Videos relacionados con parliamentary monarchy


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  • [UTM 8] Monarchy - Disintegration

  • Parliamentary Elections Celebrating the October 1 2012

    People celebrating the Georgian Parliamentary elections on October 1, 2012.

    Ver video "Parliamentary Elections Celebrating the October 1 2012"

  • Naruhito, a historian called to modernize world's oldest monarchy

    Tokyo (Japan), Apr 30 (EFE).- A historian by training and someone known to sidestep custom and rigid imperial protocol, the next emperor of Japan, Naruhito, will be tasked with modernizing the world's oldest continuous hereditary monarchy which is steeped in tradition.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,naruhito

    Ver video "Naruhito, a historian called to modernize world's oldest monarchy"

  • Turkey gives ruling AKP party absolute majority in parliamentary elections

    Ankara, Nov 2 (EFE).- Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, regained absolute majority in this year's second legislative elections, setting up Prime Minister and AKP leader Ahmet Davutoglu for a fourth mandate that will end in 2019.


    Keywords: efe,turkey,elections,general

    Ver video "Turkey gives ruling AKP party absolute majority in parliamentary elections"

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers - Monarchy Of Roses [Live, Orion Music + More - USA, 2013]

    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Monarchy Of Roses [Live, Orion Music + More - USA, 2013]

    Ver video "Red Hot Chili Peppers - Monarchy Of Roses [Live, Orion Music + More - USA, 2013]"

  • Emperor Akihito participates Shinto rituals ahead of abdication

    Tokyo (Japan), Apr 30 (EFE).- Japan's emperor Akihito took part in Shinto rituals ahead of his abdication on Tuesday, the first time a living monarch will cede the Chrysanthemum Throne in over 200 years.
    Keywords: efe,japan,monarchy,akihito,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Emperor Akihito participates Shinto rituals ahead of abdication"

  • Malaysian king meets Indonesian president in 1st state visit since coronation

    Bogor (Indonesia), Aug 27 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Adi Weda). The recently-elected king of Malaysia on Tuesday continued his four-day state tour of the neighboring archipelago of Indonesia as he was welcomed with pomp and circumstance by the Indonesian president at one of the latter's six official residences.
    Keywords: efe,epa,indonesia,malaysia,monarchy

    Ver video "Malaysian king meets Indonesian president in 1st state visit since coronation"

  • Japan reveals name of new imperial era ahead of emperor's abdication

    Tokyo (Japan), Apr 1 (EFE).- (Camera: Nora Olivé). The Japanese government announced Monday that the name of the new imperial era will be "Reiwa," a combination of two characters inspired by a classic piece of poetry.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,reiwa

    Ver video "Japan reveals name of new imperial era ahead of emperor's abdication"

  • New emperor Naruhito promises to continue his father's legacy of peace

    Tokyo (Japan), May 1 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Nora Olive/Franck Robichon). Naruhito, the new emperor of Japan, said on Wednesday that he would follow the course charted by his father, Akihito, during his first speech as the new holder of the Chrysanthemum Throne after his ascension ceremony.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,naruhito

    Ver video "New emperor Naruhito promises to continue his father's legacy of peace"

  • Japan approves law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate

    Tokyo (Japan), May 19 (EFE/EPA).- The Japanese government on Friday approved a bill that will allow Emperor Akihito to hand over the Chrysanthemum throne to his heir, Naruhito, in what will be the first abdication of a Japanese emperor in 200 years.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,emperor,abdication

    Ver video "Japan approves law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate"

  • Japanese emperor renounces throne in historic abdication ceremony

    Tokyo (Japan), Apr 30 (EFE/EPA).- The emperor of Japan on Tuesday performed a formal ceremony marking his historic abdication and cession of the Chrysanthemum Throne to his heir.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,abdication,akihito,nomonetizar

    Ver video "Japanese emperor renounces throne in historic abdication ceremony"

  • La eutanasia a debate: "Si veo sufrir a mi familia quiero morirme y quiero tener ese derecho"

    Portugal debate esta tarde la despenalización de la #eutanasia. Si logra los votos necesarios se convertiría en el cuarto país europeo en legalizarlo. Hablamos con Lola, enferma de ELA: "Si veo sufrir a mi familia quiero morirme y quiero tener ese derecho"View on euronews

    Ver video "La eutanasia a debate: "Si veo sufrir a mi familia quiero morirme y quiero tener ese derecho""

  • Japan passes law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate

    Tokyo (Japan), Jun 9 (EFE/EPA).- Japan's upper house of parliament approved on Friday the bill that will allow Emperor Akihito to hand over the throne to his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, which will be the first abdication in the country in 200 years.
    Keywords: efe,epa,japan,monarchy,emperor,abdication

    Ver video "Japan passes law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate"

  • Cuestionadas elecciones en Azerbaiyán

    Varias denuncias por violación de normas electorales en Azerbaiyán. Todas las previsiones apuntan al triunfo del partido del presidente Ilham Alíev, en el poder desde 2003.View on euronews

    Ver video "Cuestionadas elecciones en Azerbaiyán"

  • Las urnas calibran el grado de descontento con el régimen en Irán

    Las urnas calibran el grado de descontento con el régimen en Irán View on euronews

    Ver video "Las urnas calibran el grado de descontento con el régimen en Irán"

