Example Perfect Replacement Official Music Video HD
Spanish Lessons Online - Level: A1 - Past Perfect
Online Spanish lessons with AIL Madrid - Spanish School. Learn Spanish for free from beginners to advancedVer video "Spanish Lessons Online - Level: A1 - Past Perfect"
Spanish Lessons for beginners - Level A2 - Difference between Past Perfect and Unkown Past
With the help of this video you will learn the difference between the Past Perfect and the Unknown Past.Ver video "Spanish Lessons for beginners - Level A2 - Difference between Past Perfect and Unkown Past"
Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
Arise Arisen Surgir
Be Been Ser o estar
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Bring Brought Traer
Build Built Construir
Burn Burnt Quemar
Buy Bought Comprar
Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cortar
Do Done Hacer
Draw Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drunk Beber
Drive Driven Conducir
Eat Eaten Comer
Fall Fallen Caer
Fly Flown Volar
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
Get Got Conseguir, Coger
Give Given Dar
Go Gone Ir
Grow Grown Crecer
Have Had Tener
Hear Heard Oir
Hide Hidden Esconder
Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
Keep Kept Guardar
Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Known Saber, conocer
Lay Laid Extender, poner
Lead Led Dirigir
Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
Lend Lent Prestar
Let Let Dejar, permitir
Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
Light Lit Prender, encender
Make Made Hacer
Mean Meant Significar
Meet Met Conocer
Pay Paid Pagar
Put Put Poner
Read Read Leer
Ride Riden Montar
Ring Rung Llamar
Rise Risen Subir, crecer
Run Ran Correr
Say Said Decir
See Seen Ver
Sell Sold Vender
Send Sent Enviar
Set Set Poner, colocar
Sew Swen Coser
Shake Shaken Agitar
Shine Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Disparar
Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
Shrink Shrunk Encoger
Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sung Cantar
Sink Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Dormir
Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
Smell Smelt Oler
Sow Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoken Hablar
Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
Spend Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
Spit Spat Escupir
Split Split quebrar, dividir
Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
Stand Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
Sting Stung Picar, escocer
Strike Struck Golpear
Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
Sweep Swept Barrer
Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
Swim Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
Teach Taught Enseñar
Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
Tell Told Decir/contar
Think Thought Pensar
Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
Understand Understood Entender
Wake Woken Despertarse
Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
Weep Wept Llorar
Win Won Ganar
Write Written Escribir
Quieres que Edu,Mr Pea u otro de nuestros personajes te saluden en su próximo vídeo? Mándanos un mail a libromagicodecuentos@gmail.com o déjanos un comentario en el vídeo.
También puedes visitar nuestro Facebook:
www.facebook.com/libromagicodecuentosVer video "INGLÉS PARA NIÑOS CON MR PEA - PAST PERFECT"
Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
Arise Arisen Surgir
Be Been Ser o estar
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin Begun Empezar
Bend Bend Doblar
Bite Biten Morder
Bleed Bled Sangrar
Blow Blown Soplar
Break Broken Romper
Bring Brought Traer
Build Built Construir
Burn Burnt Quemar
Buy Bought Comprar
Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cortar
Do Done Hacer
Draw Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drunk Beber
Drive Driven Conducir
Eat Eaten Comer
Fall Fallen Caer
Fly Flown Volar
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
Get Got Conseguir, Coger
Give Given Dar
Go Gone Ir
Grow Grown Crecer
Have Had Tener
Hear Heard Oir
Hide Hidden Esconder
Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
Keep Kept Guardar
Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Known Saber, conocer
Lay Laid Extender, poner
Lead Led Dirigir
Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
Lend Lent Prestar
Let Let Dejar, permitir
Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
Light Lit Prender, encender
Make Made Hacer
Mean Meant Significar
Meet Met Conocer
Pay Paid Pagar
Put Put Poner
Read Read Leer
Ride Riden Montar
Ring Rung Llamar
Rise Risen Subir, crecer
Run Ran Correr
Say Said Decir
See Seen Ver
Sell Sold Vender
Send Sent Enviar
Set Set Poner, colocar
Sew Swen Coser
Shake Shaken Agitar
Shine Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Disparar
Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
Shrink Shrunk Encoger
Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sung Cantar
Sink Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Dormir
Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
Smell Smelt Oler
Sow Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoken Hablar
Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
Spend Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
Spit Spat Escupir
Split Split quebrar, dividir
Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
Stand Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
Sting Stung Picar, escocer
Strike Struck Golpear
Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
Sweep Swept Barrer
Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
Swim Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
Teach Taught Enseñar
Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
Tell Told Decir/contar
Think Thought Pensar
Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
Understand Understood Entender
Wake Woken Despertarse
Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
Weep Wept Llorar
Win Won Ganar
Write Written Escribir
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Ver video "BHDN_PO-103WE_COHEN_I_M PICTURE-PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO_CNNA-ST1-10000000050b4082_174_0.mp4"
Respuestas al examen de los tiempos verbales.
