Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: The Definitive Lara
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Tráiler "The Definitive Lara"
La Lara Definitiva en la versión de Tomb Raider para consolas de nueva generación. Llegará el 31 de enero a PlayStation 4 y Xbox en Europa.
Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Tráiler "The Definitive Lara""
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - The Definitive Lara
Un vistazo a todas las novedades gráficas de esta edición.
Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - The Definitive Lara"
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition The Definitive Lara Trailer
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition The Definitive Lara Trailer
Ver video "Tomb Raider Definitive Edition The Definitive Lara Trailer"
The Walking Dead- The Telltale Definitive Series!
Ver video "The Walking Dead- The Telltale Definitive Series!"
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Telltale Definitive Series digitally and receive this exclusive Dynamic Theme featuring Clementine's tree-house from Season 1.
For die-hard fans or newcomers to the series, The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series is the ultimate #StillNotBitten experience!Ver video "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series"
The Monkees Davy Jones Biography
Davy Jones of The Monkees answers a series of questions, including what it meant to him to be a member of the band.
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Carbon - The Unauthorised Biography - Trailer
Carbon - The Unauthorised Biography video "Carbon - The Unauthorised Biography - Trailer"
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Mejoras
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series muestra sus mejoras gráficas y anuncia su lanzamiento para el 10 de septiembre.
Ver video "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Mejoras"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition
Este es el trailer oficial de la versión remasterizada de
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition"
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Lanzamiento
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series ya está disponible en PS4 y Xbox One.
Ver video "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Lanzamiento"
GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (Tráiler)
Ver video "GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (Tráiler)"
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Anuncio
Toda la saga de aventuras de Telltale, en total cuatro temporadas y el spin-off Michonne, reunidas en un único pack.
Ver video "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - Anuncio"
Biography - Autopromocionales
Cortinillas autopromocionales de "The Biography Channel", del 20 de enero 23h55.
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MGS V The Definitive Experience: Teaser Trailer
Ver video "MGS V The Definitive Experience: Teaser Trailer"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition
La trilogía de Grand Theft Auto para PlayStation 2 y Xbox es histórica. Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City y San Andreas definieron la forma en la que funcionaron los mundos abiertos, pero el intento para remasterizarlas y ofrecer una edición definitiva quedó mucho a deber.
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Tráiler
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Tráiler"
Tráiler de The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
Ver video "Tráiler de The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series"
Grand Theft Auto_ The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Coming Soon
Teaser presentación de Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition.
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto_ The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Coming Soon"
Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Trailer
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Trailer"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Teaser
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Teaser"
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - Anuncio
Se confirma la versión para Switch.
Ver video "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - Anuncio"
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - Tráiler
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition nos presenta su tráiler de lanzamiento. Llegará con novedades a Xbox One y PC el 11 de marzo.
Ver video "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - Tráiler"
Christophe... définitivement - Trailer
Christophe... définitivement video "Christophe... définitivement - Trailer"
Tráiler de Grand Theft Auto_ The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition
Ver video "Tráiler de Grand Theft Auto_ The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition"
Metal Gear Solid V : The Definitive Trailer
PS4 - Metal Gear Solid V : The Definitive Experience Trailer.
Ver video "Metal Gear Solid V : The Definitive Trailer"
Andy Gibb - Biography
Ver video "Andy Gibb - Biography"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition - Anuncio
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition anunciado oficialmente por Rockstar.
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Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Trailer
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition Trailer"
ReCore Definitive Edition - Anuncio
El 29 de agosto llega la edición definitiva de esta aventura de acción.
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MGS V The Definitive Experience: Tráiler de Lanzamiento
Ver video "MGS V The Definitive Experience: Tráiler de Lanzamiento"
DMC Definitive Edition: Gameplay
Ver video "DMC Definitive Edition: Gameplay"
Gameplay Mafia: Definitive Edition
Probamos Mafia: Edición Definitiva, un remake que nos deja con un buen sabor de boca permitiéndonos revivir, mejor que nunca, una de las mejores historias de gánsteres en los videojuegos.
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Fear the Dark Unknown - Tráiler de su Definitive Edition
Ver video "Fear the Dark Unknown - Tráiler de su Definitive Edition"
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition - Tráiler de Avance
Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City y Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas estarán de regreso en una trilogía de edición definitiva, muy pronto más noticias.
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Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20160311051732
Dishonored® Definitive Edition!/es-es/tid=CUSA02231_00Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20160311051732"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_forastero
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_forastero"
Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition - tráiler de anuncio
Ver video "Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition - tráiler de anuncio"
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition_20160129224825
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition!/es-es/tid=CUSA00109_00Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition_20160129224825"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_"
Tráiler de Metal Gear Solid V The Definitive Experience para PS4 y Xbox One.
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_comienzo
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_comienzo"
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition"
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Ver video "Tomb Raider Definitive Edition"
Dead Island Definitive - Tráiler
Tráiler de lanzamiento de Dead Island Definitive Collection.
