Videos relacionados con islets


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  • Tráiler de Islets

  • Islets®: Primer contacto

    Pruebo a petición para todos vosotros este juego que la plataforma de Epic Games nos ofrece gratis desde el jueves, día 28 de marzo de 2.024.

    Ver video "Islets®: Primer contacto"

  • 11.- The islets of Poo

    Del fondo marino emergen sin solución de continuidad LOS CASTROS DE POO, impertérritos supervivientes de la ferocidad de la mar. Refugio de gaviotas y cormoranes y otrora cementerio de pecios de pescadores, rico solar percebero y pila bautismal de buceadores

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  • South Korea Holds Military Exercise on Islands Claimed by Japan

    South Korean forces hold a controversial military exercise on a small group of islands.

    Helicopters land soldiers on the Dokdo islets as navy warships patrol nearby.

    Japan also lays claim to what it calls Takeshima and dismissed the training operation as unacceptable.South Korean forces hold a controversial military exercise on a small group of islands.

    Helicopters land soldiers on the Dokdo islets as navy warships patrol nearby.

    Japan also lays claim to what it calls Takeshima and dismissed the training operation as unacceptable.

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  • Aventura marina en los islotes del archipiélago chinijo

    Discover the wild beauty of the islets on the north of Lanzarote and enjoy an exciting boat trip on the open ocean. This is an exclusive experience in small groups with a possibility of many activities during the day, such as swimming, snorkeling, sea kayaking or trekking. A reward for this fascinating and active day will be a traditional three course fresh fish lunch served in a small fisherman´s village.

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  • Thai soccer players, coach found alive after disappearing in cave

    Chiang Rai (Thailand), Jul 2 (EFE/EPA).-  Rescue teams on Monday found 12 children and their football coach alive, after having been missing in a cave in northern Thailand for over a week, local authorities said.
    The governor of Chiang Rai province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, confirmed that the soccer players, aged between 11 and 16 years, and their 26-year-old coach were found near an islet inside the cave, according to the Thai channel PBS. 

    Keywords:  efe,epa,thailand,missing,children,cave

    Ver video "Thai soccer players, coach found alive after disappearing in cave"

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