Videos relacionados con glide


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  • Minecraft - Glide

  • Glide Action Blaze

    a commercial parody in which a man-on-the-street gets the (very) hard sellmore

    Ver video "Glide Action Blaze"

  • Minecraft: Tráiler: Glide

    Ver video "Minecraft: Tráiler: Glide"

  • Haven - Glide Free

    Se confirma la versión para PS5.

    Ver video "Haven - Glide Free"

  • Glide bomb inmunity

    CALL OF DUTY: WWII!/es-mx/tid=CUSA08602_00

    Ver video "Glide bomb inmunity"

  • Que significa glide

    Este video explica el significado de esta palabra

    Ver video "Que significa glide"

  • Family Glide Hockey - Tráiler

    El juego de hockey de mesa que ya tienes disponible en WiiWare.

    Ver video "Family Glide Hockey - Tráiler"

  • Hacker Fly & Glide elhackermascrack

    Modalidad: EggWars

    Ver video "Hacker Fly & Glide elhackermascrack"

  • Saint Seiya - Glide Pegasusa

    Ver video "Saint Seiya - Glide Pegasusa"

  • adidas Supernova Glide 5

    adidas Supernova Glide 5

    Ver video "adidas Supernova Glide 5"

  • Las nuevas adidas Glide 6

    Las nuevas adidas Glide 6

    Ver video "Las nuevas adidas Glide 6"

  • Glide bomb is silenced andsees mountain?

    CALL OF DUTY: WWII!/es-mx/tid=CUSA08602_00

    Ver video "Glide bomb is silenced andsees mountain?"

  • Saint Seiya ♫ - 05 Glide! Pegasus

    Nombre: Glide! Pegasus (Deslizate! Pegaso)
    Nombre original japones: 伝説の時代へ (Densetsu no jidai he)
    Año: 1987
    Anime: Saint Seiya
    Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山 菁児
    Interpretado por La Orquesta Armonica Andromeda / Performed by The Harmonic Andromeda Orchestra

    visita mi blog de partituras (sheet music/scores), acordes (chords), tabs (tablaturas) y notas musicales de Saint seiya

    Descarga el Mp3 en / Download the mp3 in

    Ver video "Saint Seiya ♫ - 05 Glide! Pegasus"

  • Phoenix Wing Glide ~ Immortal Bird's Flap

    Nombre: Phoenix Wing Glide ~ Immortal Bird's Flap - ( Vuelo (de las) Alas (del) Fenix~ Aleteo del ave inmortal)
    Nombre original japones: 鳳翼天翔~不死鳥のはばたき (Hoo yoku Tenshoo~ fushichou nohabataki )
    Disco: Original Soundtrack III (OST 3)
    Año: 1987
    Anime: Saint Seiya
    Compositor: seiji yokoyama 横山 菁児

    Interpretado por La Orquesta Armonica Andromeda / Performed by The Harmonic Andromeda Orchestra

    visita mi blog de partituras (sheet music/scores), acordes (chords), tabs (tablaturas) y notas musicales de Saint seiya

    Descarga el Mp3 en / Download the mp3 in

    Ver video "Phoenix Wing Glide ~ Immortal Bird's Flap"

  • Commercial spaceship makes first manned glide flight

    02 NOV (CERES TV News) Virgin Galactic's space tourism rocket SpaceShipTwo completed its first solo glide flight on Sunday achieving a major milestone in its program to become world's first manned commercial space vehicle. © 2010 CERES TV News [more info at]: [e-mail]: For further information: Teléf.+34 983 457460 • Fax: +34 983 233387 Valladolid - (Spain) 

    Ver video "Commercial spaceship makes first manned glide flight"

  • Inmune to glide bomb, Infantry plus duelist

    CALL OF DUTY: WWII!/es-mx/tid=CUSA08602_00

    Ver video "Inmune to glide bomb, Infantry plus duelist"

  • Tutorial peinado: alisado con cepillo eléctrico ghd Glide

    Ver video "Tutorial peinado: alisado con cepillo eléctrico ghd Glide"

  • New Egypt - Flight To Egypt (Glide Mix) (B)

