Videos relacionados con comprar nice things vestidos


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  • comprar vestidos online españa

  • Comprar vestidos de playa

    Puedes comprar los mejores "vestidos de playa", También "lencería por Internet", Tenemos los mejores precios para ti.

    Ver video "Comprar vestidos de playa"

  • Pink Nice Boutique, Vestido de Noche.

    Demostración de PINK Nice Boutique

    Ver video "Pink Nice Boutique, Vestido de Noche."

  • 10 vestidos camiseros que merece la pena comprar: cómodos, elegantes y efecto vientre plano

    ¡Haz clic en el vídeo y descubre 10 vestidos camiseros perfectos para esta primavera!

    Ver video "10 vestidos camiseros que merece la pena comprar: cómodos, elegantes y efecto vientre plano"

  • Naya Rivera Lista para Comprar si vestido de Novia

    La estrella de Glee esta de compras de su vestido de Novia para el fin de semana y que incluso llevó a uno de sus compañeros de reparto.

    Ver video "Naya Rivera Lista para Comprar si vestido de Novia"

  • Mujer usa su vestido como cubrebocas para comprar helado

    Esta mujer decidió utilizar su vestido como una mascarilla para poder entrar a una tienda de helados. Una medida audaz para poder comprar

    Ver video "Mujer usa su vestido como cubrebocas para comprar helado"

  • #VIDEO: Mujer usa su vestido como cubrebocas para comprar helado

    Esta mujer decidió utilizar su vestido como una mascarilla para poder entrar a una tienda de helados. Una medida audaz para poder comprar

    Ver video "#VIDEO: Mujer usa su vestido como cubrebocas para comprar helado"


    Ofrecemos una gran variedad de diseños de novia que se
    adapten a tu estilo en un ambiente divertido y agradable. Se puede personalizar varios vestidos y complementar con velos, bisutería, zapatos, y ropa interior.
    Calle Hermosilla, 39, 28001 Madrid
    Tel: +34-91-5783018,

    Ver video "CALA LILI - MODA NUPCIAL - Madrid"

  • Lanas y complementos - Pontevedra - Mundo Lanas. SL

    Todas las lanas, Todos los colores, Todos los complementos para tus creaciones. Mundo lanas, experiencia y calidad en la venta de todo tipo y clase de lanas y algodones para que elabores tus propios diseños. Acércate, confeccionamos prendas de punto tanto para pequeños como para adultos, podrás tener una prenda exclusiva hecha solo para ti. A tu gusto, con tu color, con tu toque personal, si tienes dudas, estamos para asesorarte en lo que necesites, no lo dudes atrévete. Mundo lanas, estamos en Nicaragua 45 bajo Vigo.

    Ver video "Lanas y complementos - Pontevedra - Mundo Lanas. SL"

  • 10 Cosas que necesitas tener si eres fan de Stranger Things

    Desde su estreno en el verano de 2016, la serie de Netflix “Stranger Things” se ha convertido en un fenómeno de la cultura pop explotando la nostalgia por los años 80. Y si eres tan fan como nosotros de Eleven y su grupo, necesitas tener estas 10 cosas ¡ya!

    ¡Suscríbete al canal!

    Ver video "10 Cosas que necesitas tener si eres fan de Stranger Things"

  • Persun.es_vestidos de novia

    Estás buscando un Vestido de Novia para tu boda?Si los precios de los vestidos que has visitado en las tiendas físicas sobrepasan a tu presupuesto?No te preocupes!Ve a,aquí tienes muchos Vestidos de Novias para seleccionar a los precios razonables.Ahora comprar en Persun hay Sorpresas:)

    Ver video "Persun.es_vestidos de novia"

  • Hillary Clinton revela la historia detrás de su vestido de novia de una cadena de almacenes

    La ex primera dama de Estados Unidos había olvidado comprar el vestido para el día de su boda con Bill Clinton

    Ver video "Hillary Clinton revela la historia detrás de su vestido de novia de una cadena de almacenes"

  • April, Maty y Martha desfilan en la pasarela con todas sus amigas Cocodels

    April, Maty y Martha se peinan y maquillan para desfilar. En la pasarela ya están el resto de sus amigas Cocodels preparadas para posar con sus vestidos y accesorios.

