Ver video "mercat-ecologic-i-intercanvi"
ecoaventuras santiago: ecological tours
Excursiones ecologicas: Cola de caballo, cascada cieneguilla, cascada la escondida, rio la silla, rio santa catarina, presa la boca, cabeza del indio, aguas termales.
Servicio de transportacion a hotel fuera del centro de monterrey, guias bilingues, equipo y snack incluido.
Tel: 80330661 y 83409175
email: video "ecoaventuras santiago: ecological tours"
Kor Ecologic Urbee Car Project
Visiten mi Posterous : -- --
Ver video "Kor Ecologic Urbee Car Project"
Gulf oil spill An ecological disaster
Analysts say the oil leak is a severe threat to sea life in the Gulf of Mexico, and could damage the fragile ecosystem.
The Gulf of Mexico coastal area is one of the world's richest seafood suppliers, providing shrimp and oysters for a very wide market. About 70 percent of the shrimp consumed in the US is caught there. It's an industry worth over 400 million US dollars. With the start of the shrimp season, the spill is likely to cause severe damage to the industry.
Fishermen, in the region have filed a lawsuit against oil giant British Petroleum. Another concern, is that over 40 percent of the everglades in the US are located nearby. The Gulf is also an important stop for migrating birds. Analysts, say tides and winds could PUSH the oil deep into the marsh.Ver video "Gulf oil spill An ecological disaster"
Tigers preying on bears offers new ecological insight
Ver video "Tigers preying on bears offers new ecological insight"
EcoCommerce 101 - Adding an Ecological Dimension to the Economy
Ver video "EcoCommerce 101 - Adding an Ecological Dimension to the Economy"
Farming in Nature's Image An Ecological Approach To Agriculture
Ver video "Farming in Nature's Image An Ecological Approach To Agriculture"
El vi negre ecològic. Fira Slow Food Terres Lleida
Racó del Tast i la Gastronomia
El vi negre ecològic.
Tast vertical dels vins Petit Grealó 04/05 i Flor de Grealó 04/05, pels enòlegs Patri Morillo i Pep Aguilar.Ver video "El vi negre ecològic. Fira Slow Food Terres Lleida"
HOME - La ecología -
En los 200.000 años que llevamos los hombres sobre la Tierra hemos roto el equilibrio que durante casi cuatro mil millones de años de evolución se había establecido en el planeta. El precio que debemos pagar es alto, pero es demasiado tarde para ser pesimistas: la humanidad dispone apenas de diez años para invertir la tendencia, darse cuenta del grado de espolio de la riqueza de la Tierra y cambiar su modelo de consumo.
HOME es un largometraje dirigido por Yann Arthus-Bertrand y coproducido por EuropaCorp (Estudio de Luc Besson) y Elzévir Films con el apoyo de PPR. HOME se compone de imágenes aéreas que abarcan los temas medioambientales más importantes, diciéndonos a la vez que aún existen soluciones. HOME se estrenará el 5 de Junio 2009 en todo el planeta y en todos los formatos. El objetivo es llegar a la audiencia más amplia posible y convencernos sobre nuestra responsabilidad individual y colectiva hacia el planeta.Ver video "HOME - La ecología -"
El CCPI 2020 refleja que ningún país está en la senda del 1,5 ºC
Es la primera vez que la mayoría de los países reducen sus emisiones. Sin embargo ninguno hace lo suficiente para prevenir un cambio climático peligroso.View on euronews
Ver video "El CCPI 2020 refleja que ningún país está en la senda del 1,5 ºC"
Goodby Silverstein & Partners Advert TV for Hyundai ecological TV Ad
Motion illustrationVer video "Qt_ipod_hyundai_imagine"
La pandemia del coronavirus da la puntilla al sector del carbón
La pandemia del coronavirus da la puntilla al sector del carbónView on euronews
Ver video "La pandemia del coronavirus da la puntilla al sector del carbón"
El Gobierno alemán presenta un plan de incentivos para impulsar la energía eólica
Alemania prevé cerrar su última central nuclear en 2022, y abandonar el uso del carbón en 2038. Sin embargo, su estrategia para conseguir que dentro de diez años, el 65% de la generación eléctrica provenga de fuentes limpias, no avanza al ritmo deseado por el Gobierno. View on euronews
Ver video "El Gobierno alemán presenta un plan de incentivos para impulsar la energía eólica"
El Día Mundial del Medioambiente coincide con una grave crisis sanitaria y ecológica
Si seguimos ignorando el cambio climático, sin respeto por la naturaleza y los animales, habrá otra pandemia, advierten los expertos en la conservación de la Naturaleza.View on euronews
Ver video "El Día Mundial del Medioambiente coincide con una grave crisis sanitaria y ecológica"
Ver video "TRAMPOSA"
Ejecución de la Obra, Operaciones paso a paso para la compactación y estabilización de una carretera.
