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  • Crowded house-dont dreams its over

  • Glee Dont Dream Its Over from Swan Song FULL PERFORMANCE HD

    Regrouping after Sectionals, New Directions sings "Don't Dream It's Over."

    Ver video "Glee Dont Dream Its Over from Swan Song FULL PERFORMANCE HD"

  • [MV] Byul - Sweet Dream (Over the Rainbow OST)[subtitulos Es

    Un tema que me encanta de Byul, un video basado en el drama coreano "Over the rainbow"

    Ver video "[MV] Byul - Sweet Dream (Over the Rainbow OST)[subtitulos Es"

  • Lords Mobile: Guild Gifts Explained | Why Level Doesnt Really Matter!

    KingHTV: So, i have had a few questions around guild gifts sent to my inbox over the past couple of weeks, so thought i would touch base around this subject. Dont mind my poor explanation, its never been my strong point lol.\r
    Check out the following URLs below and help me reach 10,000 Subscribers :) Dont forget to Like my videos and Subscribe to my channel if you havent already, bringing you android gaming videos and game play.\r
    Subscribe: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Download Lords Mobile:

    Ver video "Lords Mobile: Guild Gifts Explained | Why Level Doesnt Really Matter!"

  • How to sew a pleated skirt - without a Pattern

    Hi everyone \r
    This week I am back with how to sew a skirt without a pattern, maybe not everyones cup of tea, but if you dont want to buy a pattern for something so easy then this will definitively help.\r
    Who am I? I am Marina from Frocks & Frolics. Designing awesome patterns that really fit without you having to mess about with them is what I do! I also want to teach you how to sew like a pro. You can pop over to my website and access the Learn to Sew Area. Its all free and I am adding to it at least once a month. \r
    Pop on over:\r
    Playlist for Learning how to sew:\r

    Ver video "How to sew a pleated skirt - without a Pattern"

  • The Creepy Killer Clown is Back and this time he Crossed the Line. (New skit)

    Hey guys, so this week another creepy killer clown showed up at my house. He broke in while we were asleep and stole my i phone and my pointe shoes. I woke daddy up and we went to search for him in the woods only to have him steal daddys truck. While we were walking home he tried to run us over. I just dont know when this clown nightmare will end but I hope its soon. Thanks so much for watching and please remember to like, share and subscribe\r

    Ver video "The Creepy Killer Clown is Back and this time he Crossed the Line. (New skit)"




    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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  • [SFM] Five Nights at Pinkies - Filly Location (Left Behind) [60FPS, FullHD]

    Dont forget to Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share this video with others!\r
    Three million views on this video!? Thanks you guys, means a lot!\r
    Please remain in your seats. Your nightmares will begin momentarily.\r
    This Video was highly requested by dozens of Fans!\r
    After a Month of Changing, Editing, and Rendering, Its Finally Finished! ^^\r
    ~ This will also be the last Pinkies Video that Ill be doing for quite a while! Its time for me to move on to other things that I have in store for you all. But Pinkies isnt quite over yet though. I still have a few more Pinkies related Videos that I plan on doing later on as the months go by. Other than that, enjoy the video! ~\r

    Ver video "[SFM] Five Nights at Pinkies - Filly Location (Left Behind) [60FPS, FullHD]"




    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

    Quieres que Edu,Mr Pea u otro de nuestros personajes te saluden en su próximo vídeo? Mándanos un mail a o déjanos un comentario en el vídeo.

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  • OC Speedpaint - Midnight Fairytale

    Finished Picture: \r
    So a few people have been inquiring about the pony in my avatar, so here she is. This is the very first MLP OC that I ever came up with, though this is her most recent design. Now I have over 100 but no big deal. I hope to one day write down the story I have for her and her friends, but I dont have time for that now. Her name is Midnight Fairytale. And if you want to know more about her you can check out her old ref here: \r
    Id love to hear your opinions and questions in the comments. And if I dont respond to you then there are a few reasons why. 1. Youtube is being stupid and has taken away the reply button, 2. you are asking for a request (I do not do requests at the moment as I dont have time, so no, unfortunately I will not draw your OC unless you commission me), or 3. you are asking about the program Im using. I wont respond to those questions as the answer is right here. vvvvv\r
    Program Used: Photoshop CS5\r
    Recording Program: Debut Video Capture Studio\r
    Time Taken: 2 hours\r
    Songs: Ahrix - Raising\r
    Ahrix - Dreams\r
    Check out my Deviantart page here: \r
    And my Tumblr page here: \r
    My Patreon: \r
    Commission Information: \r
    Thanks for watching!!

    Ver video "OC Speedpaint - Midnight Fairytale"

  • Coin Pusher Jackpot- $5 AT ONCE! | Coin Pusher | Matt3756

    I throw $5 at once in the arcade coin pusher for a big win! This is the first time Ive had more than $1.00 profit from the coin pusher!\r
    More Coin Pusher: \r
    BUY MATT3756 MERCH:\r
    Follow Me on Social!\r
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    About Coin Pusher\r
    Its the AMERICAN DREAM - Strike it big and win the JACKPOT! Well, Im not too big on Vegas Slots, but I am HUGE on Arcade Coin Pushers, and in my opinion, the prize is just as good! Join me, Matt Magnone as I try to strike it big on every coin pusher arcade game I can find. Whether arcade tokens, quarters, nickels or even pennies, Im gonna show you how to strike it BIG, and maybe make a little money for myself. Come subscribe today, because you DONT wanna miss when I strike the BIG ONE!\r
    About Matt3756\r
    Im Matt Magnone, and I love everything about the ARCADE!!! Come with me as I hit up every Dave and Busters, Chuck E Cheese, ESPN Arcade and penny arcade I can find to play games and have fun! My favorite arcade game is the prize claw machine, but I can never say no to a coin push machine or crazy arcade game I have never seen before. Whether its a penny, quarter or nickel, I am in it for the JACKPOT! I may even give you some special tips and tricks so that you can hack arcade games and walk away a winner. \r
    My dream is to entertain the world while making a positive difference, so come back and lets see what cool things we can do together! I upload multiple new videos each week, so subscribe today so that you dont miss anything awesome! LETS PLAY!

    Ver video "Coin Pusher Jackpot- $5 AT ONCE! | Coin Pusher | Matt3756"

  • Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure

    Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure\r
    Product Details\r
    Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 3 x 2 inches\r
    Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds\r
    From Mega House. From the classic manga and anime, the mighty gladiator strikes a defiant pose in her battle armor to create a powerful figure measuring just over 8-1/2 high!\r
    Thats an excellent figure but i rate only 4stars because of two things.\r
    Its impossible to remove the gladiator headset to put it next to her foot like i wanted to do.\r
    The figure is very expensive compared to others figures which are as detailed as this one but if youre also a collector or like this charer you dont regret it,shes really nice in my collection.

    Ver video "Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure"

  • 10 DUMBEST Ways People Have DIED - Darwin Awards

    Welcome to Top10Archive! You know, despite what that “1000 Ways to Die” show says, staying alive really isnt that much of a task. For the most part, it boils down to not doing stupid things. Sure, there are some variables thrown in there that can ruin your day, but for a lot of us, its not that tough. For those featured in the Darwin Awards, they just didnt have the whit to keep themselves alive, proving Darwins theory of natural selection has merit.\r
    Support us by shopping on Amazon! \r
    10. The Roller Coaster Thrill Seeker\r
    9. Insurance Fraud and Death\r
    8. The Bitter Divorcee\r
    7. The Avalanche\r
    6. A New Kind of Russian Roulette\r
    5. Six Lives for a Chicken\r
    4. A Tigers Dinner\r
    3. Tempting the Cobra\r
    2. Fire and Gunpowder Dont Make Good Bed Fellows\r
    1. Man vs. Locomotive\r
    Voice Over Talent:\r

    Ver video "10 DUMBEST Ways People Have DIED - Darwin Awards"


    The artwork Cinderella was conceived to give praise to products made in Italy and the elegance of Italian luxury products admired and even imitated all over the world. Cinderella is an unique work that idealizes the shoe as an object of desire for all women and a sought after symbol of fashion. Cinderellas elegance also embodies a sex-symbol. It is set on a base-casket rendering the object more precious. This sculpture was created based on the dynamics of equilibrium and thinness, the hardness of the black Belgian marble is transformed into a fluid silhouette, where the idea becomes visible. The eye flows on the heel from where it raises to a ribbon that entwine the ankle of an imaginary princess. With resemblance to a snake for its sharp tail, it bewitches both a man and a woman triggering a strong yearning and desire. It sinuously crawls downward changing into petals or wings of butterfly that softly caresses the foot. The soaring heel with an amazing thinness like the blade of a knife gives a sensual rush and at the same time the metallic element gives an aggressive-transgressive breaking the continuous curves with its geometric verticality.
    Cinderella, an unattainable dream: impossible to wear!

    Ver video "CINDERELLA ELEGANCE SHOE AND SEX SYMBOL SCULPTURE Cenerentola by Emanuele Rubini"

  • Mega Man Universe - announcement trailer

    MEGAMAN is back!

    from the press release (supplied by Capcom)
    Legendary Capcom Developer Hints at Next Evolutionary Step for the Mega ManTM Series

    London -- Capcom today announced that Mega Man Universe is coming to Xbox LIVE online entertainment network and PlayStation Store. Mega Man Universe, the latest entry in Capcom's long-running Mega Man series, will be a revolutionary take on the seminal classic, setting course for a new chapter in classic gaming.