    ¡Suscríbete a "Jugueteando"!

    Puedes comprar este juguete aquí:

    Ver video "April, Maty y Martha desfilan en la pasarela con todas sus amigas Cocodels"

  • Funko Pop lanzará figuras dedicadas al personal médico que lucha contra coronavirus

    La empresa decidió lanzar cuatro figuras de vinil dedicadas al personal médico que lucha contra el coronavirus.


    Ver video "Funko Pop lanzará figuras dedicadas al personal médico que lucha contra coronavirus"

  • ¿Quién entregó a Gino Bogani?

    Está claro que había una persona que tenía un conocimiento sobre el botín que tenía el diseñador en su casa e ideó el plan con otros 3 cómplices. Los ladrones sabían que en ese lugar se movía mucha plata debido a las señas que le dejan los clientes que van a comprar vestidos de alta costura.

    Ver video "¿Quién entregó a Gino Bogani?"

  • 90 Day Fiancé: Thais ADMITE que tiene dudas sobre casarse con Patrick

    En el clip exclusivo de ET de '90 Day Fiancé', Thaís va a comprar un vestido de novia con la hermana de Patrick y revela que tiene dudas sobre si casarse con él.

    Ver video "90 Day Fiancé: Thais ADMITE que tiene dudas sobre casarse con Patrick"


    Estas personas lograron unos increíbles resultados al caracterizarse con sus personajes favoritos.
    En el canal verás: comprar entradas en ofertas a los eventos más importante, tiendas online de venta de ropa e indumentaria de moda, las curiosidades mas asombrosas que verás por la ciudad, alquiler de trajes y vestidos con poco dinero, los celulares con la mejor tecnología que debes tener y más.


  • VESTIDOS DE FIESTA BARATOS ONLINE | ¡Trajes por menos de 100€!
    Vestidos de fiesta 2015 ➨➨ ¡8 Tiendas online baratas! Trajes de fiesta elegantes a un precio de ganga. Aquí en te traemos unas propuestas irresistibles, ¡Vestidos súper bonitos por menos de 100€! Cortos y Largos

    A todas aunque nos cueste reconocerlo nos gusta estrenar traje en cada ocasión, cambiar de estilo, color, ir a la última moda, no repetir modelito, vernos más guapas. Llamémoslo tradición, costumbres… o simplemente un acto de ser más presumidas.

    Sea lo que sea si buscamos nuestras prendas en las tiendas virtuales podemos permitirnos ese capricho de lucir nuevo traje sin remordimientos de conciencia y sin que nuestro bolsillo rechiste. Porque… todas sabemos que no solo es comprar un nuevo vestido, detrás va la frase de… necesito otro bolso o clutch que me haga juego, unos zapatos o sandalias nuevas, accesorios, etc etc.

    Y aun es más, gastarnos un dineral para utilizarlo un día nada más. Si nos paramos a pensar, es una locura y más a aquéllas personas que no hagan más que llegarlas invitaciones de más y más compromisos, que si bodas de amigos o familiares, un bautizo, una comunión, un cóctel o incluso celebrar tu propia graduación.

    Aquí te mostramos las ventajas de comprar vestidos de fiesta por internet y 8 tiendas virtuales magníficas.
    DressV, LovelyWholeSale, VestidoDeNoviayFiesta, VentaVestido, TideBuy, EricDress, EllaVestidos y WepromDresses han sido nuestras inspiraciones de hoy.
    Esperamos que disfrutes del vídeo y eches un vistazo a estos sitios que os recomendamos.
    Encuentra tu vestido de fiesta perfecto y al mejor precio ;)
    Gracias por vernos. No olvides suscribirte!!
    Un saludito

    Ver video "VESTIDOS DE FIESTA BARATOS ONLINE | ¡Trajes por menos de 100€!"