  • Un tercer puesto que sabe a poco en el Movimiento Patriótico croata

    Un tercer puesto que sabe a poco en el Movimiento Patriótico croataView on euronews

    Ver video "Un tercer puesto que sabe a poco en el Movimiento Patriótico croata"

  • La derecha croata gana las elecciones según encuestas a pie de urna

    La derecha croata gana las elecciones según encuestas a pie de urnaView on euronews

    Ver video "La derecha croata gana las elecciones según encuestas a pie de urna"

  • Croacia hacia unas elecciones sin favorito

    Croacia hacia unas elecciones sin favorito, las más reñidas en casi tres décadas en la república exyugoslava de 4,5 millones de habitantes.View on euronews

    Ver video "Croacia hacia unas elecciones sin favorito"

  • Macedonia del Norte elige primer ministro en pleno repunte de contagios de coronavirus

    Socialdemócratas y conservadores optan una vez más a llevarse el mayor número de escaños dentro del parlamento. View on euronews

    Ver video "Macedonia del Norte elige primer ministro en pleno repunte de contagios de coronavirus"

  • Duke, Duchess of Cambridge expecting their second child

    London, Sep 8 (EFE).- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, are expecting their second child, Britain's royal family has announced. The baby would be fourth in the line of succession to the British throne.

    Keywords: efe,monarchy,great britain,prince william,kate middleton,baby,nomonetizar.

    Ver video "Duke, Duchess of Cambridge expecting their second child"

  • Largas colas y muchos perros en las elecciones del Reino Unido

    Los británicos desafían el mal tiempo en estos comicios decisivos para su futuro. La tendencia de la jornada ha sido llevar a votar a tu perroView on euronews

    Ver video "Largas colas y muchos perros en las elecciones del Reino Unido"


    Hola a todos, bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo para este canal en donde me surmergire en un juego para moviles llamado Reigns, un juego donde nos ponemos a la cabeza de un monarca de un reino medieval y donde nos enfrentaremos a diferentes problemas de esa guisa.

    Ver video "ESTE JUEGO ME ENCANTA|Reigns|Sr. Zulú"

  • Sucedió en Beckelar.Mama Ladilla

    La canción y las animaciones nos cuentan una bonita historia sobre príncipes, infantas, reyes y pueblos republicanos.

    Ver video "Sucedió en Beckelar.Mama Ladilla"

  • Rajoy denies that the Catalan referendum was financed by Spain's Regional Liquidity Fund

    Vídeo: Parliamentary Channel

    Ver video "Rajoy denies that the Catalan referendum was financed by Spain's Regional Liquidity Fund"

  • Rajoy bestreitet, dass das 1-O-Referendum mit öffentlichen Geldern bezahlt wurde

    Video: Parliamentary Channel

    Ver video "Rajoy bestreitet, dass das 1-O-Referendum mit öffentlichen Geldern bezahlt wurde"

  • The Crown - Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD]

    With the world undergoing great changes, a damaged British monarchy must confront its past in order to have a future.

    Ver video "The Crown - Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD]"

  • NORTH KOREA launch ICBM While RUSSIA visits

    Russian State Duma delegation arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang on Monday for a parliamentary visit.

    Ver video "NORTH KOREA launch ICBM While RUSSIA visits"


    Produced by UNDERCREATIVES
    TRACKS: Rudimental (Waiting All night Feat Ella Eyre) and Zedd (Beautiful Now ft. Jon Bellion)

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    Voces en orden de aparición:
    - Monarchy
    - Nervo
    - Sounders

    Ver video "ARENAL SOUND 2015 - AFTERMOVIE OFICIAL #LoveArenalSound"

  • Social democrats narrowly beat ultraright in Finnish legislative elections

    Helsinki (Finland), Apr 14 (EFE).- (Camera: Juanjo Galán). The opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP) on Sunday narrowly beat the ultrarightist Finns Party in Finland's parliamentary elections.
    Keywords: efe,finland,elections,politics

    Ver video "Social democrats narrowly beat ultraright in Finnish legislative elections"

  • Obama's "Elitism" is old politics

    May 19 - Charges of elitism in American presidential politics dates back to the very first election.

    It stems from the US' history of breaking away from a monarchy, according to one political analyst. The worst epithet you could hurl at a politician back then was that that person wanted to be king.

    Fred Katayama reports from New York.

    Ver video "Obama's "Elitism" is old politics"

  • Vietnam's Lady Gaga who sacrificed musical stardom for political struggle

    Hanoi (Vietnam), Sep 6 (EFE/EPA).- (Camera: Minh Hoang). Known as Vietnam’s Lady Gaga, Mai Khoi was a successful pop singer in the country until she tried to run for parliamentary elections with a message critical of the communist regime.

    Ver video "Vietnam's Lady Gaga who sacrificed musical stardom for political struggle"

  • Inside Iran torture museum, where shah's crimes remain fresh after 40 years

    Tehran, Nov 21 (EFE) - (Camera: Marina Villen). Former Iranian detainees on Wednesday took EFE inside the notorious Ebrat political prison, once the site of torture and interrogation 40 years ago under Iran's last shah, now a museum for the crimes of the United States-backed monarchy.



     Keywords: efe,iran,jail,torture,shah

    Ver video "Inside Iran torture museum, where shah's crimes remain fresh after 40 years"

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