Videos relacionados con minced


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  • mince, le telephone!

  • Mince alors 2! - Trailer

    Mince alors 2!

    Ver video "Mince alors 2! - Trailer"

  • Bigger Is Beautiful - Mince alors 2! - Trailer

    Mince alors 2!

    Ver video "Bigger Is Beautiful - Mince alors 2! - Trailer"

  • Capitales de la Navidad: Londres | Euromaxx

    Londres es una urbe ideal para ir de compras navideñas. Además, el "mince pie", una suerte de pastel británico muy especial, solo puede saborearse durante esta época.

    Ver video "Capitales de la Navidad: Londres | Euromaxx"

  • Scary Pigs

    Pork cutlets, fillets, roasts and minced meats: every part of the pig can be prepared in a most succulent manner.

    Ver video "Scary Pigs"

  • Beef Tips and Apple Crisp

    (Crock Pot Girls)

    enna's Beef Tips -

    Sirloin Tip Steaks (2-3 steaks)
    1 can of GOLDEN mushroom soup
    ½ can of water (use can from soup)
    ½ can of white cooking wine (use can from soup)
    1 packet of onion soup mix
    1 clove minced garlic
    1 medium onion cut into rings

    In your slow cooker, combine soup, water, cooking wine, onion soup mix, and minced garlic. Wisk together to remove lumps, then add onions and steaks (we just put them into the liquid whole, and pull the meat apart once it is cooked... you can cut meat up before cooking if you choose). Make sure the steaks are fully covered in the mixture; you can add a little liquid if needed to cover the steaks. Cook on low for 8 hours.

    Ver video "Beef Tips and Apple Crisp"

  • Bordado en tela de gasa, tul o telas muy delgadas o delicadas.

    Embroidery on chiffon fabric, tulle or very thin or delicate fabrics.
    Tissu en mousseline de soie brodé, tulle ou tissus très minces ou délicats..
    Gestickte Chiffon Stoff, Tüll oder sehr dünn oder empfindliche Stoffe.

    Ver video "Bordado en tela de gasa, tul o telas muy delgadas o delicadas."

  • HOwto - Loaded Baked Potato Soup (Crock Pot Girls)

    Loaded Baked Potato Soup

    6 large potatoes, peeled and cubed
    1 large onion, diced
    1 quart chicken broth
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    1/4 cup butter
    Salt to taste
    Pepper to taste

    1 cup cream or 1 cup 1/2 and 1/2 cream
    1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
    Garnish: chives, sour cream, bacon, and cheese


    Combine first 7 ingredients in a large slow cooker and cook on high for
    4 hours or low for 8 hours (potatoes should be tender). Then you will
    need to mash potatoes until coarsely chopped and soup is slightly
    thickened. Stir in cream and cheese. Garnish with toppings.

    Ver video "HOwto - Loaded Baked Potato Soup (Crock Pot Girls)"

  • albóndigas al curry con pure de manzana, Curried meatballs with apple puree

    Ingredientes: 1/2 kg de carne picada, 2 cucharadas de miel, 1/2 cucharadita de curry, vino blanco, 1 cucharadita de pimienta, 1/2 cucharadita de romero, 3 manzanas, 40 grs e mantequilla, sal, 1 cucharadita de canela molida, 1 cucharadita de ralladura de limón, 1/2 taza de agua, 1/3 de taza de azúcar moreno, aceite de oliva, panceta, 1 huevo, 2 rebanadas de pan, perejil y harina.

    Ingredients: 1/2 kg of minced meat, 2 tablespoons honey, 1/2 teaspoon curry, white wine, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, 3 apples, 40 grams butter, salt, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon , 1 teaspoon lemon zest, 1/2 cup water, 1/3 cup brown sugar, olive oil, bacon, 1 egg, 2 slices of bread, parsley and flour.

    música libre de tasas:

    music free of tax:

    Ver video "albóndigas al curry con pure de manzana, Curried meatballs with apple puree"

