Videos relacionados con comprar dll files fixer


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  • Descargar e Instalar dll-files fixer Premium Full; 1 Link Mega; Tutorial en Español 2016.

  • How to fix Could not find this item Error when deleting files try LongPathToolcom

    Long Path Tool can fix long path errors:

    Path is too long
    Path too long
    Path too long - aborting (error code 80/1)
    0x80010135 Path too long
    Error cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk
    Cannot delete file: Access is denied
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Cannot delete file path too long
    Filename's too long
    File name is too long to delete
    File path too long
    Path too deep.
    Error 1320. The specified path is too long
    Cannot delete file: "Access is denied".
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
    Error Copying File or Folder.
    Cannot remove folder.
    The filename or extension is too long.
    Path too deep.
    Destination Path Too Long.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Could not find this item.
    Filename is not valid.
    The file could not be accessed.
    Windows Delete Path Too Long
    Source Path Too Long Delete
    The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path.
    File Name could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that the file location is correct.

    Long Path Tool features:

    Fast speed of long path folder/files search.
    Delete system locked files
    Can delete files even from mapped network folders
    Can list files and paths which have file path more than 200 characters long.
    Close application that uses the file
    Unload locking process
    Copy and delete files and folders
    Delete after reboot
    Omits file name you specified is not valid or too long

    Ver video "How to fix Could not find this item Error when deleting files try LongPathToolcom"


    En el siguiente vídeo educativo te enseñaremos que debes de hacer si te falta el archivo WMVCORE.DLL en Windows 10/8/7


  • Registry Cleaner for Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98 Registry Easy can Restore,Clean Up Your Registry Files and Errors in Windows. Does your PC crash, is your system running slow or are you receiving regular error messages? Registry Easy will scan your system..

    Ver video "Registry Cleaner for Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98"

  • Este Video No Se Puede Reproducir en su Dispositivo ✅ Codigo de Error 102630 ✅

    Solvetic te enseña ▶️ 👉 ¡Bienvenidos al canal de Solvetic! En este video te ayudaremos a solucionar el error Este video no se puede reproducir en su dispositivo que puede aparecer al intentar reproducir videos en Windows, Android u otros dispositivos. Este problema puede estar relacionado con configuraciones de compatibilidad, codecs faltantes o problemas con el reproductor. Te guiaremos paso a paso para identificar el error y aplicar las soluciones más efectivas. Si este video te resulta útil, no olvides dejarnos un comentario con tus dudas o sugerencias, y por favor, regálanos un like. Tu apoyo es fundamental para que Solvetic siga creando contenido práctico y de calidad.

    Ver video "Este Video No Se Puede Reproducir en su Dispositivo ✅ Codigo de Error 102630 ✅"

  • Invalid Plugin Detected Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Will Quit ✅ SOLUCION ✅

    Solvetic te enseña ▶️ 👉 ¡Bienvenidos al canal de Solvetic! Hoy te ayudaremos a solucionar el error *Invalid plugin detected, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC will quit*, un problema que ocurre cuando hay un complemento incompatible o corrupto en el programa. Te mostraremos paso a paso cómo identificar el plugin problemático, desactivarlo o eliminarlo, y así lograr que Adobe Acrobat Reader funcione correctamente. Si este video te resulta útil, no olvides dejarnos un comentario con tus dudas o sugerencias, y por favor, regálanos un like. ¡Tu apoyo es esencial para que Solvetic siga creando contenido práctico y de calidad! ¡Comencemos!

    Ver video "Invalid Plugin Detected Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Will Quit ✅ SOLUCION ✅"

  • No Tienes Permisos para Guardar en esta Ubicación Windows 11

    ¡Hola a todos en Solvetic! En este tutorial, abordaremos un problema común en Windows 11: el mensaje "No tienes permisos para guardar en esta ubicación". Este error puede ser frustrante cuando intentas guardar archivos importantes. Acompáñame mientras exploramos las posibles causas de este problema y te guío paso a paso a través de las soluciones efectivas para restaurar tus permisos de escritura y resolver este inconveniente en Windows 11.

