Videos relacionados con fascist


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  • fascist attacks -

  • Nunca Más Fascismo / Never Again Fascism

    Manifestación de inmigrantes en el barrio de Kalithea, en Atenas, contra el partido neonazi "Amanecer Dorado", Jrysi Avgi y su vinculación con los ataques racistas a inmigrantes.

    Ver video "Nunca Más Fascismo / Never Again Fascism"

  • Mariano Rajoy Allahu Akbar visita la sede de Podemos

    Destruir los derechos de los ciudadanos y la libertad de expresion es la tarea del Partido Popular!!! Y destruir la clase media creando indices de pobreza . Llenado los bolsillos y engordando las cuentas corrientes de banqueros y empresarios despues del Vaticano. Well done!!

    Ver video "Mariano Rajoy Allahu Akbar visita la sede de Podemos"

  • main 2015-02-11 17-17-37-63


    Ver video "main 2015-02-11 17-17-37-63"

  • STARSHIP TROOPERS Official 20th Anniversary 4K Trailer

    Humans in a fascistic, militaristic future do battle with giant alien bugs in a fight for survival.

    Ver video "STARSHIP TROOPERS Official 20th Anniversary 4K Trailer"

  • Philadelphia Police Shove Bikes at Anti-Trump Protesters

    A pro-Trump march in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on March 25 was interrupted by “anti-fascist” protesters waving anarchist flags.

    A local captured police officers shoving protesters and swinging their bicycles at them as they attempt to clear the area.

    Two people were cited for disorderly conduct, according to local reports.

    Ver video "Philadelphia Police Shove Bikes at Anti-Trump Protesters"

  • cancion para el camarada stalin

    tema de la banda sueca Proletariatets Befrielse Orkester
    Borgarna sprider lögner om massmord och svält
    Men vi kommunister vi vet att det aldrig har hänt!
    Mot dig gamle kamrat har vi inga resiment
    Åh nej! För du är folkets legendar

    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.
    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.

    Borgarrevisionister, darrar av skräck.
    Lössen i folkets fana, de putsar han väck.
    För du gamle soldat, har alltid talat med emfas,
    oh yeah, spioner och folkförrädare — smaka stål!

    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.
    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.

    Klasskamp kräver en ledning med kraft och finess
    Fascister och opportunister bör behandlas som fläsk
    Till slakthuset ska de skickas, med enkelbiljett,
    så rätt! För man måste knäcka ägg för att få omelett!

    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.
    Stalin, Stalin, mannen av stål.

    För du är folkets legendar

    Ver video "cancion para el camarada stalin"

  • ¡¡Ayuda a Madrid!! (1936) - Support Madrid!! a CNT-FAI presentation (cc EN/NL)

    Solidarity with Madrid! (1936, 7 min.) Documentary about the defense of Madrid against the clerical-fascist forces in the early months of the Civil War, and the solidarity of the Catalan CNT-FAI.

    Report with some well-selected anecdotal aspects of the organization and the departure to Madrid in the first days of November, of CNT and FAI militia forces to contribute to the defense of the capital in the aftermath of the attack. It highlights the enthusiasm of the combatants and their safety in the victory over the enemy.
    Images of the El Born market and the Regional Committee of the CNT from where the convoys depart with the help to Madrid and solidarity banners in the train cars. There is a brief appearance of Buenaventura Durruti.

    More films produced by CNT-FAI during the Spanish Civil War

    Ver video "¡¡Ayuda a Madrid!! (1936) - Support Madrid!! a CNT-FAI presentation (cc EN/NL)"

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