Videos relacionados con esqueje de heuchera melting fire


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  • Cae un grupo criminal que suministraba esquejes de marihuana en El Prat

  • cultivo de esquejes de marihuana

    amigos para que aprendan a preparar esquejes de marihuana

    Ver video "cultivo de esquejes de marihuana"

  • 10 pasos para hacer esquejes de cannabis

    El cannabis es una planta muy fácil de multiplicar por esquejes. Con un bote de hormona de enraizamiento, un miniinvernadero y unos jiffys o similares, podemos obtener multitud de plantas idénticas a partir de una sola sin necesidad de comprar más semillas. Vamos a descubrir lo fácil que es hacer esquejes.

    Ver video "10 pasos para hacer esquejes de cannabis"

  • Detención de distribuidores de esquejes de marihuana

    Los Mossos d'Esquadra y la Policía Local de El Prat han desarticulado una de las mayores redes de distribución de esquejes de marihuana del área metropolitana

    Ver video "Detención de distribuidores de esquejes de marihuana"

  • Esquejes de Granada Ya Enraizando

    En este video les muestro unos Esquejes de Granada que ya empezaron a enraizar aproximadamente al mes de que los plante. #esquejes #huerto #propagaciondeplantas
    Si eres Nuevo en el Canal, Te invito a Suscribirte y Activar la Campanita para Que te Lleguen Los Nuevos Videos Que Suba. Tambien te invito a compartir el video en tus redes sociales y grupos de Plantas y Jardineria a los que pertenescas. Gracias!

    Ver video "Esquejes de Granada Ya Enraizando"


    Como reproducir romero por esqueje. Un método muy facil para propagar romero. solo necesitas agua y una planta de romero.
    Reproducir romero a partir de una rama en casa


  • Esquejes

    Este vídeo muestra varias formas de reproducir mediante esquejes una planta de marihuana. Producido por Canal Kaña

    Ver video "Esquejes"


    Aprende a reproducir coleos o cretonas tanto por semillas como por esquejes. En el vídeo veremos el proceso de los 2 métodos.



    Como reproducir planta mesem o rayito de luz por esquejes. También se le llama uña de gato a esta suculenta.


  • Clonación fallida de satibraian

    Al final se murieron los esquejes pronto el segundo intento

    Ver video "Clonación fallida de satibraian"

  • Como Plantar Enraizar Higos sin Hormonas

    En este Video Les Muestro Como Plantar (Enraizar) Higos con Esquejes Sin Quimicos ni Hormonas.

    Ver video "Como Plantar Enraizar Higos sin Hormonas"

  • Como Reproducir Menta O Hierbabuena Por Esqueje || La Huertina De Toni

    La menta, hierbabuena o yerbabuena son plantas bastante interesantes para tener en maceta o en casa , incluso en el huerto, mirar que fácil es reproducir la menta por esqueje de forma que podamos tener en poco tiempo nuevas plantas de mienta!

    Ver video "Como Reproducir Menta O Hierbabuena Por Esqueje || La Huertina De Toni"

  • Esquejes de higo en una maceta en California Zona 9

    En este video les muestro una actualizacion de mis esquejes a seis meses de ser plantados en una maceta aqui en California.
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    Ver video "Esquejes de higo en una maceta en California Zona 9"

  • Nicaragua avanza en la producción y exportación de plantas ornamentales

    Nicaragua da pasos importantes en la producción de plantas ornamentales. La Finca “Las Limas” es un ejemplo de ello y cuenta con 16 hectáreas de tierra y se generan más de 2 mil empleos. Existen aproximadamente 50 especies de plantas ornamentales, que se dividen en más de 500 variedades para la producción de esquejes, destinadas en un 95% al mercado norteamericano. teleSUR

    Ver video "Nicaragua avanza en la producción y exportación de plantas ornamentales"


    En este video les muestro una planta de mora que enraze de un esqueje. Las moras son muy faciles de enraizar y su fruto es delicioso. En la casa teniamos una y recuerdo que de chicos nos subiamos al arbol y eran deliciosas.
    Gracias Queridos Amigos y Amigas De Dailymotion Si Eres Nuev@, Te Invito A Que Sigas el Canal. Tambien visitanos en nuestras redes sociales


  • La Policía desmantela 4 naves con plantaciones indoor de marihuana Jerez de la Frontera Cádiz Noticia: Uno de los detenidos utilizaba su negocio de venta de semillas y utensilios de horticultura como tapadera y así dar apariencia legal a las plantaciones. Intervenidas 2.133 plantas y esquejes de “Cannabis sátiva”, 34 kilos y medio de marihuana y un kilo de aceite procesado (hachís). Las instalaciones contaban con todos los adelantos técnicos para favorecer el procesado y crecimiento de las plantas, siendo intervenidos 688 focos de luz de sodio, 62 extractores de aire, 14 equipos de aire acondicionado y filtros de aire de gran tamaño, 29 bombas y enfriadores de agua junto a cientos de metros de tendido eléctrico.

