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  • 24 Hour Science Projects

  • 24 hour science projects

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    24 hour science projects


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  • 24 Hour Science Projects

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  • Vinegar Volcano - Fun Science Fair Project

    Vinegar Volcano - Fun Science Project For Kids\r
    This is a fun science project to do with your kids. It makes a mess but kids absolutely love it! Only needs a few ingredients to make it happen and most you will find in your pantry: vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, food coloring. Hope you enjoy it. If you try it out, please let us know!\r

    Ver video "Vinegar Volcano - Fun Science Fair Project"

  • Science museum promotes social-environmental projects

    Barcelona, 26 Oct (EFE).- Vehicles that run on water and aluminium waste, an intelligent microbus urban transport system and an electric race car are three of the ten projects chosen by CosmoCaixa Science Museum's EcoTendencias, a program to promote social-environmental ideas.

    Ver video "Science museum promotes social-environmental projects"

  • Harmony Science Academy Students Showcase Robotic Projects

    Ver video "Harmony Science Academy Students Showcase Robotic Projects"

  • Volcano made of P.O.P(wall putty),volcano erupt, volcano project

    Dont forget to watch this-\r
    Making of volcano with POP AKA PLASTER OF PARIS (Calcium sulfate) \r
    Blasting it with potassium permanganate and glycerine.\r
    potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. So use precautions commmonly used to handle oxidizers.\r
    Avoid cont with skin, eyes or membranes. Avoid cont with flamable materials. Will cause stains\r
    Oxidation of Glycerin by Potassium Permanganate!\r
    mystery link - \r
    how to make a volcano erupt\r
    how to make volcano for the science fair\r
    how to build a volcano

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  • ¿Habías oído hablar de la tensión de la superficie de los líquidos?

    Te lo explicamos con un precioso experimento casero. Solo necesitas leche, colores y algo de jabón. Es muy sencillo y a los niños les va a dejar con la boca abierta.

    Ver video "¿Habías oído hablar de la tensión de la superficie de los líquidos?"

  • DIY - 3 Soorten Eetbare Snoep Slijm - Bibi (Nederlands)

    Hoi hoi! Yeş: het is weer slijm tijd! Ik laat zien hoe je zelf 3 eetbare slijm soorten van snoep kunt maken! Ik maak de slijm zelf met fruitella, marshmallows en Skittles. Je kunt ze dus ook eten! Lekker door de snoep :)) xxx Bibi ♥♥♥\r
    Hoi hoi. Ik ben Bibi en ik maak DIY s en af en toe een vlog. Ik kom uit Nederlands en vind het heel leuk om filmpjes te maken waarin ik knutsel of lekkere dingen maak of bak. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden! xxx Bibi\r
    Abonneer gratis op mijn YouTube Kanaal: \r
    Als je het leuk vindt kun je me ook volgen op social media. Natuurlijk is dat ook gratis.!\r
    * Instagram: || @Bibi.social_\r
    * Facebook: \r
    * Snapchat:\r
    Al mijn videos:\r
    DIY - \r
    VLOG - \r
    TEST - \r
    FASHION - \r
    BEAUTY - \r
    Music by Tobu\r

    Ver video "DIY - 3 Soorten Eetbare Snoep Slijm - Bibi (Nederlands)"

  • El Píxel 4K: Llegan los primeros mods de GTAV

    Por fin sabemos la fecha de lanzamiento de Project CARS. El videojuego de Slightly Mad Games está listo para llegar a las tiendas el próximo 8 de mayo. No han tardado ni 24 horas. Los modders ya han conseguido que Grand Theft Auto V de PC sea compatible con el casco de realidad virtual Oculus Rift. Gamestop comprará consolas retro en Norteamérica. Sí, ya puedes llevar tus máquinas antiguas a la cadena de tiendas para recibir dinerillos y comprar consolas nuevas.

    Ver video "El Píxel 4K: Llegan los primeros mods de GTAV"

  • Microsoft lanza Office 2019 para Windows y Mac

    Microsoft lanza Office 2019 para Windows y Mac
    El software actualizado está diseñado para empresas y consumidores que no están suscritos a Office 365. Office 2019 incluirá actualizaciones de Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, Visio, Access y Publisher. Word incluirá un nuevo modo de enfoque, un traductor y otras mejoras. En cuanto a PowerPoint, los usuarios verán compatibilidad con modelos 3D y transiciones morph. Office 2019 ya está disponible para los clientes con licencia de volumen comercial hoy. Consumidores y otras empresas podrán comprar lo en las próximas semanas.

    Ver video "Microsoft lanza Office 2019 para Windows y Mac"

  • OATS VOLUME 1 Official Trailer (2017)

    PLOT: Neill Blomkamp has created his own studio to help launch the careers of other people looking to jump into political science fiction the way he did back in 2009 with District 9. The teaser for the first Oats Studios project has landed online and it looked exactly like something you could expect from Blomkamp in the best possible way.