    Mega Man games are beloved by fans all over the world. Since their debut in 1987, Mega Man has remained a videogame icon, having starred in more than 140 titles over the last 22 years. The connection he's made with pop culture at large has extended beyond games and into cartoons, toys, clothing, comics, kid's meals, and more. Part of that popularity is driven by the series' ability to evolve over time yet consistently retain the addictive gameplay experience that sets Mega Man games apart.

    For the next chapter in this legacy of excellence, Capcom aims to deliver the most creative Mega Man experience yet. In Mega Man Universe, imagination is the star of the game.

    "We are thrilled to finally be able to announce Mega Man Universe," said Kenji Inafune, Head of Research and Development Management for Capcom Entertainment. "This game will break the mold and challenge the conventional wisdom of what a Mega Man game can be. When fans finally get to see it, I believe they'll envision their most far-out Mega Man dreams coming true."

    Inafune is committed to helping craft a Mega Man experience that meets the highest expectations of Capcom fans. Most recently Mega ManTM 10 echoed this fact when its classic design and compelling gameplay made it one of the most sought after digital downloads of the year. Gamers can expect Mega Man Universe to bring the core experience fans want while delivering on the promise of innovation that Capcom is known for. Its official: classic gaming will never be same again.

    used with kind permission by Capcom

    Ver video "Mega Man Universe - announcement trailer"

  • 13 Disney Park Secrets

    Familys from all over visit Disney, but do they know Disney has many hidden secrets? These are 13 shocking Disney park Secrets. \r
    Subscribe for weekly wacky videos and learn interesting fs about the world with awesome top 10 lists and other amazing videos.\r
    7 - Animal Kingdom – At one point the famous Animal Kingdom was supposed to include a separate attrion within the attrion called “Beastly Kingdom.” This would be dedicated to mythical creatures and probably include some animatronics. Even though that idea never made its way to fruition there is a subtle nod to the project on the sign for Animal Kingdom. In the middle of a rhino and elephant you can see the silhouette of a dragon. We met youve never noticed THAT before!\r
    6 - Smellitizers – If youve ever visited a Disney park and noticed a certain smell in a certain place, well thats no accident. Smellitizers are devices that can be found in the tunnels below the parks and are located throughout Disney parks to emit certain smells in certain areas. Some of the most obvious smells are the smell of fresh baked cookies and vanilla on Main Street, fresh citrus on the Soarin ride, and a salty smell on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Some of the less obvious, but definitely noteworthy smells are the smell of honey on Poohs adventures and burning wood on Spaceship Earth.\r
    5 - Cinderellas castle – Cinderellas castle may be the most well-known landmark in all of Disney parks. Everyone knows what it looks like and everyone knows where its located. What not many people know is that hidden inside the castle is a private guest suite, reserved for contest winners only. You cannot book this suite and it is given to families for use about once every two weeks. The suite has only been used approximately 600 times. Not only do you get a car to drop you at the Magic Kingdom, but you also get a personal guide to accompany you around the park ing as a personal FASTpass for rides and giving you all the information about the park you could ever want. Inside the suite are Disney charer relics, such as Cinderellas glass slipper and Captain Hooks telescope, as well as a television disguised as a mirror that you use a magic wand to turn on.\r
    4 - The Grey Stuff – A line from the song “Be Our Guest” in theBeauty and the Beast has the Lumiere sing “Try the grey stuff, its delicious – dont believe us, ask the dishes!” Now you can try the grey stuff too! When dining at the Be Our Guest restaurant at Disney World, you can order the grey stuff, which is some sort of cookies and cream grey mousse. Originally not located on the menu, its now a featured dessert and you should really do yourself a favor and try it, because Lumiere was not lying – it is delicious!\r
    3 - Tom Sawyer Island – This ride, located at Disney World, is a boat ride that takes you over to an island with a Tom Sawyer theme. Its a very quiet, some would say boring ride. Boring, until you realize that you could walk away with a pretty awesome prize. The island supposedly has paintbrushes hidden all over the place, to recreate Tom Sawyers chore to whitewash his Aunt Pollys fence. If youre lucky enough to find a paintbrush, bring it over to your boat driver and theyll reward you with a fastpass to any one ride in the park. Dont go crazy looking for all the brushes, though. Its only good for one brush per family. \r
    2 - Club 33 – Club 33 is one of the cooler secrets within Disneyland. Its located in the middle of New Orleans Square and is recognized only by a plate attached to the building that says “33.” To be allowed entry into the club, you must be a member, and to become a member you need to get on a waitlist that is estimated to be years long and its roughly $25,000 to join plus $10,000 in yearly dues. Some of the perks to the club, is –obviously, access to the club itself – alcoholic beverages, since the park is for the most park dry except for certain areas, early park admission, valet parking at the resorts and access to private events held at the park. \r
    1 - Walts Apartment – When Walt Disney was designing and constructing Disneyland he wanted to build a special apartment hidden from the chaos of the park, but still within the park. He built the apartment above the Main Street Firehouse. The Disney family would spend time in the apartment, entertaining guests or Walt would do quiet work – his desk was set up against a window overlooking Main Street. A lamp in the window would be left on when Walt was present in the apartment which was a fun thing for guests to see. Since his passing, the light is always burning in the window as a tribute.

    Ver video "13 Disney Park Secrets"

  • 100 Episodes Outtake Montage!! Sailing SV Delos

    Yup, the title is pretty accurate :) As a celebration I put together this little Outtake Montage from 100 s, past and present. Thanks so much for staying with us through the best, and most awkward moments :) Hope you enjoy!! Love Breeyawn, Kazza, and Mr. Brady\r
    This is our story, a story of three souls sailing around the world. It is a story about sailing, but its also a story about the fantastic people we meet and amazing places we see. Its a story of people living their lives in an alternate way, in close connection with the beautiful people and amazing planet that we call home. Our experience has affected us so profoundly we want to share it, hoping that others may find inspiration to follow their dreams and do what they love.\r
    Follow Delos!\r
    Our Mission\r
    Its simple really- we just want to make you SMILE! We do this because we LOVE it. Given our short time on this AMAZING PLANET theres absolutely, positively, nothing more wed rather be \r
    doing with our time!\r
    We hope by sharing this adventure you will find some inspiration in your life. If doesnt have to be sailing. It can be anything at all. Just take a few minutes every day for yourself, \r
    breathe deep and relax, and dont forget to SMILE!\r
    Send Us Love\r
    We LOVE sailing, we LOVE traveling, and we LOVE making videos about it! Were only half-way around the world, so theres plenty more to see! \r
    Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process :) \r
    Support Our Videos- Buy us a cold one.\r
    Check the links below for more SV Delos Sailing Around The World Action!\r
    This made possible by you! Support S/V Delos Videos!\r

    Ver video "100 Episodes Outtake Montage!! Sailing SV Delos"

  • Tow Truck War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids

    Hello Kids,\r
    Welcome to BabyTime! Its halloween season and the season for Christmas! Its the time of the year where the good wins over the evil! Watch the epic fight of the Good tow truck and the evil tow truck !\r
    Dont Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe\r
    For more videos kindly click on the link below\r
    Luxury Bus War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Learning Colors With Aeroplanes | Learning Air Vehicles | Educational Video For Kids : \r
    Armoured Carrier War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Trailer War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Heavy Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Police Car War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Emergency Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Ice Cream Van War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Missile Launcher War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    LEGO Street Vehicles | Build & Learn Street Vehicles | Ambulance, Car, Truck, Heavy Vehicles & More : \r
    Army Truck War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Fuel Tank War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Heavy Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Drone War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    School Bus War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids: \r
    Taxi War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Scary Police Car Garage | Good Vs Evil | Evil To Good Transformation | Car Garage Videos For Kids : \r
    Evil Construction Vehicles | Good Vs Evil | Evil To Good Transformation | Car Garage Videos For Kids: \r
    Fire Truck War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Fire Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Tank War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Pickup Truck War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Heavy Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Humvee War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Army Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids : \r
    Learn Street Vehicles | Street Vehicles For Kids | Car Videos For Toddlers : \r
    Airplanes | Aeroplanes & Air Vehicles | Learning Aeroplanes | Aircraft and Planes : \r
    Dont Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe

    Ver video "Tow Truck War | Good Vs Evil | Scary Street Vehicles | Halloween Videos For Kids"

  • KOREAN 10-STEP SKIN CARE + GIVEAWAY! | Raiza Contawi

    WATCH IN HD! Dreaming of that flawless skin most Koreans have? I do! Heres a guide on how they do their skin care routine step by step and Ill be doing this for the next 10 days and see what happens from there. Dont forget to like the video if you enjoyed it and subscribe to my channel so we can see each other again next time! Spread love!\r
    GIVEAWAY ALERT! All you have to do is LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel and then comment below your name along with your answer to this question: Which is your favorite step amongst the 10 steps? \r
    The LUCKY WINNER will get a chance to win the 3CE Enriched Treatment Face Oil and Caolion Herb-su Rosemary Sheet Mask!\r
    *Winner will be conted directly.\r
    All products were bought from: \r
    Nature Republic Bamboo Charcoal T-Zone and Nose Pack - \r
    Heimish All Clean Balm - \r
    April Skin Magic Stone Charcoal Soap - \r
    Claires Guerisson 9 Complex Skin - \r
    Elizavecca Green Piggy Collagen Pack - \r
    Its Skin 2PM Sun Block - \r
    IOPE Moistgen Skin Hydration Gift Set - \r
    OST Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum - \r
    Etude House Hair Band - \r
    BLOG: \r
    Snapchat: raizacontawi\r
    For business inquiries:

