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Nepal Idol Best Singer Rejected-Must Watch || नेपाल आइडलमा फालिएका साथिले गाए यस्तो गित||
Nepal Idol Best Singer Rejected, but why ?\r
Nepal Idol Best Singer Rejected, but why ?\r
Nepal Idol Best Singer Rejected, but why ?Ver video "Nepal Idol Best Singer Rejected-Must Watch || नेपाल आइडलमा फालिएका साथिले गाए यस्तो गित||"
Hindul devotees fast in Nepal to please the god Shiva
Kathmandu (Nepal), Jul 17 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Narendra Shrestha). Thousands of Hindu devotees fasted in Nepal on Monday to please the god Shiva, a practice which is repeated every Monday during the holy month of Shrawan - from mid-July to mid-August - so that their wishes may be fulfilled.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,shiva,fast,hinduVer video "Hindul devotees fast in Nepal to please the god Shiva"
Best of MGC 2011 | Final | Lisboa, portugal
Recap video for the Best Of MGC 2011 froom lisboa, Portugal
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Rocket Portuguese - Learn Portuguese Online
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Rocket Portuguese - Learn Portuguese Online
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Best of MGC 2011 Semifinal - Lisboa, Portugal
Recap video for the Best of MGC 2011 Semifinal, from Lisboa, Portugal
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Young Nepali woman found dead in menstrual exiles' shed
Kathmandu (Nepal), Jan 9 (EFE/EPA). A young woman died while sleeping in a shed in western Nepal as a result of the Hindu practice known as "Chhaupadi", in which menstruating women are forbidden from sleeping in their own houses and are exiled to isolated huts.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,chhaupadi,menstruation,exile,period,womenVer video "Young Nepali woman found dead in menstrual exiles' shed"
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Mundaka On Fire. Epic surf session.
One week after the final of Billabong Pro Mundaka, Mundaka Beach it´s going fire, when the all the tops are in Peniche (Portugal). was there to film the best moments.Ver video "Mundaka On Fire. Epic surf session."
KP Oli comedy speech || prime minister of Nepal || Try not to laugh || 2016
The prime minister of Nepal, KP Oli giving his speech to public.
Ver video "KP Oli comedy speech || prime minister of Nepal || Try not to laugh || 2016"
Hallan tres cuerpos en helicóptero de EU accidentado en Nepal
Tres cuerpos fueron encontrado en los restos de un helicóptero de la marina estadounidense accidentado en el este de Nepal. 15 mayo de 2015. 15 mayo de 2015
Sonora: mujer va de compras y encierra a su bebé en el auto
DF: comando armado intenta liberar a detenido en MP de la GAM
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Chhaupadi Pratha: Nepal's tradition of isolating menstruating women
Achham (Nepal), Oct 17 (EFE/EPA) - (Camera: Narendra Shrestha). 'Chhaupadi Pratha' is an ancient tradition in Nepal that banishes girls and women from their homes to makeshift sheds and huts during their menstruation period. The term 'Chhaupadi' is a combination of the words 'Chhau' (menstruation) and 'Padi' (hut), and 'Pratha' means tradition.
The custom is practiced by devout Hindu communities in some districts of western Nepal, especially in the far western Achham district, which is located 424 kilometers from the capital of Kathmandu.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,women,menstruation,religion,chhaupadiVer video "Chhaupadi Pratha: Nepal's tradition of isolating menstruating women"
Travel Planet - Boda en Nepal (Wedding in Nepal )
Wedding in Nepal
Traditional Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal
We proudly offer traditional Hindu and Buddhist Marriage Ceremony arrangements in Nepal. The marriage customs of Hindu and Buddhist are most popular among marriage traditions and ceremonies of various ethnic groups and castes of Nepal. The majority of population in Nepal is of Hindu and Buddhist among others. Both of them extremely believe in traditional marriages as it is supposed to last till the last breath. It is an unshakable and traditional conviction that such marriages carry much marital happiness and are successful. It discourages the conflict between bride and bride groom and the thought of having divorce from each other is quite impossible and regarded a huge sin.