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También puedes visitar nuestro Facebook:
www.facebook.com/libromagicodecuentosVer video "INGLÉS PARA NIÑOS CON MR PEA - RESPUESTAS 01"
Test de conocimientos. Verbos en pasado.
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También puedes visitar nuestro Facebook:
www.facebook.com/libromagicodecuentosVer video "INGLÉS PARA NIÑOS CON MR PEA - TEST DE CONOCIMIENTOS 01. [VERBOS EN PASADO]"
Past life present love capitulo 8 sub español
Past life present love capitulo 8 sub español
Ver video "Past life present love capitulo 8 sub español"
Past life present love capitulo 7 sub español
Past life present love capitulo 8 sub español
Ver video "Past life present love capitulo 7 sub español"
Test de conocimientos. Verbos en pasado.
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Quieres que Edu,Mr Pea u otro de nuestros personajes te saluden en su próximo vídeo? Mándanos un mail a libromagicodecuentos@gmail.com o déjanos un comentario en el vídeo.
También puedes visitar nuestro Facebook:
www.facebook.com/libromagicodecuentosVer video "INGLÉS PARA NIÑOS CON MR PEA - TEST DE CONOCIMIENTOS 01. [VERBOS EN PASADO]"
Respuestas al examen de los tiempos verbales.
Quieres que Edu,Mr Pea u otro de nuestros personajes te saluden en su próximo vídeo? Mándanos un mail a libromagicodecuentos@gmail.com o déjanos un comentario en el vídeo.
También puedes visitar nuestro Facebook:
www.facebook.com/libromagicodecuentosVer video "INGLÉS PARA NIÑOS CON MR PEA - RESPUESTAS 01"
30 Craziest Demolition Fails of All Time!
Top 30 Demolitions Gone Wrong, 30 Perfect examples of how not to demolish a building and fail completely.
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Apple Life on iPad HD
Over the past three years, iPad has helped people transform business, education, entertainment, health, and many other fields. We wanted to document those changes. During three weeks in September and October of 2013, we traveled the world to see how people are using iPad. Here are some of the examples we found.
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Past Simple and Past Continuous - English grammar tutorial video lesson
Past simple and past continuous grammar lesson. In this lesson I am going to show how to use and form both the past simple & the past continuous and how to keep them apart.\r
Take a look at these sentences:\r
I watched the telly last night.\r
I was watching the telly last night.\r
The first sentences contains a past simple, the second sentence is in the past continuous. In this lesson Im going to show you how to form a past simple and how to form a past continuous and when to use past simple andwhen to use a past continuous and more important the difference between the two. First we are going to take a look at how to form these past tenses. As you might know in the English language we have regular and irregular verbs. And this this is important to remember when forming a past simple. To make a past simple for the regular verbs, we use the base form of the verb and add ed.\r
For example:\r
He worked late last night\r
The irregular verbs have their own and unique past tense so you need to study those carefully.\r
I bought a new t-shirt yesterday.\r
The infinitive form of the verb bought is to buy. With the past continuous\r
we do not need to worry about regular and irregular verbs. Because all verbs that take a past continous whether theyre regular or irregular, are formed by using was or were, the past tenses of the verb to be, and the base form of the verb and -ing.\r
For example:\r
He was working last night\r
I was buying a t-shirt, when I saw her yesterday.\r
Now lets have a look at how to use a past simple and how to use a past continuous and how to keep them apart. we use a past simple for vities that were finished in the past, we usually use a time frame:\r
He worked late last night.\r
Here last night is what we consider timeframe.\r
I bought a new T-shirt yesterday\r
Here yesterday is a timeframe. A past continuous is used for ivities started and finished in the past, but we want emphasized duration: so we want to show the other person the other listener or reader that the ion lasted for quite some time.\r
For example:\r
He was working all night so we want emphasize that it lasted the entire night. we also use past continuous form for an ongoing ion in the past interrupted by a sudden event. For example:\r
I was buying a t-shirt when I ran into her so I was doing something and then suddenly a\r
friend came up to me thats when I ran into her. Please note that for the interruption we use a past simple so we often find a past continuous and a past simple in the same sentence with the past continuous showing us that it was a continuing ivity and the past simple showing the interruption of that ivity.Ver video "Past Simple and Past Continuous - English grammar tutorial video lesson"
Chateau Los Vascos Cabernet sauvignon 2009
Owned by renowned banking and winemaking Rothschild family, Los Vascos is one of the most interesting wineries in Chile and this US$ 10 cabernet sauvignon proves it with great fruit and elegance that makes it a perfect example of today's Chilean winemaking.