    Ver video "OATS VOLUME 1 Official Trailer (2017)"

  • Quadrotor Autonomous Flight and Obstacle Avoidance with Kine

    This work is part of the STARMAC Project in the Hybrid Systems Lab at UC Berkeley (EECS department).
    Our lab's Ascending Technologies [1] Pelican quadrotor, flying autonomously and avoiding obstacles.
    The attached Microsoft Kinect [2] delivers a point cloud to the onboard computer via the ROS [3] kinect driver, which uses the OpenKinect/Freenect [4] project's driver for hardware access. A sample consensus algorithm [5] fits a planar model to the points on the floor, and this planar model is fed into the controller as the sensed altitude. All processing is done on the on-board 1.6 GHz Intel Atom based computer, running Linux (Ubuntu 10.04).

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  • OATS VOLUME 1 Official Trailer #2 (2017) Neill Blomkamp Sci-Fi

    Neill Blomkamp has created his own studio to help launch the careers of other people looking to jump into political science fiction the way he did back in 2009 with District 9. The teaser for the first Oats Studios project has landed online and it looked exactly like something you could expect from Blomkamp in the best possible way. Some of the footage even includes Sigourney Weaver and Dakota Fanning.

    Ver video "OATS VOLUME 1 Official Trailer #2 (2017) Neill Blomkamp Sci-Fi"

  • HAARP the best explanation

    This is a project that has been runing for a long time. USA has the hability to control the weather and is not science fiction this is real people. There have been records of strange clouds before a major disaster happens, Chile, Japan, Persian Golf, China.. just make a search for it.. we are as informed as we want to, and right now is not time to be looking the other way

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  • Human Body Systems

    This is an informative video about a few of the systems that work together to run the Human Body. The video talks about ( In Order ):\r
    The Digestive System, The Integumentary System, The Muscular System, The Skeletal System, The Respiratory System and The Reproductive System\r
    Voiced and Produced By : Amar, Cam & Tarek - CHS 2016 SCIENCE GRADE 10.\r
    Subcribe and Share since youve made it here!\r
    Sources: \r

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  • Sakura no ame Feat Hatsune Miku Sub Español

    Cherry Blossom Rain (桜ノ雨 / Sakura no Ame) es una Canción Original Vocaloid.
    Fue publicada en Nicovideo el 23 de febrero de 2008, y actuálmente supera las 2 millones de visitas en Nicovideo, siendo una de las canciones más conocidas de Halyosy y de Hatsune Miku.

    La canción narra la graduación de una estudiante, y de cómo se siente al respecto al tener que marcharse del instituto y seguir adelante. Se ha convertido en una de las canciones más famosas en Japón respecto a la temática de las graduaciones.

    Ha aparecido en los juegos Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA-, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- Arcade, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- Arcade Future Tone y Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F 2nd. Un single de la canción puede comprarse en Amazon junto con varios instrumentales y versiones diferentes de la canción.

    Se ha creado una serie de novelas basadas en la canción, las cuales son dirigidas por Halyosy, escritas por Amemiya Hitomi, editadas por Fujita Ryou e ilustradas mayoritariamente por Yuu e iXima, además de varios ilustradores famosos. La primera novela se llama "Sakura no Ame", publicada el 21 de febrero de 2012, puede comprarse en Amazon. La segunda novela llamada "Sakura no Ame Bokura ga Meguri Aeta Kiseki", publicada el 15 de marzo de 2013, disponible en Amazon. La tercera novela, llamada "Sakura no Ame Bokura wa Koko de Aou", publicada el 21 de marzo de 2014 también se puede comprar por Amazon.

    Comentarios del Autor:

    "Así es como florecen las flores de cerezo este año..."

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  • Galizian Urban Project | Parte 2

    En primer lugar, pardon por la extensa duración del video U_U. Se me ha ido un poco de las manos por las mariconadillas del principio y final.

    De parte de todo GuP deseamos que os guste el video.

    Este video,( que personalmente me gusta menos que el otro ) junto a la parte uno, refleja algo de nuestros mas o menos dos años de entrenamiento.

    Poco mas que comentar, el titulo de las canciones no lo sé, solo sé que la segunda es del grupo Bacherelors of science.

    Muchas gracias a todos por verlo, y muchas gracias a la gente que suele entrenar con nosotros.

    Nada más.

