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  • Assassins Creed 3 - All Outfits (Shop, Missions and DLC) - How to get them.

    All weapons: \r
    Assassins Creed Playlist: \r
    All the outfits from AC3, and a little bit on how to acquire each one. \r
    The last ones all cost money, so work the convoy. Read the description for more info.\r
    Colonial Assassin: 0:00\r
    Pre-order/digital deluxe bonus/hidden secrets DLC.\r
    Captain of the Aquila Outfit: 0:24\r
    Pre-order/digital deluxe bonus/hidden secrets DLC.\r
    Altairs Outfit: 1:00\r
    Complete all the optional objectives - 100% Sync (ugh)\r
    Achilles Original Outfit: 1:25\r
    Complete the Homestead missions - \r
    Captain Kidds Outfit: 1:54\r
    Complete all the Peg Leg missions\r
    Ezios Outfit: 2:25\r
    Buy from the uplay story.\r
    Kanien:Keh outfit: 3:00\r
    Collect all the feathers. Not as fun as it sounds.\r
    Prisoner Outfit: 3:30\r
    Complete sequence 8\r
    Regular Assassin: 3:50\r
    Given for completing sequence 5. Or 6. Ish.\r
    New York Outfit: 4:20\r
    Buy from a shop\r
    Baltimore Outfit: 4:45\r
    Buy from a shop\r
    Boston Outfit: 5:05\r
    Buy from a shop\r
    Jamestown Outfit: 5:35\r
    Buy from a shop\r
    Philadelphia Outfit: 6:00\r
    Buy from a shop\r
    Charleston Outfit: 6:36\r
    Buy from a shop

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