Royal Enfield Himalayan
Video Presentación Royal Enfield Himalayan
Presentación de la Nueva Royal Enfield Himalayan , una trail de acceso para rodar por todo tipo de carreteras y caminos sea cual sea tu nivel de pilotaje.
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Royal Enfield Himalayan 450, la (re)volución
Así es la nueva Himalayan de Royal Enfield. La evolución de la Himalayan ya está aquí. Una montura apta para todos lo públicos y, sobre todo, para todos los bolsillos con su precio por debajo de los 6.000 euros. Nos hemos subido a ella en Cerdeña, no te pierdas nuestra toma de contacto con ella.
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Royal Enfield Himalayan | Review y prueba de conducción
Prueba de la nueva Royal Enfield Himalayan, más información:
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Royal Enfield
En este video se puede apreciar el sonido de la Royal Enfield.
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Historia de Royal Enfield
Historia de Royal Enfield
Ver video "Historia de Royal Enfield"
Royal Enfield Meteor 350 | La máquina del tiempo
La nueva Royal Enfield Meteor 350 viene a ocupar un segmento más importante de lo que se cree en Occidente. Las motos de 350 monocilíndricas conforman el núcleo del mercado principal en el mundo, si analizas las ventas de motos a nivel internacional. Si quieres triunfar a nivel financiero en el mercado de la moto, eso es lo que tienes que hacer.
Royal Enfield define su nueva Meteor 350 como una «urban cruiser»: Bueno, parece adecuado. Sí tiene cierto estilo «cruiser» y, efectivamente, con un motor de 20 CV, su utilización principal va a ser la ciudad y los desplazamientos de corto y medio radio. Entiéndase, en la ciudad, entrar y salir de ella, sin renunciar a hacer una excursión por donde te dé la gana: la moto es cómoda y fácil y eso invita a pasar tiempo sobre ella, sin prisa, pero sin pausa.
En el siguiente vídeo te invitamos a descubrir todas sus características y nuestra opinión sobre su rendimiento.
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EAU podría comprar parte del Royal Bank of Scotland
La familia real de Emiratos Árabes Unidos estaría interesada en adquirir una tercera parte del Royal Bank of Scotland, cuya propiedad pertenece mayoritariamente al Estado desde 2008, según varias fuentes citadas por los medios británicos. Este emirato del Golfo Pérsico ya acudió al rescate del Barclays Bank durante la crisis financiera de hace cuatro años. video "EAU podría comprar parte del Royal Bank of Scotland"
Rider Mania - Goa 2013
Royal Enfield Rider Mania Goa 2013
Ver video "Rider Mania - Goa 2013"
5 Algunos militares buenos 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "5 Algunos militares buenos 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
3 AUTOBUSES NO GRACIAS (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "3 AUTOBUSES NO GRACIAS (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
6 Y quién me cuida a mí...2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "6 Y quién me cuida a mí...2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
12 Hasta Pronto Ladakh (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014) 720
Ver video "12 Hasta Pronto Ladakh (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014) 720"
9 La única Ladakhí sin sonrisa 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014
Ver video "9 La única Ladakhí sin sonrisa 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014"
5 Algunos militares buenos 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "5 Algunos militares buenos 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
11 Thikse Gompa (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "11 Thikse Gompa (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
7 Leh Leh Leh (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "7 Leh Leh Leh (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
8 Over The Hill (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "8 Over The Hill (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
4 NADIE DIJO QUE FUERA FÁCIL...O SÍ (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "4 NADIE DIJO QUE FUERA FÁCIL...O SÍ (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
6 Y quién me cuida a mí... 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "6 Y quién me cuida a mí... 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
9 La única Ladakhí sin sonrisa 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "9 La única Ladakhí sin sonrisa 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
10 Mi reino por un cuchillo 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "10 Mi reino por un cuchillo 1ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
10 Mi reino por un cuchillo 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)
Ver video "10 Mi reino por un cuchillo 2ª parte (Manali-Leh Highway Himalaya 2014)"
¡¡ Cuidado con el autobus !!
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Mira esta impresionante motocicleta "de oro"
El bielorruso Dmitry Kaiko mostró a las cámaras su motocicleta Royal Enfield personalizada en color dorado. Dmitry compró su Royal Enfield Bulletin en 2015 y comenzó a customizarla rápidamente. Para lograr el efecto dorado utilizó latón, una aleación de cobre y zinc. El proyecto completo le llevó alrededor de dos años y ahora está a la venta por 11,700 $ (10,282 €).
