow.
02. Alchemy : Man.
03. Alchemy : Nature.
04. Alchemy : Time.
05. Cor Inferni.
06. Synthesis Of Immortality.
07. Essence Of Failure.
08. I Am Eternity.
09. Gates Of Insanity.
10. As All Becomes Nothing.
[Total Playing Time]: 01:01:00
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/49jmTpL
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-alchemist/1730668220
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4bnVNxTDwKBcrLSclzIN4T
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/mx/album/547255862
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OmnisNihilBand/
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kV9Wr-GInECy8eX1r3MxRGvaNYuGvyMUI
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[Omnis Nihil]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*All rights reserved for the BAND and/or the LABEL. 'Metal Sanctuary Promotion' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video -- The videos on this channel are not MONETIZED*
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#melodicblackdeathmetal #melodicblackmetal #melodicdeathmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #OmnisNihil #canadametalVer video "OMNIS NIHIL - The Alchemist | 2024 | Full Album |"
SERPENT SERMON - Jahannam | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Symphonic Black/Death Metal
[Country]: Russia; Moscow
[Lyrical Themes]: Mythology
[Released]: April 30, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Maridun. [00:00]
02. B'ir Al-Arwah. [03:44]
03. Daval-Pa. [07:57]
04. Ghul. [13:51]
05. H'awouahoua. [20:00]
06. Huma. [23:33]
07. Iblis. [29:17]
08. Anka. [34:35]
09. An-Nasnas. [39:51]
[Total Playing Time]: 44:06
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/4ajJDW0
◈BandCamp: https://serpentsermon.bandcamp.com/album/jahannam
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ni/album/jahannam/1745087708
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/0GM8175iuYnfdn7n8AZIey
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/583379932
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@serpentsermon2113
◈YouTube Topic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX1EMuNAAbR91g4ExlpDwWg
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lyp5zS209SOo506lUGCV06a-Sd-R3eJRA
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[Serpent Sermon]
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*Uploaded with permission of Serpent Sermon.
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#symphonicblackdeathmetal #symphonicblackmetal #symphonicdeathmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #SerpentSermon #russiametalVer video "SERPENT SERMON - Jahannam | 2024 | Full Album |"
ALTAR OF SIN (Sala Babel, Spain Death Metal Fest III Edición) 23-03-2013
ALTAR OF SIN (Sala Babel, Spain Death Metal Fest III Edición) 23-03-2013
Ver video "ALTAR OF SIN (Sala Babel, Spain Death Metal Fest III Edición) 23-03-2013"
Urobilinemia -「A Shout Of The Deceased」
✜ Grupo || Group: 妖神楽
✜ Arr (Arreglo musical || Comp): Urobilinemia
✜ Album: 妖神楽 vs Urobilinemia
✜ Release / Lanzado: コミケットVer video "Urobilinemia -「A Shout Of The Deceased」"
INFECTION - The Cryptic Homicides | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Death Metal
[Country]: Peru; Lima
[Lyrical Themes]: Human evilness, Serial killers, Necrophilia, Gore
[Released]: March 24, 2024
[Label]: Gate Of Horror Productions
01. Sodomy At The Morgue. [00:00]
02. Your Pain, My Pleasure. [02:49]
03. A Nest Of Vicious Roaches. [05:36]
04. Sick And Depraved. [08:09]
05. Deranged Surgeon. [11:49]
06. Fetus In Fetu. [15:08]
07. Barbaric Hysterectomy. [18:32]
08. Merciless Punishment. [21:53]
09. Blow-Torched. [25:58]
10. Jackhammer Trepanation. [30:02]
11. The Cryptic Homicides. [33:39]
[Total Playing Time]: 36:08
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/49fiq6q
◈BandCamp: https://infectionmetal.bandcamp.com/album/the-cryptic-homicides
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-cryptic-homicides/1727641060
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/6nrOYk9oD0Sjc5j9OeeQaY
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/540307722
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@infectionmetal/videos
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kmo9BNIWLqVhg8a_S_d25OWnPueNFt1b8
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[Gate Of Horror Productions]
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
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#deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Infection #perumetalVer video "INFECTION - The Cryptic Homicides | 2024 | Full Album |"
AMORPHITY - Watch Me Die | 2024 | Full Album |
[Gender]: Death Metal
[Country]: Mexico; Monclova, Coahuila
[Released]: February 21, 2024
[Label]: Independent
01. Torture.
02. Mente Putrida.
03. Prototipo Humano.
04. Erradicated.
05. Divinidad Al Horror.
06. Seere Comes.
07. Watch Me Die.
08. Penetrando Una Decapitada.
09. Death Infection.
[Total Playing Time]: 31:33
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
[Link To Buy The CD or DIGITAL ALBUM]
◈Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wAP6cT
◈Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/watch-me-die/1732340578
◈Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4k9iEhZ3N7kJqwmvYOts5C
◈Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/mx/album/551069792
◈YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WIbehc7GkEoDYuTfwrY4g
◈YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l00ddu8M8qkAUysG2DMjSk8wNvxg9z1og
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*All rights reserved for the BAND and/or the LABEL. 'Metal Sanctuary Promotion' does not have any rights to the audio and images in this video -- The videos on this channel are not MONETIZED*
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#deathmetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Amorphity #mexicometalVer video "AMORPHITY - Watch Me Die | 2024 | Full Album |"