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The Gruen Transfer - The Pitch - Banning All Religion
'The Pitch' is a segment on ABC TV's 'The Gruen Transfer' where two ad companies compete to 'sell the unsellable'. Past example of selling the unsellable include invading New Zealand, compulsory%uFEFF euthanasia for the elderly, cosmetic surgery for children and introducing a parent licence.
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5 amazing diamond earrings that will fit snugly into your budget
N. Gopaldas jewellers bring to you a collection of diamond earrings that are elegant and affordable. They will surely make you the centre of attraction without burning a hole in your pocket.
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Taylor Swift mimics Travis Kelce proving couples mirror each other
Taylor Swift’s playful imitation of Travis Kelce’s signature dance moves proves that couples truly start to resemble each other. Their chemistry, both on and off stage, highlights the fun and spontaneous energy that makes their relationship so relatable. As Taylor mimicked Travis, fans saw the perfect example of how shared experiences and laughter bring couples closer, even in the smallest, lighthearted moments.
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My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 37 ENG SUB
Li Changshou was reborn in the past, before the Great God-Conferment War, and grew to be a tiny cultivator. Li Changshou makes a concerted effort not to accrue any karma in order to survive in the harsh Primordial Times. He never permits himself to enter potentially perilous situations without first making a solid plan. He practices escape skills, perfects lethal drugs, and has mastered supernatural talents in addition to being skilled at hiding his trump cards. Initially, Li Changshou intended to stay concealed and secure in the mountain until his ascent to immortality. But as his master brought home a younger sister, things changed.
Ver video "My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 37 ENG SUB"
My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 35 ENG SUB
Li Changshou was reborn in the past, before the Great God-Conferment War, and grew to be a tiny cultivator. Li Changshou makes a concerted effort not to accrue any karma in order to survive in the harsh Primordial Times. He never permits himself to enter potentially perilous situations without first making a solid plan. He practices escape skills, perfects lethal drugs, and has mastered supernatural talents in addition to being skilled at hiding his trump cards. Initially, Li Changshou intended to stay concealed and secure in the mountain until his ascent to immortality. But as his master brought home a younger sister, things changed.
Ver video "My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 35 ENG SUB"
My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 36 ENG SUB
Li Changshou was reborn in the past, before the Great God-Conferment War, and grew to be a tiny cultivator. Li Changshou makes a concerted effort not to accrue any karma in order to survive in the harsh Primordial Times. He never permits himself to enter potentially perilous situations without first making a solid plan. He practices escape skills, perfects lethal drugs, and has mastered supernatural talents in addition to being skilled at hiding his trump cards. Initially, Li Changshou intended to stay concealed and secure in the mountain until his ascent to immortality. But as his master brought home a younger sister, things changed.
Ver video "My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 36 ENG SUB"
My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 41 ENG SUB
Li Changshou was reborn in the past, before the Great God-Conferment War, and grew to be a tiny cultivator. Li Changshou makes a concerted effort not to accrue any karma in order to survive in the harsh Primordial Times. He never permits himself to enter potentially perilous situations without first making a solid plan. He practices escape skills, perfects lethal drugs, and has mastered supernatural talents in addition to being skilled at hiding his trump cards. Initially, Li Changshou intended to stay concealed and secure in the mountain until his ascent to immortality. But as his master brought home a younger sister, things changed.
Ver video "My Senior Brother Is Too Steady S2 Ep 41 ENG SUB"
El Rey León La Noche del Amor Versón en Inglés
Los clásicos de Disney que no se olvidan
I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two.
The sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things
So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from me
He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things
Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are
And if he falls in love tonight
It can be assumed
His carefree days with us are history
In short, our pal is doomedVer video "El Rey León La Noche del Amor Versón en Inglés"
Let It Go tema de Frozen de acuerdo con la traducción de Google Translate
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the Queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anywayVer video "Let It Go tema de Frozen de acuerdo con la traducción de Google Translate"
Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren feat. Winter Kills - Take A Moment"
Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good"
Armin van Buuren - I Don't Own You
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren - I Don't Own You"
Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren feat. BT - These Silent Hearts"
Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie - Virtual Friend
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren feat. Sophie - Virtual Friend"
Armin van Buuren - Coming Home
Right after summer, it's time for the full 'Mirage' album to take over. Inspired and influenced by many different types of music, 'Mirage' is more diverse than any other Armin album before. His collaboration with Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 'Not Giving Up On Love' is a perfect example of that, combining the best of both worlds. Armin:"The Nervo Sisters, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and me met up to write the vocals for 'Not Giving Up On Love'. I was thrilled to work with them on this. We gave it a more analog feel with some real drums, to give it a pop-rock feel. We also put a piano top line on the track and then the vocals of Sophie, which I think is a win. It's a lush summer tune with an epic vocal that gets stuck in your head and cheers you up!"