Arado y escaríficado, mezcla del producto con agua, regado del la tierra, Máquina de Discos: homogeneizado del suelo, motonivelado de la traza del camino o carretera, compactación con pata de cabra, motonivelado final y compactación, con aportación de áridos para dotar a la vía de mayor agarre ante situaciones de lluvia o heladas.
Execution of the work, stepping Operations for compaction and stabilization of a road.
Plowing and scarifying, mixing the product with water and watered the earth, homogenates soil trace the path or road compaction kickstand, compaction, with the blending of aggregates to provide pathway grip in situations of rain or frost.Ver video "FIXTERRA pasos para el COMPACTADO-ESTABILIZADO de SUELO y terrenos"
BELLVERD SPOT, Oli d'Oliva verge extra de Borrassà.
Aceite de Oliva 100% ecológico, producido en Borrassà, Alt Empordà.
El aceite Bell Verd, se recoge en el punto de frescor óptimo y verdor para que mantenga todo su aroma.
Es un aceite de oliva ecológico extra virgen, de categoría superior de la variedad Arbequina, obtenido directamente de Olivas y sólo por procedimientos mecánicos.
Puedes comprar tu aceite a través de nuestra web:www.bellverd.comVer video "BELLVERD SPOT, Oli d'Oliva verge extra de Borrassà."
iEuropa Notícies Dilluns 8 febrer 2007
Informatiu d'àmbit europeu. Destaquem el nou mètode de tractament dels nanotubs del carbó dins el món de la nanotecnologia.
Ver video "iEuropa Notícies Dilluns 8 febrer 2007"
We have to protect our world
EN:S.O.S ...---...
As you can see, the environment is now a priority. We are focussing upon this matter as a way of giving you the tool to repair our environment: , click on "Lluvia de ideas" (Green Brainstorming)
We are here. Are you with us?
Translate this green message to any language you know,so more people can understand it and forward it!
ES: S.O.S ...---...
Como puedes ver, ahora el Medio Ambiente es una prioridad. Nosotros nos centramos en esta prioridad dándote una herramienta para curar nuestro Medio Ambiente: Estamos ahí, y tú ¿estás con nosotros?
Traduce este mensaje verde a cualquier idioma que conozcas, para que más personas puedan entenderlo y reenvíalo!Ver video "We have to protect our world"
It's My Environment! Es mi Medio Ambiente!
EN: Let's fight against climate change. Without you won’t be possible!
Translate this green message to any language you know,so more people can understand it and forward it!
ES:¡Únete a la lucha contra el cambio climático!¡Sin tí no será posible!
Traduce este mensaje verde a cualquier idioma que conozcas, para que más personas puedan entenderlo y reenvíalo!Ver video "It's My Environment! Es mi Medio Ambiente!"
Tesla compró terrenos para Gigafactory en Nuevo León con ayuda de otras empresas
La compañía de Elon Musk adquiere predios en Santa Catarina mediante la empresa Ecological Project Mario, fundada por su market manager en México.
Ver video "Tesla compró terrenos para Gigafactory en Nuevo León con ayuda de otras empresas"
Creative green message
EN:The video was made in China, the world's largest car market with over 500 million vehicles on the road, according to the China's Ministry of Commerce.
But just expressing this idea by doing this pedestrian crossing won’t be enough. There is a need for more than that, pushing our efforts beyond limits to achieve a result indeed.
Go to and click on ''Lluvia de ideas" (Green Brainstorming) and share your effort.Translate this green message to any language you know,so more people can understand it and forward it!
ES: Este video fue grabado en China, el país con, más de 500 millones de coches según el Ministerio de Comercio de China.
Pero no es suficiente con expresar esta magnífica idea haciendo este paso de peatones. Se necesita mucho más que esto, ir más allá en nuestros esfuerzos para alcanzar un resultado de verdad. Ve a la sección "Lluvia de ideas" de y comparte tu esfuerzo.