Traditional wedding ceremony in Nepal attracts many visitors. They themselves perform their marriage ceremony in Nepal just like the Nepali way and system. We can arrange tradition marriage ceremonies following the rituals of Hindu and Buddhist religions as per the participants' request and interest.
01) Traditional Hindu Marriages
Traditional Hindu wedding ceremonies in Nepal are a major celebration which takes place only at a special time of the year that are from 1st week of January to last week of March, mid-April to mid-June and first week of November to last week of December. Highly regarded as a sacrament, Hindu marriages are solemnized in accordance with the VEDAS, the holy scriptures of the Hindu religion that date back several thousand years. The notable features are that weddings should take place on the earth under a canopy known as mandap with a sacred fire center of it around which bride and bridegroom walk doing several rituals suggested by priest. The groom's party is supposed to arrive at the wedding spot in a procession, so it's good to have a convenient assembly location nearby.
Astrologers decide on auspicious dates within this period on the basis of the position of the stars. The system of performing wedding ceremony in Nepal is attention-grabbing where the bride and bridegroom perform the Puja and take best wishes as well as blessing from relatives, friends and family members. The marriage venue is decorated by colorful paper flowers and twinkling lights. A Nepalese bride will dress in the bridal color of red, will be beautifully made up and will wear much jewelry. Traditionally, the bride and groom are being carried to the wedding ceremony. In a village this may be in a basket or by horse; at a city wedding transportation is more likely to be by a parade of cars. Music is an essential part of marriages. The tradition music in the form of Pachai Baja and folk songs and dance is still most popular among people as on this sacred day they believe that playing traditional music strengthens the nuptial knot, pleases God and not least of all it makes the environment pleasant and charming. With the advancement in society, it has become customary to choose between Panchai baja and modern brass band.
The best venues where they arrange traditional Hindu marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:
Pashupatinath Temple
Balaju Water Garden
Gujeshwari Temples
Dakshinkali Temple
Bhadrakali temple (heart of the Kathmandu)
02) Traditional Buddhist Marriages
These marriages are also unique in its feature. Buddhist weddings in Nepal are often quieter occasions, with a focus on ceremonial displays. The weddings are usually extremely large, sometimes encompassing whole villages and large numbers of extended family.
Buddhist marriages are performed at monastery. Traditional dress is worn by both bride and groom, and Lama (Monk) does all customary puja (worship) to solemnize the wedding. The butter lamp is lit at the monastery during wedding day and it quite attractive. The music played during this occasion are traditional and different from modern music which makes environment pleasant and soothes mind.
The best venues where they arrange traditional Buddhist marriage ceremonies in Kathmandu are:
Kopan Monastery
Monastery at Swayambhunath
Monastery at BoudhanathVer video "Travel Planet - Boda en Nepal (Wedding in Nepal )"
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Nepal opens summit to attract foreign investment, boost growth
Kathmandu (Nepal), Mar 29 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Narendra Shrestha). Nepal unveiled dozens of private and public projects worth $30 billion at the start of a two-day investment forum on Friday.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,investment,forum,economyVer video "Nepal opens summit to attract foreign investment, boost growth"
El comunista Oli vuelve al poder en Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 15 feb (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shresta).-La presidenta de Nepal, Bidhya Devi Bhandari, nombró hoy a Sharma Oli, de la alianza de los partidos comunistas de Nepal UML (Unificado Marxista-Leninista) y CPN-M (Maoísta Centro) como nuevo primer ministro del país, tras la dimisión de Sher Bahadur Deuba.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,gobierno,politicaVer video "El comunista Oli vuelve al poder en Nepal"
