primitive technology - Find eggs in the Bamboo forest - cook eating delicious in River Wilderness
The Secret to Cooking an Omelette In a Stainless Steel Pan
Ditch your non stick pan - you dont need those non stick chemicals contaminating your food. Heres how you cook eggs with a steel pan so they dont stick.Ver video "The Secret to Cooking an Omelette In a Stainless Steel Pan"
French Silk Pie
Rich and creamy and delicious French Silk Pie. Without raw eggs. \r
1 cup sugar\r
3 eggs\r
3 squares unsweetened baking chocolate, melted and cooled\r
1 tsp vanilla extr\r
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened (do not use margarine)\r
1 cup heavy whipping cream beaten to soft peak stage (can be seen here: )\r
1 pastry pie crust (can be seen here: )\r
whipped cream for topping\r
Prepare your pie crust and blind bake it for 9-10 minutes at 350*. (Be sure to prick the crust to prevent it from rising). Set aside to cool completely.\r
In a sauce pan, combine sugar and eggs over medium heat and cook until 160*, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add in cooled melted chocolate and vanilla. Set aside to cool for 1-2 hours.\r
Put the butter into a large bowl and beat on high speed using an electric mixer until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes). Add in cooled chocolate mixture and beat on high speed for 5 minutes, scraping sides of bowl down occasionally. Fold in whipped cream. Pour mixture into your pie crust and refrigerate at least 8 hours to set up. Decorate the top any way you choose using additional whipped cream.\r
Enjoy!Ver video "French Silk Pie"
#huevos #chorizo #elcocinerofiel
Huevos con chorizo, qué receta es más clásica. La preparamos algo diferente, fácil, como siempre.
2 huevos
100 g de chorizo
2 patatas
1 cebolla
2 dientes de ajo
1 cucharada de tomate concentrado
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Pimienta negra molida
Califica Tim Cook a China de 'crítica' para el negocio de Apple
Tim Cook calificó a China de 'crítica' durante su visita a Shanghai
Ver video "Califica Tim Cook a China de 'crítica' para el negocio de Apple"
Homemade muffins
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Today I will teach you how to prepare homemade muffins for breakfast or for an evening snack with a coffee or a glass of milk.
Surely you have heard many times that muffins are hard to make, that dough does not rise, that they become hard.. and you know what?
Actually they are very easy to make!
Yes it is true that sometimes during cooking, the dough can come out the mould pans and stain the tray where they are baked, but this is very easy to avoid, you just need to use a pan for muffins so that your muffins come out perfect.
With this recipe you can prepare twenty-four muffins approximately.
If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to keep it, you just have to send it by email to:
I will upload a video showing these photos to everyone so they can see how well my followers cook!
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To prepare these homemade muffins you will need:
4 large eggs
275 gr. (9,70 oz.) of sugar
200 ml. (6,76 fl. oz.) of milk
265 gr. (9,34 oz.) of flour
125 gr. (4,41 oz.) of refined corn flour
20 gr. (0,70 oz.) of baking powder
200 ml. (6,76 fl. oz.) of sunflower oil
Lemon zest
To prepare these homemade muffins you should follow the next steps:
-Mix the flour, the refined corn flour and the baking powder.
-Beat the eggs with the sugar.
-Add milk and lemon zest.
-Add the flour and let it rest.
-Add the oil and mix well.
-Fill the muffin moulds ¾ parts.
-Sprinkle with sugar and bake at 200 ºC (392 ºF) between 15 and 18 minutesVer video "Homemade muffins"
Top 5 Tasty Recipes Video | Best Food and Cake Proper Tasty Facebook Page Videos#13
Thank for watching, I will collect top tasty recipes food and cake more for you :)\r
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CHILAQUILES RELLENOS con HUEVOS FRITOS. El desayuno de los campeones
Casi todo el mundo es fan de los chilaquiles. Y es que… cómo no te va a gustar uno de los platos mexicanos más geniales que existen. Hay variantes según las regiones, y están todas buenísimas, pero aquí hemos venido a jugar y queremos una versión bien contundente: Así que agarraos bien porque estos chilaquiles pueden resucitar a un muerto y a lo mejor no son para comerlos habitualmente pero, oye, UN DÍA AL AÑO NO HACE DAÑO.
Para el pico de gallo
1 tomate
1 cebolla morada
1 manojo de cilantro fresco
1 lima
Para el pollo deshebrado
1 pechuga de pollo son piel ni hueso
1 bote salsa para cocinar fajitas (Old El Paso)
Pimienta negra en grano
1 cebolla
1 hoja de laurel
Para los chips de tortilla
10-12 mini tortillas de trigo
400 g queso mozzarella rallado
1 l aceite de girasol
1 bote salsa verde
1 bote salsa agria (crema agria Old El Paso)
1 bolsa de parmesano rallado
3 huevos
#LGVer video "CHILAQUILES RELLENOS con HUEVOS FRITOS. El desayuno de los campeones"
La receta de mi abuelita de 80 años, bien rica y fácil de hacer
Esta receta de mi abuela es sencillísima y no creerás lo buena que está. El entrante perfecto para cualquier comida. Te atreves a probarlo?
Ver video "La receta de mi abuelita de 80 años, bien rica y fácil de hacer"
How to boil an easy egg in 3 steps
Easy eggs, also known as soft-boiled eggs are (as the name indicates) boiled long enough to cook the yolk and whites but keep them soft. It’s very easy to cook them, just follow these three steps and find out.