'Mirage' is filled with musical fusions and surprising interpretations, from the orchestral masterpiece of title track 'Mirage', deep trance track 'I Don't Own You' and housy 'Feels So Good' to the eerie 'Take A Moment' and feel-good 'Drowning'. 16 tracks that highlight how Armin has matured as an artist.
Mirage will be in stores September 10th 2010.Ver video "Armin van Buuren - Coming Home"
http://www.avantgardelimousine.net *The perfect transfer in Barcelona*I arrive on time to the train station in Barcelona (Sants)with the high speed train but very tired.Luckily I have my driver waiting for me on the platform for the transfer.He helps me with luggage and guide me to the street.I feel safe with him.I see a bright Mercedes Benz sedan on the front door and it´s mine brand-new,waiting for me to transfer.The chauffeur invited me to come & offered me a bottle of water while accommodating my luggage.He transfer me to a village called S´Agaró in Costa Brava at one hour from BCN city & I can go shopping.I´m inside,fresh & relaxed and ready for transferring,while very happy to know my new destination.The chauffeur gives me a daily newspaper and a chocolate bonbon.Without realizing it,I get to the hotel.Transfer past me fast,and in less than one hour,I´m in the terrace restaurant having lunch,with a fantastic view of the Mediterranean.This is vacation! Thanks for this awesome transfer!!
Other transfer options:
Transfer train station (AVE) to apartment in BCN
Transfer cruise port to suites in BCN
Transfer airport to Marina in BCN
Transfer flats to convention center (Fair)
Transfer pier to hotel in BCN
Serious Crime - Blog FC2
Bark & Co has developed a formidable reputation in the area of serious crime. Over the past few years, criminal work has expanded and diversified, whilst remaining at the top end in terms of quality and complexity. Current cases range from complex murder and drug crimes to the sale of false identity documents involving anti-terrorism forces in UK and around the world.
Bark & Co have forged a particular niche in ‘cold cases’ relating to what we believe had become an over reliance by prosecutors on evidence from unreliable ‘supergrasses’. Similarly, we have been at the forefront in defending a high-profile case testing the application of new rules on hearsay evidence. As an example of the extremely sensitive and diverse nature of our criminal work, Bark & Co were brought in to act in criminal cases involving occupying forces in Iraq.
Amongst other recent high profile matters we are involved with several murder cases, in one of which we made a successful application to have the principal ‘supergrass’s evidence excluded. We also raised pertinent questions about police conduct during the investigation in relation to this evidence.
We have just received instructions in one of the biggest drug smuggling multi-jurisdictional cases stretching from Columbia via the Caribbean to Europe. This involved high grade cocaine worth hundreds of millions of pounds on the streets of London and money laundering.
Our successes at Bark & Co are characterised by our detailed research and analysis which enable us to challenge customary practice and regulations and find the best possible outcome for our clients.Ver video "Serious Crime - Blog FC2"
Dawn Of The Sniper Para Android
Google Play -- https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Dawn%20Of%20The%20Sniper An action game set in a postapocalypse setting, where you must protect the surviving humans from incoming zombies. Your sniping skills will be put to test in several challenging levels. You must search the area for incoming zombies and try to protect all survivors.Shoot for head shots and don't let any humans die. Try to get a perfect run and upgrade your sniper rifles or buy new ones that will help you achieve your goals. The game also has plenty of side missions and achievements to unlock and master. Share your score and achievements with friends and master the gameGet ready for an action shooter challengeMAIN GAME FEATURES ACTION PACEDAs you progress in the game, levels will require your agile sniping skills.NEW WEAPONS & UPGRADESYou will be able to buy new sniper rifles and upgrade their performance.COMPLETE ACHIEVEMENTSEach mission will offer several objectives. Try to be the best and then share your score with friends.SCOPE FEATUREZoom in and out to view your targets or to view incoming threats.OPTIONAL FEATURES ✔ Share completed achievements✔ Rate our game✔ Follow us on social networks✔ Buy coin pack to upgrade or acquire weapons faster✔ Remove ads for a small fee. (Help us out so we can keep making great games)FOLLOW USFacebook https//www.facebook.com/brutalstudiogames Google+ https//plus.google.com/108527184837199893581/posts Twitter twitter.com/brutalarcade Un juego de accion ambientado en un entorno postapocalipsis, en el que debe proteger a los seres humanos que sobreviven de zombies entrantes. Sus habilidades de francotiradores se pondran a prueba en varios niveles desafiantes. Usted debe buscar la zona de zombies entrantes y tratar de proteger a todos los sobrevivientes.Dispara a disparos en la cabeza y no dejes que ningun ser humano muere. Trate de obtener una carrera perfecta y actualizar sus rifles de francotirador o comprar otros nuevos que le ayudaran a alcanzar s
Ver video "Dawn Of The Sniper Para Android"
Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep01 Makgeolli, a spirit that helps the health
Part 1 : Makgeolli, a spirit that helps the health
A very special party takes place in a garden in Pocheon, where alcohol is being fermented. It’s a makgeolli party, featuring Korea’s best makgeolli of every flavor and aroma. With makgeolli lovers in one place, it’s the perfect time to listen to six exciting stories about Korea’s oldest traditional liquor.