    Ver video "KOREAN 10-STEP SKIN CARE + GIVEAWAY! | Raiza Contawi"

  • Great Movie Ride ULTIMATE Full Pandavision Experience - Disneys Hollywood Studios with End Movie

    The Great Movie Ride as youve never seen it before in Pandavision. Its the next best thing to ually being there!\r
    Relive some of the greatestmoments in history during a tram ride that puts you in the middle of the magic.\r
    Lights! Camera! Action! \r
    Stroll onto a soundstage designed to recall 1930s-era Hollywood and board a tram for a captivating tour of some of Tinseltowns greatest film scenes. Glide beneath a flashingmarquee and cross over into a world that could only exist in the s.\r
    Featuring nearly 50 lifelike Audio-Animatronics replicas of legendarystars, lavishly produced set pieces and wondrous special effects, The Great Movie Ride immerses you in the thrills, chills and romance of some of the most memorable moments in motion picture history.\r
    Be a part of such classic films as:\r
    •Alien \r
    •Casablanca \r
    •Fantasia \r
    •Mary Poppins \r
    •Raiders of the Lost Ark \r
    •Singin in the Rain \r
    •Tarzan the Ape Man \r
    •The Public Enemy \r
    •The Wizard of Oz\r
    Your informative tour guide will set the stage for the scenes youll visit. Just dont be surprised if something unexpected happens along the way. Keep telling yourself, its only a .\r
    Magical Vacation Planner is the exclusive partner of & The Big Fat Panda Show.\r
    Your Magical Vacation Planner will customize your vacation package to fit your needs.\r
    Experience the Magic, let us do the planning Call 407-442-3105 or\r
    Go to to request your free Magical Vacation Quote!\r
    SUBSCRIBE for more Disney Videos at:

    Ver video "Great Movie Ride ULTIMATE Full Pandavision Experience - Disneys Hollywood Studios with End Movie"

  • LEGO Train Track Setup! Three Long Tracks Running Together, Three Steam Trains!!

    LEGO Train Track Setup! Three separate train tracks running alongside each other, three steam trains with extra long train station! \r
    This is a much more chilled out setup than usual, I wanted to have all the Emerald Night trains running and they dont like slopes! .\r
    How I built the Emerald Night in different colours: \r
    Please keep all comments family friendly, thanks!\r
    Welcome to channel DunksterBricks. Here you can find videos of lots of things made out of LEGO or related to LEGO. There are videos of Train sets and City city sets as well as videos that are tutorials, hauls, and time-lapse. Every so often there is a big railway build which gets bigger everytime its made!\r
    Check out some videos of trains here:\r
    Check out some videos of Track Setups and Builds here:\r
    Check out more information on the monorail tram:\r
    Check out some videos of 2017 LEGO Sets here:\r
    You can find more information on my LEGO Emerald Nights here:\r
    Take a look at how the my MOC Bridges have developed over time:\r
    Want to know more about some of my trains? You can see that here:\r

    Ver video "LEGO Train Track Setup! Three Long Tracks Running Together, Three Steam Trains!!"

  • Trackmaster 2 Royal Spencer Unboxing Review & First run!

    Hi Guys and Gals here we have the Trackmaster 2 version of Royal Spencer from thecalled Two wheels good.\r
    So this is the first TM2 Spencer in my collection and I have to say it looks rather good until you look at the coach, Im not a coach hater! I have a full compliment of lovely coaches of all types in my collection and can remember the golden days of TOMY and Trackmaster coaches, this is rather a letdown but I guess its the only thing for now in the TM2 range apart from the new Annie and Clarabel. Its basically a truck with stickers all over it to make it look like a coach. The coach feels very cheap indeed I couldnt see the Duke and Dutchess ridding in a cattle truck masquerading as a pullman coach. Nonetheless it will still generate a small amount of excitement if this happens to be your first coach if you are new to Trackmaster :).\r
    Spencer looks fantastic and at times its easy to forget that all TM2 trains are the same underneath with his streamlined swoopy shape he looks very sharp indeed. The graphics on Spencer are printed on to the plastic which looks really good against his silver paint. He runs very well also, I had to do the usual modification to get him to run on my blue track which is filing down the ivation/locking tab underneath. Lightness is an issue with these trains and I try to add weight when I can because I dont need them to climb ridiculous mountain anytime soon :).\r
    If you already have a TM2 Spencer then I would give this a miss (the coach isnt enough reason to buy in my opinion) but if you need to add a spencer to your collection then this is a good one to buy.\r
    I give this Trackmaster 2 Royal Spencer a 7/10\r
    The coach made it lose points for sure but. this is otherwise a great looking engine that would do any railway proud!\r
    More reviews are coming soon!\r
    Thanks for watching!

    Ver video "Trackmaster 2 Royal Spencer Unboxing Review & First run!"


    ►SUBSCRIBE: \r
    In this Minecraft video today I will be playing with the Superheroes Mod and figuring out which of the Avengers outfits is our favourite!\r
    Dont forget that this Portals Mod is definitely a cool feature to play with!\r
    ►Instagram: naveedxking\r
    ►Snapchat: crazynaveed\r
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    What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely inter, create, have fun, and learn. Its unique in that prically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 8 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — intering with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet ­to ­be ­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interive components, and working mechanisms.

    Ver video "HOW TO MAKE A PORTAL TO THE AVENGERS!! Minecraft"

  • 「Shingeki no Kyojin」Omake Pfadlib (English cover)【Marie】 進撃の巨人 OST m

    ✪▼ Read the whole description please!~ down there is the MP3 to download ▼✪

    Oh man I needed to sing this ಥ_ಥ
    Heard the beautiful lyrics that Aqua made and was like *gasps* I NEED TO SING THIS OMFG my kokoro c-cant just *sobs grossly* and here I am with this beautiful yet sad OST ;///; Im still not over Shingeki no Kyojin, its just so!- gosh every character I've loved ended up dead so here I am hoping Levi will never EVER be on that list.
    *got off topic* I hope you enjoy it guys! *rolls away*

    ✗Original: 進撃の巨人 OST -Shingeki no Kyojin anime OST- (Omake Pfadlib)
    Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano.

    ✗Translyrics: Aqua «»
    ✗Video: Arii «»

    ▶I own nothing except my vocals!

    ✪✪ Contact me ✪✪

    ★Say Hi on facebook!

    ★I tumblr too!~


    ★Follow me on twitter!~

    ➛!!!!YES YOU CAN USE my audio for any Project of yours BUT dont forget to give THE
    RESPECTIVE CREDITS!, put A LINK to this video in your description AND
    SEND me the link of your video so I can see it as well!~



    Ver video "「Shingeki no Kyojin」Omake Pfadlib (English cover)【Marie】 進撃の巨人 OST m"

  • Ear ache? Grab an onion!

    After the crap hits the fan even the smallest of things can cause much pain and or threaten your way of life. I have tested this as well as using a potato in my room when sick to pull out infections or beria from the air. With that being said, I also use it in my ear(juice) to aid my body with recovery from a infection or ache due to being hit in the ear or cut that might get infected and cause a problem. \r
    Onions are known to be a cont antibiotic and antiberial.Meaning when put on an infection, they go to work on it! Its a expectorant and that is why its used when someone has a upper respiratory infection and are trying to breath better. Simply steep it and drink! I know, it taste nasty.but what do I always say? If it tastes good its most likely NOT good for us! Bitter is better and sour is power! ;) \r
    Blessings to you and yours!\r
    Place onion juice in ear and lay on other ear for a few moments. Allow it to soak in and when you feel it has done that stand up and let the onion juice drain out of the effected ear. I normally place a cotton ball in the hurting ear to allow heat build up and prevent cold air from blowing into the ear canal. This is similar to placing a warm cloth over the hurting ear. You dont have to do this but I prefer to. DO NOT place anything in the ear if you believe you have a hole in the ear drum, seek your Doctor right away. DO NOT place any chunks from the onion in the ear, this can get lodged in the ear and cause a hole in the drum OR even other further issues. \r
    NOTE: onion juice wontlike RX ear drops that evaporate. YOU MUST drain the ear after you place the juice in it and massage the area. DO NOT leave onion juice in your ear. You will feel as though the ear is full when you place the juice in it to start with, this is normal and should go away when you drain the ear. -----much like getting out of the shower or pool and shaking the water out of the ear as you normally would.\r
    This video is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness, please see your physician for medical advice.

    Ver video "Ear ache? Grab an onion!"