Ver video "How to boil an easy egg in 3 steps"
Receta para preparar huevos endiablados con chipotles. Receta de huevos / Receta con chipotles
Receta para preparar huevos endiablados con chipotles. Receta de huevos / Receta con chipotles
22 Mayo 2013
Receta ¿Cómo preparar huevos endiablados con chipotles? Receta de huevos / Receta con chipotles
Ingredientes: 12 huevos cocidos, 1/3 taza mayonesa, 2-3 chiles chipotles, 24 hojitas de cilantro.
Para más información entra en:
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Gadafi casi compra el Manchester United en 2004
El 'The Sunday Times' publica unas declaraciones del empresario Mehmet Dalman en las que asegura que el dictador libio, muerto en 2011, estuvo a punto de comprar el Manchester United en 2004. Aquí, la historia.
Ver video "Gadafi casi compra el Manchester United en 2004"
Hoy os contamos la historia de Bob Cook, un empresario que firmó un contrato junto a Apple para comprar y revender 7000 Apple Lisa que la compañía de la manzana no conseguía vender. Antes de que pudiera hacerlo, Apple se los quitó para enterrarlos en un vertedero.
Schäuble también apoya a Draghi para comprar deuda...
El gobierno alemán vuelve a apoyar los planes del Banco Central Europeo para comprar deuda soberana. El influyente ministro de Finanzas germano, Wolfang Schäuble, manifestó al diario irlandés 'Irish Times' que esta posible compra de bonos de países en dificultades como España o Italia no imcumpliría las prerrogativas del BCE tal como otros responsables alemanes denuncian. En concreto, ... video "Schäuble también apoya a Draghi para comprar deuda..."
Fosun compra un 5% de Thomas Cook por 127 millones de euros
El chino Fosun compra un cinco por ciento del capital del grupo de viajes británico Thomas Cook, después de haberse quedado con el francés Club Med. El conglomerado chino pagará 127 millones de euros, lo que supone una prima respecto al valor de las acciones del cuatro por ciento, y desea doblar en el futuro su participación. Aunque el objetivo de Fosun no es comprar en su totalidad la agencia de viajes más antigua del mundo.
Por su parte, los responsables de Thomas Cook esperan que la entrada del chino sirva para aprovechar la red del Club Med y abrirse al mercado del país oriental. Fosun se hizo en enero pasado con el Club Med por 939 millones de euros, tras una puja con el hombre de negocios italiano Andrea Bonomi.Ver video "Fosun compra un 5% de Thomas Cook por 127 millones de euros"
Jfunk Makes BROWNIES Valentines Day Treat with Thomas & Friends Peppa Pig Spiderman EASY Kid Recipes
If you love kids that cook, watch itsjfunk cook up an EASY Kid Recipe! This is fun family-friendly Youtube content at its best! Watch this fun Valentines day idea step by step as Jfunk shows you how easy it is for KIDS his age to make BROWNIES!\r
Jfunk loves Toys! Kids Surprise eggs unboxing & reviewing toys \r
Itsjfunk is fun family-friendly Youtube content for children of all ages! If you like to see happy kids shopping unboxing & reviewing childrens toys itsjfunk is a channel you will love!\r
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Please watch: Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Activity CHOO CHOO with Caboose RIDE ON TRAIN with Tacks! \r
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Ver video "Jfunk Makes BROWNIES Valentines Day Treat with Thomas & Friends Peppa Pig Spiderman EASY Kid Recipes"
Restaurant Style Chicken Biryani in Telugu - easy chicken biryani recipe by
Restaurant Style Chicken Biryani in Telugu - easy chicken biryani recipe by \r
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Vestir bien con cosas a nuestro alcance 2
Muchas veces no tenemos idea de qué ponernos. Encima, nuestro ropero es un desastre, y comprar cosas nuevas no nos es posible.
Aquí os dejo un truquillo sencillo para aprovechar este otoño unos shorts vaqueros, una camisilla y una camisa de nuestro chico. Besitos!.
Many times, we haven´t got any idea to combine our clothes and we haven´t got money to buy new things. For that, we need to use things that we have in our wardrobe giving them, a new style. It´s the time to use our boyfriend / husband´s shirt!Ver video "Vestir bien con cosas a nuestro alcance 2"
Ryanair sufre una estafa de 4,5 millones de euros en China
Estafan a Ryanair cuatro millones y medio de euros a través de una transferencia bancaria efectuada en China. La aerolínea de bajo coste irlandesa comunicó esta estafa, que se produjo la semana pasada y sobre la cual sigue investigando. Según el diario ‘The Irish Times’, la compañía usa dólares para comprar el combustible que mueve su flota y los fondos supuestamente sustraídos podrían proceder de esas operaciones.