  • How to Make Orange Chicken

    Ingredients: \r
    Chicken Breast/Thigh: 1 breast or approx. 1 lb or 450 g.\r
    Salt: 1/2 tsp\r
    White Pepper: A little bit\r
    Garlic Powder: 1/8 tsp\r
    White Wine/Sake or Water: 1/8 cup or 30 mL\r
    Green Onions: Chopped, for garnishing\r
    Egg White: 1\r
    Garlic: 1 minced\r
    Corn Starch: 1/4 cup or 60 g\r
    Veg. Oil: 2 tbsp + frying\r
    Sesame Oil: 1 tsp\r
    Orange Zest: Garnish\r
    Potato Starch: 1 tsp\r
    Water: 2 tsp\r
    Where to buy: Amazon\r
    Potato Starch: \r
    Base Sauce/Brown Sauce: 1/2 cup\r
    Sugar: 1/4 cup or 50 g\r
    Vinegar: 2 tbsp\r
    Chili Garlic Sauce/Sriracha: 1 tsp \r
    Orange Juice: 1 cup or 236 mL OR\r
    Orange Juice: 1/2 cup or 118 mL\r
    General Tsos Sauce: 1/2 cup or 118 mL\r
    Brown Sauce video: \r
    Music by:\r
    Jacky Cheung - 1000 Reasons to be Sad

    Ver video "How to Make Orange Chicken"

  • Spaghetti ASMR Filipino Style (Jollibee Inspired ) MUKBANG 먹방 EATING SOUNDS | SAS-ASMR

    Dont forget to *** SUBSCRIBE ***\r
    Lips: NYX Matte Lipstick - Shocking Pink \r
    Ask me anything on Instagram:\r
    This recipe serves 8 \r
    Ingredients: 2 lbs Spaghetti pasta 3 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce ½ cup tomato paste 1½ lbs ground pork 6 to 8 pieces red hotdogs, sliced diagonally (OPTIONAL) ½ cup granulated white sugar 1 medium yellow onion, minced 2 teaspoons minced garlic 2 cups beef broth 1 cup shredded cheese 2 tablespoons cooking oil Salt and pepper to taste\r
    -Cook the spaghetti pasta according to the package instructions. -Drain and set aside.\r
    -Heat the oil in a cooking pot.\r
    -Saute the garlic and onion.\r
    -Put-in the ground pork. Let it cook.\r
    -Pour-in the tomato sauce and beef broth. Stir and let boil. Simmer.\r
    -Add the hotdogs and tomato paste. Stir and cook for 10 minutes or until the sauce thickens.\r
    -Put-in the sugar, salt, and pepper. Stir until the ingredients are well incorporated.\r
    -Pour the meat sauce over the pasta and top with cheese.\r
    -Serve. Share and enjoy!\r
    ***Headphones recommended***\r
    If you have any request please leave it in the comments down below or private message me. And I love reading all your comments, so please dont be shy and say hi. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING :).\r
    ***This is an ASMR video. Headphone recommended. If you do not enjoy EATING SOUNDS and light whispers PLEASE DO NOT WATCH IT. Eating, chewing, gulping sounds ect.are done very loudly for video purposes. THANK YOU.***\r
    ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is a euphoric experience identified by a tingling sensation that triggers positive feelings, relaxation and focus. Listening to whisper voice and eating sounds are some examples that trigger ASMR. Everyone has a different ASMR triggers. I hope you find one that can help you to relaxed.\r

    Ver video "Spaghetti ASMR Filipino Style (Jollibee Inspired ) MUKBANG 먹방 EATING SOUNDS | SAS-ASMR"

  • 2007 Czech Republic (Semifinal)

    " MALA DAMA"

    Utrhla trávu a začla hrát
    Ta malá dáma z předměstí
    Co umí lidem z dlaní číst
    Tam kočky zrána mívaj hlad
    Po noci plný neřestí
    Je pohladí a dá jim jíst

    Po tmě se toulá a ve dne spí
    A její oči vědí víc než mý
    Došly mi slova, já stál tam jen
    S touhle jedinou bych zemřel

    S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
    A jestli Vám to nestačí
    Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
    Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

    Tam za tratí svý doupě má
    Mince po kašnách posbírá
    A pak je skládá na kolej
    Staví si chrám, plechovej most
    Už po něm kráčí první host
    Tak ať ho nohy nebolej

    Prošla si peklem a kouzla zná
    Přejetý mince počítá
    A kdo ji spatří je zatracen
    S touhle jedinou bych zemřel

    S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
    A jestli Vám to nestačí
    Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
    Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

    Budu si pamatovat na tu chvíli
    Když hrála znělo to jak Paganini
    A já už věděl, že jsem ztracenej
    Zeptal se za kolik s pocitem viny

    S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
    A jestli Vám to nestačí
    Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
    Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