  • Oprah gasta $10,000 en vestido de novia para estudiante

    Oprah gasta $10,000 en vestido de novia para estudiante Según 'Daily Mail', Winfrey trajo a tres mujeres que se graduaron de su academia de liderazgo de Sudáfrica a Saks Fifth Avenue el sábado. Gastó $10,000 en un vestido de novia para una de las mujeres. Oprah Winfrey, en Instagram Winfrey y sus compañeros tenían la tienda para ellas solas, como para poder comprar sin ser molestadas. No se sabe si el vestido en las fotos es el que se compró. Winfrey se ha acostumbrado a tratar a los graduados de su Academia de Liderazgo para Mujeres. De acuerdo con Page Six, ella regularmente las invita a cenar.

    Ver video "Oprah gasta $10,000 en vestido de novia para estudiante"

  • Diversion, plataformas en Android

    Como su propio nombre indica, Diversion tiene la misión de hacerte pasar un buen rato, y la verdad es que lo consigue. Hay una gran variedad de fases en Diversion, en las que debes esquivar bombas, saltar precipicios o propulsarte con pasarelas deslizantes. Por el camino, debes recoger gemas y estrellas que te sirven como dinero virtual. Y es que en Diversion puedes comprar toda clase de vestidos para tu personaje, totalmente personalizable. Unos nuevos pantalones, una camiseta divertida... ¡lo que quieras! Si tu intención es jugar y divertirte, Diversion es una gran opción.

    Ver video "Diversion, plataformas en Android"

  • American Dad Sleepwalking Surprise from Cock Of The Sleepwalk

    Stan confesses to Dr. Penguin that he's been doing "horribly nice things" while sleepwalking.

    Ver video "American Dad Sleepwalking Surprise from Cock Of The Sleepwalk"

  • Animes

    Nice animations of fight scenes and some other fun things.

    I hope you like it.

    Ver video "Animes"

  • Red Carpet - Lady Gaga Gushes Over Tony Bennett (Awards 2015)

    The "Applause" singer can't stop saying nice things about her musical partner at the 2015 Grammys!

    Ver video "Red Carpet - Lady Gaga Gushes Over Tony Bennett (Awards 2015)"

  • Una banda de frikis veganos asalta un mercado con carteles contra los clientes carnívoros

    Una banda de activistas veganos protagonizó una protesta no violenta el pasado 15 de septiembre de 2019 en un supermercado en Auckland, en Nueva Zelanda.

    Los activistas, una decena, llegaron vestidos de negro, con la boca tapada y con varios carteles en el que se podía leer "deja de comer animales" y "no es comida, es violencia".

    Delante de las neveras donde estaban colocadas las bandejas de carne de diferentes tipos, no dejaron comprar a los clientes, algunos de los cuales se les ve molesto.

    A una mujer se la escucha increpar a los manifestantes:

    "Quita la cámara, estoy haciendo mi jodida compra. Estoy comprando, a menos que vayas a pagar por la compra, te puedes joder".

    Ver video "Una banda de frikis veganos asalta un mercado con carteles contra los clientes carnívoros"

  • Zapatillas para acabar la Nochevieja

    Tacones altos y fiesta es siempre sinónimo de dolor de pies, pero las jóvenes de Betanzos, en La Coruña, han encontrado la solución para prolongar la Noche Vieja mucho más allá del amanecer. Cada uno de enero acuden hasta el mercado que se celebra en la plaza de los Hermanos García Naveira para comprar unas confortables y cómodas zapatillas que les permitan continuar la fiesta, incluso, hasta bien entrada la tarde. Poco les importa que el calzado doméstico no les combine a la perfección con los vestidos de noche. Lo importante, dicen, es dar un respiro a sus pies. 

    Ver video "Zapatillas para acabar la Nochevieja"

  • Vestir bien con cosas a nuestro alcance 2

    Muchas veces no tenemos idea de qué ponernos. Encima, nuestro ropero es un desastre, y comprar cosas nuevas no nos es posible.
    Aquí os dejo un truquillo sencillo para aprovechar este otoño unos shorts vaqueros, una camisilla y una camisa de nuestro chico. Besitos!.

    Many times, we haven´t got any idea to combine our clothes and we haven´t got money to buy new things. For that, we need to use things that we have in our wardrobe giving them, a new style. It´s the time to use our boyfriend / husband´s shirt!