  • Mountain Bike Anatomy - 50 parts in 5 minutes

    This is a mountain bike, and at the heart of any bike is its frame. Lets start with the parts of the frame. This here is the top tube, the down tube, the seat tube, the seat stay, and the chain stay. This area down here is called the bottom bracket shell. At the very front of your bike is the head tube, which houses the steerer tube. This moves smoothly thanks to a set of cups and bearings collectively known as the headset. Above that are headset spacers and the stem. The stem, which clamps on to your handlebars, is fastened to the steerer tube with a top cap and pinch bolts. On your handlebars youll find brake levers, shifters, grips, and end plugs. All this stuff up here is collectively known as the cockpit. \r
    Moving down is your fork, which in this case is a suspension fork. This top piece is called a crown. Some bikes are fitted with dual crown forks for added strength. The crown is what holds your stanchions, which you should try as hard as possible not to scratch. Dont hang your bike by the stanchions.\r
    Down here is your brake caliper, which camps down on your rotor when you squeeze your brake lever. Some calipers are mechanical, while others are hydraulic. Hydraulic brakes push fluid through a hose, while mechanical brakes pull the caliper using a cable. \r
    This big round thing is a wheel. If you buy a front and back wheel together, its called a wheelset. All the parts of your wheels are held together using spokes, which connect to your rim with these little guys. Theyre called nipples. Also on the rim is a valve stem which is used for pumping air into your tires. At the center of the wheel is the hub, and inside the hub are bearings. The hub rotates around an axle. On a lot of mountain bikes this takes the form of a thru axle, which can be removed or installed by hand.\r
    On the rear wheel a cassette hub. This has a ratcheting mechanism built into it which is made to accept a cassette. The cassette is a set of cogs which can ually be changed to your liking. The size of each cog is measured by the number of teeth it has, and these teeth are specially designed to work with a chain. Your chain is made up of individual links, with one link in particular being possible to unfasten easily. This is called a master link. \r
    The chain can be shifted up and down the cassette with a derailleur, which is attached to the bike via a small breakable part called a derailleur hanger. If your derailleur hanger snaps or bends, you can just get a new one. On the derailleur itself is a long spring loaded piece called the cage, which keeps tension on the chain. The chain passes through the upper pulley and lower pulley, also known as the jockey and idler respectively. \r
    Moving down to the bottom bracket shell, youll find your crankset, with the most visible parts being the crank arms. The crank arms are attached to the spindle, which runs through a set of bearings which are inside the bottom bracket shell. The spindle and bearings collectively are known as the bottom bracket.\r
    The part with all the teeth is called the chainring. Some bikes have up to 3 of these. At the end of the crank arms are pedals, which can be found in many different forms. The crankset, chain, derailleur and cassette are collectively known as your drivetrain.\r
    On a full suspension mountain bike youll find a variety of stuff connecting the front and rear of the bike together, known as the suspension linkage. At the heart of all this is your shock. This is usually fastened to the linkage on one side, and to your top tube or down tube on the other.\r
    Moving up, we have the seat, or saddle. The two words are interchangeable, but some people think its pretentious to call it a saddle. Personally I dont care what you call it as long as you dont correct other people. In any case this is most definitely not a saddle post, its a seat post, and its held on to your bike with a seat post clamp, or collar. These days a lot of seat posts can be adjusted on the fly. Those are called dropper posts.\r
    So I just named well over 50 parts of a mountain bike, but all of these parts can be broken down into hundreds more. So, put those terms down in the comments, and if youre really bored see if you can come up with an ex count of the terms I used in this video. Also, tell me how you pronounce derailleur. Are you one of those people who say “derailleeyur?”. In any case thanks for riding with me today, Ill see you next time.

    Ver video "Mountain Bike Anatomy - 50 parts in 5 minutes"

  • Top 20 Deadliest Forest Creatures: Chupacabra, Werewolf, Wolverine, Vampire, Giant Spider

    Warning outdoor enthusiasts - after watching this video you will never again set your foot in the forest. So turn it off now till it will damage your fragile mind forever.\r
    20. Wolverine is the only mammal who is capable to kill animal 10 times of its size & that includes humans. If Wolverine picks a fight with you its win or die for him or you.\r
    19. Hyena. This one will play with you like a dog during daytime but as night comes it will turn into a predatory werewolf that will eat you alive. \r
    18. Elephants and rhinos kill few hundreds humans every year. But I guess you arent going to Africa camping trip so dont worry about them for now. \r
    17. Lions & tigers also kill will few hundreds every year. But let me assure you lions and tigers are also the least of your worries on this trip.\r
    16. Medium sized and smaller cats like pumas, lynx, cougar and cheetah kill more humans every year than lions and tigers combined. \r
    15. Actually the most deadly cats are jaguars and leopards. One single Leopard of Panar killed over 400 men in Indian jungle. \r
    14. Believe it or not but Buffalos known in Africa as widow makers or black death and even Euro or American Bull can be quite deadly \r
    13. Deadly plants. There are at least 10 known species of plants all around the woods that can kill you with one single touch.\r
    12. Some Newts and Salamanders secrets one of the most toxic compounds known in nature. If you stupid enough to lick, bite of kiss it might be the last thing you do in the woods. \r
    11. Some Monitor Lizards have glands with deadly neurotoxin and killed quite a few curious or careless campers. \r
    10. One small bite of larger lizard and you will drop dead in a few hours because of deadly beria in its saliva\r
    9. Wolf might look like a doggy but one single wolf killed 113 men in France. \r
    8. Bear. 1 out 5 man killed by mammals in the wild is killed by a bear\r
    7. Chupacabra - it is unclear if this monster will kill you or not but certainly if you meet one you will die of heart attack\r
    6. Undiscovered lethal forest creatures. Now in 21st century new species are discovered every week like this carcass of unknown animals and some of them are quite deadly. \r
    5. This cute bunny might easily kill you with either RHD-3 virus that mutated this year to affect humans or rabies. \r
    4. Needless to says that snakes kill over 50,000 humans every year. \r
    3. However, venom of Dart Frogs is more deadly than snake venom. Unlike snake Dart frog can kill you without ever biting but with one gentle touch. \r
    2. Humans. Yes, there is only one animal that kill more humans per year than humans do.\r
    1. Bugs, spiders and insects. 1,000,000 thats 1 Million dead humans every year killed by insects after visiting woods or forests. Now have fun in the woods.

    Ver video "Top 20 Deadliest Forest Creatures: Chupacabra, Werewolf, Wolverine, Vampire, Giant Spider"

  • My Town : Beauty Contest (By My Town Games LTD) - New Best Apps for Kids

    Beauty contest has arrived to My Town. Get ready for a world filled with beautiful outfits, amazing makeup and an exciting contest like no other. From getting your favorite charer on the cover of a magazine to preparing the stage, you can do everything in the new My Town : Beauty Contest. Its your game, your rules, your adventure!\r
    Amazing digital dollhouse games, my kid absolutely loves them \r
    With our digital dollhouse games kids get a chance to create there own adventure. Our games inspire creativity and imagination while promoting kids to discover new stories and new ways to play. \r
    Its the only game she plays on her daily Ipad time \r
    My Town games are all about experiencing, imagining and having pure playtime fun. Our digital dollhouse games allow millions of kids to have a new adventure everyday! Our games promote imagination and stress free fun for kids when playing alone or with their parents. \r
    Easy enough for 3 years old to play with parents, Exciting enough for 12 year olds to play alone! \r
    Create your very own beauty contest show. Setup your music band, using the elevator bring up awesome decorations for the stage, dress up your contestants and see who won!\r
    You can not start your beauty contest with out having your hair done by leading hair stylist. check out the new hair styles and super cool hair addons.\r
    Select from one of the amazing backgrounds, select your magazine cover and print a huge poster of your beauty contest winner. Dont forget to hang your posters around to promote your charer.\r
    No contest is perfect if it does not have a ton of flower arrangements and bouquets. With over 60 different options the amount of flower arrangements and customization are endless.\r
    Come in to get your face and hair to look just right for the contest. Tons of ivities suce as makeup, hair styling, hair brides, facial treatment and so much more!\r
    over 50 different outfits, shoes and accessories this is the best location for fashion and style lovers!\r
    - 14 charers including contestants, store keepers, stage manager and many more\r
    - Use the stages elevator to bring items from the storage located under the stage\r
    - Over 400 different items\r
    - Select your favourite candidate and put them on a poster!\r
    - Create amazing flower bouquets and hand them out to the winner!\r
    - Place contestants on the podium to see who gets the most votes\r
    - Emotions are super important, you decide what each charer feels.\r
    We get alot of special requests from our My Town dollhouse fans on special locations such as Beauty contest and Grandparents game. Those ideas are yours! If you want a special location made please cont us on our facebook page or twitter. We promise to read each and every request, so keep those coming.\r
    We love to hear your ideas and we want to help where help is needed.\r
    You can join us or cont us here: \r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r

    Ver video "My Town : Beauty Contest (By My Town Games LTD) - New Best Apps for Kids"

  • ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)

    ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)\r
    Subscribe, LIKE and Share - its FREE and it helps a lot! :)\r
    Forgot to mention they have a sweet vanilla scent!\r
    Compare to the Essential and Mineral line lipsticks these dont leave me with a white residue on the inside of my mouth!\r
    BTW my Flirty & Fabulous sticker ually says Filty & Fabulous. I had to share ;)\r
    MUSIC: Annie Bany - Hot Lipz \r
    Annies Socials:\r
    ELF Cosmetics: \r
    Products mentioned: \r
    Party in The Buff (Uneven and white base)\r
    Cheeky (Frosty!!)\r
    Pink Minx\r
    Wink Pink\r
    Flirty & Fabulous (Sheer)\r
    Rosy-Go-Round (A bit sheer)\r
    Coral Cutie (White base!)\r
    Orange Dream (new shade)\r
    Velvet Rope\r
    Red Carpet\r
    Ravishing Rose\r
    Crazy Cranberry (new shade)\r
    Wine Tour (new shade)\r
    FOLLOW ME!\r
    Instagram: \r
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    Other videos you might like:\r
    Makeup Collection: \r
    Mac Lipstick Collection: \r
    Wet n Wild lipsticks: \r
    NYX matte lipsticks: \r
    NYX soft matte lip cream: \r
    NYX butter gloss swatch video: \r
    Milani Lipsticks: \r
    (International shipping - LA Girl, Falsies, NYX)\r
    (You get paid to shop online! My last check was $200!)\r
    AMAZON: \r
    (Acrylic Makeup Organizer and LORAC COSMETICS)\r
    (High end makeup on sale!)\r
    BEAUTY BAY : \r
    (International shipping - Makeup and Skincare)\r
    (International Shipping - La Roche-Posay, Avene, Bioderma, etc)\r
    (International Shipping, low prices and NYX Cosmetics!!)\r
    ACCENT: French Canadian\r
    CAMERA: Canon Rebel T3i\r
    Thumbnails: Pic Monkey\r
    Lipstick Organizer: and \r
    FTC: This is not a sponsored video. ELF Cosmetics sent me these lipsticks. Some of the links are affiliated.