Chhaupadi custom in Nepal shuns menstruating women
Achham (Nepal), Oct 17 (EFE/EPA) - (Camera: Narendra Shrestha). On a cold winter's evening in December 2016, Roshani Tiruwa, 16, arrived home after collecting firewood from the jungle. She ate dinner and went to bed in a 'Chhaupadi' hut next to her house since it was the third day of her menstruation period.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,women,menstruation,religion,chhaupadiVer video "Chhaupadi custom in Nepal shuns menstruating women"
Alianza comunista obtiene amplia mayoría en el Parlamento de Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 12 dic (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha). La alianza formada por los partidos comunistas de Nepal formada por el CPN-UML (marxista-leninista) y el CPN Centro (maoísta) ha logrado una amplia mayoría de escaños de designación directa en las elecciones generales de Nepal, informó la Comisión Electoral de este país.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,elecciones,comunistaVer video "Alianza comunista obtiene amplia mayoría en el Parlamento de Nepal"
Globos para recordar a las víctimas del terremoto de Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 23 abr (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shresta). Una ceremonia reunió hoy en Katmandú a unas 500 personas que soltaron globos de helio, para recordar a las víctimas del terremoto que arrasó varias zonas de Nepal hace un año.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,terremoto,aniversario.Ver video "Globos para recordar a las víctimas del terremoto de Nepal"
Kathmandu Valley racing to avoid World Heritage in Danger tag
Kathmandu, Aug 7 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Hemant Shrestha). Kathmandu Valley in Nepal has been in a race to avoid being declared a World Heritage in Danger by UNESCO, as reconstruction and restoration work at a large number of heritage sites remain incomplete following the devastating 2015 earthquake.
Keywords: efe,epa,nepal,kathmandu,unesco,world,heritageVer video "Kathmandu Valley racing to avoid World Heritage in Danger tag"
Grupos étnicos y fuerzas de seguridad se enfrentan durante una protesta en Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 16 may (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shresta). Cerca de un millar de personas de varios grupos étnicos protestaron hoy por tercer día consecutivo contra la Constitución de Nepal por considerar que no combate la discriminación.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,katmandu,protestas,etniasVer video "Grupos étnicos y fuerzas de seguridad se enfrentan durante una protesta en Nepal"
Continúan las protestas en Nepal contra el bloqueo indio en la frontera
Kathmandu (Nepal), 24 nov (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shresta) Cientos de estudiantes partiparon hoy en una manifestación en Nepal en contra del bloqueo que mantienen autoridades indias en la frontera. La manifestación, organizada por el Partido Comunista de Nepal, denuncia lo afectada que se encuentra la educación debido al bloqueo que provocó el suministro mínimo de productos petrolíferos.
Palabras clave: efe,nepal,bloqueo,fronteraVer video "Continúan las protestas en Nepal contra el bloqueo indio en la frontera"
Nepal: Videos muestran impactantes imágenes del terremoto de 7,3
Cámaras captaron impactantes imágenes del reciente terremoto de 7,3 en Nepal . Terremoto de 7,3 sacude Nepal y deja al menos 40 muertos
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Tibetan spiritual leader asks for help in US for Nepal
Miami (US), 12 May (EFE), (Camera: Cristóbal Herrera).- Tibet's second spiritual leader after the Dalai Lama, His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang is currently in Miami with the aim aong other things to ask for help for Nepal, which has suffered the worst earthquake in its history.
Keywords: efe,epa,buddhism,drikung kyabgon chetsang,miami,us,nepal,tibet.Ver video "Tibetan spiritual leader asks for help in US for Nepal"
News - Passengers use emergency slide after plane overshoots runway in Nepal
Dramatic amateur video shows passengers exiting a plane via its emergency slides, after it skidded off a runway in Nepal due to dense fog.