    New Egypt ‎- Flight To Egypt
    Sello:Clip Records
    Estilo:New Beat
    Written By Rick Smith

    Ver video "New Egypt - Flight To Egypt (Glide Mix) (B)"

  • [MMD] Glide - Ikaros Bunny Custom & Elin Verc. 2.4 [HD] 1080p

    Testeando modelos

    ▬ SONG
    ※GLIDE ▬ Niki feat. Cillia

    ▬ MODELS
    ※ ELin Verc. 2.4 ▬ Custom Girl Base Edit Spartan-743
    ※ Ikaros Bunny ▬ Custom Maid 3D Edit Spartan-743

    ▬ MOTION
    ※ GLIDE ▬ sm21109153

    ▬ CAMERA
    ※ GLIDE ▬ TsukiChanP

    ▬ STAGES
    ※ Acuatic base ▬ ???

    ※ SSAO 0.2
    ※ Diffusion7
    ※ PostAdultshared
    ※ Unreal difuse

    Ver video "[MMD] Glide - Ikaros Bunny Custom & Elin Verc. 2.4 [HD] 1080p"

  • [MMD] Glide - Ahri Clasic y Ahri pop Test Models [HD] 1080p

    Models Rip by TRDaz

    Audio: Glide
    Motion: By nico Video
    Stage: Work TK

    MMD, Glide Ahri, pop, Clasic, test, League of leguends,

    Ver video "[MMD] Glide - Ahri Clasic y Ahri pop Test Models [HD] 1080p"

  • Las 10 motos más pesadas del mercado

    Hemos reunido a las 10 motos más pesadas del mercado para comprobar que la más ligera se encuentra a una decena de los 400 kg...

    Las 10 motos más pesadas del mercado nos recuerdan que el concepto de ligereza asociado a las dos ruedas no siempre se encuentra ligado de manera directa. Bien es cierto que la tarea de los equipos de investigación y desarrollo de las marcas en juego han tenido que trabajar duro para obtener un producto con base lógica o, lo que es igual, una moto conducible… Un reto más que suma y sigue.

    Ver video "Las 10 motos más pesadas del mercado"

  • Shikishimakrile inside fortress with doors up ^^

    The sin elyo Shikishimakrile used glide to go inside fortress with the doors up.

    Ver video "Shikishimakrile inside fortress with doors up ^^"

  • Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes "Green Goblin" - Spotlight (2.0 Edition)

    Spider-Man's archenemy glides into "Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition)" as a playable character on Tuesday, January 13!

    Ver video "Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes "Green Goblin" - Spotlight (2.0 Edition)"

  • AGT's Talent University: Merrick Hanna Teaches Dance

    Season 12 semifinalist Merrick Hanna teaches you how to dance with robot-like precision. Learn The Wave, Head Isolation and Glide today!

    Ver video "AGT's Talent University: Merrick Hanna Teaches Dance"

  • Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York

    Giant helium-filled versions of Snoopy and his parade pals glide down the streets of Manhattan at the 88th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    Ver video "Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York"


    Marca: FEMCOR
    Modelo: Lineacord 30TD
    Plasma: HPRXD260
    THC: Arc Glide Hypertherm
    Cnc: MicroEdgePro Hypertherm
    Conectividad: Ethernet
    Software Pronest con truehole-rapidparts
    Rubro: transporte
    Villa Gdor. Galvez-Santa Fé



    Mesa de Corte Plasma de alta performance FEMCOR, modelo LINEACORD 30/TD, con tecnología Full Suite-Hypertherm; incluye CNC EdgePro, THC-Arc Glide, Fuente HPR260xd y Software Pronest de MTC-Hypertherm


  • Sully - Now Playing Spot 3 [HD]

    On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the “Miracle on the Hudson” when Captain “Sully” Sullenberger glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 aboard.