    Ver video "ELF Moisturizing Lipstick + Lip Swatches (All 13 Shades)"

  • Swimming With A Mermaid - Dreams Do Come True!

    Its been a long time dream for our five your old princess mermaid to hang out with a real mermaid. Now, heres her chance. \r
    ↓↓↓↓↓↓ CLICK “SHOW MORE” FOR RESOURCES ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\r
    Find out more about Molly the Mermaid (and book her for a party): \r
    Follow Molly the Mermaid on Facebook: \r
    Cont Molly directly:\r
    Love these vlogs? You can support our effort with a small contribution through Patreon: \r
    What to support us for FREE shop from this link: \r
    We use Amazon Prime all the time to have stuff shipped right to our door! \r
    Work Apron (Sturdy Brothers): \r
    Muck Boots: \r
    Pilot G2 Pen: \r
    Moleskine Pocket Notebook: \r
    Bandanas: \r
    Hat (Circle A Brand):: \r
    G-Shock Watch: \r
    Leatherman multi-tool: \r
    Ergo baby carrier: \r
    Klean Kanteen (water bottle): \r
    Premier 1 electric fence: \r
    Plugin electric fence charger: \r
    Solar electric fence charger: \r
    Little Camera (Cannon G7X): \r
    Big Camera (Cannon 80D): \r
    Day To Day Wide Angle Lense for the 80D: \r
    Rode shot gun mic for the 80D: \r
    Go Pro camera: \r
    Adobe Premier (editing): \r
    Jobi Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): \r
    DJI Phantom IV Drone: \r
    NOTE: Yes, some of those links above are affiliate links. What? Well, that just means I get a small commission if you ually click through that link and buy something. Hey, I figured if Im gonna link to the ual stuff I use (and recommend) I might as well get a little dough from it, right? I dont get much, but every little bit helps. Plus, Im trying to earn a little to cover my time, money and energy were putting into this. You know, make it sustainable so that I can keep on keeping on.

    Ver video "Swimming With A Mermaid - Dreams Do Come True!"

  • Music Man (Medley) | Nursery Rhymes Collection

    Subscribe Muffin Songs! \r
    MP3 download\r
    iTunes: \r
    CD Baby: \r
    Do re mi song ( Do-Re-Mi ) - We have all needed rights to distribute the video.\r
    Doe, a deer, a female deer.\r
    Ray, a drop of golden sun.\r
    Me, a name I call myself.\r
    Far, a long long way to run.\r
    Sew, a needle pulling thread.\r
    La, a note to follow sew.\r
    Tea, a drink with jam and bread \r
    That will bring us back to Do\r
    Im A Music Man - (more songs)\r
    I am a music man \r
    I come from far away and\r
    I can play, what can you play?\r
    I play the piano \r
    pia pia piano piano piano\r
    pia pia piano pia piano\r
    I am a music man \r
    I come from far away and\r
    I can play, what can you play?\r
    I play the guitar \r
    Boomdi boomdi boomdiboom boomdiboom boomdiboom \r
    Boomdi boomdi boomdiboom boomdi boomdiboom\r
    Musical Trip - (more songs)\r
    I sing my notes there all in here \r
    sheet music all in five lines\r
    lets go on a trip with all the notes\r
    its a music day for all\r
    4th notes 8th notes \r
    they are my friends \r
    wasnt easy when we began\r
    but we can be in harmony now\r
    together we all sing out\r
    didnt know our dreams \r
    they were hidden in the music\r
    little songs that we are singing today\r
    brightens up the world we all share\r
    Hey Lolly Lolly - (more songs)\r
    Hey lolly lolly lolly, hey lolly lolly lo\r
    Hey lolly lolly lolly, hey lolly lolly lo\r
    There are no word to this song, hey lolly lolly lo\r
    Make them up as you go along, hey lolly lolly lo\r
    Oh! Susanna - (more songs)\r
    I come from Alabama with my Banjo on my knee\r
    Im going to Louisiana there my true love for to see.\r
    Oh! Susanna, oh, dont you cry for me;\r
    For I come from Alabama, with my Banjo on my knee. \r
    It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry;\r
    The sun so hot I froze. Susanna, dont you cry;\r
    Oh! Susanna, oh, dont you cry for me;\r
    For I come from Alabama, with my Banjo on my knee.\r
    Let us sing together - (more songs)\r
    Let us sing together\r
    Let us sing together\r
    One and all a joyous song\r
    Let us sing together\r
    One and all a joyous song\r
    Let us sing again and again\r
    Let us sing again and again\r
    Let us sing again and again\r
    One and all a joyous song\r
    DOWNLOAD MP3 - 50 Best Kids Songs, Vol. 1.\r
    iTunes (Apple iphone/ipad/ipod)\r
    US: \r
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    Ver video "Music Man (Medley) | Nursery Rhymes Collection"


    Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! \r
    Watch More - \r
    On thisof Breaking Trail, Coyote takes a serious BITE from an American Alligator! \r
    From coast to coast across the United States and all over the world, American Alligators are becoming increasingly popular in the pet trade and while Coyote himself loves Alligators he is always the first one to say that owning them as pets is NEVER a good idea.\r
    To demonstrate why, he has volunteered himself to show the damage that just a two year old juvenile can inflict upon an unwary pet owner…and lets just say, its not pretty!\r
    So dont let the adorable squeaking hatchings in the fish tank fool you…they will eventually grow up to become large formidable predators not suitable for indoor companions. Due to this reality, it is unfortunately the case that many of these pet Alligators end up abandoned or neglected because their owners can no longer care for them properly…which is a very sad situation for both the pet owners and animals alike.\r
    So if youre ever in the mood to own a pet gator, do yourself a favor and just watch this video again so you dont end up like Coyote…and for those of you that just want to see the CHOMP…well, get ready…here it comes! \r
    Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet!\r
    The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters!\r
    Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition- Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyotes Backyard - featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…eachoffers an opportunity to learn something new.\r
    So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man! \r
    GET READY.things are about to get WILD! \r
    New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST\r
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  • 12 Strange Places in Lithuania

    From the unsettling Hill of Crosses, to the most bizarre of parks, these are 12 STRANGE Places in Lithuania !\r
    Subscribe to American Eye \r
    12. Hill of Witches\r
    11. Dead Dunes\r
    10. The Pan House\r
    9. Banknote Building\r
    8. One Million Cent Pyramid\r
    7. Grutas Park\r
    6. Fort IX\r
    Lithuania has certainly had a rough past, being both occupied by the Nazi during World War II and then by the brutal Soviets not long after. The lithuanians originally constructed a fort and was put to use at the beginning of world war I which which is still standing now. During World War II, after the Nazis occupied the area it was used as a holding ground for people of Jew ish descent and as stronghold against the soviets. It got nicknamed the “fort of death” for its brutal conditions and then, it was reused by the soviets! Once they had control of the area, it was reused as a prison and a holding ground for political prisoners. The place is now abandoned but with its rough past, it certainly has to be haunted.\r
    5. Monument to the Victims \r
    Now you know the story of the creepy fort, you can begin to understand importance of this monument located just outside the fort near the city of Kaunas. Many graves of the people who lost their lives there went unmarked and no is too sure where they are. But this strange looking monument was erected to those perished under the deplorable conditions nonetheless. It was erected in 1984 by the remaining Jewish community of Kaunas. The Jewish community of this city town was hit pretty hard after the war and its still difficult to see much traces of them left in the country. This was designed by the sculptor Ambraziunas and stands about 105 feet high. Its hard to tell exly what the monument portrays. You can make out a few face but you can use your imagination on this one\r
    4. Grutas Park Bunker\r
    We couldnt cover all the crazy places at the Grutas park before and this creepy bunker pretty much deserves its place on the list. This strange tourist attrion gets even weirder, when participants role play as political prisoners and are escorted into an old soviet bunker. The role playing prisoners are dressed up in gulag outfits and escorted downstair. We at least hope this is just roleplay! The soviet officers are wearing authentic gear as well and they try to put them through the psychological torment of whatd it be like to be a prisoner, sounds fun right?! This woman here is signing her make believe confession to crimes against the glorious union.\r
    3. Plokstine Missile Silo\r
    With Lithuania being strategically located on the western part of the Soviet Union, this made a it an ideal location to place a few nuclear weapons. In 1959, they began to construct the Plokstine Missile Silo that would be capable of prically wiping London and a lot of Great Britain off the map. This is located in a forest near Plateliai Lake This would be able to store an R-12 nuclear missile, the same kind that was made famous during the cuban missile crisis. The site was shut down after the collapse of the soviet union and luckily it was never put to use. Locals restored the apocalyptic site so Tourists, can still walk through the creepy looking tunnels of the bunker.\r
    2. Vilnius Old Town\r
    Instead of going through the hassle to build a machine to visit the medieval times, you can go back in time by seeing the largest best preserved old town in Northern Europe! It takes up over 70 streets and features 1487 medieval buildings in Vilnius. It features many architectural styles such gothic, baroque and medieval influences. This is where youll find some of their old defensive structures such as the Vilnius Castle Complex which was functioning from the 10th to the 18 century! You could spend all day here visiting well preserved historical monuments but dont forget to see the Gate of Dawn which served as the city gate into this unforgettable capital. \r
    1.Hill of Crosses\r
    Located not far from the town of Siauliai in Northern Lithuania youll come across one of the countrys most well-known but somewhat strange landmark. It might look like an overcrowded cemetery but its not. The history behind this place dates back to the 14th century when crosses were brought here in order to express desire for Lithuanian Independence. Crosses were placed in honor of lost independence fighters and under the rule of the Soviet Union, it became a peaceful symbol of defiance against occupation. Theres believed to be over 100,000 crosses scattered on this sacred hill here all to remember those who fought until end for the independence of this unique nation!