    Ver video "Vestir bien con cosas a nuestro alcance 2"

  • Peinados para Madrinas de Boda by Belleza sin Limites

    Peinados Casuales con Nudo Pretzel y Coleta baja, ideal para lucir con un hermoso vestido, puedes lucir este peinado bien sea en el día o en la noche. ¡GRACIAS POR VER!:) COMPARTIR! ME GUSTA! Y SUSCRIBIRTE PARA MÁS VIDEOS!

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    Belleza sin Limites |

    #peinadosparamadrinasdeboda #peinadoscasuales #peinadosparafiesta #peinadosdefiesta #bellezasinlimites #peinadosconcoleta #braidstyles #braids #coolhair #hairstyles #hairdo #instahair #longhair #lovehair #nice #awesome #hairstyles #beauty #instagood #videos #perfect #inspiration #likesforlikes #followme #pretty #insta

    Ver video "Peinados para Madrinas de Boda by Belleza sin Limites"

  • Niña se comía su cabello- 5 maravillas del mundo

    Hoy en nuestro día te decimos las 5 maravillas del mundo.
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    Niña se comía se cabello- 5 maravillas del mundo,5 maravillas del mundo,videos curiosos,cosas insolitas,videos impresionantes,videos bonitos,cosas increibles,Girl ate five wonders of the world 5 wonders of the world,curious videos insolitas things,awesome videos,nice video,amazing things hair-

    Ver video "Niña se comía su cabello- 5 maravillas del mundo"

  • How to Make A Tutu Dress

    In this video I show you how to make a beautiful princess tutu dress! Its very simple and easy to make (although time consuming). A few things you will need: tulle, elastic, scissors, tape, building form (or something similar), something to measure your tulle with, a hot glue gun, a lighter, ribbon, fake flowers, and patience lol. This is my first video so be nice!\r
    If youd like to take a look and/or buy some of the other things I make, please check out my facebook:

    Ver video "How to Make A Tutu Dress"

  • Niall Horan - Nice To Meet Ya (Official)

    [Verse 1]
    I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
    I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
    'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
    Every time I turn around, you disappear

    [Verse 2]
    I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear
    I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer
    'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
    Every time I turn around, you disappear

    (I got love for you)
    (I got love for you)
    Nice to meet ya
    (I got love for you)
    (I got love for you)

    Nice to meet ya, what's your name?
    Let me treat ya to a drink

    [Verse 3]
    I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
    I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
    'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
    Every time I turn around, you disappear

    (I got love for you)
    (I got love for you)
    Nice to meet ya
    (I got love for you)
    (I got love for you)

    One minute, you're there, the next one, you're gone
    Been waiting for you all night, so come on
    You know what I need, you know what I want
    You know what I need now, you know what I need now

    Nice to meet ya, what's your name?
    Let me treat ya to a drink

    Nice to meet ya
    (I got love for you)
    Where ya been?
    (I got love for you)
    Let me treat ya
    (I got love for you)
    To a drink
    (I got love for you)
    Nice to meet ya

    #NiallHoran #NiceToMeetYa

    Music video by Niall Horan performing Nice To Meet Ya. © 2019 Neon Haze Music Ltd, under exclusive license to UMG Recordings, Inc.

    Ver video "Niall Horan - Nice To Meet Ya (Official)"

  • DISFRAZ DE BARBIE | Look original y sexy Carnaval/Halloween
    Conviértete en auténtica chica barbie. Disfraces originales Carnaval y Halloween. Look sexy. Tiendas baratas de disfraces barbie. Tips maquillaje paso a paso. Conviértete en Barbie por un día ;) Un disfraz original y fácil de conseguir.
    Luce un look de princesa súper bonito, favorecedor y juvenil en Carnaval, Halloween u otra fiesta.
    En te mostramos las mejores ideas, trajes de Barbie preciosos, tiendas baratas dónde puedes comprar tu disfraz y un vídeo de cómo maquillarte para ser una auténtica chica Barbie.

    Tenemos las claves para triunfar e ir perfectas en cada ocasión.

    ¿Te animas a disfrazarte de Barbie este Carnaval o Halloween?
    Puedes disfrazarte tu sola o juntarte con tus amigos o pareja y hacerlo más divertido.
    No hay nada mejor que acompañar tu vestido de fiesta con un maquillaje auténtico.

