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  • Guerra en Siria

  • Syria's war: Who is fighting and why

    Watch how the Syrian civil war became the mess it is today.

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  • Vende estado islámico a 300 mujeres yazidíes en Siria / Excélsior en la Media

    Vende estado islámico a 300 mujeres yazidíes en Siria / Excélsior en la Media

    31 de agosto del 2014

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  • Alertan de otro posible ataque químico en Siria

    Seis personas, incluyendo a tres niños, murieron en un ataque en Siria, que según una organización de derechos humanos fue realizado con una bomba de barril que contenía gas. 17 marzo de 2015

    Alcalde de Nayarit levanta vestido a jovencita en baile


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  • Malala Yousafzai visita refugiados sirios

    Malala Yousafzai visita refugiados sirios
    07 marzo 2014

    Malala Yousafzai visita un campo de refugiados en Siria para conocer como viven.

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  • Pequeños de Siria viven un infierno por la guerra

    Pequeños de Siria viven un infierno por la guerra
    07 marzo 2014

    Pequeños de Siria quieren que termine el infierno que están viviendo en su país a causa de la guerra.

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  • Nazarbayev, Erdogan meet in Astana to discuss Syria talks, terrorism

    Astana, Sep 9 (EFE).- The presidents of Turkey and Kazakhstan met on Saturday in the Kazakh capital to discuss the fight against terrorism and the upcoming Astana-6 talks aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution to the six-year Syrian civil war.


    Keywords: efe,kazakhstan,turkey,nursultan nazarbayev,recep tayyip erdogan,astana.

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  • Syria War 2016 - FSA in Heavy Intense Firefights Against ISIS in Aleppo Governorate

    Please open the description for more information.\r
    *DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archive of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to be violent in any way. I am only sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating. I also want to share this footage for: news reporting, sharing important information with the public.\r
    Heavy intense firefights as FSA storm ISIS positions in Aleppo Governorate 2016. Video collection from FSA during the assault on settlements which under the control ISIS spring-autumn of 2016. Battles took place in the province of Aleppo and during the operation of the Turkish forces with FSA called Euphrates Shield along the Syrian-Turkish border in the province of Aleppo.\r
    00:12 -- Brigade Hawks of North is a Free Syrian Army fion, created around Syrian Turkmen identity.\r
    03:37 -- The al-Mutasim Brigade is a Free Syrian Army fion ive in the northern Aleppo Governorate, based in the town of Mare. The group is named after al-Mutasim, an Abbasid caliph. The Mutasim Brigade is known for possessing a large amount of US-supplied weapons from the Syrian Train and Equip program, including M16 rifles, M249 light machine guns, M240 machine guns, Soltam K6, M224 mortars, M252 mortars, M2 Browning, and technicals. This led to reports being made that this group is supplied by the United States. The group did not receive anti-tank missiles from the US. In June the group formed an alliance with Liwa Ahfad Saladin and 6 other rebel groups in Mare after breaking an ISIL siege on the town. The new coalition claims to have 1,500 fighters under a unified military command and established cont with the rival Syrian Democratic Forces. Later that month, Mohammad Hassan Khalil was kidnapped in Mare. The Moutasem Brigade accused Major General Dara Aza, former commander of rebels in Mare, and al-Nusra Front of carrying out the abduction. In August and September the Moutasem Brigade participated in the Turkish military intervention in Syria which captured Jarabulus and al-Rai.\r
    18:54 -- The 13th Division is a Syrian rebel group sanctioned by the Syrian National Council. It was among the first armed Syrian opposition groups to receive U.S.-made BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles. \r
    The 13th Division originated in March new under the name ‘Liwa Ibad al-Rahman and grew that year to 1,000 men according to its leader Ahmad al-Saoud. In new the group was incorporated into the Free Syrian Army as the 13th Division. On 18 September 2016 one of the 13th Division commanders, Abdul Karim Alito, was killed in ion during the 2016 al-Bab offensive.[4] Later that month, the 13th Division, along with the Mountain Hawks Brigade and the Northern Division, formed the Free Idlib Army.\r
    22:28 -- The Sultan Murad Division is an armed rebel group in the Syrian Civil War, created around Syrian Turkmen identity. They are aligned with the Syrian opposition and are heavily supported by Turkey, who provides funding and military training along with artillery and aerial support. They are the most notable group among Syrian Turkmen Brigades supported by Turkey.\r
    The Free Syrian Army was, or is still, a fion in the Syrian Civil War. It was founded on 29 July new by officers of the Syrian Armed Forces who said their goal was to bring down the Assad government and was in late new considered the main Syrian military defectors group. From July new onward, ill-discipline and infighting weakened the FSA.\r
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  • Forex Trading System

    In today’s hectic markets a solid Forex trading system is necessary to create profits and avoid losses. Civil war continues to rage in the North African nation of Libya and threatens to break out in the Middle East nation of Syria. Not only do these events threaten the general peace but they also threaten oil supplies and the transit of goods from Asia to Europe.

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  • Assad urges halt to flow of terrorists to Syria and Iraq through Turkey

    Damascus, Dec 11 (EFE).- Syrian President Bashar Assad, in an exclusive interview with EFE, stressed the need to halt the flow of terrorists that he said were arriving in Syria and Iraq through Turkey, as well as to block the terror financing that, in his view, was originating in Saudi Arabia.