Makgeolli is the oldest alcoholic beverage in Korea. In the past, it was enjoyed by farmers who grew rice in the fields. Makgeolli gave them the strength to bear the hardships of farm life, filled their empty stomachs, and comforted their souls.
A village in Chungju in Chungcheongbuk-do Province is known as “Jangsu Village,” or “Longevity Village,” for its high population of senior citizens in their 80s or older. Nam Geum-ju, one of the residents, is 94, but still has amazing health and energy. Everyone here says that the secret to their long life is the makgeolli that they always have with their meals.
Is makgeolli really good for health? There are a number of published studies about the benefits of makgeolli, which is rich in lactic acid bacteria, enzymes, proteins, and vitamins. Makgeolli has been proven to strengthen the immune system, protect against cancer, infections, and aging, and contribute to skin care.
What’s most amazing is that all of these beneficial substances found in makgeolli are naturally produced during the noisy, bubbly fermentation process. Rice, nuruk, and time come together to form Korea’s unique liquor, makgeolli. It is a precious drink that has guarded Koreans through their ups and downs, and is the epitome of healthful fermentation. Learn more about makgeolli’s strength here.Ver video "Makgeolli Rice Wine (Spanish) Ep01 Makgeolli, a spirit that helps the health"
El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas
El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas
El mejor Tarot del Mundo We all want to know our future. We want to be prepared and ready for what's coming for us in the future. There are a lot of ways to know what lies ahead and the most popular is through tаrоt card reading. A lot of you maybe have tried this earlier but today with advancement in technology we can have our future predicted via the internet. There is a lot of free tаrоt reading all over the internet; if you wish to experience this you just have to connect to the internet and search for the different websites. Most tаrоt reading online is free so you wouldn't need to spend a dime. There are different kinds of this on the net. For example, the Celtic Cross El mejor Tarot del Mundo which are the most common and the oldest pattern; the Tаrоt Past, Present and Future and the Crossroads Tаrоt spread. There are lots to choose from when it comes to this reading but before getting a tаrоt card reading, be sure that you are decided on what kind of reading you want.
Getting this is easy because there are a lot of psychics or charlatans out there who specialize in tаrоt card reading. You just have to find the right one who will satisfy your needs. You can ask around or read reviews on the internet regarding a reputable free tаrоt reading website. Ask a neighbour or a close friend you know who has tried it before. No referrals? Well, it's time for you to find out for yourself. There are also some websites which have a list of different psychics who do free El mejor Tarot del Mundo reading. You can check out these websites too. These sites also indicate whether the psychics are available online and whether they would do a free reading for you.
El mejor Tarot del Mundo
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5fhb0sVer video "El mejor Tarot del Mundo y las Mejores Tarotistas"
Anonymous Operation Blackout
The United States has often been used as an example of the ideal free country. When the one nation that is known for its freedom and rights start to abuse its own people, this is when you must fight back, because others are soon to follow. Do not think that just because you are not a United States citizen, that this does not apply to you. You cannot wait for your country to decide to do the same. You must stop it before it grows, before it becomes acceptable. You must destroy its foundation before it becomes too powerful.
Has the U.S. government not learned from the past? Has it not seen the 2011 revolutions? Has it not seen that we oppose this wherever we find it and that we will continue to oppose it? Obviously the United States Government thinks they are exempt. This is not only an Anonymous collective call to action. What will a Distributed Denial of Service attack do? What's a website de face ment against the corrupted powers of the government? No. This is a call for a worldwide internet and physical protest against the powers that be. Spread this message everywhere. We will not stand for this! Tell your parents, your neighbors, your fellow workers, your school teachers, and anyone else you come in contact with. This affects anyone that desires the freedom to browse anonymously, speak freely without fear of retribution, or protest without fear of arrest.