    -Fuente: Nota de prensa de la Policía Nacional

    Ver video "La Policía desmantela 4 naves con plantaciones indoor de marihuana Jerez de la Frontera Cádiz"

  • Melting

    Melting - Kali Uchis.

    Ver video "Melting"

  • #SNL: St. Vincent: The Melting of the Sun (Live) -

    #SNL: St. Vincent: The Melting of the Sun (Live) -

    Ver video "#SNL: St. Vincent: The Melting of the Sun (Live) -"

  • The Death & Life of Ice Cream

    Ice cream, popsicles, cakes, sandwiches, sundaes, bars, cones, and ices melting and reforming.

    Ver video "The Death & Life of Ice Cream"

  • Descubre el original Hotel de "Los Picapiedras", Melting Elefante, en Guasacate, Rivas

    Conocé el Hotel Playa de "Los Picapiedras”, así conocido en redes sociales, pero su nombre real es Melting Elefante. Ubicado en playa Guasacate en Rivas, este hotel es una buena opción para visitar y disfrutar tus vacaciones !

    Ver video "Descubre el original Hotel de "Los Picapiedras", Melting Elefante, en Guasacate, Rivas"

  • Gemelos: Clones naturales

    El término clon procede del griego “klon” que significa esqueje. La clonación es el proceso de producción de clones, por el cual sin la unión de dos células sexuales se obtienen seres idénticos genéticamente. Los gemelos idénticos son clones naturales. Derivan de un embrión que se divide en dos en una fase muy temprana del desarrollo, cuando cada una de las mitades aún puede generar un embrión completo y normal. Como ambos proceden del mismo óvulo fertilizado por el mismo espermatozoide, su dotación genética es idéntica. Pese a su evidente parecido físico –en ocasiones es casi imposible diferenciar uno de otro–, quien conoce a gemelos admite que sus personalidades y formas de ser, lo que constituye la esencia de un ser humano, son perfectamente discernibles.

    Ver video "Gemelos: Clones naturales"

  • Delaware Linemen Help Get The Power On in Puerto Rico

    A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public

    Ver video "Delaware Linemen Help Get The Power On in Puerto Rico"

  • Rerproduccion asexual: Clonacion

    En genética, un clon (griego κλων klōn, ‘retoño’) es un conjunto de individuos genéticamente idénticos que descienden de un mismo individuo por mecanismos de reproducción asexual.
    El término fue creado en 1903 por H. J. Webber con la explícita intención de contribuir al desarrollo léxico de la entonces nueva ciencia de la Genética, y ese uso es el único válido en el lenguaje científico. Respondía a la necesidad de referirse a una variedad de cultivo multiplicada exclusivamente de manera vegetativa (mediante esquejes o estacas), como era y es común respecto a los árboles frutales. Los individuos generados así son genéticamente idénticos, lo mismo que los que se obtienen por partenogénesis o incluso por mecanismos sexuales de reproducción cuando la homocigosis es completa y la recombinación genética imposible. Puede llamarse reproducción clonal a la reproducción asexual, aunque no es un uso muy extendido.

    Ver video "Rerproduccion asexual: Clonacion"

  • bonsai cuidados - bonsai sushi - tipos de bonsai - bonsai cuidados - bonsai sushi - tipos de bonsai

    Los 17 Estilos adecuados para dar el Diseño y
    la Forma a tu bonsái.

    Que Especies son las adecuadas para cuando eres

    Los Mejores Sitios donde comprar tu primer bonsái.

    Los Mejores Consejos para cuidar tu bonsái en el

    Gráficos y Fotos que te ayudaran para Diseñar y darle

    Y mucho, mucho más...

    No tener que preguntar más en foros. Ya no te pondrás
    nervioso a la hora de trasplantarlo porque sabrás los
    pasos que tienes que seguir.