Traduce este mensaje verde a cualquier idioma que conozcas y reenvíalo!Ver video "Creative green message"
Si quieres aprender más acerca de las variedades de coles que existen, acompáñanos en este curioso vídeo
(00:38) Kale o col rizada
(00:54) Col de Bruselas
(01:14) Coliflor
(01:34) Repollo
(01:49) Brócoli
(02:08) Bok Choy
(02:27) Col Lombarda
(02:44) Romanesco
(03:01) Bimi
(03:20) ColinaboVer video "10 VARIEDADES de COLES ✅"
Hello! SATOYAMA Life ep07 (2012-07-19)
This time the idols learn to make some ecological seats
Ver video "Hello! SATOYAMA Life ep07 (2012-07-19)"
The Bay Official Movie Trailer 2012 HD
Chaos breaks out in a small Maryland town after an ecological disaster occurs.
Ver video "The Bay Official Movie Trailer 2012 HD"
Cambio Climático / Climate Change - Tasio Müller (En+Es)
Cambio Climático; una crisis ecológica y social
Climate Change; a social and ecological crisisVer video "Cambio Climático / Climate Change - Tasio Müller (En+Es)"
Socio Bosque? presents the ecological situation of Ecuador and explains what is the SOCIO BOSQUE proposal... Distributed by Tubemogul.
Ver video "Socio Bosque?"
iEuropa Notícies Dimarts 13 març 2007
iEuropa. 3 Notícies: Destaquem la posada en pràctica de transports públics més ecològics a diferents ciutats europees.
Ver video "iEuropa Notícies Dimarts 13 març 2007"
How You Can Choose The Perfect Synthetic Turf
Synthetic grass comes in a variety of styles, offering huge savings and ecological benefits by cutting back on water usage.
Ver video "How You Can Choose The Perfect Synthetic Turf"
Alborada Adventure Travel Agency has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure, cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru. video "CUSCO TRAVEL"
Advantages of a Ductless Mini-Split System (R410a).,000_BTU_17_SEER_Inverter_Mini_Split_Heat_Pump_AC/p2466804_11526609.aspx Our Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems operate with Ecological awareness refrigerant R-410A, helping protect our fragile environment. Call: Telepho
Ver video "Advantages of a Ductless Mini-Split System (R410a)."
Best of Peru - The Best Places of Peru, Cusco, Machu Pichu, Inka Trail, Lima, Iquitos, Arequipa, Manu, Nazca Lines, Vivencial Tourism, Rural Tourism, Gastronomy Tourism, Ecological Tourism, Mystical Tourism, Bird Watching, Luxury in Peru
Ver video "Best of Peru"
peru travel - latika adventures
hen there are no permits left for the Inca Trail, the Salkantay Trek becomes the best choice. Hiking past the Salkantay Nevado is an incredible experience. While walking through different ecological levels.
Ver video "peru travel - latika adventures"
SALT AND FIRE Official Trailer (2017)
PLOT: A scientist blames the head of a large company for an ecological disaster in South America. But when a volcano begins to show signs of erupting, they must unite to avoid a disaster.Ver video "SALT AND FIRE Official Trailer (2017)"
peru travel
CUSCO PERU Whether you're after River Rafting or hiking the Inca trail, Peru has it all! With well over 100 distinct ecological zones and a rich cultural heritage, Peru Travels has something to offer everyone.
Ver video "peru travel"
iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 13 juny 2007
iEuropa. 3 notícies: Debat a l'Eurocambra sobre l'eficàcia de les ajudes pels afectats del tsunami a l'Àsia, els aliments ecològics, i destaquem un sistema per reduir l'emissió de gasos d'efecte hivernacle conegut com Captura i Emmagatzematge de CO2.
Ver video "iEuropa Noticies Dimecres 13 juny 2007"
Gobierno de Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, otorga subsidio de 26.9 mdp a Tesla
Santa Catarina informó que aplicó un subsidio de 26.9 millones de pesos por concepto de Impuesto por Adquisición de Inmuebles de los terrenos para el establecimiento de la Gigafactory de Tesla a su filial Ecological Project Mario, S de RL de CV.
Ver video "Gobierno de Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, otorga subsidio de 26.9 mdp a Tesla"
RUTA INCA has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure, cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru. We have spearheaded tourism into many rural areas, exploring ancient trails and uncharted rivers among some of the most fantastic and varied natural landscapes
Ver video "rutainca"
hotel - latika adventures
Chiclayo is a city surrounded by history and cultural vestiges. In Chiclayo, you can visit the Lord of Sipan Museum; Huacarajada, where the Lord of Sipan was found; the Pyramids of Tucume; and the beautiful Ecological Reserve of Chaparri. Latika Peru Hotels has selected the most comfortable hotels in town.
