Videos relacionados con pulau wetar


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  • Kena Peju - Forever Young eps 22 ##

    Young Lex dan teman2 pergi liburan ke pulau pari dan terkena peju !!!!!\r
    Jalan Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 8 Jakarta Selatan\r
    Jalan Raya Narogong No. 216 Bekasi\r
    Jalan Garuda Blok Robiyah No.8k Jakarta Selatan\r
    Wa : 087887570599\r
    BBM : 5eb39ca0\r
    Line : YoungOriginal / YoungOriginal1\r
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  • El mejor tiro libre del mundo

    Increible gol de tiro libre en Malasia (Pulau Pinang vs Pahang)

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  • This is Raja Ampat - Papua Indonesia (HD)

    A short film about a Gods Masterpiece which became a pride of every Indonesian. This is RAJA AMPAT, a cluster of beautiful coral islands located in West Papua. Inhabited by thousands of species of marine animals and tropical creatures. Which became the primary scuba diving destinations in the world and located directly in the heart of the worlds coral triangle.\r
    Sebuah film pendek tentang kedahsyatan ciptaan Tuhan yang telah menjadi kebanggaan bagi setiap orang Indonesia. Inilah RAJA AMPAT, hamparan pulau-pulau terumbu karang yang terletak di propinsi Papua Barat. Dihuni oleh ribuan jenis spesies hewan laut dan tropis. Yang telah menjadi daerah tujuan selam utama di dunia dan terletak langsung di jantung segitiga coral dunia. Inilah Keindahan Indonesia, Keindahan Alam Papua kebanggaan kita bersama.\r
    Film by Kaufik Anril\r
    Produced by & Grand Komodo\r
    Aerial Filming by HELICAMINDO.COM\r
    All contents are protected by copyright, please do not reuse without permission !\r
    (C) ANRIL.COM new\r

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  • Lele Terbesar di Dunia MONSTER Lele Terbesar di Dunia new RAKSASA Mancing Mania Terbaru new Video

    Lele Terbesar di Dunia MONSTER Lele Terbesar di Dunia new RAKSASA Mancing Mania Terbaru new Video, lele terbesar di dunia, ikan lele terbesar di dunia, mancing ikan lele terbesar di dunia, video ikan lele terbesar di dunia, on the spot ikan lele terbesar di dunia, lele terbesar di bogor, lele terbesar di sungai amazon, lele terbesar di indonesia, lele terbesar di jalan baru bogor, lele raksasa di bogor, lele sangkuriang, lele raksasa, lele bioflok, lele raksasa pemakan manusia, lele organik, lele terbesar, lele, terbesar, di, dunia, indonesia, mancing, mania, terbaru, new,raksasa, besar sekali \r
    Banyak jenis lele yang merupakan ikan konsumsi yang disukai orang. Sebagian jenis lele telah dibiakkan orang, namun kebanyakan spesiesnya ditangkap dari populasi liar di alam. Lele dumbo yang populer sebagai ikan ternak, sebetulnya adalah jenis asing yang didatangkan (diintroduksi) dari Afrika.\r
    Lele dikembangbiakkan di Indonesia untuk konsumsi dan juga untuk menjaga kualitas air yang tercemar. Seringkali lele ditaruh di tempat-tempat yang tercemar karena bisa menghilangkan kotoran-kotoran. Lele yang ditaruh di tempat-tempat yang kotor harus diberok terlebih dahulu sebelum siap untuk dikonsumsi. Diberok itu ialah maksudnya dipelihara pada air yang mengalir selama beberapa hari dengan maksud untuk membersihkannya.\r
    Kadangkala lele juga ditaruh di sawah karena memakan hama-hama yang berada di sawah. Lele sering pula ditaruh di kolam-kolam atau tempat-tempat air tergenang lainnya untuk menanggulangi tumbuhnya jentik-jentik nyamuk.\r
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    Di negara lain dikenal dengan nama mali (Afrika), plamond (Thailand), gura magura (Srilangka), dan 鲇形目 (Tiongkok). Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut pula catfish, siluroid, mudfish dan walking catfish. Nama ilmiahnya, Clarias, berasal dari bahasa Yunani chlaros, yang berarti lincah, kuat, merujuk pada kemampuannya untuk tetap hidup dan bergerak di luar air.[1]\r
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  • The Most Extreme Bridges on Earth