    Ver video "No Tienes Permisos para Guardar en esta Ubicación Windows 11"

  • No Puedo Abrir Archivo PPT Power Point

    Bienvenidos a un nuevo video del canal de Solvetic, donde siempre buscamos ofrecerte soluciones prácticas y efectivas para tus problemas tecnológicos. Hoy vamos a abordar un problema común: ¿Qué hacer cuando no puedes abrir un archivo PPT de PowerPoint?
    En este video, te mostraremos paso a paso cómo solucionar el problema de no poder abrir un archivo PPT en tu computadora. Exploraremos diferentes soluciones para que puedas recuperar y acceder a tus presentaciones de PowerPoint sin inconvenientes.
    No olvides dejar tus comentarios con cualquier duda o problema que tengas, y si este video te ha sido útil, por favor, danos un like.

    Ver video "No Puedo Abrir Archivo PPT Power Point"

  • video tutorial apache


    #load the php main library to avoid dll hell
    Loadfile "C:\Program Files\PHP\php5ts.dll"
    #load the sapi so that apache can use php
    LoadModule php5_module "C:\Program Files\PHP\php5apache2_2.dll"
    #set the php.ini location so that you don't have to waste time guessing where it is
    PHPIniDir "C:\php"
    #Hook the php file extensions
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

    Ver video "video tutorial apache"


    En este vídeo aprenderás como volver a #REINICIAR el #explorador de archivos en #Windows 10 fácil y rápido.


  • Mods Skyrim SE V1.5.97 (Parte 7) RaceMenu y AdressLibrary


    NOTA: Instalen el racemenu y el showracemenu los 2 son necesarios, el Address Library lo descargan y lo instalan normal, y el SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix tambien lo instalan normal, recuerden que su version tiene que ser la 1.5.97 se me olvido decirles en el video.

    SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix:

    Address Library for SKSE Plugins:


    ShowRaceMenu Alternative:

    RaceMenu 0.4.16 Memory Leak Hotfix (SE):

    Bug Fixes SSE:

    Modern Brawl Bug Fix:

    Ver video "Mods Skyrim SE V1.5.97 (Parte 7) RaceMenu y AdressLibrary"

  • How to Clear Storage in Google Drive | Free Up Space Effortlessly

    Running out of storage in Google Drive?
    Learn how to clear storage in Google Drive effectively with this step-by-step tutorial! Whether you need to free up space for new files or simply declutter your Drive, this guide will help you optimize your storage usage quickly and efficiently.

    📌 What You’ll Learn in This Video:
    Checking Your Storage Usage: How to identify which files are taking up the most space in Google Drive.
    Deleting Unnecessary Files: Simple ways to remove large or unwanted files to reclaim storage.
    Clearing Trash: Learn how to permanently delete items from your Trash folder to free up space.
    Managing Shared Files: How to find and remove files shared with you that you no longer need.
    Downloading and Backing Up: Tips on downloading files to your local storage before deleting them from Drive.
    Storage Management Tools: Exploring storage insights and upgrades if needed.

    🌟 Why Clear Storage in Google Drive?
    Google Drive offers limited free storage, and it’s easy to hit the cap when managing documents, media, and shared files. Regularly clearing unnecessary items keeps your Drive organized, ensures smooth performance, and prevents running out of storage space at critical moments.

    This tutorial ensures you know all the tricks to free up space without losing important data.

    Tell Us Your Thoughts!
    What’s the biggest file you’ve ever had to delete from Google Drive? Share your experience in the comments! If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more Google Drive tips. 🔔

    Ver video "How to Clear Storage in Google Drive | Free Up Space Effortlessly"

  • Mods Skyrim SE V1.5.97 (Parte 13) KS Hairdos y PatchBijin Continuacion


    NOTA: Consegui el MOD AIO, ya que no se encuentra en Nexus, Asi que lo compartire y no sera necesario el Bijin Fixes, sin embargo si desean instalarlo tal cual como en el video, recomiendo no instalar el AIO Original.