Go to every I R C network, every social network, every online community, and tell them of the atrocity that is about to be committed. If protest is not enough, the United States government shall see that we are truly legion and we shall come together as one force opposing this attempt to censor the internet once again, and in the process discourage any other government from continuing or trying.Ver video "Anonymous Operation Blackout"
Rod Wave - Boyz Don’t Cry (Video Acustico )
[Intro] Oh-woah, oh-woah Look [Verse] Tour bus slidin' in the rain, headed out of state So much goin' through my brain, I can barely think Sometimes I get on my own and wander outer space I love you, but I'm full of rage, our past is full of pain On a planet of my own, livin' like an alien Think it's safe to say that I'll never be the same again Never'll fall in love again, my heart is on a shelf My music's full of pain, but I keep my problems to myself And I keep my mouth closed 'cause my thoughts sometimes can get too deep My heart cold, my eyes closed, but I never go to sleep I been all alone goin' on two weeks me, mysеlf, and my sheets Wanna call your phone so we can speak, but it makе me feel weak Get on the internet and see the world laugh 'bout my depression They paintin' perfect pictures, but I ain't buyin' what they sellin' Collect calls from the county always could make me smile Damn, brother, you was just on the skreets, and now you goin' to trial Yeah, momma, I made it out the skreets, I hope you finally proud Youngin' jump out with that K, in broad day, shootin' at the crowd Now he gettin' on top the stage, and they sing his music loud, sing his music out loud [Chorus] Take away my name, take away my throne Take away my fame, let me keep my soul, h Smilin' on the outside, inside dyin' Listenin' to a grown man cryin' Oh-woah, oh-woah Oh-woah, oh-woah Oh-woah, oh-woah Oh-woah
Ver video "Rod Wave - Boyz Don’t Cry (Video Acustico )"
Little Red Riding Hood by Nosy Crow
Nosy Crow has once again transformed a beloved fairytale into an instantly classic iPad app.\r
Dressed in a red hoodie and rain boots, Little Red Riding Hood stars in this modern, cozy telling of her trip through the woods to see her ailing grandmother. Soothing strings and flute notes accompany the app, and Nosy Crow works with perfect voice ors who endow each charer with gentle attentiveness. Charers, with the exception of the Big Bad Wolf, are always polite to each other, and they acknowledge readers with questions and observations on every page.\r
Small interive flourishes give little ones an ive role in the story. At any point, readers can use a two finger swipe to move around the scene, or they can use a pinching gesture to zoom in or out. When packing a basket for grandma, children can move Little Red Riding Hood and her mother around the kitchen in order to find more food to pack. There is even an element of choose-your-own-adventure fun. As children guide Red Riding Hood through the woods, they reach forked paths at which they can choose which way to go. One road might lead to a field where children can pick flowers for Grandma, another toward a bird whose feathers are to be gathered. In the apps finale, Red Riding uses the objects shes collected to thwart the wolf. It turns out the wolf is allergic to flowers, for example. Children will want to replay the app and see what happens when they choose different paths. During a second reading of the app, be sure to look for hidden extras. In one scene, children can see their own face reflected in a clear pond in the app.\r
Though you might know how the story ends, you and your children will still enjoy seeing Little Red Riding retold by Nosy Crow.Ver video "Little Red Riding Hood by Nosy Crow"
8 Year Old Raps Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
ust Cant Get Enough
MattyBRaps Cover/Remix
The more I think about it every night and day
We're all different but we're jamming one love
I really wouldn't have it any other way
You are beautiful - I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Once upon a time there was little boy that hip hopped
Wanted to succeed - so he practiced round the tik tok
Some people believed - like a spaceship he would lift off
other people hated on him - at the age of 8 they told him
what are you, a joke? You're supposed to go kick rocks
People didn't like it that he thought outside the sand box
They talked about him like a get rich quick scheme
didn't believe his skits would hit big screens
stuck in the past like an 8 bit computer chip
but he wasn't common so he kept drawin' his comic strips
Supposed to quit - but - close to it
Whatever "it" might mean - see It was all a dream
when it rains it pours... he wasn't drizzy though
still he built an Ark like that Fri-ee-day video
stirring the crock pot punch lines scalding
Black Eyed Peas I mixed with Bob Marley
The more I think about it every night and day
We're all different but we jamming one love
I really wouldn't have it any other way
You are beautiful - I just can't get enough
When to fight, when to flow
when it's right... how ta know
What to say when the world's eyes stay your way
Why a stage? Why we pray
These are a few of the things that I'm learning everyday
they say I'm cocky... I say I'm pro
Notice how the haters always stay UNDER the videos
Even when you're jammin' know that everyone's a critic so
Let me be the first to say that I'm about to RIP it... GO
Never let another take away from what God's given you
the gifts and talents - everything that makes you very beautiful
you're perfect just the way you are so
never ever change it for nobody you're somebody even if you've got nobody
Everyone is different - it's a beautiful sight
you know we're all the same color when we turn out the lights
I'll take the sunshine with the pain
Grab my Savior - God's sad... that's when it rains
End Quote... Sayin... Chyeah
The more I think about it every night and day
We're all different but we jamming one love
I really wouldn't have it any other way
You are beautiful - I just can't get enoughVer video "8 Year Old Raps Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough"
best anti aging products 2013
AC-11 is a revolutionary advancement in human nutrition and skin care. Derived from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, a vine indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, safe, all-natural AC-11 helps the body to repair DNA damage with a huge anti aging effect . The process by which this repair occurs is self-healing and has evolutionary origins. Its proper functioning may be the critical piece to the human health puzzle. Current science confirms that it is unrepaired DNA damage that leads to accelerated aging and an eventual breakdown of the body.