    Ver video "DISFRAZ DE BARBIE | Look original y sexy Carnaval/Halloween"

  • Charlie Puth - Mother [Official Video]

    He’s such a nice boy, so well mannered
    He’s so much better than the last one you brought around
    Please and thank you, everything matters
    I’m gonna make sure that she knows I’m the best she’s found
    The moment she walks out the door I’m not pretending anymore

    If your mother knew all of the things that we do
    If your mother knew, all the things we do
    If your mother knew she’d keep me so far from you
    If your mother knew all the things we do

    Sneak out the window, bed stuffed with pillows
    I’ll be waiting in the car right around the block
    Back of the benzo more than the friend zone
    We’ve been hiding since the time they forgot to knock
    The moment she walks out that door I’m not pretending anymore

    If your mother knew all of the things that we do
    If your mother knew, all the things we do
    If your mother knew she’d keep me so far from you
    If your mother knew all the things we do

    Next time that she sees me she gon’ act like she don’t know me
    Cuz she knows all of the story now your daddy wants to kill me
    Next time that she sees me she gon’ act like she don’t know me
    Cuz she knows all of the story now your daddy wants to kill me

    If your mother only knew
    The moment she walks out the door I’m not pretending anymore

    If your mother knew all of the things that we do
    If your mother knew, all the things we do
    If your mother knew she’d keep me so far from you
    If your mother knew all the things we do

    Next time that she sees me she gon’ act like she don’t know me
    Cuz she knows all of the story now your daddy wants to kill me
    Next time that she sees me she gon’ act like she don’t know me
    Cuz she knows all of the story now your daddy wants to kill me

    If your mother knew all the things we do
    If your mother knew all the things we do
    If your mother knew all of the things that we do

    Ver video "Charlie Puth - Mother [Official Video]"

  • Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass - Lollipops And Roses


    Tell her you care each time you speak
    Make it her birthday each day of the week
    Bring her nice things, sugar and spice things
    Roses and lollipops and lollipops and roses

    One day she'll smile, next day she'll cry
    Minute to minute you'll never know why
    Coax her, pet her, better yet, get her
    Roses and lollipops and lollipops and roses

    We try acting grown up but as a rule
    We're all little children fresh from school
    So carry her books that's how it starts
    Fourteen or forty they're kids in their hearts

    Keep them handy, flowers and candy
    Roses and lollipops and lolipops and roses

    So carry her books that's how it starts
    Fourteen or forty they're kids in their hearts
    Keep them handy, flowers and candy
    Roses and lollipops and lolipops and roses

    Ver video "Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass - Lollipops And Roses"

  • Las 5 cosas que los vendedores te ocultan de la tecnología / Tips tecnología

    Las 5 cosas que los vendedores te ocultan de la tecnología / Tips tecnología

    Evita que tus compras de tecnología terminen en un fracaso con estos sencillos consejos de Wikichava.

    Para más información entra en
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    Las 5 cosas que los vendedores te ocultan de la tecnología / Tips tecnología, tecnologia, tips para comprar tecnologia, como elegir tus compras de tecnologia, que no te engañen, compras, aparatos electronicos, computadoras, tabletas, telefonos, aparatos, The 5 things you hide sellers of technology / Tips technology, technology, technology tips to buy, how to choose your technology purchases, do not be fooled, shopping, electronic devices, computers, tablets, phones, appliances,Cadenatres, Cadena3, Canal 128, Canal 28, Grupo Imagen, Invent Mx, Nuestro Día

    Ver video "Las 5 cosas que los vendedores te ocultan de la tecnología / Tips tecnología"

  • Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure

    Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure\r
    Product Details\r
    Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 3 x 2 inches\r
    Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds\r
    From Mega House. From the classic manga and anime, the mighty gladiator strikes a defiant pose in her battle armor to create a powerful figure measuring just over 8-1/2 high!\r
    Thats an excellent figure but i rate only 4stars because of two things.\r
    Its impossible to remove the gladiator headset to put it next to her foot like i wanted to do.\r
    The figure is very expensive compared to others figures which are as detailed as this one but if youre also a collector or like this charer you dont regret it,shes really nice in my collection.