    Bijin All In One 2018:

    Bijin All In One 2018 Español:

    Bijin Fixes (AIO or Separate):

    Ver video "Mods Skyrim SE V1.5.97 (Parte 13) KS Hairdos y PatchBijin Continuacion"

  • How to install bloodborne for PC (shadps 0.4.1 WIP)

    Emulator and mods:
    Game link:
    Glass fix for GTX 1060, 1070 and 1080:

    0:00 Downloading necessary files
    0:55 Installing the emulator and the game
    3:13 Installation process of the game (can skip)
    7:31 Installation is over (skip to here)
    7:32 Installing game updates and DLC
    8:29 **IMPORTANT for INTEL USERS** Instalation of SFX fix for Intel 12-14th gen CPUs
    9:02 Instalation of the rest of the mods
    10:54 Setting up the emulator (60 fps patches, resolution, 120fps support)
    12:45 Going in game!
    14:11 Fixing flashin lights (only a problem on GTX 10 series)

    TAGS (ignore): Bloodborne, PC, shadps4, port remaster install free for 2024 no virus easy mods

    Ver video "How to install bloodborne for PC (shadps 0.4.1 WIP)"

  • "Cómo Mostrar la Ruta Completa en el Explorador de Archivos en Windows 11 📂 | Guía Rápida"

    "¿Te cuesta encontrar la ruta completa de tus archivos en Windows 11? En este video te mostramos cómo activar esta función en el Explorador de archivos. Sigue estos simples pasos para ver la ruta completa en la barra de direcciones y facilitar tu trabajo diario. ✅ No olvides suscribirte para más trucos y tips tecnológicos. 🔔

    Ver video ""Cómo Mostrar la Ruta Completa en el Explorador de Archivos en Windows 11 📂 | Guía Rápida""

  • find filenames that are too long. Try

    Long Path Tool can fix long path errors:

    Path too long
    Path too long - aborting (error code 80/1)
    0x80010135 Path too long
    Error cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk
    File cannot be copied
    Cannot delete file: Access is denied
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
    Error Copying File or Folder.
    Cannot remove folder.
    The filename or extension is too long.
    Path too deep.
    Destination Path Too Long.
    Could not find this item.
    Filename is not valid.
    The file could not be accessed.
    Windows Delete Path Too Long
    Source Path Too Long Delete
    Sabnzbd path too long
    the system cannot find the path specified winrar error
    winrar 260 character limit fix
    The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path.
    winrar total path and filename must not exceed
    powershell path too long
    total path and filename length must not exceed 260 characters
    Path too long installer unable to modify path
    The path is too long after being fully qualified
    The specified file or folder name is too long. The URL path for all files and folders must be 260 characters or less (and no more than 128 characters for any single file or folder name in the URL). Please type a shorter file or folder name
    The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path.
    File Name could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that the file location is correct.

    Long Path Tool features:

    Long path files scanning
    Long path files deletion, copying, renaming
    System locked files deletion
    Files from mapped network folders deletion
    Unlocking locked files
    Command line version to perform file manipulations in batch mode

    Ver video "find filenames that are too long. Try"

  • find filenames that are too long. Try

    Long Path Tool can fix long path errors:

    Path too long
    Path too long - aborting (error code 80/1)
    0x80010135 Path too long
    Error cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk
    File cannot be copied
    Cannot delete file: Access is denied
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
    Error Copying File or Folder.
    Cannot remove folder.
    The filename or extension is too long.
    Path too deep.
    Destination Path Too Long.
    Could not find this item.
    Filename is not valid.
    The file could not be accessed.
    Windows Delete Path Too Long
    Source Path Too Long Delete
    Sabnzbd path too long
    the system cannot find the path specified winrar error
    winrar 260 character limit fix
    The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path.
    winrar total path and filename must not exceed
    powershell path too long
    total path and filename length must not exceed 260 characters
    Path too long installer unable to modify path
    The path is too long after being fully qualified
    The specified file or folder name is too long. The URL path for all files and folders must be 260 characters or less (and no more than 128 characters for any single file or folder name in the URL). Please type a shorter file or folder name
    The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path.
    File Name could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that the file location is correct.