La Oficina Irlandesa de Recuperación de Bienes Criminales se puso en contacto con agencias homólogas en Asia para esclarecer el caso. Aun así, los responsables de Ryanair prevén disponer pronto de este dinero ya que los fondos han sido retenidos.Ver video "Ryanair sufre una estafa de 4,5 millones de euros en China"
GIANT SUPER MARIO Surprise Egg Play Doh - Nintendo Game Toys TMNT Spongebob Marvel
GIANT SUPER MARIO Surprise Egg Play Doh - Nintendo Game Toys TMNT Spongebob Marvel\r
The very first surprise after opening up the egg was a Transformers Action Vinyls blind box with a Trailbreaker in it. Next was a Minecraft the Stoneblind box and the toy hidden inside was a Zombie! The very first Super Mario toy we pulled out of the egg was a Mario plush wearing overalls and a red hat with the letter M on it. After that, we found a Justice League Chibis mystery pack with 3 toy figures per pack, which were Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg. Next, was a SpongeBob SquarePants Eraseez bind bag with 2 Erasers inside. The first eraseez was Sandy the squirrel and the second eraseez was Patrick Star, two of Spongebobs best friends. The second Super Mario surprise we got was a World of Nintendo Mario figure with a mystery accessory. Inside of the mystery box was a giant red mushroom. After that we pulled out a Marvel collectors keyring3 blind bag from the surprise egg and inside was Deadpool holding two swords. The Super Mario KNex#4 blind bag was next and in it was Bob-omb. After that awesome surprise, we got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mashems blind pack#2 and inside was a super squishy Mickey mashem. Next, was an Imaginext5 blind bag from Fisher Price and inside of it was a Samurai man with armor, straw hat, and a trident. The Samurai man decided to fight Aquaman, but instead they quickly became friends! Soon after that, we picked up an Avengers1 bobbleheads blind bag and the toy inside was Nick fury, the leader of Shield. The very last surprise was a Super Mario Dog Tag blind pack and it came with a foil trading card, dog tag, and decal stickers. The sticker we got was of Bob-omb and a bunch of text that says “BOB-OMBS AWAY!” The foil trading card was of Boss Sumo Bro a giant kappa turtle. The dog tag was of Bowser Jr. throwing bob-ombs at people. \r
You might also enjoy my other videos:\r
GIANT ZELDA LINK Surprise Egg Play Doh\r
Marvel DEADPOOL Play-doh Giant Egg Surprise\r
SUPER GIANT PEPPA PIG Playdough Surprise Egg Eating Ice Cream\r
Disney Frozen Kristoff Huge Playdoh Egg\r
Giant Pokemon Charizard Surprise Egg Play-Doh\r
Kung Fu Panda Po Play Doh Cans Toy Surprises\r
LEARN HOW TO COOK with Play Doh Vegetables\r
Thanks for watching. Please like, share & subscribe.Ver video "GIANT SUPER MARIO Surprise Egg Play Doh - Nintendo Game Toys TMNT Spongebob Marvel"
Wow! Two Boy Catch Big Crabs in the Hole by Digging - How to Catch Crab by Dig Hole?
My Video Show about Catch Big Crabs in the Hole by Digging in Cambodia. Thank for Like, and Share to your friends if you support our Channel.\r
We are sorry if we have any mistakes.\r
***** More Video for Village Food *****\r
1. Grilled Snail in my Village: \r
2. Spicy Fried Eels: \r
3. Cooking Snails with Coconut: \r
4. Frog Grill in my Hometown: \r
5. How to Cook Snake in my Homeland ?: \r
6. Beautiful Girls Cooking EGG with Coconut: \r
7. Grilled Rice with Bamboo Tubes: \r
8. Cooking snail with chili so hot: \r
9. The Grilled Fish in my Farm: \r
10. Best Food for my Family: \r
11. Cooking Curry Crab: \r
12. Sour Fruit - Snack in Cambodia: \r
13. Grilled Chicken with Bamboo: \r
14. Grilled Fish with Bamboo Tubes: \r
15. Shrimp Curry with Milk: \r
16. Grilled Rats: \r
17. Beef Curry Cambodia Style: \r
18. Grilled Mussel: \r
19. Grilled Coconut with Eggs: \r
20. Fried Chicken Legs with garlic: \r
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KihalaVer video "Wow! Two Boy Catch Big Crabs in the Hole by Digging - How to Catch Crab by Dig Hole?"
Vegetable salad/Ensalada de verduras
Fresh and dietetic salad that is good for your figure! I love vegetable salad.
▶ Recipe and ingredients:
500 g potatoes, diced
Do you like vegetable salad Please write in the comments. Thanks!
3-4 carrots, diced
150 g frozen green peas
Boil 3 eggs
Bring the water to the boil, season with salt
After boiling the water again, cook the vegetables for 5 minutes
150 g white yogurt
1-2 teaspoons of mustard
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
Salt to taste
¡Ensalada fresca y dietética que es buena para tu figura! Me encanta la ensalada de verduras.
▶ Receta e ingredientes:
500 g de patatas cortadas en cubitos
¿Te gusta la ensalada de verduras? Escribe en los comentarios. ¡Gracias!
3-4 zanahorias, cortadas en cubitos
150 g de guisantes congelados
Hervir 3 huevos.
Llevar el agua a ebullición, sazonar con sal.
Después de volver a hervir el agua, cocine las verduras durante 5 minutos.
150 g de yogur blanco
1-2 cucharaditas de mostaza
1 cucharadita de jugo de limón.
2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal
Sal al gustoVer video "Vegetable salad/Ensalada de verduras"
The Dragon Prince | Echoes of Thunder | Complete prologue
The Dragon Prince is a new epic fantasy show on Netflix, and the first project from entertainment startup, Wonderstorm. The series follows two young princes and an elven assassin on their journey to Xadia, a magical land where they must venture to return a glowing egg, the egg of the Dragon Prince. A prologue explains the setting: Long ago, humans used dark magic and were driven off by dragons and elves. Now, after humans killed the dragon king and his egg, war is imminent. Long ago, Xadia was one land, rich in magic and wonder. In the old times, there were only the six primal sources of magic: the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky, and the ocean. But, a thousand years ago, a human mage discovered new magic: the seventh source, dark magic. It used the essence within magical creatures themselves to unleash dark power. Horrified by what they saw, the elves and the dragons put a stop to the madness. They drove every last human to the west, and so, the continent was divided in two. In the east, the magical lands of Xadia, and in the west, the human kingdoms. For centuries, the king of the dragons himself defended the border. The humans called him Thunder, for when he spoke, his voice shook the earth and the sky. But, on the eve of last winter's turn, the humans used unspeakable dark magic to slay Thunder. Then, without mercy, they destroyed his only egg, his heir, the Dragon Prince. Now the world stands on the edge of all out war...