    Ver video "12 Strange Places in Lithuania"


    Kid Friendly TV reviews the new Disney Junior Doc McStuffins Take Care of Me Lambie. Take Care of Me Lambie is made by Just Play.\r
    The Disney Junior Doc McStuffins Take Care of Me Lambie toy comes with an interive Lambie. Lambie says over 50 different interive responses. She will tell you whats wrong, and its up to you to make her feel better. Her head and body moves side to side and her eyes open and close shut. Her fur is very soft and she loves hugs and cuddles! Lambie says phrases such as “I dont feel well”, “Thanks for taking care of me”, and “I Love You Doc”. \r
    Lambie also sings the popular Disney Doc McStuffins song “I Feel Better”! Lambie tells you what she needs, and its fun to play doctor to make her feel better!\r
    Take Care of Me Lambie also comes with several accessories including stethoscope for checking her heart, otoscope for checking her ears, thermometer to check her temperature, syringe in case she needs a shot, and 2 sticker sheets with bandaids with hearts on them in case Lambie has a boo boo.\r
    Lambie is from the popular Disney Junior show Doc McStuffins who stars Doc. Lambie is one of Doc McStuffins stuffed animal toys on the show. Doc McStuffins is about a girl name Dottie who goes by the nickname Doc. Docs mom is a doctor and she would like to be a doctor too! Doc plays doctor with her toys by fixing and repairing them. Once Doc puts her pink stethoscope on, her stuffed animals and her toys magically come to life and she performs check ups on her stuffed animals, toys, and dolls making sure they feel better if they are sick. Her toys include Chilly the Snowman, Stuffy the Dragon, Lambie the Lamb, and Hallie the Hippo. \r
    Take Care of Me Lambie tells you when she doesnt feel well, talks and lights up, sings the “I Feel Better” song, cuddles, moves, and goes stuffed when shes not being play with. \r
    This toy is very cute and a lot of fun to play with. It is really neat how interive she is and how incredibly soft her fur is! I cant wait to play with Lambie some more! Dont miss out on new Lambie videos…make sure to subscribe for daily fun toy videos! Thank you so much for watching!\r
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    PAW PATROL Lookout Playset Toy Review Video With Paw Patrol Story Episode Nick Jr\r
    PAW PATROL Nickelodeon Paw Patrol RUBBLE, SKYE, & MARSHALL Vehicle Toy Review Play Episode Peppa Pig\r
    PAW PATROL Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Everest, Rocky, & Zuma Vehicle Toy Review & Play Episode\r
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  • Roblox Clone Fory Tycoon My Clone Army Wars

    Roblox Tycoon games are Roblox games where you have to build things, earn money and DOMINATE! In this Roblox Clone Tycoon adventure, I build a massive CLONE ARMY and try to dominate this map by battling other Roblox players clones with my epic Clone Army of regular clones and baby clones! I buy new swords, build miner clones to mine precious metals and stones from the nearby area, explore a Bavarian Oktoberfest tavern, and of course, fight epic battles! WATCH OUT CLONES!! \r
    Today, we are back playing ROBLOX!! This time were playing a game called Clone Fory Tycoon where we must create clones and fight them in the arena to get MONEY!!\r
    See more Kawaii Kunicorn videos by clicking the links below\r
    Lets Play More Roblox \r
    Check out Roblox: \r
    What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely inter, create, have fun, and learn. Its unique in that prically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — intering with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interive components, and working mechanisms.\r
    Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to KAWAII KUNICORN for more videos! EVERY

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  • Top 10 Secret Bases in Minecraft new (Hidden Rooms & Secret Doors) No Mods!

    Now that you know about my secret hideouts can we get 30 LIKES for this review?! \r
    Help Tenki fly as far as possible by matching elements with the oncoming barriers. Tap the screen to change Tenkis element. Matching elements with barriers allows Tenki to pass through and continue flying. One wrong match and its game over!\r
    In this video I will show you what think is the top ten secret bases in minecraft. None of these are modded, and they are all fairly easy to make. This video does not show you a tutorial on how to make it, however, if I get enough requests I will make a tutorial for it.\r
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    Here is a list of all the bases, and the pros and cons of each:\r
    10: painting base\r
    - can make for a good secret base in a house filled with paintings as long as its not on floor level.\r
    - everyone knows about it\r
    - anyone can get in when you are gone even mobs\r
    - clearly visible\r
    9: Tree base\r
    - hard to locate\r
    - can be found easily if someone needs wood or decides to dig\r
    - will be exposed if tree catches fire\r
    - have to replace wood\r
    8: under water base\r
    - Fairly hidden\r
    - very hard to find\r
    7: jungle base\r
    - extremely well hidden\r
    - can be exposed by fire\r
    - have to replace grass block each time\r
    - hard to locate\r
    6: treehouse base\r
    - tree can be cut down\r
    - can catch on fire\r
    - fall damage\r
    - takes time to get to\r
    5: fishing base\r
    very secret\r
    - hard to ivate at times\r
    - screwed without fishing rod\r
    - will be found out of someone decides to dig\r
    4: item drop base\r
    Very secret\r
    Makes for a quick escape if done fast enough.\r
    - if someone decides to dig there it will no longer be secret.\r
    - can be ivated accidentally\r
    - stays open for long time unless you use fishing rod which can be annoying\r
    3: lava flow base\r
    - ( make base with door as lava flow and switch hidden in lava)\r
    Really well hidden\r
    No one will dig next to lava\r
    - Takes time to enter\r
    - Can burn you\r
    - Could be dug into unless properly surrounded by lava\r
    2: lava switch base\r
    Very hidden\r
    Most people would not thing to look for a switch in lava\r
    - someone could dig into the base\r
    - could get burnt\r
    1: impenetrable lava base\r
    - well hidden\r
    - hard to break into\r
    - protected from miners\r
    - May look complex but fairly easy to make\r
    - Creeper blasts and TNT explosions outside base will most likely not affect the base.\r
    - you can burn to death if you are not careful.\r
    - Water is your enemy. If someone decides to throw water all over it, your base is done for. Good thing people dont do that often. Add me on Twitter: \r
    Join me on Google +: ____This video was made by MyDiamondSkeleton [My Diamond Skeleton]________\r
    Your still here? No-one reads this far into the description. Want to check out my blog? Skyward Jump\r
    Tap to jump and avoid dangerous obstacles such as blades and spikes. Jump higher, dont give up, and collect as many stars as you can.\r
    Be careful not to get hit!\r
    Collect stars to unlock numerous charers and receive free charers as gifts every hour.\r

    Ver video "Top 10 Secret Bases in Minecraft new (Hidden Rooms & Secret Doors) No Mods!"

  • Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever

    Top 10 Most Funniest Christmas Die Laughing Commercials Ever\r
    Check out this great free app and help sponsor my channel: \r
    № 1 - Even Santa Poops \r
    What happens when all those milk and cookies catch up with Santa on his big night? He gets busted like never before… Shouldve used Poo~Pourri, Kringle! Get the perfect gift at \r
    Poo~Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray is a blend of natural essential oils that eliminates bathroom odor before it begins—so you can leave the porcelain sleigh smelling better than you found it!\r
    Poo~Pourri Toilet Deodorizers - \r
    Some say the secret to a happy relationship is separate bathrooms, but those people have never tried Poo~Pourri, the classy, sassy, ultra effective way to leave the bathroom smelling better than you found it. \r
    № 2 - Sweaty Santa Without Pants.\r
    Lets start today is a social campaign against climate change. Every single one of us can make a difference. What can I do? Small steps to make a change - \r
    № 3 - eBay Holiday Pony\r
    eBay Inc. - is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales services via the Internet.Today it is a multibillion-dollar business with operations localized in over 30 countries.\r
    The company manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide.\r
    № 4 - Oral B - Merry Beeping Christmas\r
    Merry beeping Xmas from Oral-B was done by Publicis London advertising agency for brand: Oral-b in United Kingdom. \r
    Oral-B is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss. Buy Oral-B Products here - \r
    № 5 - ALDI Australia - Nothing Beats the Perfect Aussie Christmas\r
    Aldi (stylized as ALDI) is a leading global discount supermarket chain with over 10,000 stores in 18 countries, and an estimated turnover of more than €50 billion. Based in Germany, the chain was founded by brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 when they took over their mothers store in Essen which had been in operation since 1913; it is one of the worlds largest privately owned companies. \r
    № 6 - ALDI - Now this is Christmas\r
    Its Christmas, Christmas, Christmas with ALDI\r
    This year ALDI says something most brands arent prepared to admit. Sometimes, Christmas can be a massive pain.\r
    The gifts, the food, the pressure of shopping and the expectations of the season can make Christmas an extremely stressful period. But amongst the stress, panic, and family dramas – there are real moments of warmth and togetherness that make it all worthwhile. \r
    For More : \r
    № 7 - Milka Kouzlo Vánoc každý den 2016\r
    Milka is a traditional brand of chocolate confection which originated in Switzerland in 1825 and has been manufured internationally by the US confectionery company Mondelēz International (formerly known as Kraft Foods) since 1990. For more than 100 years Milka has been primarily produced in Lörrach, Germany, producing about 140,000 tonnes of chocolate in new. It is sold in bars and a number of novelty shapes for Easter and Christmas. Milka also manufures chocolate-covered cookies and biscuits.Buy Milka Chokolate here - \r
    № 8 - ALDI Australia - The Perfect Aussie Christmas \r
    № 9 - Temptations Keep Them Busy\r
    Avoid holiday destruction. Treat them too this season, with Temptations.Temptations cat treats have a crunchy exterior and a soft, meaty center with flavors like Beef, Poultry, Fish and Cheese that cats young and old cant resist. Buy here - \r
    № 10 - B&Q Christmas at the Spruces\r
    The Spruces tell us what really makes Christmas for them… The arrival of their real Christmas human, of course.\r
    Shop Christmas online at \r
    Visit the official B&Q YouTube channel. Here youll find the ideas and know-how you need to make your home improvement dream a reality: \r
    Check out this great Checkout 51 - Grocery Coupons free app Earn cash back when you buy your favorite brands -

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  • Baby Bathing Tips: How Often Should You Bathe A Baby? | CloudMom

    Giving your newborn a bath can seem pretty scary at first, but it doesnt need to be an intimidating experience! \r
    OK, confession time—I didnt bathe my first born or my daughters for nearly a week after bringing them home from the hospital because I was just too intimidated and scared to try it. I usually just received help from my mother with that because I simply didnt want to even attempt it, as I had small babies (none were over 7 lbs—and my girls were in the 5 lb range!) and I didnt want to risk anything. Mommas, this is a totally normal feeling; like youll see in my sponge bath demo video, its not such a traumatic experience once you do it a few times and get used to it. Once your babys umbilical cord falls off, then you can move toward using an infant tub, which I also cover in another demo video. Youll get the hang of it!\r
    What should I know about bathing a baby?\r
    First of all, you really dont need to worry about bathing your baby every day. In f, some doctors say that bathing your baby several times per week is more than enough. As for me, I ually did end up starting to bathe my babies daily, just because it seemed to soothe them. I also couldnt get enough of that clean baby smell—so yummy, fresh and sweet! A lot of times when my babies woke up in the morning, they would have really mucky eyes and nose, so I found that bathing them took care of that. I dealt with some serious mucky eyes issues all the time; so much in f that I ended up making a video about it to help other parents who are dealing with it. \r
    I always did the bath after the babys morning feeding, because my little ones would always be too hungry and would SCREAM if I even tried to bathe them first thing in the morning. I also couldnt do it at night because I was always either busy with my other kids or just too tired from the day. \r
    In a nutshell, I would generally feed the baby first thing in the morning, burp him or her, and then bathe the baby and dress him or her in a onesie or a side-snap T-shirt. After the bath, the baby would then be ready—or just about ready—for a morning nap. Bathing can be helpful with soothing babies, but try not to be too upset if your baby cries during his or her bath. One of my babies screamed—and I mean, SCREAMED—while their diapers were changed, and it drove me emotionally crazy. Some babies simply just dont like baths because they arent quite used to it, so they feel uncomfortable. However, your baby will probably enjoy feeling nice and clean after the bath, so you may notice some relaxation after the bath.\r
    Parents, giving your baby a sponge bath or a tub bath can be a wonderful bonding experience, but it can also be overwhelming. How did you handle giving your newborn a bath, and how did they re? Share your stories by dropping a comment below!\r
    WATCH How To Give A Newborn A Sponge Bath: \r
    WATCH How To Give Your Baby A Bath: \r
    WATCH How To Clean Babys Eyes and Clogged Tear Ducts: \r
    Stay tuned for more how-to video guides for parents, from one mom to you! \r
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  • Dragon City - Amusement Park Island + All Dragons [First Looks]

    ∎ Dragon City - Amusement Park Island & Breeding Combos! ∎\r
    • High Priest Dragon - The High Priest Dragon can control pure energy like no one else. In his ceremonies, energy empowers him so much that it makes him levitate. When hes in trance, he becomes untouchable.\r
    • City Shark Dragon - An infamously bad-tempered shark with a reputation for trouble, The Sharko, as he likes to be called, is known to spark conflict wherever he goes. This is one dragon you dont want to start a bar fight with!\r
    • Terrifying Dragon - In for a ride? Hop on the Terrifying Dragon only if you arent afraid of fire, velocity and the high probability of being devoured by one of its heads.\r
    • Rideable Dragon - He used to be part of a carousel, but he hated that life, going around in circles all day, every day. One day he decided to escape and became a free dragon!\r
    • Roller Coaster Dragon - Fun is guaranteed whenever the Roller Coaster Dragon comes to town. If youre looking for a thrill, all you need to do is sit on his back and hold tight!\r
    • Wolffish Dragon - Wolffish Dragons are the official guards of the Lord of the Seas. They are loyal to their master and they will mercilessly destroy all his enemies.\r
    • Night Dragon - The Night Dragon not only provokes fear, but also disgust. Hes like a giant bat and he can always be found lurking in dark, dusty corners.\r
    ∎ Join our Community ∎\r
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    Build and decorate a magical, floating Dragon City! Breed dragons and hatch eggs to discover new species!\r
    Feed, grow and train your dragons for combat. Customize your dragon team and engage in combat with opponents from all over the world! \r
    Prove yourself as a true Dragon Master! \r
    Dragon City is completely connected to the Facebook version, which means you can take care of your dragons, enter in to battle and manage your DragonCity anytime, anywhere!\r
    • 100+ different dragons so far. with new dragons landing on Dragon City every week! \r
    • Build your Dragon City with lots of farms, special buildings and gorgeous decorations! \r
    • Battle online with thousands of players and their dragon teams! \r
    • Breed and combine up to 10 types of Dragons: Terra, Flame, Sea, Nature, Electric, Ice, Metal, Dark, Legend and Pure! \r
    • 160+ goals to complete! \r
    • Experience the cutest animated graphics ever! \r
    • Invite and help your Facebook friends by sending gifts! Sharing is caring!\r
    ^^ Enjoy ^^

    Ver video "Dragon City - Amusement Park Island + All Dragons [First Looks]"

  • 30 Worlds Weirdest Car Accidents

    Here are 30 of the worlds weirdest car accidents ever seen! From car stuck in the side of buildings to vehicles being tossed around. \r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    20. Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood\r
    In Palos Verdes, California in February of 2016, a driver of a Lexus lost control of his car and hit two cars before ending his drive on the roof of someones house. Unfortunately, the roof and the car sustained damage; however, the driver suffered minor injuries. The cause of the crash was a medical condition of the driver.\r
    19. You must be this tall to ride\r
    In London in February 2008, a double-decker bus underestimated itself when it tried to drive through a low bridge. The bus lost its top half and 15 people were hurt or suffered shock from the incident; however, no one was seriously injured. \r
    18. Hello from the outside\r
    A driver lost control and crashed his car into an unsuspecting house in Lowestoft, Suffolk, the UK on March 24th, new. The car ended up at about 4 feet off the ground. The car got enough air to jump over a hedge and two parked cars before embedding itself into the house much to the dismay of the owner of the house. The driver suffered serious head injuries and had to be released by firefighters; however eventually recovered. The crash caused a gas leak in the house but, no one was injured in the house.\r
    17. Irony you heartless witch\r
    On August 24th, new a truck displaying the logo of the Georgia Tech Universitys football teams then slogan, “Brace for Imp” happened to be on a truck that took the advice a little too literally. \r
    16. Gone too far\r
    This semi truck learned a hard lesson. Not everyone is meant to fly. You tend to need hollow bones and wings or some kind of jet propeller system for that. \r
    15. Is this your stop?\r
    Quick! If a bus gets in a car accident with no passengers, does it make a sound?\r
    14. Drag racing strikes again\r
    With a driving competition with the word “alcohol” in it, something like this was bound to happen. The Alcohol cars are reportedly very difficult to drive and the experienced driver, Steve Harker, had a bad day. He escaped with just a collapsed lung, though.\r
    13. Construction fail\r
    This crash doesnt appear dangerous, just depressing. With the driver and construction workers looking on in resignation, something tells me this has maybe happened more than once.\r
    12. “Sure. Youre closed.”\r
    He just really needed a donut. Whether or not this intention is unclear but, it will make a great anecdote someday. I like to think he got his donut. Probably not from them, though.\r
    11. Told you I could touch the top\r
    This unlikely bus crash took place in India and was probably not quite as funny as it looks.\r
    10. Mr. Freeze takes on automobiles\r
    Meanwhile in Gotham, Mr. Freeze has run out of ice-related puns and he has chosen to take it out on everyday drivers.\r
    9. Does my insurance cover hell spots?\r
    A portal to hell has been found by this unsuspecting driver in Kerala, India. Luckily the car did not sink all the way in or we might have an outbreak on our hands. Personally, Im going to blame the car manufurer for this.\r
    8. The sky is falling\r
    That statistic about most US bridges not being safe might stretch over into signs because this is upsetting. Looks like cardboard isnt strong enough to hold up giant metal signs. Who knew?\r
    7. Surprise trust fall\r
    Luckily no one was injured in this wreck except the cars. Looks like in the Thunderdome of comp cars vs trucks, trucks come out on top again.\r
    6. Dont call me Shirley\r
    This is less a car accident and more a plane accident. “Everyone ate the fish and the autopilot deflated! Hurry, that car will break our fall.”\r
    5. Surprise angry lumberjack\r
    This is what happens when you piss off a lumberjack. Let it be a warning to all who dare make fun of their beards and flannel.\r
    4. Im here for my eyeglasses prescription\r
    Whether that sign is misleading or not is up for debate. Shouldnt there be an arrow or something? Whatever medicine they were picking up it must have been very important because that wall its like a ton of bricks!\r
    3. Hello welcome to Target\r
    “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night” ..or wait thats the post office right? Either this was a very bad decision or Target really is committed to their customers. \r
    2. Gas Junkie\r
    On June 2nd of new, a twitter user posted a picture of this self-explanatory car wreck. This driver just really needed that gas. No word yet if he drank the gas while staring at the other driver with dead eyes. Well just have to assume he did. \r
    1.Somebody Turned Off Gravity\r
    This mysterious vehicular event happened in China in new. A video surfaced of two vans being violently jerked