    Long Path Tool features:

    Long path files scanning
    Long path files deletion, copying, renaming
    System locked files deletion
    Files from mapped network folders deletion
    Unlocking locked files
    Command line version to perform file manipulations in batch mode

    Ver video "find filenames that are too long. Try"

  • Barclays pagará 31 millones de euros por manipular el precio del oro

    Las autoridades reguladoras del mercado británico han impuesto esta multa al banco inglés después de que uno de sus trabajadores fijase el precio del oro, a fin de beneficiarse a costa de uno de sus clientes entre los años 2004 y 2013.

    Durante ese periodo, el Barclays era uno de los bancos que fijaban el precio del metal “Gold Fixing” dos veces al día.

    El “Gold Fixing” es un mecanismo que permite a los inversores comprar y vender oro a un precio único.

    Con anterioridad, Barclays había aceptado pagar 146 millones de euros a las autoridades estadounidenses en concepto de sanción civil por haber manipulado y presentado informes falsos que afectaron al cálculo de los tipos de referencia del mercado interbancario Libor y Euribor

    Ver video "Barclays pagará 31 millones de euros por manipular el precio del oro"

  • How to Delete the File which shows Msg File is in Use Long Path Tool can help

    Long Path Tool can fix long path errors:

    Path is too long
    Path too long
    Error cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk
    Cannot delete file: Access is denied
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Cannot delete file path too long
    Filename's too long
    File name is too long to delete
    File path too long
    Path too deep.
    Error 1320. The specified path is too long
    Cannot delete file: "Access is denied".
    There has been a sharing violation.
    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
    Error Copying File or Folder.
    Cannot remove folder.
    The filename or extension is too long.
    Path too deep.
    Destination Path Too Long.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Error Deleting File or Folder
    Could not find this item.
    Filename is not valid.
    The file could not be accessed.
    Windows Delete Path Too Long
    Source Path Too Long Delete
    The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path.
    File Name could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that the file location is correct.

    Long Path Tool features:

    Easy-to-use concept. This small and compact LONG PATH Tool is designed to provide nice, simple interface and a solid amount of options.
    Fast speed of long path folder/files search.
    Delete system locked files
    Can delete files even from mapped network folders
    Can list files and paths which have file path more than 200 characters long.
    Close application that uses the file
    Unload locking process
    Copy and delete files and folders
    Delete after reboot
    Omits file name you specified is not valid or too long

    Ver video "How to Delete the File which shows Msg File is in Use Long Path Tool can help"

  • Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 1,2,3 and above vibrating, not powering up, blank screen & Restarting

    Issue to be fixed: Samsung Galaxy Note device e.g. first generation Note or Note 2 & Note 3 vibrates every 2 seconds, screen is blank, no charging indicator (battery) on screen when charger plugged in while off, may power on but quickly restarts and may show a quick warning on screen sometimes. Note that this issue may apply to the Samsung Galaxy S 1,2,3,4 or higher as well.\r
    Note that you may void your manufurer warranty if you attempt this fix and that you are solely responsible for attempting this procedure and the outcome. But rest assured that this did fix my Samsung Galaxy Note and allowed me to back up my files and data and to at least be able to use the phone fully once more, which was better than having it replace at very high costs.\r
    Official Website: \r
    Facebook Page:\r

    Ver video "Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 1,2,3 and above vibrating, not powering up, blank screen & Restarting"

  • Fix the "Dark Page" Problem in MS Word | Restore Normal Page View Easily

    Encountering the annoying “dark page” problem in MS Word after enabling dark mode?
    Don’t worry—this tutorial will guide you step-by-step on how to fix this issue effortlessly. Get back to a clean and professional-looking document view without sacrificing the dark mode's benefits.