Ver video "The Dragon Prince | Echoes of Thunder | Complete prologue"
El CEO De Ferrari Dice Que No Le Importan Los Coches Autoconducidos
El CEO de Ferrari, Benedetto Vigna, insiste en que la empresa de automóviles de lujo no está interesada en la idea de crear un coche de conducción autónoma.
Mientras que Ferrari, a pesar de años de protestas, optó por desarrollar un coche totalmente eléctrico, Vigna considera que un coche autónomo se opone al espíritu de la empresa.
Vigna, de 54 años, compartió su opinión al respecto durante su intervención en la Cumbre sobre el Futuro del Automóvil organizada por el Financial Times en Londres.
"Hay cuatro tipos de software: rendimiento, confort, infoentretenimiento y autonomía. El último nos da igual", dijo.
Vigna argumentó que permitir que sus coches se conduzcan solos anularía el propósito de comprar uno.
Explicó que "ningún cliente va a gastar dinero para que el ordenador disfrute de la conducción" en una entrevista con Bloomberg.
Vigna cree que "el valor del hombre, del humano en el centro, es fundamental".Ver video "El CEO De Ferrari Dice Que No Le Importan Los Coches Autoconducidos"
Angry Birds Ultimate Battle - PART 2 ANGRY BIRDS VS. BAD PIGGIES (Gameplay)
Angry Birds Ultimate Battle - PART 2 ANGRY BIRDS VS. BAD PIGGIES (Gameplay)\r
Whats New in Version 2.0.0\r
Introducing: Custom Contraptions! Find new hidden loot crates every day to get new tricked-out parts for your contraptions. Plus – throw scrap and duplicate parts into the Scrap Machine and get new, shiny parts in return!\r
– A HUGE amount of new parts\r
– Daily Loot Crates hidden in levels – find up to three per day.\r
– New Scrap machine – turn your extra parts into better ones.\r
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The Bad Piggies are after the eggs again -- but as usual, nothing is going according to plan! Can you create the ultimate flying machine and steer them safely to their destination? Those tricky pigs have a few objects they can use, but they need your help to turn these into the perfect transportation! \r
With more than 200 levels, and free updates coming up, you have hours and hours of pig-crashing, exploding, and flying fun! Get three stars to unlock 36 more levels! HINT: Sometimes you need to play the level several times to achieve all the objectives -- try building a new device or steering in a different way to earn all the stars!Ver video "Angry Birds Ultimate Battle - PART 2 ANGRY BIRDS VS. BAD PIGGIES (Gameplay)"
Bad Piggies - BAD SPONGEBOB (Mini Bad Piggies Game) - Part 2
Bad Piggies - BAD SPONGEBOB (Mini Bad Piggies Game) - Part 2\r
Whats New in Version 2.0.0\r
Introducing: Custom Contraptions! Find new hidden loot crates every day to get new tricked-out parts for your contraptions. Plus – throw scrap and duplicate parts into the Scrap Machine and get new, shiny parts in return!\r
– A HUGE amount of new parts\r
– Daily Loot Crates hidden in levels – find up to three per day.\r
– New Scrap machine – turn your extra parts into better ones.\r
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➜ Lightning Storm: \r
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The Bad Piggies are after the eggs again -- but as usual, nothing is going according to plan! Can you create the ultimate flying machine and steer them safely to their destination? Those tricky pigs have a few objects they can use, but they need your help to turn these into the perfect transportation! \r
With more than 200 levels, and free updates coming up, you have hours and hours of pig-crashing, exploding, and flying fun! Get three stars to unlock 36 more levels! HINT: Sometimes you need to play the level several times to achieve all the objectives -- try building a new device or steering in a different way to earn all the stars!Ver video "Bad Piggies - BAD SPONGEBOB (Mini Bad Piggies Game) - Part 2"
Homemade Doughnut Recipe (Better Than Krispy Kreme!) | Garrett Hahn
Lets talk doughnuts, donuts, doughnut, or donut.. HOWEVER YOU MAY SPELL IT!! This is a video dedicated to doughnuts, and how to make the PERFECT ones.. and if you ask me they are so much better than Krispy Kreme! This video has been requested many times, as I post doughnut pictures on Instagram quite often. So I hope you guys enjoy this, and if you try out this recipe tag #FoodAffairWithGare on Insta & Twitter!!\r
Lets Be Friends!\r
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(Both are @OmgItsGare)\r
:) - Garrett\r
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- 1 1/2 C Whole Milk/Plant Milk (If you want a healthier doughnut)\r
- 1/3 C Butter\r
- 4 1/2 t Active Dry Yeast\r
- 1/2 C Sugar\r
- 1 1/2 t Salt \r
- 2 Eggs\r
- 5 C Flour\r
- 1/2 t Vanilla Extr\r
- Powdered Sugar\r
- Whole Milk\r
- 1 t Vanilla Extr\r
I guestimate on my glaze recipe, if I were to guess Id say I use 1 C of Powdered Sugar and about 2-3 T Milk! Basically I keep adding milk to a lump sum of powdered sugar until it becomes a liquidy/stiff mixture. \r
For Business Inquiries or cont, Email:\r\r
Video Filmed On Canon T5i\r