    S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
    A jestli Vám to nestačí
    Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
    Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

    Ver video "2007 Czech Republic (Semifinal)"

  • Receta de pie de carne con cubierta de papa. Receta de pie de carne / Pay de carne receta

    Receta para preparar pie de carne con cubierta de papa. Receta de pie de carne / Pay de carne receta
    27 Junio 2013

    Receta ¿Cómo preparar pie de carne con cubierta de papa? Receta de pie de carne / Pay de carne receta
    Ingredientes: Relleno: 1/4 taza harina, 1 cucharada paprika, sal, pimienta, 1.5 kg carne de res en trocitos, 200 gr tocino picado, 2 cucharadas aceite de oliva, 1 cebolla, 1/2 taza zanahorias, 1/2 taza apio, 3 dientes de ajo, 2 tazas vino tinto, 2 2/3 taza caldo de pollo, 1 taza jitomates, 2 hojas de laurel, 2 cucharadas tomillo, 1 cucharada salvia fresca, 300 gr cebollitas cambray, 1 1/2 taza nabos. Costra de papa: 1 kg papas, 3/4 taza leche, 1/2 taza mantequilla, 1/3 taza crema para batir, sal, pimienta. 1 huevo. Guarnición: 1 huevo, 1 cucharada agua, 1 taza queso parmesano.

    Para más información entra en:

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    Receta de pie de carne con cubierta de papa,Receta de pie de carne,Pay de carne receta,pastel de carne con papas,pie de carne con cubierta de papa,pie de carne,pie de papas,pay de carne con papas,pay de carne,pay de papas,pay de carne molida,pay de carnes frias,standing of meat,pie potatoes,meat pie with potatoes,meat pie,potato pie,minced meat pie,cold meat pie,cocinemos juntos, healthy food, nutritivo, cocinar, tips, typical food, tradition food, comidas fáciles y rápidas, recetas de comida mexicana, resetas de comida, la comida mexicana, recetas para cocinar, recetas comida, antojitos mexicanos, recetas de cocina, receta, recetas, recetas fáciles, receta rápida, comida mexicana, recetas light, cadena tres, cadenatres, canal 28, saludable, light, cocinemos juntos, chef many, many muñoz, recipes

    Ver video "Receta de pie de carne con cubierta de papa. Receta de pie de carne / Pay de carne receta"

  • Receta para preparar chiles rellenos del norte. Cocinando con Yahir / Chiles rellenos

    Receta para preparar chiles rellenos del norte. Cocinando con Yahir / Chiles rellenos
    19 marzo 2014

    Receta ¿Cómo preparar chiles rellenos del norte?. Cocinando con Yahir / Chiles rellenos
    Ingredientes: 8 chiles poblanos, 4 cucharadas aceite, 1 cebolla mediana, 3 dientes de ajo, 1 1/2 papas, 2 zanahorias, 150 gr carne de res, 150 gr carne de cerdo molida, 4 cucharadas pasitas, comino al gusto. Capear: harina, 3 huevos, aceite para freír, 250 gr queso manchego. Salsa: 1 cucharada aceite de maíz, 1 cebolla mediana, 2 ajos, comino al gusto, 500 gr jitomates asados.

    Para más información entra en:
    No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en

    Receta para preparar chiles rellenos del norte,chiles rellenos del norte,Cocinando con Yahir,Chiles rellenos,Chiles rellenos receta,Chiles rellenos casero,yahir,chiles rellenos de carne molida,chiles rellenos de picadillo,chiles rellenos de queso,North rellenos,Cooking with Yahir,stuffed Chiles,Chiles Rellenos recipe,Stuffed Chiles home,yahir,stuffed peppers with ground beef,peppers stuffed with mince,cheese stuffed peppers, cadena tres, cadenatres, canal 28, saludable, light, cocinemos juntos, chef many, many muñoz, recipes

    Ver video "Receta para preparar chiles rellenos del norte. Cocinando con Yahir / Chiles rellenos"