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Vitória Setúbal 0:1 Sporting CP
Vitória Setúbal FC x Sporting Clube de Portugal
Competition: Taça de Portugal
Date: 14 December 2016 | Full-time: 0 - 1
VenueEstádio do Bonfim (Setúbal, Portugal)
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Tormenta causa una tragedia en Nepal
Bara/Parsa (Nepal), 1 abr (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha) Al menos 30 personas murieron y cerca de 500 resultaron heridas después de que una fuerte tormenta golpease anoche dos distritos del sureste de Nepal, informó hoy a Efe una fuente oficial.
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Nepal registra oficialmente el primer matrimonio homosexual del Sur de Asia
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Las fuertes lluvias en Nepal dejan al menos 236 muertos
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Desfile del orgullo LGTBI en Népal
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Inundaciones en Nepal.2
Inundaciones en Nepal.2
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Pushpa Kamal Dahal es investido nuevo primer ministro de Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 4 ago (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha). El líder maoísta Pushpa Kamal Dahal fue investido hoy formalmente primer ministro de Nepal, después de haber obtenido ayer el respaldo de la mayoría parlamentaria para sustituir a Sharma Oli, quien dimitió para evitar ser sometido a una moción de censura.
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Nepal da comienzo a la temporada de siembra de arroz
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La reconstrucción en Nepal no alcanza el 5 % dos años después del terremoto
Bhaktapur (Nepal), 24 abr (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha) La Autoridad Nacional de Reconstrucción de Nepal (NRA), el organismo encargado de reconstruir las zonas dañadas por el seísmo de 2015, informó hoy de que menos del 5 % de las propiedades afectadas han sido reconstruidas.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,aniversario,terremoto,reconstruccionVer video "La reconstrucción en Nepal no alcanza el 5 % dos años después del terremoto"
Inundaciones en Nepal
Inundaciones en Nepal
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Paquetes de vacaciones de lujo viaje india - vacaciones a la india - Lujo viajes india
VIVA India organiza lujo viaje luna de miel un paquete turístico religioso de la India y Nepal con ganges río sagrado, templos históricos de la India y Nepal.
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Nepal atrae a los constructores alternativos para su reconstrucción
Katmandú (Nepal), 9 may (EFE/EPA).-(Imágenes: Narendra Shrestha). Dos años después del terremoto que causó más de 9.000 muertos, Nepal afronta con retrasos y problemas su reconstrucción, pero el proceso ha atraído a oenegés y empresas que apuestan por sistemas baratos, fiables y rápidos de construcción alternativa.
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Nepal rompe récord guinness del abrazo más grande a un árbol
Nepal rompe récord guinness del abrazo más grande a un árbol / Nepal breaks guinness record biggest hug a tree
05 junio 2014
En Nepal logran un récord en el Día Mundial del Medio ambiente. Más de 2 mil personas se reúnen en la capital para participar en un mega abrazo y romper un récord ginness.
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Dimite primer ministro nepalí tras nueve meses de mandato
Katmandú (Nepal), 24 may (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha). El primer ministro de Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, dimitió para cumplir con el pacto de Gobierno alcanzado entre su partido, el Comunista UCPN-M (maoísta) y el Partido del Congreso Nepalí, nueve meses después de comenzar su mandato.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,primer ministro,dimisionVer video "Dimite primer ministro nepalí tras nueve meses de mandato"
Devotos hindúes celebran el Festival de los Fantasmas en Nepal
Katmandú (Nepal), 17 nov (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Narendra Shrestha).Cientos de peregrinos hindúes de Nepal acuden coincidiendo con la luna llena del mes de noviembre a las orillas del río Kamala, en el distrito nepalí de Dhanusha , para celebrar el Festival Anual de los Fantasmas.
Palabras clave: efe,epa,nepal,india,hinduismo,festival,ghostVer video "Devotos hindúes celebran el Festival de los Fantasmas en Nepal"
viajar india -viajes a la india- viaje a la india -India viajes - VIVA India
Agencia de viajes VIVA India ofrece vacaciones a la India, Nepal y Tíbet, se encuentra el Real Rajasthan Taj Mahal y los templos de la India, Nepal y Tíbet.
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