Video Edited On Final Cut Pro XVer video "Homemade Doughnut Recipe (Better Than Krispy Kreme!) | Garrett Hahn"
Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma
Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma\r
Shawarma sandwiches are a tasty way to add meat to pita bread or similar unleavened bread. Chicken makes a good filling because it is easy to cut into sandwich sized slices and tastes delicious.\r
Shawarma is vastly popular across the middle-east. Chicken baked in a yoghurt marinade, rolled up in pita bread and served with tahini.\r
Ingredients - How to make Lebanese Chicken Shawarma Wrap - Delicious Spicy Chicken Shawarma\r
*My 1 tbsp Oil = 50 ml or (One Ladle = 50 ml)\r
*2 whole Boneless Chicken Large Breast\r
*6-8 Pita Bread \r
*1/2 tsp Black cardamom powder\r
*2 tsp Garam Masala Powder\r
*1 tsp Black pepper powder\r
*2 tbsp Minced garlic or finely chopped Garlic\r
*2 tbsp Yoghurt/Curd\r
*3 tsp Olive oil or Vegetable Oil\r
*1 tsp Red chilli powder\r
*2 tbsp Malt vinegar, Apple cider vinegar or white balsamic vinegar\r
*3 tbsp Lemon Juice\r
*Salt to Taste\r
*2 Cup Shredded Cabbage\r
*1 Fresh parsley Sprigs (Optional)\r
*1/2 cup chopped cucumber\r
*1/2 cup chopped Beetroot\r
*1/2 cup chopped Tomato\r
Shawarma White Sauce\r
*7 finely chopped Garlic cloves\r
*3 tbsp Fresh cream\r
*3 tbsp Mayonnaise\r
*2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar\r
or white vinegar\r
*1 tsp Black pepper powder\r
Okay, so technically this recipe should ually be called Shawarma-Style Chicken. True shawarma is cooked with stacked, spice-marinated meats lamb, turkey, chicken, beef, or a mix of meats on a vertical spit. \r
The shawarma turns and cooks on the spit for hours and hours, basted in fat and its own juices. Fat = flavor = tasty, amazing shawarma. Thin slices of meat are shaved from the surface and served, either on their own or tucked inside a warm flatbread, topped with tahini or garlic sauce. Shawarma is one of lifes great pleasures.\r
Ive been trying to replicate the flavor of shawarma at home for months, playing with different spice combinations and cooking methods. At first I tried buying premade shawarma spice blends from the Middle Eastern markets, but none of them made my mouth happy. I needed more spice, more flavor, more oomph. So I began to experiment. Then finally, last week, I nailed it.\r
This recipe is probably as close as Ill ever come to making shawarma at home. My family says its even better than the shawarma at our local Lebanese restaurant. \r
You have two choices for cooking this recipe in the oven or on the grill. To be honest both cooking methods taste great, there really isnt a big difference between the two. \r
I use boneless skinless chicken meat (a combination of dark and light meat) in the recipe. Shawarma gets a lot of its flavor from the meat fat that it is basted in. Ive replaced the flavor of the skin fat with olive oil, including a final saute in olive oil prior to serving. \r
It may seem strange to saute meat that has already been cooked, but youre going to have to trust me on this one. The extra saute adds a ton of flavor and really gives it a shawarma-like texture that cant be replicated in the oven or on the grill. \r
If youre trying to cut down on your oil intake you dont need to do the extra saute, it will save you 2 tablespoons of olive oil… it wont taste exly like shawarma, but it will be yummy. But please, dont replace the chicken thighs with breast meat. \r
This dish really needs some dark meat in it to make it taste great. You can make it with all chicken thighs, if you prefer (I ually love it that way), but dont sub all chicken breast. Pretty please.\r
How To Make Delicious Chicken Shawarma At Home\r
For More Videos\r
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Paneer Sticks: \r
Mutton Do Pyaza: \r
Dabba Gosht: \r
Masala Dosa: \r
Mutton Dum Biryani: \r
Bhori Kabab: \r
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Rasgulla Recipe: \r
Crispy Chicken Starters: \r
Chicken Changezi: \r
Sheer Khurma: \r
Murg Musallam: \r
Koyla Chicken Recipe: \r
Fruit Custard: \r
Achaari Chicken: \r
Paneer Tikka Masala: \r
Yakhni Pulao: \r
Chicken Do Pyaza: \r
Keema Angara: \r
Dal Gosht Mutton: \r
Aloo Chicken Tikka Kabab: \r
Mutton Rogan: \r
Dal Makhani Recipe: \r
Chicken Tikka Biryani: \r
Chicken Handi: \r
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Ramadan RecipesVer video "Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma"
Coliflor Empanada & Breaded Cauliflower
Cooking recipe and ingredients:
500 g of cauliflower divided into inflorescences
rinse, fill with water
1 teaspoon of salt
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of vinegar
cook to medium soft (10-15 minutes)
1 egg
1/2 cup milk (120 ml) (adjust depending on the thickness of the dough)
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon of dried garlic
1 tablespoon parsley or coriander (fresh)
1 cup of flour (100-120 g)
Dip the cauliflower in batter
Fry until golden brown on all sides in olive oil
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Bon Appetit!
