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  • Estas son las cosas que no podés comprar con el billete de $ 2000

  • Chosica: mujer sale a comprar pan y le roban celular valorizado en 2000 soles

    Durante el ingreso de este ladrón se logra divisar como su cómplice, a bordo de una moto, se posiciona para facilitar el escape.

    Ver video "Chosica: mujer sale a comprar pan y le roban celular valorizado en 2000 soles"

  • Nsync-bye,bye,bye(especial HBO)

    *Nsync live from madison square garden(especial HBO)tour "no strings attached" 2000,subtitulado en castellano.

    Ver video "Nsync-bye,bye,bye(especial HBO)"

  • Una promotora catalana vende viviendas a precio de coste para superar la crisis inmobiliaria

    Una asociación de promotores catalana opta por bajar los precios para superar el bache inmobiliario. Ahora viviendas nuevas, a estrenar, valen hasta un 40 por ciento menos. Se venden a precio de coste, entre 120000 y 180000 euros. Bajar los precios es la receta. Además garantizan al cliente una hipoteca con interés fijo que no superará el 5 por ciento y agudizan el ingenio para que todos encuentren su fórmula ideal de compra. Una alternativa sería comprar y alquilarlo si el propietario no entra a vivir de inmediato. De momento ya se han cerrado 30 operaciones y preveen vender los 2000 pisos que ya se han rebajado.

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  • Los Millennials están ganando menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad

    Los Millennials están ganando menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad Un nuevo informe dice que el grupo de edad está ganando un 20 por ciento menos que la generación anterior. El análisis, 'The Emerging Millennial Wealth Gap', fue escrito por el grupo de expertos New America. Las ganancias más pequeñas se producen a pesar de que los millennials son más educados que los baby boomers. Según el Centro de Investigación Pew, casi el 40 por ciento tiene una licenciatura. Para los boomers, solo el 25 por ciento ha obtenido ese nivel de educación. Director de Millennials Initiative, Reid Cramer, a CNBC Instancias como la Gran Recesión a finales de los años 2000 y 2010 han llevado a este resultado. Posteriormente, hubo menos oportunidades para los solicitantes de empleo y los salarios se estancaron. Al mismo tiempo, hubo altos costos de matrícula, dejando a muchos con préstamos estudiantiles y mucha deuda. La caída en los ingresos entre generaciones ha llevado a menos millennials a comprar casas y formar familias. Director de Millennials Initiative, Reid Cramer, a CNBC

    Ver video "Los Millennials están ganando menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad"

  • Millennials ganan menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad

    Los Millennials están ganando menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad Un nuevo informe dice que el grupo de edad está ganando un 20% menos que la generación anterior.
    El análisis, 'The Emerging Millennial Wealth Gap', fue escrito por el grupo de expertos New America.
    Las ganancias más pequeñas se producen a pesar de que los millennials son más educados que los baby boomers.
    Según el Centro de Investigación Pew, casi el 40% tiene una licenciatura.
    Para los boomers, solo el 25% ha obtenido ese nivel de educación.
    Reid Cramer, Director de Millennials Initiative, a CNBC.
    Instancias como la Gran Recesión a finales de los años 2000 y 2010 han llevado a este resultado.
    Posteriormente, hubo menos oportunidades para los solicitantes de empleo y los salarios se estancaron.
    Al mismo tiempo, hubo altos costos de matrícula, dejando a muchos con préstamos estudiantiles y mucha deuda.
    La caída en los ingresos entre generaciones ha llevado a menos millennials a comprar casas y formar familias. Reid Cramer, Director de Millennials Initiative, a CNBC.

    Ver video "Millennials ganan menos dinero que los Baby Boomers a su edad"


    Narrated AUDIO version.\r
    What on earth were these greedy companies thinking?\r
    - Mega Top Tens\r
    Playing around arent generally pointless fooling around — particularly not if a child gets tightly to the wrong toy. These 10 dolls, figures and pretend things, through terrible assembling, oversight, and infrequently out and out inadequacy, have harmed kids, in uality, and some of the time even killed them. Parental direction proposed! Likewise look at these extra things not found in the video: \r
    1) Battlestar Galica Colonial Viper (not in video) \r
    Ever asked why each toy with a piece littler than a baseball has a gagging cautioning on the bundle? Thank this Mattel vehicle from the first Battlestar Galica TV appear. The Viper had a shooting rocket, a standard extraordinary element of the time, however which a 4-year-old shockingly shot in his mouth and stifled to death in 1978. The Viper was reviewed, Mattel was sued, and toy bundles picked up the gagging danger cautioning until the end of time. \r
    2) Bird of Paradise Slingshot (not in video) \r
    One of the most punctual toys that the Consumer Product Safety Commission suggest be banned in 1969, this slingshot discharged rockets that were extremely sharp, as indicated by the Wall Street Journal. A slingshot that discharged razors appears to be clearly tricky, yet preceding the CPSC just toys made out of unsafe substances were viewed as hazardous. \r
    3) Sky Dancers (not in video) \r
    Its straightforward the prevalence of Sky Dancers. They were figures of faeries with delicate froth wings; when they were joined to a hand-held base and a ripcord was pulled, the faeries would shoot into the air and whirl back to the ground. Whats harder to comprehend is the manner by which it took six years for them to get reviewed. It couldnt be any more obvious, when the line was pulled, the Sky Dancers would rocket arbitrarily from the base at awesome speed, keeping in mind they may have spun to the ground, they didnt coast delicately — they dropped, and afterward it turned into a session of avoid the Sky Dancing Kamikaze. As the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported in 2000, when the Sky Dancers were at long last reviewed,Galoob has gotten 170 reports of the dolls striking kids and grown-ups bringing about 150 reports of wounds. They incorporate eye wounds, including scratched corneas and s of provisional visual impairment, broken teeth, a mellow blackout, a broken rib, and facial slashes that required lines. \r
    4) Super Blast Balls (not in video) \r
    Two balls. Crush them together, and blast — you get an uproarious, top like clamor and a couple flashes. That is it. That is the entire toy. Its astonishing nobody made sense of a toy that was successfully lets have kids set off tops in their little hands would have been perilous before they were mass delivered, yet after the initial couple of wounds and flames the CPSC woke up and felt free to banned them. \r
    5) Creepy Crawlers (not in video) \r
    Individuals regularly give the Easy-Bake Oven trouble, essentially in light of the f that it had a light inside to warm and prepare sustenance, and it could get up to 350 degrees — unquestionably enough for children to blaze themselves on the off chance that they werent focusing. In any case, the Easy-Bake Oven was a reference point of well-being contrasted with the first electric Creepy Crawlers stove of the 60s, which 1) got considerably more smoking than the Easy Bake Oven, 2) delivered not hot nourishment but rather smoldering hot fluid plastic, which 3) was very dangerous. God knows what number of children blazed and scarred themselves (or, more probable, their more youthful kin) but since it was the 60s, grown-ups chose the Creepy Crawlers sets werent perilous as much as they were learning encounters.

    Ver video "10 Extremely DANGEROUS BANNED TOYS [AUDIO]"

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