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  • fin del dolar ( reinicio del sistema monetario )

    otro reportaje interesante acerca del fin del dollar o del sistema monetario actual, y la vuelta del oro como patron

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  • Vertido químico provoca una avalancha de compras de agua embotellada en Pensilvania

    Los residentes de Pensilvania se apresuraron a comprar agua embotellada por el pánico tras un vertido químico de látex que hizo temer su contaminación.

    Ver video "Vertido químico provoca una avalancha de compras de agua embotellada en Pensilvania"



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  • Tema: Como Usa Un Condón & Embarazo No Deseado

    Primera Parte del Tema Aquì:

    Los preservativos son una FORMA EFICAZ DE PROTECCIÓN frente al VIH y otras ITS siempre que se usen de forma correcta y sistemática en todas las relaciones sexuales con penetración (vaginal, anal u oral).
    Estudios de laboratorio indican que los preservativos de látex constituyen una BARRERA FÍSICA EFECTIVA que impide el paso de microorganismos u otras partículas del tamaño del virus.
    Protegen frente a la transmisión del VIH, otras infecciones de transmisión sexual y embarazos no deseados.
    Las posibles roturas y deslizamientos del preservativo se deben más a fallos del usuario, que al producto en sí. Es importante respetar la fecha de caducidad, que esté homologado por la Comunidad Europea, no guardarlos en sitios que tengan temperaturas elevadas y vigilar no romperlo al abrir el envoltorio.
    También existen preservativos de poliuretano para personas alérgicas al látex.
    En el caso de usar lubricantes, deben ser siempre lubricantes de base acuosa. No se deben utilizar aceites grasos como lubricación (vaselina, cremas o lociones corporales).
    Es importante seguir adecuadamente los pasos para una correcta utilización:
    • Abrir el preservativo con cuidado de no dañarlo con uñas, anillos y dientes.
    • Una vez abierto, antes de colocarlo, comprobar si el preservativo está al derecho o al revés (esto se puede hacer soplando un poco dentro del preservativo para ver hacia que lado lo tenemos que desenrollar).
    • Colocar el preservativo sobre el pene en erección, antes de cualquier penetración vaginal, anal u oral.
    • Presionar la punta del depósito del preservativo para expulsar el aire y dejar espacio para el semen. Si el preservativo no lleva depósito, éste debe hacerse al colocarlo, dejando un espacio libre de 1 a 2 cm. de largo en la punta del pene.
    • Desenrollar el preservativo hasta cubrir completamente el pene.
    • Usarlo durante toda la penetración.
    • Es aconsejable lubricar el preservativo una vez puesto para facilitar la penetración. Muchos ya vienen con el lubricante incorporado, pero si no es suficiente se pueden comprar en las farmacias, teniendo en cuenta que sean solubles en agua, ya que los aceites pueden estropear el látex del preservativo.
    • Después de eyacular, antes de que la erección disminuya, hay que retirar el pene sujetando el preservativo por la base.
    • Comprobar que no se ha roto (llenándolo de agua o presionando el depósito), anudarlo y tirarlo a la basura, nunca al WC ni a la calle (hay que tener en cuenta que los preservativos no son biodegradables).
    • Usar uno nuevo cada vez que se mantenga una relación sexual y si se cambia de práctica sexual (penetración vaginal, anal u oral).

    Situaciones y causas de rotura de un preservativo Entre las posibles causas de rotura de un preservativo se destacan las siguientes:

    - Aplicación de lubricantes oleosos.

    - Daños provocado por las uñas u otros objetos afilados

    - Inadecuado espacio o presencia de aire en la punta del condón

    - Existencia de piercing en los genitales

    - Desenrollar incorrectamente el preservativo

    - Conservación inadecuada

    - Reutilización del preservativo

    - Caducidad del preservativo
    ¿Qué es el Preservativo Femenino?

    El preservativo femenino es un método de protección alternativo al masculino, que protege frente a la transmisión del VIH, otras infecciones de transmisión sexual y embarazos no deseados y puede comprarse en algunas farmacias.

    Generalmente es de poliuretano, por lo que no causa alergias ni irritación como puede sucedes con el láteх, y se puede emplear tanto con lubricantes solubles en agua o en aceite.

    Consiste en una funda transparente con dos anillos flexibles uno en cada extremo. El interior permite la sujeción dentro de la vagina y el otro, de mayor diámetro, permanece en el exterior de la vagina cubriendo los genitales externos de la mujer.

    Es más resistente que el preservativo masculino, es inodoro y viene ya lubricado. Su inserción no es difícil, lleva incorporada una gran cantidad de lubricante lo que facilita la colocación y el coito, se puede poner antes de iniciar el contacto sexual y no hace falta extraerlo inmediatamente después de la eyaculación.

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  • Ramadan starts in Cairo with religious values and family ties

    Cairo, Jun 7 (EFE), (Camera: Mohamed Siali).- Cairo started the month of Ramadan on Monday with almost empty streets and closed cafes, while Egyptians seek to restore their religious values and to boost their familial ties, despite ongoing economic hardships.