Receta de cocina e ingredientes: 500 g de coliflor dividida en inflorescencias enjuague, llene con agua 1 cucharadita de sal 1-2 dientes de ajo 1 cucharada de vinagre cocine a medio suave (10-15 minutos) 1 huevo 1/2 taza de leche (120 ml) (ajustar dependiendo del grosor de la masa) 1 cucharadita de sal 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra 1 cucharadita de pimentón 1 cucharadita de ajo seco 1 cucharada de perejil o cilantro (fresco) 1 taza de harina (100-120 g) Sumergir la coliflor en masa Freír hasta que esté dorado por todos los lados en aceite de oliva ¿Te ha gustado mi receta? Suscríbete al canal y da un "pulgar hacia arriba", ¡eso es importante para mi canal! ¡Gracias! Por favor, escribe un comentario o al menos usa una cara sonriente, no es difícil para ti, ¡pero es importante para mí! ¡Gracias! ¡Bon Appetit!Ver video "Coliflor Empanada & Breaded Cauliflower"
የአማርኛ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፅ Hibist recipe Steamed Bread Amharic
እንኳን ወደ ምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፃችን በደህና መጡ። ይህ ገፅ የመላው አለምን የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ የያዘ ሲሆን በኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ቋንቋ አማረኛም የቀረበ ነው። ይህ ገፅ የሚያተኩረው ኢትዮጵያዊ ባልሆኑት የምግብ ዝግጅቶች ነው፤የኢትዮጵያ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ፈልገው ከመጡ እባክወ ይህንን ሊንክ ተጭነው በተለየ ሁኔታ ኢትዮጵያዊ የሆኑ የምግብ ዝግጅቶችን ብቻ የሚያገኙበትን ድረገፅ ይጎብኙ። http፡// - Amharic Cooking Channel - Welcome to our recipe channel, this channel cooks food from all over the world and is spoken in Amharic the national language of Ethiopia. This channel will focus on non Ethiopian food, should you want Ethiopian food recipes then please take a look at our dedicated Ethiopian food website http፡// \r
What is Ethiopian? What is Injera, Ethiopian Bread. What is berbere? What is Ethiopian Coffee? Ethiopian butter, how do you make this? what is door? what is shiro? Ethiopian raw meat? what are Ethiopian spices? How do i get Ethiopian spices? How to make injera. What is tef? Does Ethiopia have wine? Whats is dabo? How to make Ethiopian bread. How to eat Ethiopian food. Ethiopian collard greens. Is Ethiopian food spicy? What is the capital of Ethiopia? How many languages does Ethiopia have? How do you make Ethiopian food? what is fit fit? What is Fir Fir?. Are there vegetarian Ethiopian recipes? What is awaze? Is Korarima the same as green cardamon? How to get teff? How to make door wot? What is shiro? Do Ethiopians eat Pork? Ethiopian raw meat, what is this? Does Ethiopia have beer? What is Ethiopian honey wine?\r
ITALIAN MEATBALLS & SPAGHETTI የጣልያን ድብልብል ጥብስ ስፓጌቲ - CHINESE CHICKEN FRIED RICE የቻይና ሩዝ ጥብስ ቦዶሮ - CHINESE SWEET SOUR CHICKEN የቻይና ጣፋጭ ሆምጣጤ ዶሮ - FRIED CHICKEN የዶሮ ጥብስ - VEGETABLE SOUP የአትክልት ሾርባ - ITALIAN CREAM CHICKEN PASTA የጣልያን ዶሮ ፓስታ በክሬም - LASAGNE ላዛኛ - SHEPHERDS PIE የእረኛ ዳቦ - FISH PIE ዓሣ ዳቦ - FRIED BANANAS የሙዝ ጥብስ - BEEF STEW ስጋ ወጥ - Burger - በርገር - egg moyo - የእንቁላል ማዮኒዝ - ካሮት ድምብላል ሾርባ - Vegan Carrot Coriander Soup - የአማርኛ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፅ - ከአዝሙድና እና ሎሚ ሻይ - Mint & Lemon Detox Tea - የአማርኛ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፅ - Zucchini Pasta Amharic Recipe - የአማርኛ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፅ - Courgette Kusa - INDIAN CURRY POWDER የህንድ ከሪ ዱቄት - INDIAN CHICKEN CURRY የህንድ ከሪ በዶሮ - SWEETCORN POTATO SOUP ጣፋጭ በቆሎ በድንች ሾርባ - ITALIAN GARLIC CHICKEN TOMATO የጣልያን የነጭሽንኩርት ዶሮ ቲማቲም - ITALIAN SPAGHETTI BOLONGSE የጣልያን ስፓጌቲ ቦሎኝዝ - INDIAN VEGETABLE CURRY የህንድ የአትክልት ከሪ - COLESLAW SALAD ሳላድ በአትክልት - RICE SALAD ሳላድ በሩዝ - Amharic - አተር ሜንት ሾርባ - Pea & Mint Soup Recipe - VEGETABLE FRIED RICE ቻይንኛ አትክልት በሩዝ ጥብስ - Mayonnaise Mayo - ማዮኒዝ - Tofu - ቶፉ - Hummus - WHITE SAUCE – BECHAMEL ነጭ ስልስ - ጣፋጭ ጥብስ ሙዝ sweet fried banana - Scrambled eggs with Mushrooms - እንጉዳዮች እንቁላል ፍርፍር - በቅመም የዶሮ ክንፎች - Spicy Chicken Wings - snack - ቀላል ምግብ - cheese - የደረቀ አይብ - breakfast - ቁርስ - Ethiopian Woman የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች - Please share - ያጋሩ እባክዎ - የሙዝ መጠጥ Banana Drink - chicken rice ዶሮ እና ሩዝ - Chechebsa ጨጨብሳ ቁርስ - Ye Suf Fitfit የሱፍ ፍትፍትና መጠጥ - How to make Misir Kik Alicha የምስር ክክ አልጫ አሰራር - How to make Genfo የገንፎ አሰራር - How to Make Minchet Abish የምንቸት አብሽ አሰራር - How to Make The Famous Shiro የቀጭን ሽሮ አሰራር - How to Make Gomen Besiga የጎመን በስጋ አሰራር - How to Make Shiro Fitfit - የሽሮ ፍትፍት አሰራር - How to Make Two Types of Ful ሁለት አይነት የፉል አሰራር (False banana, Enset) የቡላ አዘገጃጀት ለቁርስVer video "የአማርኛ የምግብ ዝግጅት መምሪያ ገፅ Hibist recipe Steamed Bread Amharic"
The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites
Some insect bites are painful, some bites are deadly; bugs that carry disease, bugs that infect, and bugs that carry poisonous venom that can KILL you.. These are some of the worlds deadliest bugs to be bitten by.\r
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We humans arent the biggest or the toughest creatures on Earth. There are many different animals that could easily kill us, like massive Grizzly Bears and wolves on land, and sharks and all manner of other deep-sea creatures out in the ocean. But what truly terrifies a lot of people is ually quite small. and easily crushed, burned, or killed with chemicals. Doesnt stop us from being scared of insects though, and its not a totally irrational fear, it would seem. \r
Bot Flies\r
Have any bumps under your skin? Have you been to south or central america recently? Then you may very well have a bot fly larvae living underneath your skin. This small flying insect spends its larvae stage inside a living mammal, feeding off the blood and butrients. The Bot Fly injects its eggs through its bite, deeply injecting its eggs into the sub-dermis. \r
Bullet Ants\r
While not exly deadly, the Bullet Ant has, objectively, the most painful insect bite known to man. Victims of a Bullet Ant bite liken the pain to being shot by a .45 caliber round. The bug is also known as the 24-hour ant because the intense pain will last for an entire 24 hour period. \r
Paralysis Tick\r
Ticks arent generally that big of a threat. They can carry lime disease, and while thats dangerous in of itself, the Paralysis Tick from Australia has another, stronger trick up its sleeve, it injects a chemical that, if youre allergic to it, will stop your airways and kill you in less than a day.\r
