Videos relacionados con pitman


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  • Tuff Country 70500 Pitman Arm Review

  • Axl Rose demandado por Chris Pitman

    Chris Pitman, ingeniero y miembro de Gun N' Roses desde 1998, ha demandado a Axl Rose por el impago de más de 160.000 dólares. El músico asegura que el líder de la banda, que se declaró en quiebra económica en 2011 para evitar el pago adeudado a Pitman entre 1998 y el lanzamiento de Democracy, firmó un documento legal por el que se comprometía a resolver la deuda contraída de 125.000 dólares.

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  • "Better" w/Lyrics Rio 2011 Guns N' Roses (It's Beta's fault)

    "Better" w/Lyrics Rio 2011 Guns N' Roses

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  • Welcome to The Jungle Live Lima 2010 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

    Welcome to The Jungle Live Lima 2010 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

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  • Shackler's Revenge Chicago 2012 w /lyrics Guns N' Roses

    Shackler's Revenge Chicago 2012 w /lyrics Guns N' Roses

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  • "Sorry" Live Rio 2011 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

    "Sorry" Live Rio 2011 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

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  • "This I Love" Sao Paulo 2014 w/Lyrics Parque Anhembí Guns N' Roses

    Recored myself.

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  • Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal Estranged guitar solo Rock In RIO 2011

    Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal Estranged guitar solo Rock In RIO 2011

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  • "Better" Live Lima Perú 2010 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

    with lyrics
    Live in Ima Peru 2010

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  • "14 Years"w/Izzy Stradlin' Live London 2012 w/Lyrics Guns N' Roses

    Izzy was invited to play some song with Axl.

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  • "Sweet Child O' MIne" w/Lyrics Bridge School Benefit 2012 Guns N' Roses

    The band mae a joke, they sarted the riff of Paradise City tbut then changed the song.

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  • Chinese Democracy best parts live Guns N' Roses

    Chinese Democracy best parts live Guns N' Roses my favorite parts from chinese democracy, shackler's revenge, madagascar, scraped, there was a time, street of dreams, prostitute, this I love, sorry, IRS, Better, Catcher in the Rye, Rhiad and the Beduins.

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  • Shackler's Revenge w/lyrics Live London 2012 Guns N' Roses

    Shackler's Revenge w/lyrics Live London 2012 Guns N' Roses

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  • Guns N' Roses "Unplugged Mix Compilation"

    Guns N' Roses "Unplugged Mix Compilation"

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  • November Rain Live Outro Guns N' Roses

    November Rain Live Outro, love this last part Guns N' Roses

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  • Aída Román es eliminada en tiro con arco individual en Tokio 2020

    La histórica arquera mexicana se quedó en dieciseisavos de final al perder frente a la británica Bryony Pitman

    #LaAfición #Tokio2020 #TiroConArco #AidaRomán #Tokio2021 #JuegosOlímpicos2021

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  • Mighty Machines - Season 02 Episode 04 - At the Sawmill

    Sawmills seem to have existed in the medieval period, as one was sketched by Villard de Honnecourt in c.1250.[2] On the other hand people think they were introduced to Madeira following its discovery in c.1420 and spread widely in Europe in the 16th century.[3]\r
    The Dutchman Cornelis Corneliszoon (1550-1607) invented his type of sawmill by applying a pitman arm onto a wind mill, which converted a turning motion into an up-an-down motion. Corneliszoon patented the sawmill on December 15, 1593 and the pitman on December 6, 1597. He built the first sawmill there in 1594.\r
    Before to the invention of the sawmill, boards were sawn by two men with a whipsaw, using saddleblocks to hold the log, and a pit for the pitman who worked below. Sawing was slow, and required strong and enduring men. The topsawer had to be the stronger of the two because the saw was pulled in turn by each man, and the lower had the advantage of gravity. The topsawyer also had to guide the saw so that the board was of even thickness. This was often done by following a chalkline.\r
    Early sawmills simply adapted the whipsaw to mechanical power, generally driven by a water wheel to speed up the process. The circular motion of the wheel was changed to back-and-forth motion of the saw blade by a Connecting rod known as a pitman (thus introducing a term used in many mechanical applications). A pitman is similar to a crankshaft, but in reverse; a crankshaft converts back-and-forth motion to circular motion.\r
    Generally, only the saw was powered, and the logs had to be loaded and moved by hand. An early improvement was the development of a movable carriage, also water powered, to steadily move the log through the saw blade.\r
    A small mill such as this would be the center of many rural communities in wood-exporting regions such as the Baltic countries and Canada. The output of such mills would be quite low, perhaps only 500 boards per day. They would also generally only operate during the winter, the peak logging season.

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  • Traumas psicologicos: Propanolol (Alain Brunet)

    Científicos norteamericanos están detrás de la elaboración de nuevas técnicas para alterar los recuerdos de las personas que sufren de fobias, estrés postraumático y otros problemas de ansiedad. Algunos investigadores trabajan con veteranos de guerra, sobrevivientes de accidentes de tránsito y personas que sufren abusos sexuales. Buscan reemplazar sus recuerdos por otros menos dolorosos, utilizando una droga conocida para tratar la hipertensión: el propanolol (un betabloqueante adrenérgico). En un estudio reciente, Pitman, junto a Alain Brunet, un psiquiatra y profesor de la Universidad McGill, trató en Montreal a un hombre que desarrolló síntomas de estrés postraumático después de que le dispararan en la cabeza. El hombre recibió seis sesiones de tratamiento. En cada una debía recordar la experiencia traumática, escrita por él mismo en un papel, tras la aplicación de la droga propanolol. Lo seguia recordando todo pero con una carga emocional soportable.

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  • Anciano conserva y conduce su auto por 70 años

    Vuelta al mundo ha dado la historia del anciano que ha conservado y conducido su auto por 70 años. La cadena de noticias CBS, dio a conocer la historia del inglés Randall Pitman, de 87 años, quien compró, a finales de la década del 40, el que pensó, sería su primer auto. Un Ford T de 1927, que ya tenía más de 20 años, y que él aún mantiene en perfectas condiciones mecánicas. Con 17 años, Randall trabajaba medio tiempo en una gasolinera ganando 10 centavos por hora. Y así lo hizo, hasta que logró ahorrar 50 dólares para entrar a la subasta del codiciado Ford T, el que finalmente adquirió por 47,50 dólares. A pesar contar con un motor en perfectas condiciones, evita manejar distancias largas, debido a que si falla alguna pieza, será difícil y costoso encontrarla. El Ford T fue lanzado al mercado a principios de 1900, y se transformó en uno de los autos más populares, con millones de unidades comercializadas durante su producción.

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