Ver video "hotel - latika adventures"
Ruta Inca
Has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure,
cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru:
Ruta Inca
We have spearheaded tourism into many rural areas,
exploring ancient trails and uncharted rivers among some
of the most fantastic and varied natural landscapes in
this part of the world: Machu Picchu, Inka Trail or Inca
Trail, Cultural ToursVer video "RUTA INCA"
Alborada Adventure Travel Agency has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure, cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru. We have spearheaded tourism into many rural areas, exploring ancient trails and uncharted rivers among some of the most fantastic and varied natural landscapes in this part of the world: Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, Cultural Tours
Ver video "CUSCO TRAVEL"
Cusco Travel
Travel Agency has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure, cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru. We have spearheaded tourism into many rural areas, exploring ancient trails and uncharted rivers among some of the most fantastic and varied natural landscapes in this part of the world: Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, Cultural Tours... and more.
Ver video "Cusco Travel"
Welcome to PALOTOA TOURS Web site.
We are tour operator & Travel Agency specialized on tourist's destinations, in particular, the Peruvian jungle: NATIONAL PARK MANU, PUERTO MALDONADO, TAMBOPATA.
We are also Adventure Tour Operators, Existential Tourism getting in touch with native people and Natural Ecological Tourism. We offer Alternative and Cultural Tours to Machu Picchu, Salkantay, Ausangate, Lares, Choquequirao, etc. video "JUNGLE TRAVEL"
Construccion ecológica. Bio construcción sostenible.
http:/ Si estás buscando una forma de construcción ecológical, visita nuestra web. Tenemos bio construccion sostenible a base de corcho ecológico. El corcho natural es un gran aislante acústico y térmico. Construcción ecológica de corcho natural para las paredes. Bio construcción natural y sostenible. Corcho natural para cubiertas, edificios...en nuestra web. Bio construcción ecologica de corcho natural y sostenible.
Ver video "Construccion ecológica. Bio construcción sostenible."
The Inca Trail to Machupicchu is rated amongst the ten best trekking trails in the world because of the exquisite beauty of it's natural surroundings. These includes different ecological areas from the high Andean plains, to the cloud forest with an impressive variety of altitudes, climates and ecosystems. You will cross two high altitude passes (The highest is known as Warmi wañuska or Death Woman pass at 4200m.a.s.l.)
Ver video "INCA TRAIL"
The Inca Trail to Machupicchu is rated amongst the ten best trekking trails in the world because of the exquisite beauty of it's natural surroundings. These includes different ecological areas from the high Andean plains, to the cloud forest with an impressive variety of altitudes, climates and ecosystems. , You will cross two high altitude passes (The highest is known as Warmi wañuska or Death Woman pass at 4200m.a.s.l.).
Ver video "INCA TRAIL"
The Inca Trail to Machupicchu is rated among the ten best trekking trails in the world because of the exquisite beauty of it s natural surroundings. These includes different ecological areas from the high Andean plains, to the cloud forest an impressive variety of altitudes, climates and ecosystems .You will cross two high altitude passes(The highest is known as Warmi wañuska or Death Women pass at 4200m). video "Incatrail01"
Peru Travel 16 PERU TRAVEL We´re specialists in touring and discovering, the most unusual and least visited places of interest in Peru, for 10 years. We´re a fully licensed Travel Agency and tour operator in Peru, specialists in custom made tours that you can help design if you wish and can be adventure, cultural, archeological, historical, and ecological, new routes re-examined and improved regularly, a complete equipment which make the trips more pleasant.
Ver video "Peru Travel 16"
Peru Travel 12 TRAVEL TO PERU We´re specialists in touring and discovering, the most unusual and least visited places of interest in Peru, for 10 years. We´re a fully licensed Travel Agency and tour operator in Peru, specialists in custom made tours that you can help design if you wish and can be adventure, cultural, archeological, historical, and ecological, new routes re-examined and improved regularly, a complete equipment which make the trips more pleasant peru travel
Ver video "Peru Travel 12"
Text Blade, el mini teclado portátil
Text Blade, el mini teclado portátil. Te dejamos eso y más en cuestión de tecnología.
20 de enero 2015
Para más información entra en
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Text Blade,el mini teclado portátil,teclado portátil,dinero,Teclado ecológico,bluetooth,tecnología,teclado de madera,Orée Board,teclados en japonés,ultimos inventos,los mejores inventos,inventos sorprendentes,Keyboard ecological wood,bluetooth technologyVer video "Text Blade, el mini teclado portátil"
Peru Travel 14 WELCOME TO INKATREKS TOUR OPERATORS, PERU TRAVEL We´re specialists in touring and discovering, the most unusual and least visited places of interest in Peru, for 10 years. We´re a fully licensed Travel Agency and tour operator in Peru, specialists in custom made tours that you can help design if you wish and can be adventure, cultural, archeological, historical, and ecological, new routes re-examined and improved regularly, a complete equipment which make the trips more pleasant PERU TRAVEL
Ver video "Peru Travel 14"
Doomsday: December 21, 2012 PART 4 OF 5
PART 4 Will the World Really End December 21, 2012?