If youve ever had a dog or a cat, then youll know how annoying flea bites are. Theyre itchy and the fleas themselves jump all over the place making it hard to kill em. Fleas will drink your blood, around 15 times their own body weight. Of course, back in 1346, fleas were responsible for the death of around 200 million people in Europe.\r
Kissing Bugs\r
You. You have a vertebrae. That means a Kissing Bug would love to bite into your lip while your sleeping and drain as much blood as it possibly could. \r
Tsetse flies\r
Tsetse fly is the single most deadly insect in all of Africa. Its bite allows it to drink your blood (because of course it drinks blood) and inject a deadly toxin. The bite itself is also a very painful sting, but the true danger lies in that toxin, which gives the victim the African sleeping sickness, which can prove fatal if treatment isnt given quickly. \r
Killer Bees\r
Killer Bees. This species of bee is quite simply.. brutal, and can easily kill a human. These suckers will follow you for an entire mile if you make the nest mad, and they will not give up until either youre dead or the entire colony has killed themselves in their attack. \r
Japanese Hornets\r
Hornets. 2 inch long hyper-aggressive, acid-spitting giant Japanese hornets. No, seriously, their venom is very acidic and will eat through flesh if they bite you. Theyre also fearless, or suicidal depending on your point of view. \r
The single most deadly insect in the world is not a bee or wasp, or even a scorpion. its the common Mosquito. It kills 1 million people, every single year. They drink blood, and their bites are annoying at best, deadly at worst.Ver video "The 9 Most Painful and Deadliest Insect Bites"
12 Weirdest Chinese Traditions
From the shocking Yulin dog meat festival to eating an egg boiled in urine here are the strange traditions people still prise in China \r
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7. Chinese Ghost Towns\r
It almost seems like a new Chinese tradition to build extremely large cities but with no one in them and see what happens later on. Whether its to house future residents or just to prove they have the resources to do it, Chinas ghost towns are some of the most unbelievable. Its believed that Chinas urban cities will contain about 70% of its population in about 15 years. Chinas most well known Kangbashi was completely lifeless despite its abandoned high rise apartments, large freeways and everything a modern city could desire. But just recently people starting moving here, and despite the surplus of living spaces, China has come up with the a completely new urban strategy. Build the city first; then let the people fill in. Although it might seem like strange ghost towns now, in the future they could be one of the worlds most advanced cities in the world.\r
6. Ant Eating Therapy\r
While ants might be those tiny, creepy insects that always seem to crawling through your house, the Chinese believe that eating ants can cure diseases and relieve pain. Researchers suspect that ants could help treat arthritis and hepatitis but no definitive explanations has been given. In this photo you can see a group of people getting some therapy but most likely not the kind they need.\r
5. Footbinding\r
Foot-binding is the painful process of wearing extremely tight shoes at a young age to prevent any further growth. The Chinese most commonly priced this and it wasnt until the early 1900s when it began to lose popularity. Women in the country found it to be the only way to keep their feet from becoming too large. Some cases are just mind boggling when the size of a shoe is only 3 inches. In severe cases, women would lose complete circulation to their toes and they would have to be amputated! Not to mention all the falls that took place trying to walk like that! But dont judge, wearing high heels in our culture is just as ridiculous, if you think about! Here in this photo we see the difference between normal, and bound feet.\r
4. Burping Your Appreciation\r
While some cultures find it rude to burp at a dinner table, its almost rude in China not to burp! Many of us are taught not to do this from a young age. Burping is seen as a sign of appreciation to the chef and that you enjoyed your meal. When their eating soup, a loud slurping noise is also considered polite. So if someone is giving you a hard time about this, next time you can say that its completely fine in China. Compliments to the chef!\r
3. Face Masks\r
If you ever head to a beach some day in China, dont be too startled if you see someone wearing one of these. While people in the US usually go to the beach in order to get a tan, people in China try to avoid it as much as possible. Since pale skin is often sought after in Asian countries, something called a face-kini is a relatively new tradition that keeps people from catching too many rays. The face-kini is also been reported as something that will protect them from pesky jellyfish sting. The inventor Zhang Shifan, reported that he never could have imagined its popularity would reach this level. \r
2. Yulin Dog Meat Festival\r
While not all Chinese people eat dogs, it is more common in southern provinces. The city of Yulin holds a controversial festival each year in June despite global outrage. Thousand of dogs are slaughtered and some are served restaurants while others in the streets. China doesnt have any large scale dog-breeding farms unlike other countries where this meat is consumed. As a result, many local dogs are stolen from their owners illegally. Also these animals are shipped there with unknown origins. The inhabitants of this town claim it to be a tradition and supporters claim that its no different than killing cows, chickens or other farm animals. While quite a few countries in Asia have banned consumption of dogs, China is not one of them. As you see in this photo, many dogs are stored in cramped cages waiting for what will happen next.\r
1.Boy Urine Egg\r
Its a traditional food in Eastern China to eat eggs that boiled in the urine of boys urine. In the city of Dongyang, buckets of urine are collected in order to cook this cultural delicacy. Theres no explanation exly why it has to be urine from a boy, but its just always been like that. Some claim that eating them will prevent them from getting “heat stroke”. It takes about an entire day in order to prepare these just right and each one will be sold as a cheap snack for no more than a quarter. Chinese mVer video "12 Weirdest Chinese Traditions"
Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!