    Ver video "Sully - Now Playing Spot 3 [HD]"

  • Fire Safe 2-Drawer File By Sentry Safe Review

    Fire Safe 2-Drawer File By Sentry SafeProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    UL Classified 1-hour proven fire protection

    Privacy key lock

    Full extension drawer glides for easier usage

    Ver video "Fire Safe 2-Drawer File By Sentry Safe Review"

  • Round Bearing , 12", 5/16" Thick, 1,000-lb. Capacity Review

    Round Bearing , 12", 5/16" Thick, 1,000-lb. Capacity Review

    Read More

    Round Bearing , 12", 5/16" Thick, 1,000-lb. Capacity

    Glides smoothly on 1/4" ball bearings

    12" round

    5/16" thick

    Zinc plated

    1,000-lb. capacity

    Ver video "Round Bearing , 12", 5/16" Thick, 1,000-lb. Capacity Review"

  • Ulti-MATE 23.5 in. Garage Base Cabinet with Drawers Review

    Ulti-MATE 23.5 in. Garage Base Cabinet with DrawersProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Ulti-MATE - 2013 Consumer Digest Best Buy Award

    Strong .75-inch MDF and PB cabinet construction

    3 drawers with ball bearing glides

    Graphite grey and black finish

    Easy to assemble with top quality storage

    Ver video "Ulti-MATE 23.5 in. Garage Base Cabinet with Drawers Review"

  • Paint Accessories Online At Integritysupply

    IntegritySupply offers the most complete lineup of paint brushes, rollers, sprayers, drop cloths, adhesives, abrasives, safety equipment and much, much more. Get great prices on all painting supplies from leading manufacturers like Purdy Colossus Roller Covers, Purdy XL Glide Paint Brushes, 3M 2090 Scotch Blue Painter's Tape, Integrity Premium Pro White Woven Roller Covers, Wooster Sherlock Roller Frames.
    For More Info visit :-

    Ver video "Paint Accessories Online At Integritysupply"

  • - TROLLING #1 | Trapping People With Chest! - TROLLING #1 | Trapping People With Chest!\r
    All credits go to Laim for this amazing troll! I really liked it, so here is the video about it! If you have any ideas for trolling, please leave them behind in the comments and if we can get 200 likes, Ill continue!\r
    Seico - My Way\r
    Beto - Pulse\r
    Ampyx - Glide\r
    Retrovision Domastic - SICC\r
    Altro & TonyZ - Freedom

    Ver video " - TROLLING #1 | Trapping People With Chest!"

  • HON Products - HON - Brigade 600 Series Two-Drawer Lateral File, 36w x19-1/4d x 28-3/8h, Black - Sold As 1 Each - Counterweight included, where applicable, to meet ANSI/BIFMA stability requirements. - Lock secures both sides of drawer. - Heavy-duty, three

    HON Products - HON - Brigade 600 Series Two-Drawer Lateral File, 36w x19-1/4d x 28-3/8h, Black - Sold As 1 Each - Counterweight included, where applicable, to meet ANSI/BIFMA stability requirements. - Lock secures both sides of drawer. - Heavy-duty, three-part, telescoping, steel ball bearing suspension for smooth drawer operation. - Mechanical interlock allows only one drawer to be open at a time to inhibit tipping. - Four adjustable leveling glides help compensate for uneven flooring. Review

    Ver video "HON Products - HON - Brigade 600 Series Two-Drawer Lateral File, 36w x19-1/4d x 28-3/8h, Black - Sold As 1 Each - Counterweight included, where applicable, to meet ANSI/BIFMA stability requirements. - Lock secures both sides of drawer. - Heavy-duty, three"

  • Planea 150 metros después de despegar del espiráculo de un Klombo

    Planea 150 metros después de despegar del espiráculo de un Klombo

    En este video os traigo una nueva mision de temporada en la semana 8 de fortnite capitulo 3 temporada 1, planea 150 metros despues de despegar del espiraculo de un klombo, glide for 150 meters after launching from a klombo's blowhole, planea 150 metros despues de que el espiraculo de un klombo te lance por los aires, donde encontrar un klombo en fortnite, que es un espiraculo de un klombo, donde encontrar el espiraculo de un klombo, como completar la mision planea 150 metros despues de despegar del espiraculo de un klombo, ubicaciones de los klombo, donde aparecen los klombo en fortnite, espiraculo de un klombo

    Ver video "Planea 150 metros después de despegar del espiráculo de un Klombo"