Ver video "Mira esta impresionante motocicleta "de oro""
Suben 58 a motocicleta en India y rompen récord mundial
Bangalore (India), 19 nov (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Jagadeesh NV) El equipo de exhibición de motocicletas “Tornados” del Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército indio rompió un Récord Mundial Guinness en la estación de las fuerzas aéreas de Yelahanka, en Bangalore, al recorrer una distancia de 1,200 metros durante dos minutos y catorce segundos sobre una motocicleta Royal Enfield 500cc con 58 hombres a bordo.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,india,record,guinness,motocicletas,tornadosVer video "Suben 58 a motocicleta en India y rompen récord mundial"
Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)
Mount Everest is not the only highlight of the Himalayas it's home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears. In Sanskrit the Himalayas are known as the 'abode of snow' but they provide rich and varied habitats for the animals and plants that live there; from the forests of the foothills to ice-bound peaks and mountain lakes. Some of the most memorable moments from the BBC's natural history archive have been filmed here including the magnificent snow leopard filmed for 'Planet Earth'.
The Himalayas are very popular for tourists because it has a lot of wildlife. The types of plants and trees, which are common in the place, are Oak, Pine, Fir, Rhododendron, Birch, Juniper, and Deodar. Common animals, which are seen mostly in the different parts of the Himalayas, are snow leopards, blue sheep, musk deer, tigers, elephants, wild boar, and crocodiles. Even endangered species of animals and plants are also found there. In the north part of the Himalayas where the temperature falls below freezing point, animals cannot survive well. However, those who adapted can survive. During the cold winters most of the animals migrate to the lower regions of the Himalayas while others like the brown bear hibernate instead. The Yak is mostly seen in the cold desert.[2] They are like wild ox and they are the largest animals in this region. In regions of Ladakh animals like Nyan, the wild and the most largest sheep are found.[3]
Some of the major places for wildlife attractions in the Himalayas are:
Jim Corbett National Park
Namdhpha National Park
The Royal Chitwan Park
Kaziranga National Park
Royal Bardia National Park
Great Himalayan National ParkVer video "Animal Planet - Salvaje Himalaya (Wild Himalayas)"
Muslims in South Asia celebrate end of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr festival
Kathmandu, Jun 26 (EFE).- Followers of Islam across the countries of South Asia Monday celebrated the Eid al-Fitr festival marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims abstain from food and sexual activity from dawn until sunset.
Muslims living in the Himalayan republic of Nepal Monday morning celebrated Eid by meeting for prayers in Kathmandu's huge Kashmiri Masjid mosque.
Devotees began arriving at the large central mosque around 8 am local time, and prayers started about an hour later, an epa journalist reports.
At the peak of Monday morning's prayer session, about 10,000 people were gathered in the Kashmiri mosque, one of the largest in Nepal and which sits just a short walk from the Nepalese capital's iconic Kathmandu Durbar Square, a former royal palace.
Once prayers ended around 9.30 am, people exchanged greetings and hugs.
Similar Eid scenes played out in other parts of South Asia, and hundreds of kilometers south of Kathmandu in Calcutta of eastern India, thousands of Muslims met Monday morning inside one of the city's oldest mosques.
In this southern Calcutta mosque, built more than a century ago, as devotees told epa, more than 4,000 people met for Eid prayers.
The mood was reportedly upbeat following the prayers, with people eagerly explaining to epa the history of the mosque and the local area.
Some 250 kilometers northeast of Calcutta, in the bustling Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, thousands of Muslims flocked to the National Eid Prayer Ground, an area set up near the High Court specially for the end of Ramadan.
The spacious Prayer Ground has been used for Eid for several years, an epa journalist reports, and about 15,000 people came here to pray Monday.
With Dhaka being one of the world's largest and most densely populated cities, stability was a top priority for Eid prayers, and devotees had to queue up before they could enter the grounds, and security personnel helped them come in.
In addition, the country's President Abdul Hamid and several other senior officials attended prayers, with a few thousand armed police officers standing guard around the grounds.
People were overheard saying they hope God helps make Bangladesh safe and they prayed for peace for all of humanity.
About 570 million people across South Asia - mostly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh - are followers of Islam, and account for around 30 percent of the world's Muslim population.
Keywords: efe,epa,southeast asia,ramadan,eid al fitr,muslimsVer video "Muslims in South Asia celebrate end of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr festival"
the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?
Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion
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