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  • A Day In My Life with an Ostomy Bag (VLOG #1)

  • Estudio: Las alergias y el asma están relacionados con las enfermedades cardíacas

    Allergies and Asthma
    Are Linked to Heart Disease, According to New Study .
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    For patients with allergic disorders, routine evaluation of blood pressure and routine examination for coronary heart disease ... , Dr. Yang Guo, Lead Study Author, via CNN.
    ... should be given by clinicians to ensure early treatments are given to those with hypertension or coronary heart disease, Dr. Yang Guo, Lead Study Author, via CNN.
    The question is why?, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    We can’t really show causality, but science does show it’s connected to pro-inflammatory mediators, things that trigger inflammation in the body, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    Those narrow the blood vessels not only in the nose but the rest of the body, which can lead to high blood pressure and an increased heart rate, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    Steroids increase blood pressure, they increase blood sugar. , Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    Both high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels are very important risk factors for coronary artery disease and stroke. , Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    They can also cause weight gain, which is another risk factor, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, University of Southern California, via CNN.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other.
    Take the time to understand each other

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  • Uterine Fibroids Natural Therapy - treatment to eliminate uterine fibroids

    Uterine Fibroids Natural Therapy - treatment to eliminate uterine fibroids

    ause of fibroids
    It is clear that hormonal factors play a prominent role in fibroids, particularly estrogens. In addition to endogenous hormones, xenoestrogens in our environment (e.g., organochlorine pesticides, pharmacologic compounds) are of potential concern with regards to their impact on this disease. These environmental estrogens have been shown to promote the growth of leiomyoma.

    Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to suffer from fibroids. PCOS is a hormone disorder that causes ovaries to develop multiple cysts, and is usually accompanied by lack of ovulation, weight gain and other problems. Perhaps those who follow the suggestions in the article on how to improve their PCOS condition may also find a reduction in their fibroid size.

    Food, diet and fibroids risk
    Uterine fibroids are hormonally responsive; estradiol and progesterone stimulate their growth, and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists shrink them. Phytoestrogens, including isoflavones and lignans, can act as weak estrogens or antiestrogens. There appears to be a modest inverse association between lignan ingestion and uterine fibroid risk. Whether this relation represents an effect of lignans per se or of other constituents of lignan-containing foods on the development of uterine fibroids remains to be determined. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, beans, and fish while avoiding sweets and pastries could be of benefit.

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  • How to Boost Brain Power

    Our kids brain grows at a phenomenal rate during the first three years of their life. The early experiences in these early years help lay the brains foundation. During these critical brain-growth periods, long, thin nerve pathways grow inside the brain. These are wirings that connect and carry electrical impulses from brain cell to brain cell. The daily growing network forms the neurological foundation of skills that our kids will use for the rest of their life. Existing connections await new experiences that shape the neural networks for language, reasoning, problem solving, and moral values. Connections that are used repeatedly will become permanent. New experiences build upon established patterns and create new patterns and networks for more learning. Connections that are no used become redundant. \r
    There are 5 areas we can focus on to help our kids brain to develop healthy:\r
    1. Maximise good nutrition for brain growth and function - 0.40min\r
    Food that are good for the brain are:\r
    - Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids (also associated with lower risk of depression and better mood, the expression of emotion and concentration). Omega-3 fatty acids are found mainly in fatty fish like salmon, omega-3 thats found in plants like flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soy.\r
    - Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E. Walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed. \r
    Avocados. The avocado is a fatty fruit its a monounsaturated fat, which contributes to healthy blood flow means a healthy brain. \r
    Blueberries. Brain berries” - in animal studies researchers have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimers disease or dementia. Studies have also shown that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills of aging rats, making them mentally equivalent to much younger rats. \r
    Butter is an unexpected source of cognitive enhancement, and contains one ingredient that studies show is beneficial for cognitive function and gut health called butyrate. Butyrate is a short chain saturated fat and anti-inflammatory. The highest concentration of butyrate is in high quality grass-fed butter.\r
    Chocolate (cocoa), is very high in antioxidants. Its loaded with iron, zing, copper, magnesium. It needs to be at least 70% in order to reap the benefits.\r
    Breast milk - the best food for the babies and their brain.\r
    2.Vitamin D - 3.23min\r
    Vitamin D plays a role in regulating brain health - it helps the development of the brain and nervous system to postponing decline. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with brain structural abnormalities, cognitive decline, and incident dementia.\r
    Dont supplement without consulting a doctor!\r
    3. Engage your kids in brain boosting ivities - 4.01min\r
    The benefits of reading, story-telling, board games, music lessons, languages, etc.\r
    4. Physical ivity - 8.11min\r
    Being fit improves the speed and connectivity of brain neurons in children\r
    In a study, researchers report that children who are more fit have more white matter in their brains than those who arent as fit. The areas of the brain where more white matter was observed are important for attention and memory, and are critical for linking different parts of the brain together. The study is the first to find a connection between exercise and white matter in children.\r
    Walks, sport, dancing, jumping, standing desk (more and more research on its benefits is coming out)\r
    5. Dont stress the brain - 8.59min\r
    When our kids needs for food, comfort and security are not met, the babys brain is busy worrying about survival and theyre not thriving. \r
    =======Jump to 10.27 for a surprising guest :) ==========\r
    Whats your favourite area to focus on to boost your childs brain? Please let me know in the comment box below.\r
    Hope that his helps and if so, please share with your friends and subscribe for my weekly show. \r
    Brain Power - from Neurons to Network: \r
    Parents role in babys brain development: \r
    7 Ways to boost brain power: \r
    How music affects the brain: \r
    Watch next: \r
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