    - Galizian Urban Project.'08

    Ver video "Galizian Urban Project | Parte 2"

  • History about the discovery of Yerba Mate in Misiones 1969

    Iguazu Falls, all this amazing natural boast centralizes an area of ​​exuberant lands. It seems that they project their strength transmitting vitality. The Indians of the great Tupi Guarani family, they found in the Yerba Mate a relief to their precarious farmers' worries, discovered their virtues as an infusion. They applied their own science to elaborate it, a science that has transcended in time with similar characteristics. First a process of socacion or safecado, then the barbacua to subject the grass to high temperatures to finish with the selection or grinding. The Jesuit missions were the first to organize the cultivation of Yerba Mate. At present, extensive plantations allow the elaboration demanded by the great demand. Approximately 200 thousand tons are prepared annually, of which 120 thousand are destined for the domestic market and 5,000 for export, for which quota of greater importance is sought. Large establishments process the leaves mechanically and are the stages of origin. Yerba Mate consignee markets in collaboration with the propaganda committee carry out a promotional campaign to increase their consumption in the country and abroad. Large deposits will be enabled in Europe, starting with Spain. True index of the concern to spread the virtues of another authentic Argentine agricultural product.
    Date: 1969
    Duration: 1 minute 55 seconds
    Film code: D-01887

    Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Queries for archival material -
    More videos and information at: or Follow us on:

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  • In Frame (Spanish) Ep20 Korea's cutting-edge industries and technologies

    Thomas Dworzak, a young, committed member of Magnum Photos, has been documenting conflicts all over the world, but this project of photographing Korea's cutting-edge industries and technologies is an unfamiliar territory even to this tough photographer. Nonetheless, he is excited to tackle a new subject and we cannot wait to see what his camera discovers about the fast-evolving industries and technologies of Korea.
    Thomas Dworzak visits Korea's leading automobile manufacturing plant and the world's largest shipbuilding yard, as well as the Daedeok science hub, the cradle of Korea's latest technologies. He also captures how ordinary Koreans make use of these technologies in their everyday lives.
    He then introduces the environments which gave rise to the pioneering mobile phone technology and world-class computer games and e-sports. Check out "In Frame" to see the images Thomas Dworzak presented of the leading-edge industries and technologies of Korea.

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  • Estudiantes alemanes transforman un edificio en un Tetris gigante NOTICIA: Estudiantes del departamento de Ciencias de la Computación de la universidad de Kiel, en Alemania, han querido jugar a los clásicos video juegos ochenteros, como el Tetris; pero a lo muy, muy grande. Para ello han transformado todo un edificio en una máquina de vídeo juegos gigante utilizando 57.000 luces led de colores, distribuidas en las 392 ventanas del edificio.
    Y para ponerlo en marcha han tenido que partir de cero desarrollando los prototipos para las luces y controladores; así como todo el software que permita jugar. Un esfuerzo tan enorme como el edificio que han logrado animar y hacernos a todos volver a los buenos momentos que nos hicieron pasar estos clásicos juegos.

    KIELTRIS - Tetris versus Breakout (Lighthouse Style)
    Project Lighthouse meets EmbRt Sys (Real-Time and Embedded Systems Group, Department of Computer Science @ Kiel University).


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  • Darkspore - OFFICIAL teaser (2011).

    the first teaser for the upcoming game DARKSPORE by Electronic Arts
    from the press release (supplied by EA )
    Darkspore to Introduce Innovative Character Customization, Gameplay Mechanics and Online Play to Genre

    Maxis, an Electronic Arts studio, today announced the next project in its award-winning portfolio of PC games: Darkspore, an online, science-fiction action role-playing game, is currently in development for an early 2011 launch. Darkspore is rich in action and fiction, and is being written and developed by some of the most talented minds in the video game industry.

    "Darkspore is inspired in part by the award-winning creature editor tech of Spore, but also in large part from the team's own passion for gaming and prior experience," said Lucy Bradshaw, General Manager of Maxis Studio. "The team has combined these inspirations to produce a unique take on the action RPG genre."

    Darkspore will feature dynamic, fast-paced action as players battle across alien worlds to save the galaxy from the mutated forces of Darkspore in a four-player co-operative and full single-player campaign, as well as intense multiplayer battles. In order to defeat the malicious Darkspore, players will need to collect an arsenal of living weapons - genetic heroes with different combat abilities - and upgrade them with tens of thousands of collectible body parts and armor.

    Darkspore will feature three unique classes of five different genetic hero types, with a limitless number of upgrades and customizations available through the parts players collect on each planet level. As players progress, Darkspore builds in intensity, with new planets and enemy forces requiring players to strategically select the right squad and ability combinations to succeed in their missions.

    EA is scheduled to launch Darkspore in early 2011.

    Ver video "Darkspore - OFFICIAL teaser (2011)."

  • The Strain Season 4 Episode 5 / Belly of the Beast " Watch Online

    The Strain Season 4 Episode 5 / Belly of the Beast " Watch Online

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    A medida que empieza la temporada final, han pasado nueve meses. El mundo ha caído en la oscuridad, y los strigoi están en control. El Maestro y sus secuaces han creado una alianza inquietante en "La Asociación". La mayoría de los humanos ahora están trabajando para el strigoi, operando con una sola comprensión - colaborar o morir. Ante la aniquilación ... ¿nuestros héroes tienen lo que se necesita para salvar a la humanidad?
    Episode Name : Belly of the Beast
    Networks : FX
    Genres : Science Fiction, Drama, Mystery

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  • the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?

    Unbelievable! Buffaloes Upstream To Defeat Lions To Save Teammate - Buffaloes Kill Lion

    Ver video "the buffaloes attacked the deadly dangerous lion ,why?"

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