    📌 What You’ll Learn in This Video:
    Understanding the Dark Page Problem: Why the page turns dark when dark mode is enabled.
    Quick Fix for Dark Pages: Step-by-step guide to revert the document page to white while keeping the Word interface in dark mode.
    Adjusting the Background Color Settings: Learn how to tweak the settings for better readability.
    Synchronizing Changes Across Documents: Ensure that the fix works for all your future Word files.
    Troubleshooting Tips: Common issues and solutions when applying these changes.

    🌟 Why Fix the Dark Page Issue?
    While dark mode is great for reducing eye strain, the dark page can make editing or printing documents tricky. By restoring the white page with a dark interface, you get the best of both worlds—comfort and practicality.

    This tutorial is a must-watch for students, professionals, and anyone who frequently uses MS Word in dark mode but struggles with the dark page problem.

    Share Your Experience!
    Have you encountered other issues with MS Word’s dark mode? Drop your questions in the comments, and we’ll help you out. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more MS Word tips and tricks. 🔔

    Ver video "Fix the "Dark Page" Problem in MS Word | Restore Normal Page View Easily"

  • How To Make an Overlay On Android

    .████████████ /LINKS ████████████\r
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    ➡ Dwnload Es File Explorer : \r
    ➡Download apk installer : \r
    ▶You may Have install Blocked Problame?\r
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    Over here : \r
    ████████| /Watch More Videos| ██████████\r
    ▶▶WATCH a new Videos Every Day on : \r
    ..█████████████| Music| ███████████████\r
    The videos Music Back Ground Been Made By\r
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    █████████████|Need Help ?| █████████████\r
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    ♠ Cinou

    Ver video "How To Make an Overlay On Android"

  • Sácale provecho a las nuevas funciones y aplicaciones en los nuevos dispositivos

    Sácale provecho a las nuevas funciones y aplicaciones en los nuevos dispositivos

    27 noviembre 2013

    Aprovecha al máximo las distintas funciones y aplicaciones que puedes utilizar en los nuevos dispositivos tecnológicos y así aprovechar la inversión que has realizado.

    Para más información entra en
    No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en:


    recetas faciles,recetas light,consejos de cocina,cooking ideas,cooking,Sácale provecho a las nuevas funciones y aplicaciones en los nuevos dispositivos,nueva tecnologia,iphone 3,iphone 4,iphone,ipad,nueva tecnologia,tecnologia 2013,porque comprar un telefon celular,IPhone 3GS (Mobile Phone),Ipod Touch,Application Software (File Format),Apple,que hacer con tu celular viejo,aprovecha la tecnologia,tecnologia 2013,noticias hoy,noticias de ultimo momento,noticias

    Ver video "Sácale provecho a las nuevas funciones y aplicaciones en los nuevos dispositivos"

  • Como montar y desmontar una imagen ISO en Windows 10 SIN PROGRAMAS 2024 sin daemon tools ni ultraiso

    Aprende como montar y desmontar una imagen iso en windows 10 sin programas 2021 sin Daemon tools ni ultraiso paso a paso aprende como montar una imagen iso en windows 10 sin programas y también como desmontar una imagen iso en windows 10 sin programas

    Contenido del video:

    0:00 Intro como configurar imágenes iso para abrir sin programas en windows 10
    1:53 como montar una imagen iso en windows 10
    2:57 como desmontar una imagen iso en windows 10

    Ver video "Como montar y desmontar una imagen ISO en Windows 10 SIN PROGRAMAS 2024 sin daemon tools ni ultraiso"

  • Nocash Nintendo DS emulator Bleach Dark Souls

    -El emulador Nocash de Nintendo ds es el mejor emulador de esta consola, este ha sido basado en No$gba pero corrige un 90% de los defectos graficos y te brinda una experiencia de juego como ningun otro, en el video se te explica como configurarlo.