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Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20160311053417
Dishonored® Definitive Edition!/es-es/tid=CUSA02231_00Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20160311053417"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120193510
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120193510"
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Compilación para PS4 Xbox One y PC con Dead Island y Dead Island Riptide
Sigue a Sensession en: (sesiones DJ)
Sensession (radio): DigitalHits FM divendres de 19:00-22:00Ver video "Dead Island Definitive Edition"
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Trailer
Ver video "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Trailer"
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition Trailer
Ver video "Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition Trailer"
Videoanálisis Mafia: Definitive Edition
Excelente y cuidado remake de uno de los títulos de mafias más emblemáticos de la historia.
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Dishonored® Definitive Edition_secundarias
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Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120185720
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120185720"
DmC: Definitive Edition - Combos
Es la versión de DmC para Xbox One y PlayStation 4.
Ver video "DmC: Definitive Edition - Combos"
PS4 - Metal Gear Solid V : The Definitive Experience Trailer
The Definitive Experience Launch Trailer. We keep you in the know! Find the hottest new trailers and your new destination on these amazing channels you'll LOVE! You'll find the latest.
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eBay Fortune - The Definitive Roadmap to Auction Riches Review + Bonus
Go To The Link Below To Download
eBay Fortune - The Definitive Roadmap to Auction Riches Review + Bonus
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DmC Definitive Edition - Trailer
Gameplay Trailer (PS4/Xbox One) (60 FPS)
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Nancy Ajram - Full Biography
Biografia Nancy Ajram
http://www.grattia.comVer video "Nancy Ajram - Full Biography"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120072219
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161120072219"
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition_20151226231643
Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition_20151226231643"
Valhalla Hills: Definitive Edition - Tráiler
Valhalla Hills estará disponible en PlayStation 4 y Xbox One a principios de 2017.
Ver video "Valhalla Hills: Definitive Edition - Tráiler"
DMC Definitive Edition: Palacio Sangriento
Ver video "DMC Definitive Edition: Palacio Sangriento"
CastleStorm - Definitive Edition: Teaser Trailer
Ver video "CastleStorm - Definitive Edition: Teaser Trailer"
Killer Instinct - Definitive Edition Tráiler
Las tres temporadas y las dos entregas clásicas reunidas, junto con varios extras, en Xbox One.
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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Definitive Edition - Comparativa GTA III
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Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Tráiler en el que se muestran los detalles clave de la reedición para PC, PS4 y Xbox One de Sleeping Dogs.
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Killer Instinct Definitive Edition: Tráiler
Ver video "Killer Instinct Definitive Edition: Tráiler"
Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition Tráiler
Ver video "Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition Tráiler"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_emily encontrada
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_emily encontrada"
Mafia: Definitive Edition - Trailer Oficial
El juego se retrasará hasta el 25 de septiembre
Ver video "Mafia: Definitive Edition - Trailer Oficial"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_lord regente
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_lord regente"
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition - Personajes
Un nuevo vídeo nos presenta a sus protagonistas.
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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Debut
Lara Croft debutará en las nuevas consolas en 2014.
Ver video "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Debut"
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition - Personajes
Un nuevo vídeo en el que conocemos a los personajes del juego.
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Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition: Tráiler
Ver video "Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition: Tráiler"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_captura skolov
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_captura skolov"
Metal Gear Solid V The Definitive Experience - Tráiler Lanzamiento PS4
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Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition - Anuncio
El musuou de la saga The Legend of Zelda llega a Switch esta primavera.
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DMC Definitive Edition: Primer Tráiler
Ver video "DMC Definitive Edition: Primer Tráiler"
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition - Lanzamiento
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition llegará el 12 de septiembre a la consola de Nintendo.
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Metal Gear Solid V The Definitive Experience - Teaser Trailer
Ver video "Metal Gear Solid V The Definitive Experience - Teaser Trailer"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_destileria
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_destileria"
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition 2
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Ver video "Tomb Raider Definitive Edition 2"
Mafia: Definitive Edition - Final Preview
Ver video "Mafia: Definitive Edition - Final Preview"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_puente kalding
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_puente kalding"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_lord regente
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_lord regente"
Mafia: Definitive Edition - Primer tráiler
El espectacular remake de Mafia se muestra en vídeo por primera vez.
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Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy
Ver video "Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy"
Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161122054823
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_20161122054823"
DmC: Definitive Edition - Debut
DmC llega a la nueva generación.
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Dishonored® Definitive Edition_focos quitaddos
Ver video "Dishonored® Definitive Edition_focos quitaddos"
Hitman GO Definitive Edition - Tráiler
Tráiler de Hitman GO Definitive Edition para PS4, PS Vita y PC.
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Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - Persiguiendo
Una persecución a pie por las calles de Hong Kong.
Ver video "Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - Persiguiendo"