Effective both orally and topically, AC-11 begins where the protective benefits of antioxidants end by visibly reducing the adverse effects of aging and by helping to restore healthy cell function. Supported by over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies, AC-11 works with the body to repair DNA damage caused by over-exposure to the sun and oxidative stress (pollution, etc,) starting the best anti aging process. This action helps boost immune function and allows our bodies to perform more efficiently, so that we look and feel younger—a perfect solution for inner health and outer beauty!
Best Anti Aging products
The body naturally protects against free radical damage by producing neutralizing antioxidants. Certain foods and dietary supplements, moreover, provide a way to introduce additional antioxidants into the system.
Where free radical damage, or a lesion, has occurred to DNA, the body has a limited repair capacity. Specialized proteins scan the DNA to identify and isolate corrupted portions of the genetic code. Minor lesions may be chemically reversed; more extensive damage must be removed. Repair enzymes cut out or excise the damaged area and re-create the discarded section.
Together, antioxidants and the cell's internal DNA repair mechanisms work to preserve the integrity of the cell. However, too many free radicals and too much damage over a given period of time can overwhelm these basic mechanisms and cause them to fail. Overload of this type is called oxidative stress. When lesions are left unrepaired, eventually they impair the cell's natural functions, including its self-repair functions. Individual cells damaged by oxidative stress break down and die prematurely. Over time, the body becomes progressively less capable of restoring healthy DNA as the cells continue to replicate in damaged or corrupted form.
As a result of unrepaired DNA damage that accumulates with age, the body becomes less efficient at basic tasks. For example, damage to the white cells, which form the core of a person's immune system, will increase the body's susceptibility to acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases. Moreover, non-regenerative structures, such as collagen, will begin to deteriorate rapidly and lead to aging the skin and weakening of the joints, bones, and connective tissues.
AC-11 is a revolutionary botanical extract that helps repair damage to DNA. This patented compound enhances cellular repair mechanisms to improve the utility and function of organs, muscles, and tissues throughout the body. Topical applications of AC-11 help to repair UV damage, fade discoloration, and ease fine lines and wrinkles. When ingested, this natural supplement also helps to support a healthy response to excess inflammation and encourage collagen production, while simultaneously supporting the immune system. These anti aging products are the best in the market in 2013.Ver video "best anti aging products 2013"
Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game
Animal Match Up! Introduce your baby one to animals with this amusing and adorable matching game for tots!\r
➔Click Here To Subscribe! ► Baby Boomer & Kids Games: \r
Help Baby Boomer to Reach 50,000 Subscribers! Click Here To \r
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In this video are such animals:\r
- Starfish\r
- Manta Ray\r
- Sea Turtle\r
- Lobster\r
- Sword Fish\r
- Clown Fish\r
- Goldfish\r
- Dolphin\r
- Squid\r
- Whale\r
- Seal\r
- Butterfly Fish\r
- Hedgehog Fish\r
- Octopus\r
- Shrimp\r
Your toddler can flip through the heads, bodies, and tails of several animals and try to complete a perfect match. Created specifically for young and growing minds, Animal Match Up challenges toddlers with the concept of matching while providing an introduction to animals.\r
Features: \r
* Introduces animals and the concept of matching\r
* Explore hand-eye coordination\r
* Bright colors and cheerful sounds keep young ones smiling\r
* Tested by babies and toddlers \r
* Brought to you by the leading global TV network for babies and parents\r
* Inspires development of reasoning skills\r
Animal Match Up provides visual and mental stimulation for babies and toddlers to hold their attention and nurture their developing minds. Watch your little ones giggle and play as they inter with fun animals in this engaging preschool app!\r
Note: This game has no real animals. We attach them to video from sources on youtube\r
Download Link\r
Play (Android) : \r
Play (IOS) : \r
-More Videos-\r
➔Transformers Rescue Bots Hero Adventures | Full Gameplay For Children HD! \r
➔ Play Pet Doctor Kids Games | Puppys Rescue and Care Fun Baby Games\r
➔ Baby Care Toilet, Bath, Feed, Dress Up & Bed Time Play Fun Baby Games\r
➔ Play Chef Kids Cook Yummy Food Kids Games to Play Fun Kitchen Games for Children\r
➔ Baby Play with Little Friend | Fun Game For Toddlers \r
➔Baby Play Animal Match Up ! Learn Animal Names Combined Real Animals\r
➔Sushi Master | Fun Kitchen and Making Sushi | Fun Cooking Game\r
➔Labyrinth Town | Help The Little Panda- Fight Monsters Food | Baby Panda Kids Games\r
➔Baby Panda Happy Fishing - Learn & Explore The Sea, Learn about Sea Animals - BabyBus Games for Kids\r
➔Baby Panda Learning To Write Numbers With Cute Activities | Magic Numbers | Babybus Kids Games\r
➔ Welcome to my channel Baby Boomer & Kids Games !!!\r
What can you expect on this channel? My channel will provide you with a variety of educational content for your kids.\r