    Imagínate podando a tu bonsái y relajándote porque
    sabes cómo hacerlo, consiguiendo una obra de arte
    hecha por ti.

    O creando un bonsái desde el principio, a partir de una
    semilla o esqueje. Esta es una de las mejores satisfacciones
    de los amantes de los bonsáis, porque crean una autentica
    obra de arte desde el principio dándole la forma y diseño
    que ellos quieren.

    cuidados del bonsai
    como cuidar un bonsai
    cuidados bonsai

    Ver video "bonsai cuidados - bonsai sushi - tipos de bonsai"

  • Cubren glaciar de los alpes suizos para evitar su deshielo / Covered glacier in the Swiss Alps

    Cubren glaciar de los alpes suizos para evitar su deshielo / Covered glacier in the Swiss Alps to prevent melting
    28 Junio 2013

    Grupo de investigadores suizos cubren con mantas un glaciar de los alpes suizos para evitar su deshielo y realizan un túnel para que lo puedan recorrer los habitantes.

    Para más información entra en

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    Cubren glaciar de los alpes suizos para evitar su deshielo,glaciares de los alpes suizos,cunren con mantas glaciar suizo,alpes de suiza,suiza,calentamiento global,atracciones turisticas,tunel entre glasiales,cambio climatico,turismo en los alpes,Covered glacier in the Swiss Alps to prevent melting,glaciers in the Swiss Alps,Swiss glacier cunren blankets,swiss alps,switzerland,global warming,tourist attractions,between glasiales tunnel,climate change,tourism in the alps,noticias

    Ver video "Cubren glaciar de los alpes suizos para evitar su deshielo / Covered glacier in the Swiss Alps"

  • Snowman Bomb

    To save Frosty the indignity of melting, these guys use some kind of explosive that sends bits of snowman flying everywhere and sets off neighborhood car alarms.

    Ver video "Snowman Bomb"

  • SmartLipo Hawaii By first melting the fat before removing it thru a vacuum, trauma to the surrounding tissue is minimized and patient's recovery time is reduced.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Hawaii"

  • Siguele la pista I

    EL 42 SNA llegó a los cuatro puntos cardinales de la Región Caribe, se metió en pueblitos apartados y llegó a barrios de la periferia en las tres ciudades donde tuvo escenario; en Barranquilla las actividades preparatorias al evento cultural más importante del país llegaron a comprometer personal capacitado en distintas disciplinas para la intervención de barrios y municipios aledaños. . Los relatos a continuación muestran el melting pot de nuestra cultura transversal a través de dos de sus promotores, un Sociólogo (mi caso) y una Artista plástica que en la búsqueda de llevar a cabo su labor de mediadores retan la institucionalidad en nombre del Arte.

    Ver video "Siguele la pista I"

  • Brittany Mahomes melts hearts with adorable video of Bronze having a blast

    Brittany Mahomes spread baby fever across her followers with an adorable video of her son Bronze’s joyful laughter on a playground slide, melting hearts and sharing a glimpse of pure childhood magic. Fans were captivated by his adventurous spirit and Brittany’s heartfelt pride in each precious moment.

    Ver video "Brittany Mahomes melts hearts with adorable video of Bronze having a blast"


    Like por OK KÖOOK! AC Origins: RABBIDS: Twittah: FB: .
    Suscríbete!◅▻ ◅ ☊ CANCIONES DEL VÍDEO: ▻INTRO: • Carnage feat. Timmy Trumpet & KSHMR -Toca (Fransis Derelle & Sharps Edit) .
    Hola este canal se suben las músicas que sube elrubiusOMG a su canal, subo este tipo de vídeo porque quiero compartir sus músicas ya que a mi me .
    Melting the Glallium Fidget Spinner and turning them back into liquid metal. Last week I made DIY Spinners, today we watch them melt! See more Gallium .



    Like por OK KÖOOK! AC Origins: RABBIDS: Twittah: FB: .
    Suscríbete!◅▻ ◅ ☊ CANCIONES DEL VÍDEO: ▻INTRO: • Carnage feat. Timmy Trumpet & KSHMR -Toca (Fransis Derelle & Sharps Edit) .
    Hola este canal se suben las músicas que sube elrubiusOMG a su canal, subo este tipo de vídeo porque quiero compartir sus músicas ya que a mi me .
    Melting the Glallium Fidget Spinner and turning them back into liquid metal. Last week I made DIY Spinners, today we watch them melt! See more Gallium .