I was recently asked how I interpreted the Mayan and Hopi predictions that the world, as we know it, will end on the 21st of December 2012. Would there be global war -- possibly triggering a nuclear holocaust? Would the planet's life forms finally succumb to the ecological quagmire that's been building in our soils, oceans and atmosphere? Would the current steady increase of previously unknown diseases overcome our ability to defend against them? Or will we suddenly move into a new Golden Age in which the lion lies down with the lamb and struggle, pain, and suffering are gone forever?Ver video "Doomsday: December 21, 2012 PART 4 OF 5"
Covers for TOMST dendrometers in roots and stems.
The dendrometers measure the daily hydro-ecological pulse and seasonal growth of trees. To avoid confounding effects of bark and stem tissues wetting by the rain, the dendrometers need to be covered from direct rain.
For the roots, two boards of 1-inch thickness and around 25 (height) x 30 (width) cm are needed. One or two complementary pieces with 90-degree angles are used to add strength to the assembled A-like hut.
As for the stems, it is important to cover the stemflow from above and direct rain from above and the sides. The design is also simple and involves a board of 20x20 cm as a roof and two lateral pieces of 20x10 cm.Ver video "Covers for TOMST dendrometers in roots and stems."
Llega elefante al Parque Ecológico Echécatl en Ecatepec
Llega elefante al Parque Ecológico Echécatl en Ecatepec / Elephant arrives at Ecological Park Ehécatl in Ecatepec
03 junio 2014
El Parque Ecológico Echécatl, Ecatepet, tiene un nuevo integrante. El elefante fue rescatado de un circo.
Para más información entra en
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Llega elefante al Parque Ecológico Echécatl en Ecatepec,elefante,ecatepec,llegar,parque ehecatl,beny,31 años,Parque Ecológico Echécatl,Parque Ecológico Echécatl en Ecatepec,elefante en parque ecologico,noticia,noticias hoy,noticias de ultima hora,ultimas noticias,breaking news,news,Cadenatres,Cadena3,Canal 128,Canal 28,cadena tres,cadenatres,canal 28,Grupo Imagen,Invent Mx,Yuriria SierraVer video "Llega elefante al Parque Ecológico Echécatl en Ecatepec"
Travel Peru
Travel Peru : Tierra Inka has been providing guests with unforgettable adventure, cultural, Ecological and special interest tours in Peru: Travel Peru (Tierra Inka). We have spearheaded tourism into many rural areas, exploring ancient trails and uncharted rivers among some of the most fantastic and varied natural landscapes in this part of the world: Machu Picchu, Inka Trail or Inca Trail, Cultural Tours... and more
Our achievements have been made possible thanks to the extraordinary support of Travel Peru , a well assembled team of permanently trained professionals, identified with our company goals and clients' preferences.
Outgoing Tourist Department
The permanent challenge of globalization in the present business environment demands from us not only the need to take good care of the every day detail of your trip, but also to optimize your time and investment, reducing unnecessary costs.
www.tierrainka.netVer video "Travel Peru"
¿El desodorante perfecto? | The perfect deodorant?
¡Mi experiencia usando PIEDRA DE ALUMBRE como desodorante.
La piedra de alumbre es un mineral compuesto por aluminio.
En la antigüedad se usaba como desodorante; descubrí que es amigable con el medio ambiente y económica ;)
¡Quiero leerte! Cuéntame si te vas a animar a usar la #piedradealumbre.
¡Sígueme en mis redes sociales! Uso más Instagram, pero también estoy en Facebook: @marianaiparreafb y apenas ingresé a Tiktok: marianaiparrea
#belleza #tips #desodorante #sudor #ecológico #medioambiente
My experience using ALUM STONE as a deodorant.
Alum stone is a mineral composed of aluminum.
In ancient times it was used as a deodorant; I discovered that it’s friendly to the environment and cheap ;)
I want to read you! Tell me if you're going to use the #alumstone.
Follow me on my social networks! I use Instagram more, but I'm also on Facebook: @marianaiparreafb Youtube: MarianaIparrea and barely getting into Tiktok: marianaiparrea
#beauty #tips #deodorant #sweat #ecological #environmentVer video "¿El desodorante perfecto? | The perfect deodorant?"