Tributo: El Maestro de Sokka
Como leer los Cómics de Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender fue una de las mejores caricaturas que Nickelodeon lanzó a principio de los 2000. Tras finalizar la serie, Dark Horse adquirió los derechos para publicar cómics que continuarían la historia principal. En este vídeo les hablaremos de todos los cómics de Avatar que han sido publicados y les diremos cual es el orden cronológico para leer cada serie.
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Avatar AMV - Fire's Dance
This is a AMV made by Steallon with more vids of the Fire Nation, it's a great AMV, Enjoy!
Dedicated to HaruhiBoy or Sokka-Chan or Kero-Chan XDVer video "Avatar AMV - Fire's Dance"
The Last Airbender 3rd Official FINAL Movie Trailer in HD
Air, Water, Earth, Fire. Four nations tied by destiny when the Fire Nation launches a brutal war against the others. A century has passed with no hope in sight to change the path of this destruction. Caught between combat and courage, Aang (Noah Ringer) discovers he is the lone Avatar with the power to manipulate all four elements. Aang teams with Katara (Nicola Peltz), a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), to restore balance to their war—torn world. Based on the hugely successful Nickelodeon animated TV series, the live—action feature film The Last Airbender is the opening chapter in Aangs struggle. Released 04.23.10 from iTunes Movie Trailers.
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