    The streets of Cairo, notorious for their endless traffic jams, were almost empty on Monday with only a few pedestrians walking to mosques or to stores under the blazing sunshine.

    Most of the coffee shops and stores were closed, while some restaurants took advantage of the month to undergo renovations.

    Among the open stores were those selling lanterns, which are hung by Egyptians in their homes and streets throughout the month of Ramadan.

    Abdallah al-Shazli, owner of a lantern store in Mohandessin told EFE that customers started buying lanterns from him three months before Ramadan, and stressed that it is a very important symbol for Egyptians during the holy month.

    The director of Cultural Heritage at the French University in Egypt, Fikri Hassan told EFE that using lanterns dates back to the Fatimid era (909-1171).

    Ramadan is a month of worship for Muslims and Egyptians, as many Muslims are more committed to saying prayers and reading the Quran during this time, while they abandon other habits that are forbidden by Islam, such as drinking alcohol.

    In Ramadan, people prefer to spend more time with their relatives and to pray in mosques, as well as having Suhoor, the meal taken before the start of fasting, together.

    Abdeltawab, a merchant in Khan al-Khalili who sells his goods to tourists, told EFE that Ramadan this year comes amid hard economic difficulties, as well as the collapse of the Egyptian pound against the U.S. dollar.

    He also added that Egyptians and Arabs make up the majority of his customers after the recent collapse of tourism in the country.


    Keywords: efe,islam,ramadan,muslim,cairo,egypt

    Ver video "Ramadan starts in Cairo with religious values and family ties"

  • Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert

    * I am no longer ive on this account- please subscribe to my new account for over a dozen (and growing) HD underwater videos! *\r
    Hannah Fraiser and Linden Wolbert as Real-Life Mermaids on ABCs 20/20 as part of its Superhumans special. \r
    Are they real mermaids?\r
    They are real people, and they are people who perform in wearable swimmable mermaid tails. They are not born mermaids. In the clip they show you the tails off of them and tell you they are separate tails that are worn to swim in. Any fake comments will be deleted.\r
    Where can I get a tail?\r
    Go to for a full list of professional tail makers. MerNetwork also have sections for discussing commercial tails, tail makers, and tailmaker reviews in the forum. I will tell you that no matter what tail maker you would like to buy from, research them and their products and look at reviews not endorsed or posted by the company FIRST. Also research the materials that they use before buying. A good place for mermaid tailmaker reviews and information on materials is\r
    Can you teach me to make a tail?\r
    No, but I can tell you where to find all the information you will need to make one. MerNetwork also has the most comprehensive information on the net on making every kind of tail there is. So if youre a crafty person you have the informatin to make what ever kind of tail you want, all at your fingertips! Start at this page and check out all of the links, especially the ones at the top (Guide to materials and supplies, FAQ, Tailmaking Reference Index, Tailmaking section of the forum). You HAVE to read through the information if you want to learn how. Asking how to make one will be replied with with links to where you can read it for yourself as those questions have been answered dozens of times previously. If you look there is information on how to make every type of tail there is. \r
    Where did Hannah get her tail?\r
    Hannah hand makes every one of her tails herself. Thus far all of her tails are neoprene with a fiberglass monofin in the bottom. Her blue tail is painted with screen printing ink, and her sequin tails are hand sewn cartwright sequins (thousands and thousands- it takes over 6 months to make this kind of tail by hand), the fringe she uses is cut clear vinyl shelf liner. To make a tail like this yourself would cost you $500 and up.\r
    Where did Linden get her tail?\r
    Her tail was made by a professional Special Effects Artist out of molded platinum silicone. The SFX person who made this does not make tails for others. For a tail of this caliber the pricing falls $3,000-$10,000.\r
    Can you give me a tail? Can a tailmaker give me a tail?\r
    No, and it is impolite to ask that of anyone. You have to work hard and save up for a tail. In high school I worked an entire summer and dedicated all of my savings from my work to buy my first tail. I saved over 3 years for my MerBella Studios tail ($3500). Work hard and save responsibility and you too can have enough to buy a beautiful tail :) If you watch the mermaid community closely there are raffles for tails every once in a while, which gives you a -chance- to get a tail for a lower price.\r
    Can you or a tailmaker give me a tail for a lower price? \r
    Sometimes tailmakers have sales or promotions where they are sold for lower. Otherwise is is impolite to ask for a lower price, as tailmakers put a lot of time, effort, and expense into developing their tailmaking technique. They have many many more expenses than just the cost of the materials. Start up costs and overhead costs are often paid for out of their own pockets and can be thousands and thousands of dollars out of their own savings. There is a reason why the tails are as much as they are, so be respectful and do not ask for a discount. \r
    Many ask for a silicone tail below $400. Just the cost of materials far exceeds that, so no. If you really truely want that kind of tail, be patient, work hard, and save responsibly for it. \r
    Im a kid or a teenager. Can I buy a tail?\r
    You have to have someone who is 18 years or older order it for you. Some parents will buy tails for birthdays, Christmas, ect bot not all will of course. You can work hard and save (baby sitting, chores, odd jobs, ual jobs, saving allowances, saving birthday/christmas/ect money) to buy your own tail. I highly advise against buying anything but a fabric tail if you are not fully grown (at least 17-23 years old) becuase you will grow out of it. Some kids and teens have grown out of tails in a matter of months. Fabric tails are cheap and stretch more and thus can be used for longer and replaced for cheaper once theyre grown out of. Wait until you are fully grown before you invest in a nice tail (neoprene, latex, silicone ec