I will review mobile learning apps for kids for example alphabet, potty training and learn how to count games.\r
Furthermore I will review interesting fun video games for kids and parents.\r
Besides the reviews of educational apps for kids, i will review surprise eggs and toys for kids.\r
So subscribe to my channel for daily videos on educational apps and games for kids of every age\r
Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game | PART 12\r
#baby #play #Animalmatchup #Learn #Animal #Farm\r
#Kids #ZOO #educational #games #learning #babies #apps #Funny #toddlerVer video "Baby Play ANIMAL MATCH UP | Baby Learn About Sea Animals Combined Real Animals | Babies fun game"
Why pyramid of Egypt were built ( power theory) (power theory) in Hindi
Visuals from Gary Lite \r
Other Series:\r
Secrets of Universe\r
Secrets of Pyramids\r
1] The outer casing of the Great Pyramid was covered with white tufa limestone, so tightly built that not even a razor blade could fit between the blocks. The white tufa limestone does not contain magnesium and has high insulating properties. This insulation property prevented the electricity inside the pyramid from being released without control.\r
2] The stone blocks used inside the pyramid were made of another form of limestone containing crystal which is an extremely high electrical conductor and a small amount of metal, which allow for maximum power transmission. The shafts inside the pyramid were lined with granite. Granite, as a conductor, is a slightly radioive substance and permits the ionization of the air inside these shafts. When we look at an insulated electric cable, we see that conductive and insulation materials are used in the same way as in the pyramids.\r
3] The conductive and insulating properties of the pyramid are an example of flawless engineering. However, a source of energy is needed for electricity generation.\r
The Giza Plateau where the pyramids stand is full of underground water channels. The pyramids rise above limestone layers, the spaces between them being full of water. These special layers of rock that transmit electricity upward as they carry underground water to the surface are known as AQUIFERS. The high volume flow of the River Nile that passes through these aquifers produces an electric current. This is known as physio-electricity.\r
The pyramids underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio-electricity. This electric current is conducted directly to the upper part of the pyramids granite covered subterranean chambers. Granite is a very good conductor of electricity.\r
The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid. On the top of the pyramid there was a gold capstone gold being an excellent conductor of electricity. This section is no longer there in our day. This means the top of the pyramid has lost its structure of flawless geometry. This gold capstone facilitated a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions to the ionosphere. This way a current was generated.\r
How does it serve to move the electromagnetic field on the ground through the help of an aquifer? An identical form of this technology, employed in Egypt 5,000 years ago, was used by Nikola Tesla, an inventor of electric technology in the early 1900s, in a tower he constructed in the United States of America. Tesla, the inventor of such fundamental electric technology as the alternating current, electric engine, radio, the laser and radar, was successful in simultaneously transmitting sound and pictures between continents in the Wardenclyffe tower he built between 1901 and 1917. He did notusean external source of electricity for this, and even applied wireless power transmission technology.\r
Tesla had also built his tower above an aquifer and discharged the negative ions from the aquifer to the tower. The electromagnetic technology used in Teslas famous tower is identical to the electromagnetic field set up in the construction of the pyramids. Both systems generate negative ions and transmit them without the need for electric cables.\r
So for what purpose did the Egyptians use electricity? Relief carvings clearly show that the Egyptians used hand-held bulb-type lamps powered by a cable-free electric source. These bulbs are reminiscent of Nicola Teslas descriptions to show that his alternating current was safe. At the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair, Tesla transmitted alternating electric current through his body to light a bulb he held in his hand without using electrical cables.\r
This relief carving shows a wireless antenna. The Egyptians used antennae and cable-free energy for wireless communication. In the relief on the left is a carved transmitter, with a receiver on the left. This evidence indicates that the Egyptians used free wireless energy for communication purposes.\r
This relief carving shows a yarn manufuring facility. The yarn Egyptians used for their fabrics at that time were as fine as those manufured by machinery today. The Egyptians also used electric power in their weaving plants.\r
It was seen that many gold objects which have remained from ancient Egypt were in f very finely gold plated. Such perfect gold plating, as in these pieces, requires the use of electricity.\r
pyramids of egypt,\r
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pyramids of giza,\r
pyramids secrets hindi,\r
pyramids docVer video "Why pyramid of Egypt were built ( power theory) (power theory) in Hindi"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"