    Like por OK KÖOOK! AC Origins: RABBIDS: Twittah: FB: .
    Suscríbete!◅▻ ◅ ☊ CANCIONES DEL VÍDEO: ▻INTRO: • Carnage feat. Timmy Trumpet & KSHMR -Toca (Fransis Derelle & Sharps Edit) .
    Hola este canal se suben las músicas que sube elrubiusOMG a su canal, subo este tipo de vídeo porque quiero compartir sus músicas ya que a mi me .
    Melting the Glallium Fidget Spinner and turning them back into liquid metal. Last week I made DIY Spinners, today we watch them melt! See more Gallium .


  • 15/09/2011 - ZOMBIE NIGHT -//- eRRe / B0_B1 / NANDISC -//- BeGood Club BCN

    -----------------ZOMBIE NIGHT-------------------

    Para abrir esta temporada uniendose a nuestra ejercito de zombies tendremos a ERRE. Componente del colectivo sevillano Resistance, uno de los artistas nacionales mas reconocidos por el sonido de sus producciones, que ya cuenta con referencias en sellos de proyeccion internacional como Prospect, Melting Pot, Insekto Recordings, T3K, NecrologiK y Venom. En sus escalofriantes sesiones mezcla hardcore y drum&bass a 3 platos con un estilo unico y personal que no dejara a nadie indiferente.

    Junto a el representando a E-kolektiv-k y Antistatik estaran B0_B1 y NANDISC para completar el cartel.

    eRRe - Resistance / Necrologik / Uniom / Venom/ Insekto

    B0_B1 - Antistatik / Insekto

    NANDISC - E-kolektiv-K


    ENTRADA: 5€ con cerveza

    Ver video "15/09/2011 - ZOMBIE NIGHT -//- eRRe / B0_B1 / NANDISC -//- BeGood Club BCN"

  • Again and again ghosts of Chernobyl return to haunt Ukraine war

    This week as Russia again targeted Ukraine's energy infrastructure with more missiles, Ukrainian officials moved to power down reactors within some of the nation's nuclear plant network. Ukraine's nuclear power stations need round-the-clock electricity to prevent reactors from melting down. But the under-fire Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear station - which was again rocked by shelling last weekend - cannot be made safe by this measure alone. Click to subscribe to Ukraine War Diaries wherever you get your podcasts Since the early months of the war, the station - the biggest of its kind in Europe - has found itself bombarded almost to the point of disaster, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Both Russia and Ukraine blame each other. But while the threat of Russian nuclear escalation in the form of tactical or thermo-nuclear weapons has continually stalked the conflict, many Ukrainians, like Ilyas Verdiev, believe the Kremlin will first engineer a nuclear disaste

    Ver video "Again and again ghosts of Chernobyl return to haunt Ukraine war"

  • Heatshield Products 201038 3/8" ID x 6' Long HP Thermal Sleeve Review

    Heatshield Products 201038 3/8" ID x 6' Long HP Thermal Sleeve Review

    Read More

    Heatshield Products 201038 3/8" ID x 6' Long HP Thermal Sleeve

    Continuous operating temperature of 1000 degree Fahrenheit, 2000 degree Fahrenheit intermittent

    Capable of reducing up to 60 percentage of radiant heat

    Helps to prevent vapor lock, protects wires from melting

    Ver video "Heatshield Products 201038 3/8" ID x 6' Long HP Thermal Sleeve Review"

  • La botánica del deseo Marihuana

    La botánica del deseo Marihuana.Canal con todos los temas sobre la marihuana: seguimiento, cuidados y evolución de moby dick. En este vídeo se lleva a cabo una exposición de cómo hacer aceite de marihuana medicinal. Te pido un like para que esto crezca, entra en el canal para ver el material organizado en sagas y temas germinar marihuana.

