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  • Luikse wafels (Liège Waffles)

  • RoguePlays- Dragon Ball Tap Battle (Android/iOS)

    OMG, I take a fairly recent game through a playthrough! \r
    This would be Dragon Ball Tap Battle for Android/iOS, which, so far, is only available in Japan and was released in March new! Bandai Namco has not announced if/when it will be coming to the west. personally Im not sure Id count on it, this game is fun, but Im not sure the the popularity of DB is strong enough outside of Japan to warrant localization and possibly licensing issues if people wanted English voices. \r
    Luckily, I have some knowledge of Japanese, so, I was able to pretty easily pick up the game (not alot of Japanese is really needed, as it is primarily a fighting game with limited card/RPG elements), and when I sat down to edit the video, I somewhat more closely translated what was going on in menus/dialog (I even caught myself making errors in commentary, oops, what can I say, my on the fly translation skills arent as great anymore) so anybody who picks up the game should be able to at least get the gist of it/for the curiosity sake of it.\r
    I might go and translate other charers dialogue later in another video, maybe, again, for curiositys sake... \r
    Finally, anybody who does go and attempt to install this game on your non-Japan phone: Please note that there is NO support for phones outside of Japan, since Google Play has technically restricted downloads of this game to Japan only. This game works on my phone (a LTE Samsung Galaxy Sİ), but, I have heard people have had problems installing this on non-Japan phones. I imagine iOS has implemented similar measures.\r

    Ver video "RoguePlays- Dragon Ball Tap Battle (Android/iOS)"

  • Harde Broodjes (Hard white rolls)

    The English instructions are listed below.\r
    Ingrediënten: (ongeveer 27 broodjes)\r
    1 kg bloem\r
    50gr bloemversterker\r
    50 gr gist (vers)\r
    15 gr zout\r
    600 ml koud water\r
    Meng de ingrediënten, behalve het zout. Zout wordt iets later toegevoegd. Het deeg is goed gekneed als een mooie homogene bal deeg is gevormd.\r
    Laat dit ongeveer 10 minuten onder plastic rusten\r
    Maak bolletjes van ca 60 gr.\r
    Laat deze ongeveer 20-25 minuten rijzen\r
    Opnieuw opbollen en zorg dat de lucht uit het deeg is. Dan op een bakplaat met bakpapier leggen en aan de bovenkant met een scherp mesje insnijden en bestrooien met een beetje bloem.\r
    Weer afdekken en op een warme plaats laten rijzen. (45-60 minuten)\r
    Bakken in een voorverwarmde over op 230 gr. Nadat de broodjes in de over zijn gezet de over terug naar 200 gr. Op de bodemplaat een beetje water gieten. Bakken: ongeveer 18 minuten en na 12 minuten de over een beetje openen, zodat de stoom kan ontsnappen.\r
    Succes en smakelijk eten.\r
    English instructions \r
    Ingredients (for about 27 rolls):\r
    1 kilogram flour\r
    50 gram flour improver\r
    50 gram yeast (fresh)\r
    15 gram salt\r
    600 ml cold water\r
    Mix the ingredients except for the salt. Salt should be added later when it cant get into direct cont with the yeast. The dough is well kneaded when is have become a nice homogenous ball of dough. \r
    Let it rest for about 10 minutes under plastic\r
    Make balls of about 60 gram.\r
    Let it rise for about 20-25 minutes.\r
    Re-shape and make sure that the air is out of the dough. The put on a baking sheet with parchment paper and cut the top with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the top with a little flour.\r
    Cover again and let it rise in a warm place for 45-60 minutes. \r
    Bake in a pre-heated oven at 230 degrees Celsius. After placed reduce the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and pour some water on the bottom plate to create steam. Total baking time should be about 18 minutes. After 12 minutes slightly open the oven to let the steam out.\r
    Good luck and bon appetit.

    Ver video "Harde Broodjes (Hard white rolls)"

  • How To Learn Faster And Remember More

    How To Learn Faster And Remember More\r
    This FREE video trainingwill help you.Monetize your passions and expertise online in 4 simple steps. The worlds highest-paid thought leaders use these ex strategies.\r
    Hey, whats up guys? So on this video, youre going to be finding out how I super-learn things. Basically, how you can regurgitate the information from anything like this.\r
    So people learn differently. Some people are good with listening, some people are good with just reading, so regurgitating fs from books, so if they are good in school, thats pretty much you, and some people; they are not really great at memory. So, what have I ually created.I shouldnt say created, but engineered, that works for me, is I combined all three.\r
    When you look at learning, you have got kinesthetic; so, touch. You feel a book, you create something, you are building something. You learn that way.\r
    Number two - you have got visual. So you are watching a teacher speak, you are watching a TED Talk, youre watching a workshop, and finally\r
    And finally, three - Auditory. So you are listening to a podcast, or you are listening to a teacher, and this is how your body assimilates and absorbs information. However if you want to super-learn, and really absorb the knowledge to regurgitate even faster, quicker, more efficiently, is you combine all three.\r
    So, this is what I do when I read a book. First of all, I dont read a book, I do a case study on the book. I highly recommend if you havent already read the book, How to Read a Book. Fantastic book, in f, Jim Rohn highly recommends it, and it was game changer for me, and just understanding that you do not read word for word, and in f, that you ually go through the book as a detective. Okay, I am not going to go through the whole gist of it, but to give you the 411, is you have a blank piece of paper, and you basically go through the beginning of the chapter, the end of the chapter, you look for detail words, such as because and therefore, and you really figure out what the author is trying to teach you, or the author is trying to tell you. So, I basically summarize a whole book on an 8 x 11 paper. When Im done with the book, I plug in the authors name into YouTube and usually the author has a TED Talk or has been featured on podcasts, and then Ill listen to it, and then usually I follow that summary I just had.\r
    Third of all, is if you cant find a TED Talk. So, it its a TED Talk, you hit two birds with one stone. You are doing both auditory and youre doing visual. If you cant find visual, I highly, and I repeat, I highly recommend that you draw an image or a cartoon, something that can connect that with that book.\r
    So lets re-cap that.\r
    Number 1: You do a case study on the book. You go through the first chapter, three pages, last three pages of the first chapter; second chapter first three pages, last three pages. You make a summary of the book.\r
    Number 2: You plug in the authors name into YouTube. Hopefully there is a talk where you can visually see him or her and hear them, and then cross-reference what they said with your notes, because truthfully, most of these authors can summarize their whole book in an hour.\r
    Now, the final piece, which I havent mentioned yet. The final piece for really enhancing your learning capability, is teaching. This really cements the knowledge inside of your brain. As soon as you have done that process of the case study for the book, going through YouTube, podcasts, or TED Talk, I want you now to write a blog post about it. I want you to do a video about it such as this. In f, I am doing this video from the book, How To Read the Book. I want you to teach your friend, I want you to teach your family what you just learned. If you dont use it, youll lose it. Yes, its very true when it comes to the human body and the human mind. So, teach, become a teacher. At the end of the day, we are all teachers in this life.\r
    So there you have it. That is how I super-learn. I do case studies on books, I plug the name into YouTube, I cross reference that from my summary, and then finally I do a video such as this or write a blog post about this.\r
    Have an amazing day, guys. Talk to you soon.\r
    how can i learn faster\r
    how to learn faster for exams\r
    learn faster remember more\r
    ways to learn faster

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