Even though considered a weed, dandelion root has a long history of therapeutic use. In f, this extremely beneficial plant has the ability to treat allergies, lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the production of bile, and detoxify the liver. It also has diuretic properties and it is especially beneficial for pregnant and menopausal women.\r
The best time to harvest dandelion root is in the spring, especially in the beginning of April. Make sure you pick it from places which are less polluted, such as areas away from the town and the road.\r
The best part about dandelion is that all parts of it have medicinal properties. For instance, the leaves are abundant in vitamins and can be used in a salad, along with potatoes and eggs. The stem relieves stomach issues, stimulates the gallbladder function, regulates the metabolism, and purifies the blood. Moreover, the stem can be used to treat diabetes while the milk from the stem can be used to remove warts.\r
Ultimately, people use dandelion flowers to prepare homemade dandelion syrup which purifies the blood, relieves a cough, and improves digestion.\r
Get 400 yellow dandelion flowers and pour 3 liters of water over them. Then, cut 4 oranges and 4 lemons into slices and add them to the mixture. Leave the mixture for 24 hours.\r
After 24 hours, strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a pot. Add 2 cups of sugar into the pot and cook for about half an hour.\r
Once the mixture boils and gets thick enough, remove from heat and transfer the syrup into sterilized jars. Use the dandelion syrup to treat cold, cough, or bronchitis.\r
Dandelion has been long used and appreciated for its medicinal properties. Today, the modern medicine confirms its health benefits and suggests that it is even capable of curing cancer. Keep watching to learn more about preparing and storing roots for future use.\r
You need to peel, cut, and dry the dandelion roots on a fresh air. Let them dry for about two weeks or until they become brittle under the fingers. Once dried, put them into a jar and store in a dark and cool place.\r
Dandelion root has the ability to clean the kidneys, liver, lymph and gallbladder, which makes it effective at treating gallstones, constipation, hepatitis, acne, edema, and rheumatism. Moreover, it is very beneficial for women, especially for prevention and treatment of issues related to breastfeeding as well as cysts, tumors, and cancer.\r
Pick some leaves, dry, chop and mince them well. Store the mixture in a jar and keep for future use. To prepare the tea, you need to add half a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water. As simple as that!\r
Another option is to mix 60 grams of a fresh mixture and 30 grams of dried dandelion root. Put this mixture into a pan along with 2.5 ounces of water with a pinch of salt. Bring the boil, cover the pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Strain the liquid afterward and consume three cups daily.Ver video "Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!"
Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game
Animal Match Up! Introduce your baby one to animals with this amusing and adorable matching game for tots!\r
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In this video are such animals:\r
- Starfish\r
- Manta Ray\r
- Sea Turtle\r
- Lobster\r
- Sword Fish\r
- Clown Fish\r
- Goldfish\r
- Dolphin\r
- Squid\r
- Whale\r
- Seal\r
- Butterfly Fish\r
- Hedgehog Fish\r
- Octopus\r
- Shrimp\r
Your toddler can flip through the heads, bodies, and tails of several animals and try to complete a perfect match. Created specifically for young and growing minds, Animal Match Up challenges toddlers with the concept of matching while providing an introduction to animals.\r
Features: \r
* Introduces animals and the concept of matching\r
* Explore hand-eye coordination\r
* Bright colors and cheerful sounds keep young ones smiling\r
* Tested by babies and toddlers \r
* Brought to you by the leading global TV network for babies and parents\r
* Inspires development of reasoning skills\r
Animal Match Up provides visual and mental stimulation for babies and toddlers to hold their attention and nurture their developing minds. Watch your little ones giggle and play as they inter with fun animals in this engaging preschool app!\r
Note: This game has no real animals. We attach them to video from sources on youtube\r
Download Link\r
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➔Baby Play Animal Match Up ! Learn Animal Names Combined Real Animals\r
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What can you expect on this channel? My channel will provide you with a variety of educational content for your kids.\r
I will review mobile learning apps for kids for example alphabet, potty training and learn how to count games.\r
Furthermore I will review interesting fun video games for kids and parents.\r
Besides the reviews of educational apps for kids, i will review surprise eggs and toys for kids.\r
So subscribe to my channel for daily videos on educational apps and games for kids of every age\r
Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game | PART 12\r
#baby #play #Animalmatchup #Learn #Animal #Farm\r
#Kids #ZOO #educational #games #learning #babies #apps #Funny #toddlerVer video "Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
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