    Redes Sociales:reproducir marihuana, como cuando sembrar marihuana, cultivar marihuana, podar marihuana apical fim, cultivar cannabis, tierra compost marihuana, insecticida acaricida marihuana, guano marihuana, humus lombriz marihuana, abonar alimentar marihuana, cogollos marihuana grandes, flores marihuana, dar olor marihuana, dar sabor marihuana,te de platano, abono floracion marihuana, abono marihuana crecimiento, enraizante marihuana, hongos marihuana oidio mildiu pythium fusarium, gorrinilla marihuana, chinche verde marihuana, gusanos marihuana, araña roja marihuana, trips marihuana, hojas amarillas marihuana, hojas enrroscadas marihuana, hojas arrugadas marihuana, manchas hojas marihuana, hojas secas marihuana, hojas puntas quemadas marihuana, proteger marihuana, marihuana seca, insecticida marihuana, acaricida marihuana, compost marihuana, maceta marihuana,cuidados marihuana,marihuana morada, como cortar marihuana, cosechar cogollos marihuana, preflores pelillos marihuana, marihuana hembra, marihuana macho, marihuana hermafrodita, extraer semilla marihuana, grow shop, indoor, cultivo exterior interior marihuana, marihuana autofloreciente, marihuana feminizada , esqueje marihuana, planta madre marihuana, semillas marihuana, secar marihuana, manicurar marihuana, curar marihuana, cosechar marihuana, sembrar marihuana,
    leyes marihuana,legalizacion marihuana,manifestacion marihuana cannabis,propiedades y aplicaciones marihuana,te marihuana,leche marihuana,aceite marihuana,licor tintura marihuana,hacer hachis,pomada marihuana,jabon marihuana,hacer un porro, aplicaciones marihuana terapeutica, marihuana medicinal

    Ver video "La botánica del deseo Marihuana"

  • Latin Funk Mix

    Latin funk is a mix of Latin grooves and Afro-American funk. Latin funk has been evolving for more than 40 years now, rising out of urban centers and earlier salsa and R&B mixes such as boogaloo. Given the melting pot of New York, the exposure of young musicians to variants of jazz, soul, funk and the diversity of Latin rhythms and instrumentation created an environment of experimentation.

    Ver video "Latin Funk Mix"

  • Ártico vive el sexto mayor deshielo de los último años

    Ártico vive el sexto mayor deshielo de los último años
    23 septiembre 2014

    No cabe duda que el cambio climático debe atenderse. La NASA informa que la capa de hielo del ártico se desgasta constantemente.

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    Ártico vive el seto mayor deshielo de los último años,deshielo,artico,mar artico,cambio climatico,naturaleza,deshielo del artico,camio climatico,nasa,daños al artico,deshielo del artico 2014,artico video,Arctic has the highest melting hedge last year,thaw,arctic,arctic ocean,climate change,nature,thawing arctic,climate camio,nasa,damage to arctic,arctic thaw 2014 arctic video, noticia, noticias hoy, noticias de ultima hora, ultimas noticias, breaking news, news, Cadenatres, Cadena3, Canal 128, Canal 28, cadena tres, cadenatres, canal 28, Grupo Imagen, Invent Mx, Yuriria Sierra

    Ver video "Ártico vive el sexto mayor deshielo de los último años"

  • Cooksongold Sterling Silver Solder Paste Hard 10g Customer Review by Aimee Louise Booth

    Cooksongold customer Aimee reviews the Sterling Silver Solder Paste Hard, 10g. Our Hard Silver Solder paste is assay quality, ready fluxed and comes in a 10g syringe. With a melting range of 790°C, and an active fluxing range 550-850°C. Aimee reviewed the Sterling Silver Solder Paste Hard, 10g as part of Cooksongolds Video Review Team. Want to join, and be in with a chance to get free products to keep? Click here to learn more:

    Ver video "Cooksongold Sterling Silver Solder Paste Hard 10g Customer Review by Aimee Louise Booth"

  • how to remove cellulite - cellulite treatment reviews - cellulite remedies - how to remove cellulite - cellulite treatment reviews - cellulite remedies

    Let's take a sneak peek at what you'll discover

    inside Cellulite: The Natural CureTM:

    How to effectively repair and thicken the skin on
    your thighs and butt and increase collagen production!

    Step by step instructions for getting rid of cellulite in 8
    weeks or less, in your spare time!

    Three iso-targeted cellulite melting routines that you can
    do while watching TV!

    And much more...

    how to remove cellulite - cellulite treatment reviews - cellulite remedies

    Ver video "how to remove cellulite - cellulite treatment reviews - cellulite remedies"

  • Billie Eilish - all the good girls go to hell

    A note from Billie: right now there are millions of people all over the world begging our leaders to pay attention. our earth is warming up at an unprecedented rate, icecaps are melting, our oceans are rising, our wildlife is being poisoned and our forests are burning. on september 23rd, the UN will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit to discuss how to tackle these issues. the clock is ticking. on friday september 20th and friday september 27th you can make your voice be heard. take it to the streets. #climatestrike

    Ver video "Billie Eilish - all the good girls go to hell"

  • Steven Olschwanger Simple Weight Loss Tips
    Salt is more important in the food as it helps to digest the food. But when the intake of salt is more, the salt gets stored in the body as fat. And these stored salts do not allow melting the fats in the body. So, it is not advisable to take more salt in the food. If you want to lose weight quickly, avoid spicy and salty pickles. Use sea salt instead of chemically treated salt in your food.