  • Unboxing and Assemble Thomas and Friends ICY MOUNTAIN DRIFT Trackmaster Playset PART 4

    Get ready for a slick, sliding adventure as Thomas navigates a frozen mountaintop in the TrackMaster Icy Mountain Drift Set from Fisher-Price! After climbing to the peak, the motorized Thomas train slides along the ledge and drops down through the mountain, or continues to glide along the ridge until he reaches the rails on the other side. You can also send Thomas through the mountain by opening a secret entrance in the tracks. Experience fun, frozen thrills as the No. 1 blue engine drifts around the icy slope in this exciting and innovative Thomas & Friends train set!\r
    Includes motorized Thomas toy train and full track layout\r
    Track layout features snowy design and mountain piece with multiple entrance/exit points\r
    After reaching the peak, Thomas glides along the ledge and drops through the mountain\r
    Thomas can also continue his drift all the way along the ledge to the rails on the other side\r
    Open the hidden entrance in the tracks to send Thomas through the mountain\r
    Please subscribe to ItsJfunk and view more videos \r
    Click here to see more Thomas & Friends videos: \r
    Click here to see more Dance videos: \r
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    Our 2nd Channel JfunkUncut: \r
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    Itsjfunk Merchandise NOW AVAILABLE!: \r
    Please watch: Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Activity CHOO CHOO with Caboose RIDE ON TRAIN with Tacks! \r

    Ver video "Unboxing and Assemble Thomas and Friends ICY MOUNTAIN DRIFT Trackmaster Playset PART 4"

  • Word UP (Willis)

    Oh pretty ladies around the world
    I got a weird thing to show you
    So tell all the boys and girls
    Tell your brothers, your sisters
    Your mother too
    Cause we're about to throw down
    You’ll know just what to do

    Wave your hands in the air
    Like you don’t care
    Glide by the people when they start to look and stare
    Do your dance
    Do your dance
    Do your dance quick mama
    Now come on baby tell me what’s the word
    Ah word up
    Everybody say when you hear them call
    You got to get it underway
    Word up, oh it’s the code word
    No matter where you say it
    You know that you’ll be heard

    Now all you super DJs
    Who think you’re fly
    Well there’s got to be a reason
    You know the reason
    You try to put on those airs and act real cool
    You've got to realise
    That you’re acting like fools
    If there’s music we can use it
    We need to dance
    We don’t have the time
    For psychological romance
    No romance
    No romance
    No romance for me mama...

    Ver video "Word UP (Willis)"


    Club Piragüismo Granada
    Banda sonora creada con AI (CHAT GPT / SUNO AI)
    Verse 1:
    In the heart of Granada, where the waters gleam,
    Granada Paddling Club, we chase our paddling dream.
    With Sierra Nevada's peaks standing tall,
    We glide through the calm, where echoes call.
    Paddling through sunsets, gold and bright,
    Under the wings of herons taking flight.
    In the Embalse of Cubillas, where the waters shine,
    We find our peace, where nature intertwines.
    Verse 2:
    Fostering the spirit, from novice to elite,
    Competitions call, where passion and skill meet.
    Training and support, to help us rise,
    With every stroke, we reach for the skies.
    Paddling through sunsets, gold and bright,
    Under the wings of herons taking flight.
    In the Embalse of Cubillas, where the waters shine,
    We find our peace, where nature intertwines.
    Mountains whisper tales of ancient times,
    Waters reflect the hues of twilight's chimes.
    With every stroke, we feel alive,
    In this haven, our spirits thrive.
    Paddling through sunsets, gold and bright,
    Under the wings of herons taking flight.
    In the Embalse of Cubillas, where the waters shine,
    We find our peace, where nature intertwines.
    Granada’s gem, where dreams set sail,
    With nature's beauty, we never fail.
    In the embrace of Sierra’s might,
    Granada Paddling Club, from dawn to night.