    In thisof STREET FOOD KOREA, Marie and I check out these delicious Ddeokgalbi Meatballs on the streets of Myeong-dong! Very tasty balls! LOL\r
    Along the main street in the famous Myeong-dong shopping district, you can find many street food vendors selling unique, tasty, and eye-catching street foods!\r
    In this video, Marie and I try out some Ddeokgalbi Meatballs (떡갈비완자). Galbi is ually beef ribs. These meatballs are beef rib meat, which has been minced, and then mixed with seasonings, vegetables and then formed into a ball. Ddeok ually means rice cake. But theres no rice cake in these meatballs. The name comes from the way the balls are made, very similar in how rice balls are formed by hand into various shapes. \r
    We decided to try the spicy meatballs. You can also get a non-spicy version. The meatballs are put on a skewer, and then the customer can put on various creme sauces, like ranch or dill. These sauces help to calm the spiciness, in the same way that buffalo hot wings can come with blue cheese or ranch dressing on the side. \r
    Marie and I were very impressed with the flavor of these meatballs! They were very tasty balls! lol No kidding! Id go back and put those balls in my mouth any day. And for 3,000 Won for 5 meatballs, its a really good deal!\r
    So if youre ever in Myeong-dong, and have a craving for some tasty balls, check out Ddeokgalbi Meatballs!!! ^_^\r
    If you enjoyed the ball puns in this description and the video, please like this video, share it with friends, and subscribe to my channel! ^^\r
    Thank you for watching, we really appreciate the support!\r
    We are Cory and Marie, and we love sharing Korea with you and hearing all your feedback. Get in touch!\r
    Connect with us:\r
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    Do you want to receive a special package from us every month? We hand-pick awesome stuff created by local Korean artists, designers and companies. Then we hand-pack it and ship it to wherever you are in the world. \r
    Regular giveaways for subscribers and those who sign up for our newsletter list too! Dont miss your chance to win a round trip plane ticket to Korea when we reach 500 subscribers! ^^\r
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    What equipment do we film with?\r
    Sony A7s: \r
    GoPro HERO 4 Black Edition: \r
    Zhiyun Z1-Pround Stabilizer: \r
    Edutige ETM-001 Microphone: \r
    Help us caption & translate this video!\r

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  • リーメント リラックマ のんびりだんらん時間 こたつ Re-Ment Rilakkuma Kotatsu And Leisurely Happy Circle Time

    【リーメント リラックマ のんびりこたつセット】 \r
    テーブルとこたつ2通り遊べるよ! 使い方は2通り! 布団をかけるとこたつになるよ! 布団を取ればテーブルになるよ! 別売りの商品と合わせて遊べるよ! 細かい部分までリアル! 可愛いリラックマ柄! 天板はリバーシブルだよ! 本体サイズ: 高さ5.5cm 幅10cm 奥行き10cm (組み立て時) \r
    【リーメント リラックマ のんびりだんらん時間】 \r
    キュートな調理器具もたくさん♪キャラクターフィギュアもあるよ! 箱には本物のティッシュやアルミホイルを入れて遊べるよ! たい焼きは箱に入れても可愛いよ♪トランプは切り取って本当に遊べるよ♪1. 重箱おべんとう 2. たい焼き 3. だんらん時間 4. 焼き芋 5. 焼きおにぎり 6. ホットミルク 7. たこ焼き 8. アイス \r
    0:05 リーメント リラックマ のんびりこたつセット (RE-MENT Rilakkuma Nonbiri Kotatsu Set) \r
    1:22 リーメント リラックマ のんびりだんらん時間 (RE-MENT Nonbiri Danran Time)\r
    2:13 1. 重箱おべんとう (Nest of Boxes Lunch) \r
    2:38 2. たい焼き (Taiyaki) \r
    3:36 3. だんらん時間 (Danran Time) \r
    4:38 4. 焼き芋 (Baked Sweet Potato) \r
    5:25 5. 焼きおにぎり (Grilled Rice Balls) \r
    6:07 6. ホットミルク (Hot Milk) \r
    5:56 7. たこ焼き (Takoyaki) \r
    7:44 8. アイス (Ice Cream) \r
    商品名: リラックマ 「のんびりこたつセット」 \r
    価格: 1800円 + 税 \r
    発売日: new年1月13日 \r
    商品名: リラックマ 「のんびりだんらん時間」 \r
    価格: 500円 + 税 \r
    発売日 new年10月6日 \r
    You can play two ways table and kotatsu! Cute Rilakkuma pattern! A lot of cute cookware! Kawaii! You can play put the real tissue and aluminum foil in a boxes! RE-MENT Rilakkuma Nonbiri Kotatsu Set and Nonbiri Danran Jikan Complete Set Unboxing \r
    Product Name: Rilakkuma Leisurely Kotatsu Set (のんびりこたつセット)\r
    Price: 1800 yen + tax\r
    Release Date: January 13, new \r
    Product Name: Rilakkuma Leisurely Happy Circle Time (のんびりだんらん時間)\r
    Price: 500 yen + tax\r
    Release Date October 6, new \r
    A kotatsu (炬燵) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. \r
    Taiyaki (鯛焼き) is a Japanese fish-shaped cake. The most common filling is red bean paste that is made from sweetened azuki beans. Other common fillings may be custard, chocolate, cheese, or sweet potato. \r
    Takoyaki (たこ焼き) is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion. (Wikipedia) \r
    Rilakkuma Nonbiri Kotatsu Set \r
    Rilakkuma Nonbiri Danran Jikan (1. Nest of Boxes Lunch 2. Taiyaki 3. Danran Time 4. Baked Sweet Potato 5. Grilled Rice Balls 6. Hot Milk 7. Takoyaki 8. Ice Cream) \r
    BGM: amachamusic