    Ver video "Steven Olschwanger Simple Weight Loss Tips"

  • Mutant Fighting Cup - RPG Game Para Android

    Google Play -- Mutant Fighting Cup is a cool turnbased strategy game in which you have to evolve your personal monster dog. So take a oneman melting pot with genes from various creatures and let the metamorphosis begin. Mission is to defeat all opponents to win the Fight World Cup. In the RPG game you can do battles against other players and win the round you can fight dogs and cats and lots of other super animals this fighting game is the very best fighting game, Grow and mutate your animal to fight through the stages and become World Mutant Fighting Champion.Fight other AnimalsTurn based RPG with battlesEvolve your Animal to fight the best Copa Fighting Mutant es un juego de estrategia por turnos fresco en el que tienes que evolucionar a su perro monstruo personal. Asi que toma un crisol de un solo hombre con genes de varias criaturas y dejar que la metamorfosis empezar. La mision es derrotar a todos los oponentes para ganar la Copa Mundial de la Lucha.En el juego de rol que puede hacer las batallas contra otros jugadores y ganar la ronda se puede luchar contra los perros y los gatos y muchos otros animales super este juego de lucha es el mejor juego de lucha,Crecer y mutar su animal para luchar por las etapas y llegar a ser Campeon del Mundo Mutante Fighting.Lucha contra otros animalesGire RPG basado en las batallasDesarrolle su animal para pelear con los mejores

    Ver video "Mutant Fighting Cup - RPG Game Para Android"


    Today I made super easy Classic Controller Candy Bars! I really enjoy making nerdy themed goodies and decorating them. Im not a pro, but I love baking as a hobby. Please let me know what kind of treat you would like me to make next. \r
    *Order the Nerdy Nummies Cookbook here: \r
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    Monstercat Media for the song Pump It\r
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  • ATV snowplow

    Plowing/scraping snow on a cold winter day with ATV (Honda TRX500) and homemade snowplow frame. I thought Id share this because its good to see once finished project in work.\r
    Personal observation - plowing with ATV is a quick way to get rid of snow that will be packed under the tires of cars when not removed quickly. Up until today we used a big tror for plowing and started it up only when the snow got so deep the cars could barely move. Now Im trying to keep the driveways and yards regularly clean avoiding annoying melting of the packed snow in springtime.\r
    ATV takes no time for preparation, uses little fuel, is handy, agile and mobile.\r
    Donations accepted at: .\r
    Blueprints available at:\r

    Ver video "ATV snowplow"

  • Precious Metal Refinery With a Long Standing Reputation..

    The Metal Refinery specializes in accurate, verifiable precious metal refining for customers throughout the United States who demand the highest returns, work that meets or exceeds industry standards, and service delivered with integrity and accountability.

    Using today's most advanced refinery, sampling and assaying technology, performed by our highly trained specialists and chemists with decades of industry experience, we offer the most comprehensive refining, assaying and in-house metal trading for all precious metals, including: Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium.
    We also provide diamond and gemstone recovery services for jewelers and pawnbrokers.

    We offer: Fully insured Federal Express shipping directly from your store, Automatic e-mail notification on receipt of your packages, metal trades and settlements, Full access to witness the weighing, melting and sampling of your precious metal materials,In-house metal trading, which enables you to lock in your metal price at any time.


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  • 2012 Nibiru Is Coming Mayan Mars Calendar Will End The World

    012 Nibiru, End of the World is coming December 21, 2021 prophecy. We will all face doomsday due to the Planet known as X or Nibaru. Signs of the Apocalypse according to the Mayan Calendar (Planet X Inbound 2012 Mayan Calendar). alien ufo solar system video biblical prophecy sumerian egyptian ancient atlantis sinking continent earth changes climate sun solar flare humans will not survive. The future of mankind for the next 3 years (2009 2010 2011) will become very very deficult. As high gas prices rise, the solar system will warm up earth due to global warming, earthquake and volcano eruption will destroy many cities, villages and towns. Tornados and twisters will lift cars and trees from the ground. The north and south pole will face massive melting glaciers causing the sea levels to rise. It's the end of the world as we know it.