  • Peace train:Yusuf-Cat Stevens nobel 2006

    Peace train - Yusuf Islam - Cat Stevens
    Nobel Concert 2006

    Now Ive been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come
    And I believe it could be, something good has begun

    Oh Ive been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one
    And I believe it could be, some day its going to come

    Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
    Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

    Now Ive been smiling lately, thinking about the good things to come
    And I believe it could be, something good has begun

    Oh peace train sounding louder
    Glide on the peace train
    Come on now peace train
    Yes, peace train holy roller

    Everyone jump upon the peace train
    Come on now peace train

    Get your bags together, go bring your good friends too
    Cause its getting nearer, it soon will be with you

    Now come and join the living, its not so far from you
    And its getting nearer, soon it will all be true

    Now Ive been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is
    Why must we go on hating, why cant we live in bliss

    Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
    Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

    Ver video "Peace train:Yusuf-Cat Stevens nobel 2006"

  • How to Enable Smooth Scrolling in Google Chrome for Seamless Web Browsing Experience

    🖱️ Enhance Your Browsing with Smooth Scrolling in Google Chrome! 🖱️
    Is your web browsing experience feeling choppy? By enabling Smooth Scrolling in Google Chrome, you can glide through web pages effortlessly, making your online experience much more seamless and enjoyable. In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to turn on this feature and improve the way you navigate websites.

    In this video, you’ll learn:
    ✅ How to enable Smooth Scrolling using Chrome Flags.
    ✅ The benefits of smoother page navigation for both casual browsing and reading long documents.
    ✅ A quick guide for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS users.
    ✅ Tips for customizing Chrome’s performance for a smoother, lag-free experience.

    👉 Why Enable Smooth Scrolling?
    Smooth Scrolling eliminates the jittery or abrupt movement you experience when scrolling, especially on content-heavy sites. Whether you're reading an article, browsing social media, or navigating a large document, this feature provides a fluid, responsive scrolling experience that reduces eye strain and enhances productivity.

    🔔 Subscribe for More Chrome Tips & Tricks!
    If this video helped you, make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more tips on optimizing Google Chrome, browser customization, and productivity hacks. New tutorials every week to enhance your online experience!

    💬 How’s Your Browsing Experience?
    Have you tried Smooth Scrolling in Chrome? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let us know if there are other Chrome features you'd like us to cover.

    Ver video "How to Enable Smooth Scrolling in Google Chrome for Seamless Web Browsing Experience"

  • Great Movie Ride ULTIMATE Full Pandavision Experience - Disneys Hollywood Studios with End Movie

    The Great Movie Ride as youve never seen it before in Pandavision. Its the next best thing to ually being there!\r
    Relive some of the greatestmoments in history during a tram ride that puts you in the middle of the magic.\r
    Lights! Camera! Action! \r
    Stroll onto a soundstage designed to recall 1930s-era Hollywood and board a tram for a captivating tour of some of Tinseltowns greatest film scenes. Glide beneath a flashingmarquee and cross over into a world that could only exist in the s.\r
    Featuring nearly 50 lifelike Audio-Animatronics replicas of legendarystars, lavishly produced set pieces and wondrous special effects, The Great Movie Ride immerses you in the thrills, chills and romance of some of the most memorable moments in motion picture history.\r
    Be a part of such classic films as:\r
    •Alien \r
    •Casablanca \r
    •Fantasia \r
    •Mary Poppins \r
    •Raiders of the Lost Ark \r
    •Singin in the Rain \r
    •Tarzan the Ape Man \r
    •The Public Enemy \r
    •The Wizard of Oz\r
    Your informative tour guide will set the stage for the scenes youll visit. Just dont be surprised if something unexpected happens along the way. Keep telling yourself, its only a .\r
    Magical Vacation Planner is the exclusive partner of & The Big Fat Panda Show.\r
    Your Magical Vacation Planner will customize your vacation package to fit your needs.\r
    Experience the Magic, let us do the planning Call 407-442-3105 or\r
    Go to to request your free Magical Vacation Quote!\r
    SUBSCRIBE for more Disney Videos at:

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  • Dragon Land - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 - Episode 3: Bonus Levels (iOS, Android)