    Ver video "Megahouse One Piece Portrait of Pirates: Rebecca The Gladiator Excellent Model PVC Figure"

  • JUSTICE, SQUISHIES & FIDGET SPINNERS~Shopping Mall Vlog | Sedona Fun Kids TV

    Hey guys so we went to Justice for some clothes shopping and yes we went to Tokyo World to check out the new squishies and fidget spinners! We also got a special surprise for mom for Mothers day from Bath and Body Works and you can see her reion at the end. :) \r
    OMG guys so much happened in this vlog! We found amazing things in Justice (sloth)!! We met one of you there - JennaDee and her little sister! It was so nice to meet you JennaDee and please forgive us if we spelled your name wrong. \r
    I also met a friend from school and we did some bean bag jumping. And the squishies we got are super slow rising and adorable! My brother got a new awesome fidget spinner! We hope you will enjoy our Shopping Mall Vlog! \r
    The mall is called Galleria at Sunset Mall and its in Henderson Nevada, USA. \r
    We wish you all a wonderful Mothers Day Weekend! We love you! \r
    Sedona & Veronika

    Ver video "JUSTICE, SQUISHIES & FIDGET SPINNERS~Shopping Mall Vlog | Sedona Fun Kids TV"

  • AWESOME DIY CLOTHES HACKS || Genius Clothes Hacks That Will Save Your Day by 123 GO!

    Isn’t clothing great? It can be casual and comfy or stylish and strict. You can change your entire look with just a new garment. But, of course, clothing can also cause a lot of problems, too. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some easy ways to change things up?

    #123GO #hacks #girly

    Music by Epidemic Sound:
    Stock materials:

    This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information on this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgment, care and precautions if one plans to replicate.

    The following video might feature activity performed by our actors within controlled environment - please use judgment, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate.

    All product and company names shown in the video are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

    Ver video "AWESOME DIY CLOTHES HACKS || Genius Clothes Hacks That Will Save Your Day by 123 GO!"


    Instagram vs Real Life & Funny Tricks!

    Phone Photo Life Hacks and Video Ideas!

    We all know that Instagram isn’t always the best representation of reality.

    But sometimes we can’t help but get all caught up in the photo tricks and embellishments and it’s hard not to completely lose touch with reality!

    But simply remember - we’re all just people, wanting to share our lives with hundreds of our closest family and friends. So take Instagram with a grain of salt and don’t worry about things too much.

    Because sometimes reality is way more interesting than your Instagram life.

    0:22 Bathtub selfie vs real life

    0:58 Girls night out: expectation vs reality

    1:25 Airplane window view, or not?

    1:51 Is it a fancy dinner?

    2:26 How to lose weight in 1 minute?

    3:08 Reality behind the perfect photos

    3:34 I woke up like this... Flawless!

    3:58 Hate going to a gym? Here is a nice trick for you!

    4:34 Is this some new makeup trend?

    4:53 This looks like fun!

    5:26 Do you think yoga is easy?

    6:11 Not forever alone anymore!

    6:55 Couple goals :)

    7:09 BLOOPERS!!!

    #PhotoHacks #Instagram #DIY

    Music by Epidemic Sound:

    Stock materials:

    Ver video "13 INSTAGRAM HACKS YOU WISH YOU KNEW SOONER || Instagram vs Real Life"

  • Xiaomi 13 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, ¿el mejor Android del mercado?

    Venimos con la comparativa de los dos dispositivos más importantes del mundo Android para esta primera mitad de año del 2023. Xiaomi 13 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Si te preguntas cuál es mejor, o cuál comprar, te contamos todas las claves para que sepas cual de los dos merece la pena.

    #urbantecno #comparativa #samsunggalaxys23ultra #xiaomi13pro #smartphones #android

    00:00 Xiaomi 13 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
    00:32 Diseño: diferencias
    02:06 Pantallas
    03:30 Sonido
    03:40 Seguridad
    04:55 Rendimiento
    07:05 Software
    08:35 Xiaomi Home vs Smart Things
    09:05 S-Pen como gran diferencia
    09:45 Batería y carga
    10:55 Ahorro de batería vs perfil de rendimiento
    11:40 Cámaras
    15:15 Vídeo
    16:25 Conclusiones, ¿Xiaomi 13 Pro o Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra?