    Ver video "2012 Nibiru Is Coming Mayan Mars Calendar Will End The World"

  • Chevy Camaro SS Rips It Up with 13 sec 1/4 Mile!


    The last thing General Motors needs right now is to appear as if it's stuck in the past, creating gas-guzzling cars that are out of step with what the federal government thinks is the future.

    So even when Chevrolet steps into the way-back machine to unveil the 426-horspower retro-inflected 2010 Chevy Camaro SS, it's careful to mention that this muscle/pony car is the "sports car for the 21st century" and emphasizes the Camaro's fuel economy ratings more than its 0-60-mph performance.

    So we did what had to be done. We dropped an asphalt-melting burnout in the parking lot of a former seminary that was of such destructive length that the guys hired by Chevy to prep and clean the Camaros had time to wander over and say, "Stop. You're done."

    Had a Dairy Queen been available we would have laid a patch in front of that, too. Look, man. We've been waiting for years for the arrival of this car; there will be time to talk about balance and the quality of the interior materials later.

    Ver video "Chevy Camaro SS Rips It Up with 13 sec 1/4 Mile!"

  • Why choose us as your Precious Metal Refinery?
    The Metal Refinery specializes in accurate, verifiable precious metal refining for customers throughout the United States who demand the highest returns, work that meets or exceeds industry standards, and service delivered with integrity and accountability.
    Using today's most advanced refinery, sampling and assaying technology, performed by our highly trained specialists and chemists with decades of industry experience, we offer the most comprehensive refining, assaying and in-house metal trading for all precious metals, including: Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium.
    We also provide diamond and gemstone recovery services for jewelers and pawnbrokers.
    We offer: Fully insured Federal Express shipping directly from your store, Automatic e-mail notification on receipt of your packages, metal trades and settlements, Full access to witness the weighing, melting and sampling of your precious metal materials,In-house metal trading, which enables you to lock in your metal price at any time. We make gold refining and silver refining easy - Take advantage of our Metal Refinery Golden Guarantee.
    Top 8 Reasons To Use The Metal Refinery
    NO FEES to assay or refine
    Fully insured Federal Express shipping directly from your business
    Up to 99.2% Payout *
    Diamond Program
    In-house metal trading, which enables you to lock in your metal price at any time
    Note to Fiverr: All information above relates to the video promotion requested.

    Ver video "Why choose us as your Precious Metal Refinery?"

  • North America Ice age

    Global warming peaked in 1988 and slowly ending the Interglacial Warm Holidays to begin the short Mini Ice Age affecting all spectrum. After a return to short warming period, we expect a U-turn to long sleep of Ice Age Glaciation. It happened many times in the past, each time resetting Human evolution.\r
    During this shortcoming Ice Age, there wont be enough space to grow food and for comfort living, except between the two 33° latitudes north and south of the equator which is not enough lands, and there wont be enough cheap and fresh drinking water neither for mass survivals.\r
    Our SEAWAPA project is to harvest fresh drinking water from the 7 month monsoons and rains, the melting ice from Tibet and from the most abundant tropical cyclones region in the world on top of Lao mountain range, transfer it below via gravity by producing electricity, food, and goods, at the same time, distribute them to far-flung floating agricultural modules, to newly built megacities, and to industrial complex across the equator, between the tropical cyclones zone, connecting them to other continents, avoiding post ice age big melt danger. Once done, we can tap into the Primary Water Cycle for larger scale space programs, build Hyperloop transport system for universal distribution of drinking water, food, goods, electricity and heat, all year round. The heat and coldness redistribution across the world will minimize risks caused by Ice Age and post-Ice Age. Asteroids mining and universal commodity dispersion will allow humanity to progress beyond Sustainability, and to solve other risks.\r

    Ver video "North America Ice age"