    Dragon Land - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 - Episode 3: Bonus Levels (iOS, Android)\r
    Dragon Land Walkthrough Playlist - \r
    Subscribe - \r
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    Dragon Land - Free\r
    Download on iTunes - \r
    Download on Google Play - \r
    Welcome to the land of dragons! Dragon Land is a groundbreaking 3D platform game like youve never seen on mobile: stunning levels, evil bosses, challenging skill features and a multiplayer mode!\r
    Fun is guaranteed: jump, dash, climb and glide your way through every . Unlock new dragons and master different skills!\r
    Enjoy a jaw-dropping experience in colorful landscapes. Start with one dragon and use it to rescue his friends from tough bosses! As your dragon and skill collection grows, so will the difficulty of the challenges.\r
    - Campaign mode: play over 100 levels full of rewards and items to find!\r
    - Dozens of unique dragons: they all have their own special skills. Collect them all!\r
    - Enhance your dragons by leveling them up and customizing them with cool skins.\r
    - Secret levels: find keys to unlock these extra-tough, extra-rewarding areas.\r
    - Multiplayer: play against other players in real time races and climb the rankings!\r
    - Quick play: one hit, infinite levels. How far you can get? Beat your friend scores in this challenging mode!\r
    Dragon Land is a multiplatform game: You can play on lots of devices. Please note that the game currently requires iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad mini or iPod Touch 5th Generation or newer.\r
    Are you enjoying the game? Wed like to know! Leave us a nice review sharing your thoughts!\r
    Having an issue? Go to Settings - Help - Support, well try to help you the best way we can!\r
    Dragon Land is FREE to download and FREE to play. However, you can purchase in-app items with real money. If you wish to disable this feature, please turn off the in-app purchases in your phone or tablets Settings.\r
    - .. .- -. -.- . ..-. --- .-. . .- . .-. -.-- .-.. .. -.- . .- -. -.. ..-. .- .- --- .-. .. - .

    Ver video "Dragon Land - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 - Episode 3: Bonus Levels (iOS, Android)"

  • Automatic Spool Knitter, Knitting mill, Tricotin, i-cord machine, Strickmühle

    With this machine you can make cords for macrame :) In the future I will show you how you can use this to make necklaces, collars, scarfs, bracelets, etc. How to Bracelet, watch here: \r
    Instructions for use:\r
    A) Affix handle (5). Thread the yarn (7) first through the lower guide (1) from the outside, then through the upper guide (2) and finally down through the central tube (3) of the knitting mill. \r
    B) Make sure that the tongues of all the needles (4) are pointing downwards and hold the knitting mill in your left hand. Also hold the yarn tightly in your left hand. \r
    C) Slowly turn the handle clockwise (5) until the first hook (4) picks up the yarn. Turn the handle forward only (in the direction of the arrow, never turn it backwards). Then pass the yarn behind the second needle, i.e. this needle is missed out. Continue to turn slowly until the third hook picks up the yarn. Hook the weight (6) onto the end of the yarn. Pass the yarn behind the fourth needle, missing it out. Continue to turn slowly. \r
    D) On the second turn all the hooks (4) pick up the yarn. From the third turn onwards the handle can be turned faster. Move the weight (6) up now and again. \r
    E) When beginning a new ball of wool, knot the yarn together, cut off the ends of the yarn and continue to turn slowly. Take care that the knot does not catch in the threading guides. \r
    F) When you have finished, cut the yarn and continue turning until the knitted cord is thrown off the needles. Pull the end of the yarn through the open stitches tightly with a wool needle and stitch up. \r
    Tightly twisted wool, suitable for pin gauges 3 - 3.5 mm, gives the best results. \r
    If the wool is not of a very good quality, i.e. if the wool is somewhat coarse, it will not glide so well which can lead to malfunctions. This also applies to very fibrous or fluffy wool such as mohair. During use, always make sure that the tongue of the needle which grasps the yarn is clipped downwards, the hooks close tightly and then completely release the yarn. The yarn must run loosely from the ball of wool (7). The weight should not pull the yarn downwards until the third hook grasps the yarn (3). \r
    1. Lower guide\r
    2. Upper guide\r
    3. Tube\r
    4. Needles\r
    5. Rotate handle in this direction\r
    6. Weight\r
    7.Pull yarn out off ball

    Ver video "Automatic Spool Knitter, Knitting mill, Tricotin, i-cord machine, Strickmühle"