    -The NocashEX emulator is the best Nintendo ds Emulator it is based on no$gba but it fix 90% of grafical glitches so it will bring the latest NDS emulator gaming experience, you can see how to configure it in the video.

    -Si deseas abrir el archivo del emulador en modo carpeta para ejecutarlo debes de abrir el ejecutable PLAY.EXE .

    -If you wish to watch the files contained in the emulator package in folder mode you have to run the executable file named: PLAY.EXE , if you dont do this you will see No$gba.


    si deseas aclarar dudas visita y busca por el emulador de ds en la seccion emuladores.

    Tambien puedes preguntar lo que quieras en el siguiente link del foro de emuladores de PemtiumVideo:

    Debes de estar registrado en el foro para hacerlo has click en la seccion conectarse que se encuentra en la parte de arriba de la pagina.


    If you wish to ask something you can do it in this link of the PemtiumVideo Emulators Forum:

    You should be registered on the forum to write, to make your account click on "conectarse" and them you can register

    if a link does not work report it to:

    Ver video "Nocash Nintendo DS emulator Bleach Dark Souls"

  • DESCARGAR : Echo Prime PC Full Español 1 Link [Varios Servidores]

    Título: Echo Prime PC Full Español
    Género: Acción, Indie, Rol
    Plataforma: PC
    Idioma: Español, Ingles y Muchos mas
    Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 Enero de 2014
    Tamaño: 668 Megas
    Formato: ISO -- DVD 5

    Características principales

    Remasterizado para PC: nuevos mapas, nuevos enemigos, economía reajustada, mejoras visuales y nuevos controles para PC.
    Nuevo modo Extremo: pon a prueba tu habilidad. ¿Hasta dónde serás capaz de llegar sin morir?
    Mejora tu arsenal: más de 100 piezas de equipo con diversos efectos letales, desde fuego hasta disparos tóxicos. Todas ellas se pueden desbloquear sin coste adicional.
    Ecos del multiverso: encuentra y desbloquea docenas de "ecos", vidas de forma alienígenas de universos paralelos. Los ecos te ofrecerán poderes y habilidades que te ayudarán en las misiones.
    Comparte ecos: ¡usa los ecos de tus amigos en combate para ayudarlos a subir de nivel y que tus amigos usen tus ecos para que suban de nivel!
    Generación aleatoria de la campaña: ¡no hay dos experiencias iguales!
    Incluye la banda sonora completa: ¡al comprar el juego disfrutarás también de las 14 pistas de la banda sonora de Echo Prime!

    Requerimientos del Sistema

    Sistema Operativo: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
    Procesador: 2 GHz Dual Core
    Memoria: 1 GB de RAM
    Gráficos: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 o ATI Radeon X1950 o superior con 256 MB de VRAM
    Disco duro: 1200 MB de espacio disponible

    Instrucciones de Instalación

    1. Descomprimir
    2. Montar la ISO con el Ultraiso o Daemons Tools
    3. Instalar
    4. Copiar el Contenido de la Carpeta "TiNYiSO" (Dentro de la ISO) y Pegarlo en la Ruta de Instalacion (C:\Program Files (x86)\Robot Entertainment\Echo Prime")
    5. Jugar. Usar Launcher.exe para definir idiomas.

    Enlaces 1 Link Varias Opciones


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    La Contraseña es :

    Ver video "DESCARGAR : Echo Prime PC Full Español 1 Link [Varios Servidores]"

