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Nuevos Horizontes 6
Difference between a financial COOP, a bank and a private lender... Distributed by Tubemogul.
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Nuevos Horizontes
Nuevos Horizontes is a financial cooperative where associates can deposit money, earn interests and get loans. In the region of Loja (Ecuador)the corporation has more than 5000 associates and 5 Million Dollars. Distributed by Tubemogul.
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BPO Real Estate Appraisals
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Santander compra un 9,68 % de su filial de consumo en EEUU por 836 millones
Madrid, 3 jul (EFECOM).- Santander ha acordado comprar a Double D Financial Services (DDFS) el 9,68 % que poseía en el capital de Santander Consumer USA, su filial de créditos al consumo en Estados Unidos, por 928 millones de dólares (unos 836 millones de euros), ha informado hoy la entidad. Palabras clave: efe,economia,banca,santander-efeempresas,-Double D Financial Services, DDFSVer video "Santander compra un 9,68 % de su filial de consumo en EEUU por 836 millones"
video--TITLE-- bPay Casino Deposit Method Tutorial presenting another Casino Deposit Method Tutorial of how does bPay work. bPay is a wire transfer service created by the larger financial institutions of Australia. The use is restricted to Australian citizens only. It is a very easy safe way for Australians to fund their casino accounts. Distributed by Tubemogul.
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Best Pay Day Cash Loans - No Hassle - Imagine for a moment going into a financial institution - such as a bank - and not having to stand in line to wait, or be made to fill out endless paperwork only to have someone look down at you and tell you that you aren't qualified or don't have enough assets for the loan you need.
Ver video "Best Pay Day Cash Loans - No Hassle"
One charge against Cardinal Pell withdrawn as accuser dies
Sydney (Australia), Mar 2 (EFE). The Australian public prosecutor withdrew Friday one of the multiple charges filed against the Vatican's financial chief who was accused of sexually abusing minors, judicial sources confirmed Friday.
Keywords: efe,australia,vatican,pedophilia,pell,nomonetizarVer video "One charge against Cardinal Pell withdrawn as accuser dies"
Euro econ ministers, Spain, agree to bailout loan conditions
Brussels, 10 July (EFE).- Spain will have available before end of the month 30 billion euros, some 37 billion dollars, to address the most urgent needs of its financial institutions, according to an agreement between the cash-strapped nation and the Eurogroup finance ministers. The total amount of aid will be known in late September.
All 27 European nations are expected to extend by one year, until 2014, Spain's deadline for achieving a budget deficit of 3 percent.
www.efe.comVer video "Euro econ ministers, Spain, agree to bailout loan conditions"
Food Speculation - Especulación Alimentaria (En+Es)
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Magnífica explicación sobre la causa de la especulación alimentaria, el aumento de los precios de los alimentos y como consecuencia, el aumento del hambre en el mundo.
Produced by WEED (
Food speculation mainly takes place at commodity derivatives exchanges, which are especially large in the US but also growing in the EU. Even though these exchange can have a value for agriculture, they can also be dangerous. Especially through increasing participation of finanical speculators like banks and funds, food prices more and more become a financial asset and an object of profit maximization. This can cause price distortions and increases - and thus hunger for millions. More information can be found in the article The speculator's bread. Also many scientists, analysts and public institutions have come to the conclusion that speculation can negatively influcence commodity prices (see list).
What needs to be done
To prevent financial speculators from generating profits at the cost of the poot, we need strong regulation of commodity derivatives markets. This includes:
• Trade on transparent exchanges or clearing houses
• High margin requirements for Over-the-counter trade
• Reporting and public reports
• Price oversight and price limits
• Prevention of excessive speculation through position limits
• Trading prohibition for institutional funds, mutual funds and for proprietary trading
• Control of the speculation by multinational commodity companies
• Transaction tax on commodity derivatives trading
The political debate
In the G20, French president Sarkozy has made food speculation a top priority. The G20 will decide on measure till the Cannes summit in November 2011. In the EU, the revision of the markets in financial instruments directive (MiFID) does play a major role. In Juli 2011, WEED and 13 other organisations have written a letter to internal market commissioner Barnier, calling for measures against food speculation within the MiFID revision. Another important reform process is the new EU derivatives legislation. WEED and other had an email action on this at the European website Make Finance Work.Ver video "Food Speculation - Especulación Alimentaria (En+Es)"
El CEO De Ferrari Dice Que No Le Importan Los Coches Autoconducidos
El CEO de Ferrari, Benedetto Vigna, insiste en que la empresa de automóviles de lujo no está interesada en la idea de crear un coche de conducción autónoma.
Mientras que Ferrari, a pesar de años de protestas, optó por desarrollar un coche totalmente eléctrico, Vigna considera que un coche autónomo se opone al espíritu de la empresa.
Vigna, de 54 años, compartió su opinión al respecto durante su intervención en la Cumbre sobre el Futuro del Automóvil organizada por el Financial Times en Londres.
"Hay cuatro tipos de software: rendimiento, confort, infoentretenimiento y autonomía. El último nos da igual", dijo.
Vigna argumentó que permitir que sus coches se conduzcan solos anularía el propósito de comprar uno.
Explicó que "ningún cliente va a gastar dinero para que el ordenador disfrute de la conducción" en una entrevista con Bloomberg.
Vigna cree que "el valor del hombre, del humano en el centro, es fundamental".Ver video "El CEO De Ferrari Dice Que No Le Importan Los Coches Autoconducidos"
Legends Serie americana acusa a Maduro de comprar armas biológicas
A través de la trasnacional estadounidense TNT, se acusó anoche al Presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, de querer comprar una bomba biológica para usarla contra los manifestantes que buscan derrocarlo.
En su nueva serie "Legends", especÃficamente en el tercer capÃtulo de la primera temporada (minuto 13.38), uno de los terroristas es interrogado por uno de los agentes del FBI. El criminal está boca abajo y dice "está bien, está bien, es el VX". El agente le pregunta, "¿Para quién lo estás comprando?" y el detenido asegura: "No lo sé, hay un apoderado".
En la escena, que dura aproximadamente 19 segundos, el agente pregunta "y ¿quién es el apoderado?". De inmediato, el terrorista afirma: "Maduro, Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela. Están preocupados por los disturbios de civiles en Venezuela".
El VX que mencionó el terrorista en la escena, es un agente nervioso oleaginoso considerado una potente arma quÃmica. Fue creada en 1952 por investigadores de Porton Down, Inglaterra. En 1958 el Gobierno Británico vendió su tecnologÃa VX a los Estados Unidos a cambio de información sobre las armas termonucleares.
No es la primera vez que las trasnacionales de Estados Unidos incorporan en sus series, diálogos para referirse a Venezuela. Incluso, se han incorporado, en algunos juegos de videos, misiones para acabar con la "dictadura en Venezuela".Ver video "Legends Serie americana acusa a Maduro de comprar armas biológicas"
The American Dream Film
The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track.
Buy it now: theamericandreamfilm.comVer video "The American Dream Film"