    Ver video "30 Worlds Weirdest Car Accidents"

  • 9 Foot Problems Your Feet Reveal About Your Health

    9 foot problems Your Feet Reveal About Your Health\r
    In this video I will reveal what could be lurking behind your most common foot problems. \r
    I will also show you what it may mean about your general health and what you can do about it\r
    Lets get straight into it\r
    No 1. Sudden Hair loss on the feet and toes\r
    What this might mean is you have Serious circulation problems\r
    You may think not having hair on your toes is a good thing especially during sandal season, but having hair on your toes is ually a good thing. \r
    Get it checked out \r
    Sudden baldness can be a sign that your feet arent getting enough blood flow to sustain hair growth. Expect your doctor to check for a pulse in your feet, which is an indication that your heart may not be able to pump enough blood to your feet.\r
    2. You feel Frequent foot cramping\r
    What this may mean is your suffering from either Dehydration or nutritional deficiencies\r
    Randomly occurring cramps are extremely common in the feet so dont get too worried. They can be as serious as circulation and nerve issues, or as harmless as a nutritional deficiency.\r
    If youre exercising, be sure to drink plenty of water, since dehydration often leads to muscle cramping. You might also try upping your intake of potassium, magnesium, and calcium (with your doctors go-ahead, of course), since their deficiencies make cramps more common. \r
    Or you may like to try For relief, soaking your feet in a warm foot bath and stretching your toes toward your nose, not pointing down.\r
    If the cramps dont let up, see your doctor who can test for circulation issues or nerve damage.\r
    3. A sore that wont heal\r
    What this may mean – well its probably a sore thats taking time to heal but it could also mean Diabetes or skin cancer\r
    Stubborn sores are red flags for diabetes. \r
    Uncontrolled glucose levels in the blood can lead to nerve damage all the way down to your feet, which means any cuts, sores, or scrapes can come and go without you ever feeling it. If infection sets in you could be in trouble.\r
    A non-healing wound can also be a sign of skin cancer. Melanoma can pop up anywhere on your body—even in between your toes—so be sure to include your feet in your regular skin checks. (Brush up on your mole-detecting skills here.)\r
    4. constantly cold feet\r
    What this may mean: Hypothyroidism\r
    Hypothyroidism is the most common cause of feet that just cant get warm. And if youre over 40, you could be living with a sluggish thyroid without even knowing it. \r
    Unfortunately, cold feet are the least of your problems—hypothyroidism can also cause hair loss, fatigue, unexplained weight gain, and depression. Get your feet feeling toasty again by heading to your doctor for a simple blood test, and youll start warming up shortly after starting the daily medication.\r
    5. A Sudden enlarged big toe\r
    What it might mean: Gout or other inflammatory issue\r
    if you The sudden onset of a red, hot, swollen, or painful joint then get immediate medical attention,”. \r
    It may be nothng or it maybe something more serious such as gout, inflammatory arthritis, infection, or trauma.\r
    6. Bunions\r
    What it might mean: An Inherited faulty foot structure\r
    If you thought your bunions were caused exclusively by a closet full of gorgeous (yet restrictive and often painful) shoes, you can stop blaming the boutique. Bunions are ually a sign of a flawed foot structure thats often inherited and aggravated by inappropriate shoes. \r
    7. Heel pain especially in the morning\r
    What it might mean: Plantar fasciitis\r
    You cant mistake it—that sharp pain in the bottom of the heel when you get out of bed or stand up from a chair. Its a strain of the ligament that supports the arch of the foot.\r
    whether you did it by wearing too-tight shoes, walking in flip-flops, or wearing worn-out workout trainers, the longer you let it go, the longer it takes to heal. \r
    Your podiatrist will probably tell you to ease up on walking at first, rethink your footwear, and adopt a good stretching routine.\r
    8. Flaky, itchy, or peeling skin\r
    What this may mean: a Fungal infection\r
    Even if youre never donned an athletic jersey in your life, you could still be walking around with athletes foot—which is basically a fungal infection. \r
    It causes itchiness and peeling, and can be treated by applying anti-fungal cream and keeping your feet as cool and dry as possible during the day.

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  • FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY - The Living Tombstone (Piano Medley by Amosdoll)

    FNAF 1 2 3 4 - SUPER PIANO MEDLEY (Which combines Toreador, Its Been So Long, Die In A Fire, I Got No Time all by The Living Tombstone) by Amosdoll Music\r
    Learn Amosdolls methods on how to play piano covers like this song or ANY song within 10-20 minutes by ear WITHOUT sheet music or synthesia by grabbing your FREE preview of the Ear Mastery Book here:\r
    Join Amosdolls PREMIUM PIANO MEMBERSHIP to gain access to all exclusive piano courses, full song video lessons, and festive packages and lessons:\r
    If you are completely NEW to the piano and dont know WHERE to start, then get started and learn from my top-selling Udemy piano course Piano From Zero To Pro designed specifically for BEGINNERS:\r
    If you want me to make a full song video lesson (30-60 minutes) on any specific song or arrangement of your choice, then use my custom Full Song Video Lesson Service:\r
    Not only I can play and teach any song in the world through video, but I can also write any song or arrangement out onto sheet music using my Sheet Transcription Service:\r
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    You can use my piano covers in your videos as long as you credit me by linking my original video in your description of your video :)\r
    Feel free to donate $5 below and I will send you the original HD mp3 piano recording file without the intro/outro or any talking:\r
    Get your hands on my penguin metronome that has been with me throughout all 1700+ YouTube videos here:\r
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  • UFO Sightings Shocking Footage March 25th 2017

    UFO Sightings Shocking Footage March 25th 2017. ©iUFOSightings. UFO Sightings Las Vegas. This is shocking UFO footage. Look at this UFO it is moving pretty fast. Then you see a jet chase it or observe it in pursuit? Not exly sure what kind of jet this is. The UFO seems to be hollow in the middle. This UFO also has a lot of components on it making it the shape it is. All in all excellent UFO footage.\r
    UFO Sightings Archived New Footage. This UFO footage was found footage from the source. He is just now releasing this UFO video. The UFO looks like it is an energy being. It has two rings on it. The center ring looks thicker on the UFO compared to the outer ring. This is great UFO footage. We are going to have to say proof positive on this UFO Sighting.\r
    Okay down to our UFO sighting of the day. UFO Sightings Beautiful Object. This is a great UFO sighting. Look at the UFO it seems to be clear around the edges and have an orange core. This UFO was floating thru the air when the source saw it. He was taking the garbage out when he saw the UFO. He then ran in the house and grabbed his cell phone and started filming the UFO. This is clear UFO footage sent to us on February 11th 2017. \r
    This is the number one video on the countdown we just got this in on January 25th 2017. This UFO looks like a mini city or a mini building. There seems to be energy or plasma around the UFO. The source heard a plane flying by and looked up and saw this UFO. Its hard to tell how big this UFO is but the source said it is huge. This is excellent clear UFO footage.\r
    Okay time for our UFO sighting of the day. This UFO was spotted in Mexico over a lake. The reflection of the UFO can be seen on the lake. This is excellent UFO footage. The source claims there where multiple people that saw this UFO. At the end you can even see a boat that apparently saw the UFO. This UFO is huge according to the source. Proof positive on this UFO sighting.\r
    Thanks for watching dont forget to subscribe. New video everyday!!!\r
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    UFO Documentary February 13th 2017: \r
    UFO Documentary February 6th 2017: \r
    UFO Documentary January 30th 2017: \r
    UFO Documentary January 23rd 2017: \r
    UFO Sightings from around the world. Please note all videos are exclusive ©iUFOSightings. We have dedicated sources from around the world. For business or promotional inquiries please send your requests to Subscribe for new UFO videos everyday. We cannot guarantee all these sightings are 100% authentic. We just have to take the sources word. In the end you be the judge!

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