    "In Syria, we have more than 100 nationalities fighting with the extremists and terrorists, Al Qaeda and al-Nusra and others. The first step we should take in order to solve this problem is to stop the flood of terrorists, especially through Turkey to Syria and to Iraq, and of course we have to stop the flowing of money - Saudi money and other Wahhabi money and Qatari money - to those terrorists through Turkey," Assad said.

    He also called for a halt to the flow of armaments and logistical support for groups battling Syrian government forces.

    "We have to start with stopping the flow, and at the same time fighting terrorism from within Syria by the Syrian army and by whoever wants to support the Syrian army," Assad said.

    That latter remark was a veiled reference to the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State that has carried out airstrikes against the jihadists in Syria for more than a year without any military coordination with Damascus.

    Assad said organizations considered to be "terrorist around the world, like ISIS (Islamic State) or al-Nusra," have hundreds of millions of dollars and "a nearly full army like any other state," a situation he said was only possible due to the direct support of countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

    He said that if the goal is a quick end to the war, "and most of the world is saying now they want to see an end to this crisis," then pressure must be placed "on those countries that, you know them, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar."

    "Then this conflict will end in less than a year, definitely," the Syrian president added.

    Around 250,000 people have died since the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, according to the United Nations and other organizations.


    Keywords: efe,interview,bashar assad,syria.

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  • La ONU estudia si el último atentado en Alepo es un crimen de guerra

    Las Naciones Unidas estudian si el último ataque contra un convoy civiles en la ciudad de Alepo, en el que murieron 120 personas, la mayoría niños, puede ser considerado crimen de guerra.

    El Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos estudia vídeos del momento del ataque, que se centró en uno de los autobuses implicados en el intercambio de civiles entre Gobierno sirio y rebeldes.

    Recent attack on evacuated civilians in #Syria ‘likely a war crime,’ says UNHumanRights office— UN News Centre (UN_News_Centre) April 18, 2017

    Mientras tanto las milicias apoyadas por Estados Unidos se aproximan a la ciudad de Al Raqa. Los vídeos publicados por estos grupos muestran comitivas de civiles que aprovechan la retirada del Dáesh para escapar de la región.
    Las milicias han anunciado la creación de un consejo civil que gobernará la ciudad tras su captura, que esperan sea inminente.

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  • Los rebeldes sirios amenazan con romper la tregua si las tropas sirias siguen sin respetarla"

    Las fuerzas rebeldes sirias amenazan con romper esta última tregua, si las tropas del régimen sirio y sus aliados no cesan los enfrentamientos.

    Aunque la calma prevalece, dos horas después de entrar en vigor el alto el fuego auspiciado por Ankara y Moscú, ya hubo combates violentos en el norte, en la provincia de Hama, según fuentes del Observatorio Sirio de los Derechos Humanos (OSDH).

    Pero la fragilidad de la tregua no es lo único que preocupa a los civiles del este de Alepo:

    “Dáesh cortó el agua en Alepo, nos han dejado sin agua potable, o nos matan o nos arrebatan lo necesario para sobrevivir. Todo esto es culpa del Estado islámico.”

    Muchos de los civiles que abandonaron de foma voluntaria las zonas rebeldes de Alepo la semana pasada, recuperan ahora fuerzas en un campamento improvisado en Idlib. Atrás dejan familiares muertos y barrios devastados:

    53,773 registered internally displaced people from eastern #Aleppo #Syria since 24 November in need of aid, see map— OCHA Syria (@OCHA_Syria) 26 de dezembro de 2016

    “Nos marchamos por los continuos ataques con bombas, barricadas, bombardeos aéreos. Era un auténtico polvorín. No tuvimos más remedio que huir de la zona y abandonar nuestros hogares. Además, las tropas del régimen perdieron toda nuestra credibilidad”, cuenta Hassan Izzo.

    Cerca de 35.000 personas fueron evacuadas de las zonas rebeldes de Alepo, después de reiteradas interrupciones en condiciones climáticas cada vez más extremas. Entre los evacuados había un centenar de pacientes gravemente heridos o enfermos.

    El alto el fuego, auspiciado por Rusia y Turquía y aceptado por el Ejército sirio y por los rebeldes y grupos de la oposición, tiene como objetivo allanar el camino para una nueva ronda de negociaciones prevista para finales de enero en Astaná, capital de Kazajistán

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  • The Wrath of Heaven - Dragon Age Inquisition Gameplay Part 1

    The Wrath of Heaven - Dragon Age Inquisition Gameplay Part 1 \r
    Dragon Age Inquisition Xbox 360 Gameplay Playlist \r
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    What is Dragon Age: Inquisition?\r
    Dragon Age: Inquisition will be set in the continent of Thedas, the fantasy world in which the two previous games are set. The game will cover more geographic territory than its predecessors, with one map being described as four to five times the size of Ferelden, the setting of the first game in the . The developers said that the next game would likely be somewhere more French, which fans recognize as the land of Orlais. Following the events described in the supplementary novels Dragon Age: Asunder and The Masked Empire, a civil war between the loyalists of the ruling Empress and a powerful noble fion led by her cousin, Grand Duke Gaspard, broke out in Orlais. Simultaneously, the Circle of Magi has gone rogue, in part due to the events of Dragon Age II, and the Templar Order seceded from the Chantry to wage their own civil war on the mages.\r
    The area traversable in Inquisition is much larger than both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, and is said to cover two countries and the land between. The countries are: Ferelden (setting of Dragon Age: Origins) and Orlais, with a land known as the Dales located within.\r
    Developer: BioWare\r
    Publisher: EA\r
    Platform: PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One\r
    Genre: Action role-playing\r
    ESRB: [Mature] Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language

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