    Ver video "リーメント リラックマ のんびりだんらん時間 こたつ Re-Ment Rilakkuma Kotatsu And Leisurely Happy Circle Time"

  • Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma

    Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma\r
    Shawarma sandwiches are a tasty way to add meat to pita bread or similar unleavened bread. Chicken makes a good filling because it is easy to cut into sandwich sized slices and tastes delicious.\r
    Shawarma is vastly popular across the middle-east. Chicken baked in a yoghurt marinade, rolled up in pita bread and served with tahini.\r
    Ingredients - How to make Lebanese Chicken Shawarma Wrap - Delicious Spicy Chicken Shawarma\r
    *My 1 tbsp Oil = 50 ml or (One Ladle = 50 ml)\r
    *2 whole Boneless Chicken Large Breast\r
    *6-8 Pita Bread \r
    *1/2 tsp Black cardamom powder\r
    *2 tsp Garam Masala Powder\r
    *1 tsp Black pepper powder\r
    *2 tbsp Minced garlic or finely chopped Garlic\r
    *2 tbsp Yoghurt/Curd\r
    *3 tsp Olive oil or Vegetable Oil\r
    *1 tsp Red chilli powder\r
    *2 tbsp Malt vinegar, Apple cider vinegar or white balsamic vinegar\r
    *3 tbsp Lemon Juice\r
    *Salt to Taste\r
    *2 Cup Shredded Cabbage\r
    *1 Fresh parsley Sprigs (Optional)\r
    *1/2 cup chopped cucumber\r
    *1/2 cup chopped Beetroot\r
    *1/2 cup chopped Tomato\r
    Shawarma White Sauce\r
    *7 finely chopped Garlic cloves\r
    *3 tbsp Fresh cream\r
    *3 tbsp Mayonnaise\r
    *2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar\r
    or white vinegar\r
    *1 tsp Black pepper powder\r
    Okay, so technically this recipe should ually be called Shawarma-Style Chicken. True shawarma is cooked with stacked, spice-marinated meats lamb, turkey, chicken, beef, or a mix of meats on a vertical spit. \r
    The shawarma turns and cooks on the spit for hours and hours, basted in fat and its own juices. Fat = flavor = tasty, amazing shawarma. Thin slices of meat are shaved from the surface and served, either on their own or tucked inside a warm flatbread, topped with tahini or garlic sauce. Shawarma is one of lifes great pleasures.\r
    Ive been trying to replicate the flavor of shawarma at home for months, playing with different spice combinations and cooking methods. At first I tried buying premade shawarma spice blends from the Middle Eastern markets, but none of them made my mouth happy. I needed more spice, more flavor, more oomph. So I began to experiment. Then finally, last week, I nailed it.\r
    This recipe is probably as close as Ill ever come to making shawarma at home. My family says its even better than the shawarma at our local Lebanese restaurant. \r
    You have two choices for cooking this recipe in the oven or on the grill. To be honest both cooking methods taste great, there really isnt a big difference between the two. \r
    I use boneless skinless chicken meat (a combination of dark and light meat) in the recipe. Shawarma gets a lot of its flavor from the meat fat that it is basted in. Ive replaced the flavor of the skin fat with olive oil, including a final saute in olive oil prior to serving. \r
    It may seem strange to saute meat that has already been cooked, but youre going to have to trust me on this one. The extra saute adds a ton of flavor and really gives it a shawarma-like texture that cant be replicated in the oven or on the grill. \r
    If youre trying to cut down on your oil intake you dont need to do the extra saute, it will save you 2 tablespoons of olive oil… it wont taste exly like shawarma, but it will be yummy. But please, dont replace the chicken thighs with breast meat. \r
    This dish really needs some dark meat in it to make it taste great. You can make it with all chicken thighs, if you prefer (I ually love it that way), but dont sub all chicken breast. Pretty please.\r
    How To Make Delicious Chicken Shawarma At Home\r
    For More Videos\r
    Mutton Nihari: \r
    Punjabi Bhindi Masala: \r
    Aloo Chaat With Imli Ki Chutney: \r
    Paneer Sticks: \r
    Mutton Do Pyaza: \r
    Dabba Gosht: \r
    Masala Dosa: \r
    Mutton Dum Biryani: \r
    Bhori Kabab: \r
    Chicken Paratha Roll: \r
    Rasgulla Recipe: \r
    Crispy Chicken Starters: \r
    Chicken Changezi: \r
    Sheer Khurma: \r
    Murg Musallam: \r
    Koyla Chicken Recipe: \r
    Fruit Custard: \r
    Achaari Chicken: \r
    Paneer Tikka Masala: \r
    Yakhni Pulao: \r
    Chicken Do Pyaza: \r
    Keema Angara: \r
    Dal Gosht Mutton: \r
    Aloo Chicken Tikka Kabab: \r
    Mutton Rogan: \r
    Dal Makhani Recipe: \r
    Chicken Tikka Biryani: \r
    Chicken Handi: \r
    Malai Dum Chicken: \r
    Egg Cheese Toast: \r
    Ramadan Recipes