    Ver video "Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert"

  • Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert

    * I am no longer ive on this account- please subscribe to my new account for over a dozen (and growing) HD underwater videos! *\r
    Hannah Fraiser and Linden Wolbert as Real-Life Mermaids on ABCs 20/20 as part of its Superhumans special. \r
    Are they real mermaids?\r
    They are real people, and they are people who perform in wearable swimmable mermaid tails. They are not born mermaids. In the clip they show you the tails off of them and tell you they are separate tails that are worn to swim in. Any fake comments will be deleted.\r
    Where can I get a tail?\r
    Go to for a full list of professional tail makers. MerNetwork also have sections for discussing commercial tails, tail makers, and tailmaker reviews in the forum. I will tell you that no matter what tail maker you would like to buy from, research them and their products and look at reviews not endorsed or posted by the company FIRST. Also research the materials that they use before buying. A good place for mermaid tailmaker reviews and information on materials is\r
    Can you teach me to make a tail?\r
    No, but I can tell you where to find all the information you will need to make one. MerNetwork also has the most comprehensive information on the net on making every kind of tail there is. So if youre a crafty person you have the informatin to make what ever kind of tail you want, all at your fingertips! Start at this page and check out all of the links, especially the ones at the top (Guide to materials and supplies, FAQ, Tailmaking Reference Index, Tailmaking section of the forum). You HAVE to read through the information if you want to learn how. Asking how to make one will be replied with with links to where you can read it for yourself as those questions have been answered dozens of times previously. If you look there is information on how to make every type of tail there is. \r
    Where did Hannah get her tail?\r
    Hannah hand makes every one of her tails herself. Thus far all of her tails are neoprene with a fiberglass monofin in the bottom. Her blue tail is painted with screen printing ink, and her sequin tails are hand sewn cartwright sequins (thousands and thousands- it takes over 6 months to make this kind of tail by hand), the fringe she uses is cut clear vinyl shelf liner. To make a tail like this yourself would cost you $500 and up.\r
    Where did Linden get her tail?\r
    Her tail was made by a professional Special Effects Artist out of molded platinum silicone. The SFX person who made this does not make tails for others. For a tail of this caliber the pricing falls $3,000-$10,000.\r
    Can you give me a tail? Can a tailmaker give me a tail?\r
    No, and it is impolite to ask that of anyone. You have to work hard and save up for a tail. In high school I worked an entire summer and dedicated all of my savings from my work to buy my first tail. I saved over 3 years for my MerBella Studios tail ($3500). Work hard and save responsibility and you too can have enough to buy a beautiful tail :) If you watch the mermaid community closely there are raffles for tails every once in a while, which gives you a -chance- to get a tail for a lower price.\r
    Can you or a tailmaker give me a tail for a lower price? \r
    Sometimes tailmakers have sales or promotions where they are sold for lower. Otherwise is is impolite to ask for a lower price, as tailmakers put a lot of time, effort, and expense into developing their tailmaking technique. They have many many more expenses than just the cost of the materials. Start up costs and overhead costs are often paid for out of their own pockets and can be thousands and thousands of dollars out of their own savings. There is a reason why the tails are as much as they are, so be respectful and do not ask for a discount. \r
    Many ask for a silicone tail below $400. Just the cost of materials far exceeds that, so no. If you really truely want that kind of tail, be patient, work hard, and save responsibly for it. \r
    Im a kid or a teenager. Can I buy a tail?\r
    You have to have someone who is 18 years or older order it for you. Some parents will buy tails for birthdays, Christmas, ect bot not all will of course. You can work hard and save (baby sitting, chores, odd jobs, ual jobs, saving allowances, saving birthday/christmas/ect money) to buy your own tail. I highly advise against buying anything but a fabric tail if you are not fully grown (at least 17-23 years old) becuase you will grow out of it. Some kids and teens have grown out of tails in a matter of months. Fabric tails are cheap and stretch more and thus can be used for longer and replaced for cheaper once theyre grown out of. Wait until you are fully grown before you invest in a nice tail (neoprene, latex, silicone ec

    Ver video "Real-Life Mermaids on 20/20: Hannah Fraser and Linden Wolbert"

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