  • New York - Jencarlos Canela Acustic Version New York

    New York - Jencarlos Canela Acustic Version New York

    It's up to you New York, New York
    Start Spreading The News
    I said I'm leaving today
    I want to be a part of it
    New York, New York
    These little town blues
    Are melting away
    I want to be a part of it,
    part of old New York
    So tonight, say goodbye
    Goodbye to all of your troubles
    Brown or yellow, black or white
    It don't matter the color
    Lets come together
    It's up to you New York New York
    Esta noche dile adiós
    a todos los problemas
    Y que en el año nuevo
    vengan cosas buenas
    para toda mi gente
    aquí presente New York New York
    Turn off the fight
    On with the light
    Lets come together, it'll be alright
    Estos para los que luchan en este país
    Por un mejor futuro para ti y para mi
    Los inmigrantes como mis padres a mi familia yo le debo en grande
    Estamos en un mundo que es multicolor
    Ya no ya no guardemos rencor
    Ya no ya no dejemos que el dolor nos ciegue la felicidad
    Abrele la puerta al amor
    Mi gente unidos somos más
    We are one, love each other
    We are one, sing it as brothers
    New York it's up to you
    So tonight, say goodbye
    Goodbye to all of your troubles
    Brown or yellow, black or white
    It don't matter the color
    Lets come together
    It's up to you New York New York
    Esta noche dile adiós
    a todos los problemas
    Y que en el año nuevo
    vengan cosas buenas
    para toda mi gente
    aquí presente New York New York
    So tonight, say goodbye
    Goodbye to all of your troubles
    Brown or yellow, black or white
    It don't matter the color
    Lets come together
    It's up to you New York New York

    Ver video "New York - Jencarlos Canela Acustic Version New York"

  • Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song

    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song- Parody of Closer by The Chainsmokers\r
    Hey, asteroids are made of rock and metal too\r
    They can hit Earth and thats an issue\r
    But were OK\r
    Hey, tell your friend asteroid belt we find them\r
    But I hope one never hits us again\r
    You know they break apart\r
    Moved by gravity some are near, some far and…\r
    For years close calls\r
    Now we are looking quickly in amongst the stars\r
    They fly… nonstop\r
    From high… they drop\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    Nucleus-middle comet solid through\r
    Frozen gas, ice, dust, and rock too- it is insane\r
    Spray, a cloud called coma melting from sun\r
    Tail comes out like breath to form long, OK\r
    You know they break apart\r
    Moved by gravity some are near, some far and…\r
    For years close calls\r
    Now we are looking quickly in amongst the stars\r
    They fly… nonstop\r
    From high… they drop\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    So they be pulling closer in the black sea theyre left over\r
    From the birth is where they formed\r
    Ice and dust orbits are oval\r
    Tail we see right-comets coma\r
    Asteroids – rock and metal\r
    Most we locate belt theyre boulders\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover\r
    Meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    Meteorites ground discover\r
    So, meteoroids space all over\r
    Meteor showers will smolder\r
    So, meteorites ground discover

    Ver video "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Song"

  • China earthquake 2010 CNN Footage 6.9-7.1

    The quake, which struck at 7:49 a.m. in Qinghai Province, had a magnitude of 7.1 according to Chinas earthquake administration.

    According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, the earthquake struck in Yushu County, a remote and mountainous area sparsely populated by farmers and herders, most of them ethnic Tibetans. The region is pocked with copper, tin and coal mines and rich in natural gas. A government Web site said the countys population was around 80,000.

    The China Earthquake Networks Center said the epicenter was in Yushu County, a sparsely populated area that is home to farmers and herders, most of whom are ethnic Tibetans.

    China National Radio said that more than 80 percent of the homes in the area had collapsed but that schools and government buildings had largely remained standing.

    Karsum Nyima, an employee of a local television station in Yushu, told the national television broadcaster, CCTV, that the quake had sent people running into the streets.

    All of a sudden, the houses collapsed, he said. It was a terrible earthquake. In the park, a Buddhist pagoda fell down. Everyone is in the street in front of their houses. They are trying to find family members.

    In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand.

    The most important thing now is that this place is far from everything, with few accessible rescue troops available, Mr. Wu said. I feel like the number of dead and injured will keep going up.

    Local officials said that phone service was limited and that rescue efforts were stymied by a lack of heavy equipment. Medical supplies and tents, they added, were in short supply.

    State news media reported that 700 paramilitary officers were already working in the quake zone and that another 3,000 troops would be sent to the area to assist in search and rescue efforts. The civil affairs ministry said it would also send 5,000 tents and 50,000 blankets.

    Last August, Golmud was hit by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that destroyed dozens of homes but caused no deaths. Qinghai is an ethnic melting pot of Tibetans, Mongols and Han Chinese. It is adjacent to Sichuan Province, where at least 87,000 people died in a powerful earthquake in 2008

    Ver video "China earthquake 2010 CNN Footage 6.9-7.1"

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