Videos relacionados con intercom


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  • Ring Intercom Contesta el interfono desde cualquier parte

  • New Chamberlain Ndis Wireless Doorbell & Intercom System Convenient Expandable Communication Review

    New Chamberlain Ndis Wireless Doorbell & Intercom System Convenient Expandable CommunicationProduct Review

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  • kiss love

    es vacanisimo

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  • New arrival! 7"LCD Wireless Video Door Phone Doorbell Intercom System Night Vision Waterproof Review

    New arrival! 7"LCD Wireless Video Door Phone Doorbell Intercom System Night Vision WaterproofProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

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  • Cardo Scala Rider (Video promocional)

    Cardo Scala rider

    Ver video "Cardo Scala Rider (Video promocional)"

  • Canal 13 UCTV. Inicios de las Transmisiones de la Señal 3 y Canal 13 Chile | Octubre 1995

    Este se puede considear como otro de los videos historicos de Canal 13 en su mas de medio siglo de existencia. Ete regiastro grabado en VHS fue hecha en 1995 cuando partieron las transmisiones de 2 señales del canal: Canal 13 Chile que era una señal que llegaba a gran parte del planeta a travez del satelite Panamsat y que emitia contenido del canal a traves de esa señal internacional; y la otra señal que hoy es "13 C" se llamo al principio "Señal 3" que se emitia en la señal 16 de Intercom, mas tarde llamado Metropolis-Intercom y que aun ofrece programacion en su mayoria cultural como lo ha sdo en 15 años de existencia como la tercera señal del llamado en ese tiempo Universidad Catolica de Chile Television o UCTV. Mas y como dije en mi anterior video en Wikipedia y busquen Canal 13.

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    (C) 1995 Canal 13 SpA. Todos los Derechos Reselvados

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  • Cómo se instala un intercomunicador.

    En este video tutorial veraz como se instala un intercomunicador de la marca kocom, una de las mejores marcas para tu hogar o negocio, tenemos Diferentes Modelos Contáctanos.

    Ver video "Cómo se instala un intercomunicador."

  • The Belko Experiment TV SPOT - Alarm (2017)

    In a twisted social experiment, 80 Americans are locked in their high-rise corporate office in Bogotá, Colombia and ordered by an unknown voice coming from the company's intercom system to participate in a deadly game of kill or be killed.

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  • Flight Attendants Demonic

    As an American Airlines plane taxied for takeoff at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Friday morning, a flight attendant ranted on the plane's intercom, repeatedly telling passengers that she was not responsible for the safety of the plane and wrestling with another flight attendant for control of the plane's public address system, according to a passenger on the flight.

    Airline and government officials confirmed the disruption on American Airlines Flight 2332, which forced the plane to return to the gate and led to two flight attendants being taken to the hospital.

    Several passengers restrained the disruptive attendant, said Laurie Grabe, a Traverse City, Michigan, woman who witnessed the event from her ninth-row seat.

    She said that as the plane was taxiing for takeoff, she and other passengers first heard the flight attendant on the intercom sounding disgruntled and alluding to unsuccessful efforts to talk to the pilots.

    The flight attendant said, "OK, if you don't hear me, then I give up. I'm not responsible if this plane crashes." She also "said something about opening the doors."

    At first, "everybody was laughing because it sounded like she (had) accidentally turned on" the intercom, Grabe said.

    Then, other flight attendants intervened, "telling her to turn off the PA, not to talk like that," she said.

    "Everybody was starting to look at each other, like 'Oh, my God, What's going on here?' "

    When other flight attendants started wrestling for control of the microphone, several passengers joined in, Grabe said. They "threw her into the first row of seats and held her down."

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