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  • Salón de Ginebra 2018: los mejores coches para comprar

  • Alpine A110 - Presentación Salón de Ginebra 2017

    Tras mucho hype y noticias relacionadas con el modelo, Renault ha dado a conocer en el Salón de Ginebra la versión definitiva del Alpine A110, el primer modelo de la resucitada división deportiva de la firma gala.

    Con un alarde de sencillez y ciertas reminiscencias históricas de su pasado se presenta con apenas 1080 Kg de peso gracias a su chasis de aluminio y un motor turbo 1.8 de cuatro cilindros de 252 CV situado en posición central.

    Asociado a una caja de cambios de doble embrague de 7 velocidades realiza el 0-100 Km/h en apenas 4,5 segundos. Tiene un maletero delantero de 96 litros de capacidad y otro trasero de 100. Preparado para ser un vehículo de diario incorpora un selector de tres modos de conducción (Normal, Sport y Track) que ajustan el tacto de los mandos, control de estabilidad y sonido del escape.

    Las primeras unidades se entregaran en el segundo trimestre de este mismo año, todavía no conocemos su precio pero estimamos que comprar uno de los deportivos más esperados de los últimos años costará aproximadamente 60.000 euros.

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  • LEGO Store Haul August new with Pick a Brick and Build a Minifigure

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    Stacks and Piper have been to the LEGO Store again and bought 4 large pick a brick cups and a build a Minifigure pack. They got another of the LEGO Store V.I.P. Classic Pirate gift sets.\r
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    Hello and welcome to Lego Loft. Im stacks and today weve been to the LEGO Store to buy some more Lego! Weve had another trip to the LEGO Store and weve picked up not one, not two, not three but four pick a brick cups and weve also got a build a minifigure pack and one of these pirate sets, thats our second one. In 1. So this is Pipers first cup. Ill get these pieces out, lets see what hes got. Stay on the table, please stay on the table Lego. Right, I instructed piper to get me plenty of roof slopes cause I like building roofs out of roof slopes. We only got them in 2 by 4, theres no smaller ones or corner pieces which is a bit annoying. I want more variety, come on Lego Store. Weve got them in red and black. I saw these green bricks and I like this green colour. I though Im going to build a green wall, I said Piper, get me some of them green pieces He got 4. Thats going to be a really small wall. We go some of these tail fins for planes. He got trans yellow studs and 1 by 1 trans clear plates. Lets get it in the box. Tidy up. I hope all you kids at home tidy your Lego when youre finished playing with it, that means you should never tidy it because you should never finish playing with it. You should always play with your Lego, I do. In 2. This is my selection of Lego elements. Ive got some green plates. What else? I see some yellow jumpers. I can see some big bricky bits, light blue 2 by 4 bricks. Also white orange and red. We got 1 by 4 brown brick. 2 by 2 tan and orange tiles. Plates here, 2 by 8 plate. 1 by 8 tile in red. White grate bits, theyre Gr-r-reat. Number 3. Pipers second lot of Lego. This one looks like its gonna be messy. Orange tiles again. Its going everywhere, careful! Stay put Lego. Dont roll off the table. These cylinder pieces have a mind of their own. Are you staying still? Okay, theyre staying still, lets do it. Weve got these white fence pieces. Loads of studs. And finally. This is the last pick a brick cup of the day. Its got some sticky tape, get off of my fingers. Lets open it up. Weve got some 1 by 4 white arch pieces, but thats not all. Nice selection. White doors in frames. Flowers, white, red and pink and green stems. Im obsessed with 2 by 2 by 2 light grey slopes. More tan tile and 1 by 2 purple tiles. Green bumper pieces and 2 by 1 curved slopes. And wheel pieces. Did you know That LEGO are the worlds largest manufurer of tyres, thats crazy but awesome. Got some of these windscreen (windshield) pieces for cars. weve got a crate and inside Ive put some ruby red gemstones. Green headlight bricks and trans orange cheese slopes. This is all of the pick a brick haul. That is tons of Lego, fifty pounds worth. we only got 2 minifigures even though its a 3 pack. We were very naughty and stuffed loads of extra accessories in there hoping wed get away with it. We did get away with it I dont think they wanted to complain since we spent a lot of money. A top hat, some blue plates, stuck together heads. We wanted more faces. Weve got some seagulls, blond hair. A printed piece, I dont know what it is but I like printed pieces so I got it. A scorpion, frying pan, a long bone. Weve got a gold piece which is in the form of a crystal. We got goggles. Thank you very much for watching, remember to like and comment on our videos and subscribe to Lego Loft where we make Brickfilms, LEGO reviews, puppet shows and more with regular new releases.\r
    This video features an excerpt of Innocent Fun written, produced and copyright of ©,℗ T. Brown new. This music was created with Jester Interives Music Creation Software for the Playstation.\r
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