    ⭐ TOP VIDEOS (+1M VIEWS) ⭐

    Equipo de Rubén

    Nikon Z6
    Viltrox 24 mm f/1.8
    Viltrox 35 mm f/1.8
    Viltrox 85 mm f/1.8
    Sony CFexpress B 128 GB
    ️ Comica CVM-VM20
    Softbox Neewer 122 cm
    Foco Neewer 60 W 5500K
    Lenovo Legion 5
    realme GT 2 Pro
    Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro

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    Ver video "Xiaomi 13 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, ¿el mejor Android del mercado?"

  • How To Get Over a Breakup (Tips For Moving On Quickly)

    THE Strategy! - CLICK HERE: →

    In this video, talks about how to move on beyond the relationship and get over your ex as soon as possible.

    Now is the time to accept the fact that your relationship is over. The best thing you can do now is to take a deep breath and deal with reality. It’s a wonderful opportunity to revisit your own values and goals in life – to remind yourself of what a great person you really are. In doing this, you’ll regain whatever confidence you might have lost in the break-up process.

    Take a break.

    The first few weeks after your breakup are the best time for you to avoid your ex at all costs. You need time to gather yourself and to get your own emotions under control. (So does your ex.) You should not contact your ex in any way. If you work with your ex, do what is required on a professional level, but stop before you initiate or participate in a non-work conversation. You will both be better off after a short “time out.”

    No begging or pleading.

    Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to beg or plead with your ex to put things back together. This is not the time. If you cannot control yourself and find yourself tempted to call or text your former partner, delete his/her number from your phone. (If necessary, write the number down and give it to a friend for future reference.) You need to use this time to heal and to be nice to yourself, not beat yourself for real or perceived problems in the old relationship.

    Remove the reminders

    Photos, gifts, notes and cards that remind you of your ex need to be put away. Also take the time to remove gifts from your ex from your desk at work, your car, your closet…wherever they are. Also, hide or remove updates on social media that will serve to remind you that your ex is no longer a part of your life.

    Get busy and stay busy

    Use this time to do all the things you love. Do things that make you happy. Hike, go biking or take up pottery-making. Reconnect with old friends and family. Reconnect with you. Above all else, be kind to yourself at this time.

    The less time you spend thinking about your ex and what might have been, the happier you will be.


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  • Van Tour - $150,000 Mercedes Sprinter Van Conversion - Van Life Australia

    A van tour through a $150,000 Mercedes Sprinter van conversion motorhome for potential future van dwelling here in Australia. In my opinion this was a really nice build and felt quite luxurious but is way out of my price range and probably a little too big for my intended use. Let me know what you guys think in the comments section below! What did you like/dislike and what would you change?\r
    Canon 80D Camera - \r
    Canon 18-135mm Lens - \r
    Rode VideoMic Pro Microphone - \r
    Manfrotto Tripod - \r
    Canon 6D Camera - \r
    Iphone 7 - \r
    Rode SmartLav+ Microphone - \r
    GoPro Hero 5 Black - \r
    GoPro Chesty - \r
    5.11 Rush 12 Backpack - \r
    Dometic CF50 fridge - \r
    Solar panel - \r
    Fantastic Fan - \r
    CTEK D250S charger - \r
    12v Fuse Box - \r
    Mr Heater Buddy - \r
    Pure Sine Wave Inverter - \r
    These are some Amazon Affiliate links to purchase some of the products that I use. I will make a small commission on any of the products you buy while using one of my links and this will go towards keeping BecauseiVan alive! Your support is profoundly appreciated and I will only recommend products I believe in :)\r
    Consider subscribing and following me with BecauseiVan if youre interested in things like van life/van dwelling, mobile living, minimalism, outdoor lifestyle, camping, adventure vlogging, mountain biking, off roading and all things alternate living.\r
    FIND ME AT:\r

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  • After School - Because of You [1080p HD]