    Here are some of the worlds most dangerous and tallest bridges ever built and naturally formed like the Immortal Bridge in China.\r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    6. Some of the best Inca rope bridges reside in the Apurimac Canyon on the road north from Cuzco. These bridges were modest suspension bridges over canyons to provide an entrance for the Inca Empire. The Incas used natural fibers found in local areas to build bridges. These fibers were interlaced together making a sturdy rope that is strengthened with wood creating a cable floor. Each side was attached to a pair of stone anchors on both sides of a gorge with huge cables of woven grass interconnecting these two pylons together. Bridges like this were appropriate for use since the Inca people did not use wheeled transport and traffic was limited to walkers and livestock. These bridges were an essential part of the road system and are a perfect example of their innovation. They were commonly used by Chasqui runners carrying messages throughout the Inca Empire.\r
    5. This sky bridge extends around the chasm on Pulau Langkawi. The Island is the largest in the Langkawi archipelago, Malaysia. Its suspended at 687 meters above the sea level, giving magnificent views of the Andaman Sea and Thailands Tarutao Island to visitors. The outlook from the bridge is beyond magnificent. The curvature of the bridge provides several different viewpoints of the scenery. The Sky Bridge is amongst one of the most outstanding bridges in the world and can delivers quite a pump of adrenaline if you dare to cross. It is unique because the bridge is suspended by only one support column. The column is 95 yards and held up by 8 load-balancing cables. The bridge is a pedestrian bridge that spans 125 meters across a spectacular gorge. The bridge is 136 yards by 2 yards wide. The 1.8 m-wide Sky Bridge has two 3.6 m-wide platforms that provided a spectacular viewing area for visitors. When standing in front of the bridge you are at 687 meters above sea level.\r
    4. This bridge is known as Puente de Ojuela by the local people in the city of Durango, Mexico. The city is well known as a ghost town because the resources of mineral ore has been exhausted. The only remaining and functional structure in the city is this suspension bridge. The original bridge was planned by the well-known Roebling brothers, who also designed the Brooklyn Bridge. At the time the bridge was constructed was the third longest suspension bridge in the world. Puente de Ojuela had to be recently rebuilt by the Peñoles Company; the original material had to be scrapped, and only the main arches are now displayed at a local center.\r
    3. The Hussaini Hanging Bridge is known as the most treacherous bridge in the world. The Bridge is only one of several hazardous rope bridges located in Northern Pakistan. In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was finished, and the area was connected, but to this day, travel remains as hard as it was 100 years ago. Steady features of travel through this region include the wobbly cable and plank bridges which cross Northern Pakistans mountain streams and rivers. For the majority of the citizens the only way to travel o Rawalpindi was by walking across mountain passes. The Hussaini Hanging Bridge crosses the Borit Lake in the Upper Hunza. This rope bridge is both long and weakly maintained. Many planks are absent, and high winds can shake the bridge as travelers cross it. It does nothing to ease your nerves looking at the previous, broken bridge that hangs in pieces next to the new one.\r
    2. The bridge crossing the wide Vitim River in Siberia, Russia is made of wooden planks and is in poor condition. It is wide enough for a skilled driver to drive across at 570 meters. The Vitim River Bridge is located in Russian Siberia. During most of the year, it stays brutally cold there making temperatures way below average for Northern Ontario and everything is usually covered in snow and ice making it extremely difficult for even skilled drivers to cross. This bridge is an icicle with little to no trion however locals drive across this bridge because it is often their only way across Vitim River.\r
    1. Natural Bridge in Bryce Canyon is one of the most famous arches in Utah. This arch is sculpted from some of the reddest rock of the Claron Formation and poses a beautiful contrast to the stark green of the forest that peeks through the arch from the canyon below.

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