  • 21 Strangest Snakes

    Here are some of the most venomous and the biggest snake to have ever lived, youll see some pretty and pretty strange snakes!\r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    14. The Spitting Cobras\r
    These types of snakes are ually made up of several different species. Their name is a dead giveaway for what these guys can do. Their most effective defense mechanism is the ability to spit their venom into the eyes of whatever it targets. Their aim is scary-accurate but they can only try to guess their preys movement, which can lead to a missed shot.\r
    13. Green Vine Snake\r
    This is officially the worlds most slender snake. They grow to about an average width of just 2cm thick and you can see why theyre called the ribbon snake. On top of being extremely venomous, they also happen to be one of the worlds fastest striking reptiles. \r
    12. The Blind Snake\r
    Dont be fooled. I know this looks like a worm and all but its ually a snake. This snake doesnt have any eyes, which is how it got its name, the blind snake. They mostly live underground and scavenge for different types of bugs and larvae. It is mildly venomous so make sure you do a double take and dont pick up one of these guys by mistake.\r
    11. The Leaf-Nosed Snake\r
    The Madagascar leaf-nosed snake isnt the biggest snake in the world, but it definitely is one of the most unusual looking snakes. They happen to be thought of as one of the calmest snakes and arent prone to biting unless theyre provoked or feel threatened.\r
    10. California Red-Sided Garter Snake\r
    Look at this snake. Look at how majestic it looks. It looks like someone painted it with glow in the dark paint that they use for raves. This is the type of color combinations you see on acid trips, so Im told. But the California red-sided snake isnt one to worry about since they need to “chew” their prey to deliver their venom, which isnt life- threatening to humans.\r
    9. The Emerald Tree Boa\r
    This snake happens to be one of the larger snakes on this list. When fully grown, the adults can come out to be around 6 ft in length and are ually non-venomous. Fun f, these guys arent this emerald color when theyre babies because when theyre born theyre either red or yellow and turn green once they reach adulthood. \r
    8. Eastern Blue Racer\r
    This snake is not one to be taken lightly and dont get distred by its blue skin. The Blue Racer absolutely hates any type of disturbance so stay away from them or theyll chase after you. In which case I hope youre a fast runner because these guys have been known to slither up to 8-10mph! \r
    7. The Golden Flying Snake\r
    The flying tree snake is a golden color and is found in South and Southeast Asia. It happens to be incredibly thin which helps it to fly. Although, it doesnt ually “fly” fly but rather it glides through the air by flinging its body from treetops.\r
    6. Burrowing Asp\r
    This species of snake is found underground in parts of Africa. Their most interesting trait is their flexible and venomous fangs. When a burrowing asp gets ready to strike, it elongates its fangs from its mouth, and it can even do it when its mouth is closed \r
    5. Golden Sea Snakes\r
    When sea snakes are hunting, they do it by looking for their next potential meal in small places such as cracks and crevasses. But while theyre doing this they have to manage to keep an eye out for hungry predators. Golden sea snakes have photoreceptors on their tails thatlike another set of eyes and allow them to detect light variations caused by nearby animals. \r
    4. The Reticulated Python\r
    This type of python is mostly found in southeast Asia and as of right now is the largest species of snake that grows to be around 28 feet long. This snake is definitely one of the more menacing looking ones.guess whos not going to Southeast Asia??\r
    3. The Ball Python\r
    The species of python happens to be the smallest and is found in the Sub-Saharan Africa. These guys are pretty much docile which is what makes them pretty popular as pets. Do people not watch the news and see other snake owners getting turned on by their snakes? I mean look at this picture, this is why you dont put these snakes together because theyll eat each other.\r
    2. Tiger Keelback\r
    This species is often found in Eastern Asia. Asia has a lot of snakes…. They usually feed on poisonous frogs since theyre immune to their poison. Whats ually pretty cool is that the keelback steals the frogs poison and stores it in these special neck glands to use later on any predator that tries to eat it. \r
    This species of snake is considered to be the largest snake that has ever existed on Earth. They grew to reach staggering lengths of around 40 feet

    Ver video "21 Strangest Snakes"

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