    After School - Because of You [1080p HD]
    - Sorry if I have not kept my account active and updated with new MV's. I been really busy with school and important things I had to do. Next week is my finals and will be more busy, after that I will have more time to upload more videos. Sorry to make you wait for me to upload something new.
    - Make sure to visit
    we will be uploading many Kpop MV's there really soon.
    - Also visit AsiaHolicJpop, AsiaHolicCpop, and AsiaHolicMP3 and help support JpopAsia where you can find all you need, not just in Jpop, you will be able to find Kpop and Cpop as well. Its also a nice community to hang out and chat with friends while viewing and listening to your favorite MV's.
    - is no longer my main account I will upload new MV to
    - New videos will now have a translucent KPOPMV020 or KPOPMV010 in them on the bottom right corner or top of the video. Older videos that I have made will have this symbol § or a white dot at the bottom right corner of the videos that I personally converted to HD. At least give some credit since improving video quality on those older videos really takes some time, and having someone re-uploading them and taking credit really annoys me.

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  • Lego Duplo Learn to Count train or learn the colors with this tank engine train playset

    DisneyToysReview the toy channel presents a new toy unboxing video with the Lego Duplo learn to count train. This is the perfect train set to also learn the colors. \r
    This Lego Duplo set is really nice, it has numbers all the way up to 10. It also has four wagons and a tank engine. You can make a tree and of course you can use the pieces in order to make so many different things! The playset also comes with a boy and a dog figurine. Ready to have some fun and unleash your imagination? Lets built the fastest and most colorful train ever built :)\r
    Subscribe here: \r
    PlayDoh - trucks, cars, bulldozers \r
    Watch the Mighty Machines playlist:\r
    PlayDoh Rocks loaded in Giant Dump Truck by an Excavator Mighty Machine\r
    Watch the Planes and Cars playlist:\r
    Heres how Toys are called in other languages: juegos, juguetes, giocattoli, spielwaren, brinquedos, carrinhos, spielsachen, leker, spielzeug, jouets, speelgoed, 玩具,leksaker, खिलौने, игрушки, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, zabawki, bréagáin, Παιχνίδια, トイズ, 장난감, ġugarelli, hračky, іграшки.\r
    Heres how blocks is also called in other languages: Juego de Bloques, Blocs de jeu, Blocks Spiel, Blocchi del gioco, παιχνίδι μπλοκ, Блок игра, jeux de blocs, jogos de blocos, bausteine, bouwstenen, building blocks, bloques de construcción, δομικά στοιχεία, blocos de construção, juguetes de construcción, giochi di costruzione, brinquedos de construção, Konstruktionsspielzeug.

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  • Massage Tutorial: Pain under the shoulder blade, myofascial release

    This is a complaint that I hear somewhat frequently, especially from office workers. They feel like theres a knot under the shoulder blade that s up the longer they work, sometimes with searing pain. This can be exacerbated by manipulating loads out in front of the body (carrying, cleaning, stocking, filing).\r
    After years of hunting down trigger points (I dont do this as much any more, but Im glad to have that information under my belt), Ive found that the most common site that refers to under the scapula is the lateral trapezius, especially the inferior aspect. Once youve warmed up the region, you should be able to find the relevant area just medial and inferior to the spine of the scapula. Youll be working on the edge of trapezius, right where it crosses over the medial border of the scapula. Dealing with this trigger point can be tricky, as you might have to trap the squirmy edge of the muscle using your fingers. You can go broad instead and not worry so much about trapping just the right point.\r
    After dealing with the culprit, think globally. What other regions are yanking on this area, causing it to be ticked off? My first suspects are rotator cuff (if they all team up at the same time, they can glue the scapula out laterally), upper traps, and pecs. Iron these areas out and assign some nice chest stretches to keep this from reappearing.\r
    Let me know what you think! Im always looking for suggestions for videos, new ways of doing things, questions, and comments.\r
    Support me on Patreon: \r
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  • HOW TO DRAW 9 nice figures using a 0.5mm marker and a spirograph?

    HOW TO DRAW 9 nice figures using a 0.5mm marker and a spirograph?

    Ver video " HOW TO DRAW 9 nice figures using a 0.5mm marker and a spirograph? "

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