  • Samsung Galaxy S4 wont connect to computer with USB solutions and fixes

    Samsung Galaxy S4 wont connect to computer with USB solutions and fixes\r
    Does your S4 not connect to the computer any more via USB. This video should help you.\r
    Make sure you are using the Galaxy S4 cable that came with the phone (test with another cable if you havent yet) \r
    Remove your battery and sim card and restart your phone may also work.\r
    Update your drivers. Can be found here.\r
    If this doesnt work try downloading Kies 3 from Samsungs website.\r
    If that doesnt work try debugging mode. Go to settings - More options - About device - Click device number 7 times.\r
    Then go back to developer options and make sure it is turned on in the top right hand corner and then scroll down to USB debugging turn it on and restart your phone.\r
    If you are using a launcher, you need to switch back to the standard TouchWiz homescreen and then connect your phone.\r
    The other option is to us the usb menu from the dialer pad and if it isnt on MTP + ADB then change it and reboot your phone and reconnect the device.\r
    Dial pad for usb menu numbers:\r
    4.2 *#7284#\r
    4.3 *#0808# \r
    4.4 *#0808# \r
    Dial ##3424# then select CDMA modem, then qualcomm USB settings from there select MTP and hit ok for S4 Mini users\r
    GALAXY ALPHA worked after reboot with the *#0808# - USB (AP) - USB Settings (MTP + ADB) - OK - Reboot\r
    I recommend Airdroid for wirelessly transferring your files.\r
    How to make your Samsung Galaxy S4 Faster and More Responsive \r
    Samsung Galaxy S4 List of Secret Codes and Uses \r

    Ver video "Samsung Galaxy S4 wont connect to computer with USB solutions and fixes"

  • Install/ Flash Firmware on Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge with Odin

    In this video tutorial I will show you how to upgrade or downgrade software with Odin on Samsung Galaxy G930F, G935F (Android 6.0.1).You can use this operation if you have various problems with the phone software.\r
    - - -\r
    This method is 100% free!\r
    With this method you can fix Dm verity verification failed!\r
    To install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge with Odin you need a computer, internet connection, micro USB data cable, Odin 3.11.1 and the firmware that you want to install on your phone.\r
    If you get the message FAIL is because you have the security patch level installed on your phone.So to pass the FAIL message you must enable the Developer Options in your menu and then turn on OEM unlock and USB debugging\r
    How to update:\r
    Go to and you must create an account. Search for your phone model then select your country and desired firmware and click on download button.\r
    After the download is complete:\r
    -Extr (unzip) the firmware file\r
    -Download Odin v 3.11.1\r
    -Extr Odin ZIP file\r
    -Open Odin v 3.11.1\r
    -Reboot Phone in Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)\r
    -Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin\r
    -Add the firmware file to AP / PDA\r
    -Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked\r
    -Click the start button, sit back and wait few minutes\r
    After the update is complete is good to do a HARD RESET or make a fory reset from phone settings to your phone!\r
    If something go wrong, with the update of your Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge, you can recover or restore the original firmware, very easy, with Samsung Smart Switch.\r
    This method was tested on Samsung Galaxy S7 G930F but works also on:\r
    -Samsung Galaxy S7 G930 (USA); G930FD (Southeast Asia); G930A (AT&T, Cricket); G930P (Sprint, Boost, Virgin Mobile); G930V (Verizon); G930T (T-Mobile, Metro PCS); G930R (US Cellular)\r
    -Samsung Galaxy S7 edge G935 (USA); G935F (Global); G935FD (Southeast Asia); G935A (AT&T); G935P (Sprint); G935V (Verizon); G935T (T-Mobile); G935R (US Cellular)\r
    You do this at your own risk! Make sure your phone battery is fully charged!\r
    Better remove the SIM card and memory SD card from your phone before this operation!\r
    If you reset or update your phone, all your data may be lost, so its good to do a full backup before!\r
    How to Enable Developer Options on Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge \r
    Bypass Google Account Samsung S6, S7, EDGE, +, NOTE 5 (Android 6.0.1) \r
    Samsung S7 & S7 edge HARD RESET from Android System Recovery \r
    Where is located S/N (serial number) and IMEI on Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge \r
    How to put Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge in DOWNLOAD MODE \r
    ►Facebook: \r

    Ver video "Install/ Flash Firmware on Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge with Odin"

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