    Ver video "Restaurant Style Chicken Shawarma Video | Lebanese Chicken Shawarma | Homemade Chicken Shawarma"

  • Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!

    Even though considered a weed, dandelion root has a long history of therapeutic use. In f, this extremely beneficial plant has the ability to treat allergies, lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the production of bile, and detoxify the liver. It also has diuretic properties and it is especially beneficial for pregnant and menopausal women.\r
    The best time to harvest dandelion root is in the spring, especially in the beginning of April. Make sure you pick it from places which are less polluted, such as areas away from the town and the road.\r
    The best part about dandelion is that all parts of it have medicinal properties. For instance, the leaves are abundant in vitamins and can be used in a salad, along with potatoes and eggs. The stem relieves stomach issues, stimulates the gallbladder function, regulates the metabolism, and purifies the blood. Moreover, the stem can be used to treat diabetes while the milk from the stem can be used to remove warts.\r
    Ultimately, people use dandelion flowers to prepare homemade dandelion syrup which purifies the blood, relieves a cough, and improves digestion.\r
    Get 400 yellow dandelion flowers and pour 3 liters of water over them. Then, cut 4 oranges and 4 lemons into slices and add them to the mixture. Leave the mixture for 24 hours.\r
    After 24 hours, strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a pot. Add 2 cups of sugar into the pot and cook for about half an hour.\r
    Once the mixture boils and gets thick enough, remove from heat and transfer the syrup into sterilized jars. Use the dandelion syrup to treat cold, cough, or bronchitis.\r
    Dandelion has been long used and appreciated for its medicinal properties. Today, the modern medicine confirms its health benefits and suggests that it is even capable of curing cancer. Keep watching to learn more about preparing and storing roots for future use.\r
    You need to peel, cut, and dry the dandelion roots on a fresh air. Let them dry for about two weeks or until they become brittle under the fingers. Once dried, put them into a jar and store in a dark and cool place.\r
    Dandelion root has the ability to clean the kidneys, liver, lymph and gallbladder, which makes it effective at treating gallstones, constipation, hepatitis, acne, edema, and rheumatism. Moreover, it is very beneficial for women, especially for prevention and treatment of issues related to breastfeeding as well as cysts, tumors, and cancer.\r
    Pick some leaves, dry, chop and mince them well. Store the mixture in a jar and keep for future use. To prepare the tea, you need to add half a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water. As simple as that!\r
    Another option is to mix 60 grams of a fresh mixture and 30 grams of dried dandelion root. Put this mixture into a pan along with 2.5 ounces of water with a pinch of salt. Bring the boil, cover the pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Strain the liquid afterward and consume three cups daily.

    Ver video "Dandelion Miracle Plant That Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys!"

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